2,794 research outputs found

    Severe Atopic Dermatitis In Spain: A Real-Life Observational Study

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    Objective: To determine the epidemiology and characterize the treatment prescribed for severe atopic dermatitis (AD) in children/adults in usual clinical practice. Methods: Observational, retrospective study made through review of medical records of Spanish patients aged >= 6 years. Patients diagnosed with severe AD who required care between 2013 and 2017 were included. The study groups were: 6-12 years; 13-18 years; and > 18 years. Patients were followed for 5 years. The main measurements were the prevalence of AD, comorbidity and treatment duration. Statistical significance was established as p <0.05. Results: We included 2323 patients with severe AD. The overall prevalence was 0.10% (95% CI: 0.09-0.11%) and was 0.39%, 0.23% and 0.07% in the 6-12 years, 13-18 years and >18 years age groups, respectively (p <0.001), the percentage of males was 58%, 48.6% and 39%, respectively, and general comorbidity was 0.1, 0.2 and 0.9 points, respectively (p <0.001).The most frequent comorbidities were asthma in 49.0%, 44.9% and 20.8%, respectively (p <0.001), and anxiety in 79.7%, 65.8% and 67.3%, respectively (p <0.001). Oral corticosteroids were administered in 97.3%, 90.9% and 81.7%, respectively (concomitant-medication). Cyclosporine (45.3%), azathioprine (15.9%) and methotrexate (9.0%) were the most frequently prescribed drugs; biologic agents were administered in 5.8% of patients (for AD). Conclusion: In AD the presence of comorbidities was significant, especially in the psychological, immunoallergic and cardiovascular areas. Cyclosporine was the most widely used immunosuppressant. There was a degree of variability in the use and duration of the treatments prescribed

    Using MOOCs as a research approach and as contributors to local knowledge

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    This project shows the results of a research focused on instructional design of a MOOC course to be used as a tool to increase knowledge in a local environment. The objective is to generate knowledge based on the distributed shared. It was designed through a Delphi study. Students were requested to submit a final project related to the local area. The material received feed a repository that serves to expand and spread research and knowledge

    Chile Outgrows Food Traditions

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    Ruth Marie Gaessler and Carlos Krassa describe Chile\u27s need for improved nutrition educatio

    Challenges in Teaching Large Online Sections

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    This paper presents a case of a campus based online teaching experience. The case is based on a Management Information Systems course for large sections in two modalities: online and hybrid settings with 30 and 70 students respectively. The purpose of the project is to identify the challenges in teaching large online sections. The main results are that given the current technology, we can overcome the class size limitations for on-line courses; that according to active learning experiences, we can use active learning recommendations in online course design; that given technologies like Blackboard and Breeze, students‟ expectations and needs can be properly fulfilled with large sections; that given differences in course goals, only cognitive based courses can take advantages of online teaching; and that given the characteristics of a Management Information Systems course, it can be taught online. These results are important for researchers, professors, and university authorities

    Autoevaluación facilitada para la Gestión de Empresas Asociativas Rurales. Guia 1

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    Esta es la primera de 4 guías desarrolladas por la Alianza de Aprendizaje; cada una de ellas correspondiente a uno de los cuatro módulos de capacitación aplicados durante el Ciclo de Aprendizaje 2008 – 2010 de la Alianza Nicaragua, con el fin de fotalecer la gestión empresarial de organizaciones de productores y sus proveedores de servicios empresariales mediante un proceso sólido de seguimiento y evaluación, el cual permita sistematizar los cambios significativos generados en el proceso de fortalecimiento y generar lecciones aprendidas. La herramienta que se comparte en esta guía ha sido desarrollada por Rainforest Alliance y se ha utilizado para medir la competitividad de pequeñas y medianas empresas (PyMEs) y asociaciones empresariales en áreas de turismo, agricultura y proyectos forestales, entre otros

    Valoración cultural del uso e importancia de la fauna silvestre en cautiverio a partir de la visión de la Comunidad Educativa de los Barrios El Edén, El Cardal y Corales del Municipio de Pereira, Risaralda

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    La fauna silvestre en cautiverio se encuentra amenazada debido a una insuficiente valoración cultural respecto a la importancia biológica y ecosistémica. Las comunidades desconocen la importancia y el valor del nicho de las especies dentro de sus ecosistemas al demandar estas especies para usos alimenticios, medicinales, comerciales, ornamentales, rituales y artesanales fomentando el comercio ilegal y la tenencia de estas especies en cautiverio que algunas se encuentran en peligro de extinción. Este trabajo estima el valor cultural de uso e importancia de la fauna silvestre en cautiverio desde la perspectiva de la comunidad educativa de los barrios El Edén, El Cardal y Corales del municipio de Pereira, a través de la aplicación de un instrumento "encuesta" la cual permita identificar las especies de fauna más importantes con ayuda de un manual de identificación y los usos a los cuales están sujetas (aplicado no solo a especies que la comunidad tenga sino también aquellas que conozcan puedan estar ligadas a cualquier tipo de uso); y dos talleres donde se identifican los usos y las clases de animales más importantes para la comunidad y por ultimo estrategias de conservación que los estudiantes aportan para las especies que poseían un mayor índice de uso. Se observó que las comunidades reconocieron todas las especies de fauna relacionadas en el listado potencial de las especies de fauna silvestre sujetas a usos por parte del hombre, que todas las especies identificadas se les atribuía por lo menos un uso, la mayoría de las especies eran familiares para la comunidad, se halló que 7 especies de mamíferos, 6 de aves y 8 de reptiles y un anfibio son las más importantes, ya que tienen las siete categorías de usos propuestas dentro de la metodología de la investigación que fue el Índice de Valor de Uso Local (LUVI) que se define como la sumatoria de todos los tipos de uso para una especie, con el Método De Distribución De Piedritas (M.D.P.).The wild fauna in captivity is threatened due to an insufficient cultural valuation regarding the biological importance and neighborhoods. The communities ignore the importance and the value of the niche of the species inside their ecosystems when demanding these species for nutritious, medicinal, commercial, ornamental uses, rituals and handmade fomenting the illegal trade and the holding of these species in captivity that some are in extinction danger. This work estimates the cultural value of use and importance of the wild fauna in captivity from the perspective of the educational community of the neighborhoods The Eden, The Cardal and Corals of the municipality of Pereira, through the application of an instrument "it interviews" which allows to identify the most important fauna species with the help of an identification manual and the uses to which are subject (not applied alone to species that the community has but also those that know they can be bound to any use type); and two shops where the uses and the classes of more important animals are identified for the community and for I finish conservation strategies that the students contribute for the species that possessed a bigger use index. It was observed that the communities recognized all the related fauna species in the potential listing of the species of wild fauna subject to uses on the part of the man that all the identified species were attributed at least an use, most of the species were family for the community, he/she was that 7 species of mammals, 6 of birds and 8 of reptiles and an amphibian are the most important, since they have the seven categories of uses proposed inside the methodology of the investigation that was the Index of Value of Local Use (LUVI) that is defined as the sumatory of all the use types for a species, with the Method Of Distribution Of Stones (M.D.P.) you identifies for the mammals that the most important uses were nutritious and commercial, for the birds the commercial, ornamental and nutritious use and for the reptiles the commercial and ornamental use. Through the cultural valuation you look for to identify the perception of the educational community about the uses and importance attributed to the wild fauna in captivity

    Experiencia pedagógica interdisciplinaria para la formación de recurso humano en salud, centrada en la promoción de la salud integral y prevención de la enfermedad

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    El objetivo de esta experiencia es, brindar a los estudiantes en formación, la oportunidad de participar en la construcción de una estrategia pedagógica centrada en la lúdica, para la promoción de la salud integral y la prevención de la enfermedad con una comunidad educativa, encaminada a mantener y cualificar el bienestar tanto individual como colectivo. El proyecto está diseñado a cinco años, es de carácter interdisciplinario (Fonoaudiología, Medicina, Psicología, Terapia Ocupacional y cuenta con la participación de estudiantes de enfermería de la Universidad de Cundinamarca), interinstitucional (Universidad del Rosario y Universidad de San Buenaventura) e intersectorial (educación y salud). Considera los diferentes actores de la comunidad educativa, a la escuela y el hogar como escenarios propicios para el fortalecimiento de las potencialidades, además de ser los espacios fundamentales para la construcción de conocimientos y aprendizajes en torno a la salud integral. Para lograr el objetivo, se ha venido construyendo, desde el segundo semestre de 2003, una estrategia pedagógica centrada en la lúdica y la creatividad, a partir de la cual se planean, desarrollan y evalúan las acciones de promoción de habilidades, valores, comportamientos y actitudes en el cuidado de la salud y en la prevención de la enfermedad, orientadas a la detección temprana, oportuna y efectiva de factores de riesgo y problemáticas del desarrollo que afectan la salud integral. Dicha estrategia plantea un escenario llamado “Bienestarópolis: Un mundo saludable por conquistar”, centrado en personajes, espacios y elementos que alternan entre la fantasía y la realidad para facilitar el acercamiento, la interiorización y la apropiación de la salud integral. A través de esta, los niños, motivados por los adultos entran en un mundo imaginario en el que sus deseos, conocimientos y actitudes son el eje de su desarrollo. Como lo plantea Vigotsky (1995) en el juego el niño realiza acciones con el fin de adaptarse al mundo que lo rodea y desarrolla habilidades para el aprendizaje. Las acciones del proyecto han involucrado a 410 niños y 25 profesores, de los grados cero, primero y segundo de básica primaria; noventa padres de familia, y un promedio de cuarenta estudiantes y ocho docentes de las disciplinas ya mencionadas.The object of this experience is to offer the students the opportunity to take part in the construction of a pedagogic strategy centred on the ludic, for the promotion of the integral health and the prevention of the disease with an educational community; directed to supporting and qualifying the well-being so much individually as group. The project is designed to five years, about interdisciplinary character (Speech Therapy, Medicine, Psychology, Nursery, Occupational Therapy), interinstitutional (Universidad del Rosario, Universidad de San Buenaventura y Universidad de Cundinamarca) and intersectorial (Education and Health). It considers the different actors of the educational community and school and the home as propitious scenes for the strengthening potential, beside being the fundamental spaces for the construction of knowledges and learnings concerning the integral health. To achieve the target, one has come constructing from the second semester of 2003, one pedagogic strategy centred on the ludic and the creativity, from which they are planned, they develop and evaluate the actions of promotion of skills, values, behaviors and attitudes in the care of the health and the prevention of disease, orientated to the early, opportune and effective detection of risk factors and problematic of the development that they affect the integral health. The above mentioned strategy raises a so called scene Bienestarópolis: A healthy world for conquering, centred on prominent figures, spaces and elements that alternate between the fantasy and the reality to facilitate the approximation, the interiorización and the appropriation of the integral health. Across this one, the children motivated by the adults enter an imaginary world in that theirs desires, knowledges and attitudes are the axis of his development. Since Vigotsky raises it, in the game the child realizes actions in order to adapt to the world that surrounds it acquiring skills for the learning. The actions of the project have involved 410 children and 25 teachers, of the degrees Zero, The First and The Second of basic primary; 90 parents of family, and an average of 40 students and 8 teachers of the already mentioned disciplines

    Resistência à ferrugem da folha em cultivares e linhas de trigo do Paraguai

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    Leaf rust (LR) of bread wheat (Triticum aestvium L.), caused by the fungus Puccinia triticina Eriks, is one of the most important diseases in Paraguay, the Southern Cone and worldwide. The economic importance of the disease is clear considering that two or more fungicide applications are necessary to control it in susceptible cultivars. The best strategy for the management of this disease is through genetic resistance. This research was conducted in Uruguay aiming to postulate the LR resistance genes present in 102 lines and wheat cultivars from Paraguay, and to study their field resistance. The presence of 18 major resistance genes expressed at the seedling stage (Lr1, Lr2, Lr3a, Lr3bg, Lr3ka, Lr9, Lr10, Lr11, Lr16, Lr17, Lr23, Lr24, Lr26, Lr27+Lr31, Lr28, Lr30, Lr42) was postulated based on the reaction to different races of the pathogen. The adult plant resistance gene Lr34 was confirmed in 26% of the materials, based on the molecular marker csLV34. This study also allowed differentiating materials with field resistance that can be explained by the seedling resistance and those with adult plant resistance. Knowledge of the resistance genes present in the germplasm of breeding programs is of paramount importance to establish strategies in order to achieve effective and long-lasting resistance based mainly on the combination of race-non-specific minor genes.La roya de la hoja (HR) del trigo pan (Triticum aestvium L.), causada por el hongo Puccinia triticina Eriks, es una de las enfermedades más importantes en Paraguay, en el Cono Sur y a nivel mundial. La importancia económica de la enfermedad es clara cuando se considera que son necesarias dos o más aplicaciones de fungicidas para su control en cultivares susceptibles. La mejor estrategia para el manejo de esta enfermedad es a través de la resistencia genética. Esta investigación fue llevada a cabo en Uruguay con el objetivo de postular los genes de resistencia a HR presentes en 102 líneas y cultivares de trigo de Paraguay y estudiar su resistencia a campo. La presencia de 18 genes mayores de resistencia expresados en plántula (Lr1, Lr2, Lr3a, Lr3bg, Lr3ka, Lr9, Lr10, Lr11, Lr16, Lr17, Lr23, Lr24, Lr26, Lr27+Lr31, Lr28, Lr30, Lr42) fue postulada con base en la reacción frente a distintas razas del patógeno. El gen de resistencia de planta adulta Lr34 fue confirmado en 26% de los materiales con base en el marcador molecular csLV34. Este estudio permitió también diferenciar aquellos materiales cuya resistencia en el campo puede explicarse por su resistencia en plántula y aquellos que poseen resistencia de planta adulta. El conocimiento de los genes de resistencia presentes en el germoplasma de los programas de mejoramiento es de suma importancia para establecer estrategias que logren resistencia efectiva y de larga duración basadas principalmente en la combinación de genes menores de raza no específicos.A ferrugem da folha (HR) do trigo-pão (Triticum aestvium L.), causada pelo fungo Puccinia triticina Eriks, é uma das doenças mais importantes no Paraguai, no Cone Sul e no mundo. A importância econômica da doença é clara quando se considera que duas ou mais aplicações de fungicidas são necessárias para o controle da doença em cultivares suscetíveis. A melhor estratégia para o manejo desta doença é através da resistência genética. Esta pesquisa foi realizada no Uruguai, com o objetivo de postular os genes de resistência HR presentes em 102 linhas e cultivares de trigo do Paraguai e estudar sua resistência em campo. A presença de 18 principais genes de resistência expressos em plântulas (Lr1, Lr2, Lr3a, Lr3bg, Lr3ka, Lr9, Lr10, Lr11, Lr16, Lr17, Lr23, Lr24, Lr26, Lr27+Lr31, Lr28, Lr30, Lr42) foi postulada. com base na reação contra diferentes raças do patógeno. O gene de resistência de plantas adultas Lr34 foi postulado em 26% dos materiais com base no marcador molecular csLV34. Este estudo também possibilitou diferenciar aqueles materiais cuja resistência em campo pode ser explicada por sua resistência em plantulas e aqueles que apresentam resistência na planta adulta. O conhecimento dos genes de resistência presentes no germoplasma dos programas de melhoramento é de suma importância para o estabelecimento de estratégias que alcancem resistência efetiva e duradoura baseada principalmente na combinação de genes menores não específicos da raça