2,180 research outputs found

    Optimal transportation with traffic congestion and Wardrop equilibria

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    In the classical Monge-Kantorovich problem, the transportation cost only depends on the amount of mass sent from sources to destinations and not on the paths followed by this mass. Thus, it does not allow for congestion effects. Using the notion of traffic intensity, we propose a variant taking into account congestion. This leads to an optimization problem posed on a set of probability measures on a suitable paths space. We establish existence of minimizers and give a characterization. As an application, we obtain existence and variational characterization of equilibria of Wardrop type in a continuous space setting

    How mineralogy and geochemistry can improve the significance of Pb isotopes in metal provenance studies

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    Lead isotopes combined with trace element data represent a powerful tool for non-ferrous metal provenance studies. Nevertheless, unconsidered geological factors and archaeological data, as well as ignored analytical procedures, may substantially modify the interpretation of the isotopic and trace element signature obtained as a potential ore candidate. Three archaeological examples, accompanied by high-resolution lead isotopic measurements (MC–ICP–MS), are presented here to discuss the above-mentioned criticisms and to propose some solutions. The first example deals with prehistoric/historical gold/silver-mining activity from Romania (the Baia BorƟa and RoƟia Montană ore deposits). The second one regards the lead/silver metallurgical activity from the Mont-Lozùre massif (France) during medieval times. The third example focuses on the comparison between two batches of lead isotope data gathered on Roman lead ingots from Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, using different SRM 981 Pb values

    Molecular Diagnostics in the Mycosphaerella Leaf Spot Disease Complex of Banana and for Radopholus similis

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    Mycosphaerella leaf spots and nematodes threaten banana cultivation worldwide. The Mycosphaerella disease complex involves three related ascomycetous fungi: Mycosphaerella fijiensis, M. musicola and M. eumusae. The exact distribution of these three species and their disease epidemiology remain unclear, since their symptoms and life cycles are rather similar. Diagnosing these diseases and the respective causal agents is based on the presence of host symptoms and fungal fruiting structures, but is time consuming and not conducive to preventive management. In the present study, we developed rapid and robust species-specific diagnostic tools to detect and quantify M. fijiensis, M. musicola and M. eumusae. Conventional species-specific PCR primers were developed based on the actin gene that detected as little as 100, 1 and 10 pg/”l DNA from, respectively, M. fijiensis, M. musicola and M. eumusae. Furthermore, TaqMan real-time quantitative PCR assays that were developed based on the ß-tubulin gene detected quantities as low as 1 pg/”l DNA of each species from pure cultures and 1.6 pg/”l DNA/mg of M. fijiensis from dry leaf tissue. The efficacy of the tests was validated using naturally infected banana leaves. Similar technology has been used to develop a quantitative PCR assay for the banana burrowing nematode, Radopholus similis, which is currently being validate

    Outsourcing of the New Wave Form Acquisition, Surveillance and Diagnostic System for the LEP Injection Kickers

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    In 1996, a project has been launched to improve the acquisition, surveillance and diagnostic system of the LEP injection kickers. The technical solution is formed by a VXI acquisition hardware and a Windows NT / LabVIEW software environment. The realisation has been entirely outsourced to industry. This paper discusses the different phases of the project, from market survey over technical specification to acceptance tests, explains the technical choices and evaluates the results, presents the point of view of both parties on the collaboration and concludes with the experiences learned from this project

    The opportunities of two-phase hybrid stepping motor back EMF sampling

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    By counting the step command pulses, stepping motors can be straightforwardly used for open loop positioning. However, open-loop control is often insufficient to guarantee accurate and energy efficient movements. More intelligent stepping motor algorithms can meet these concerns, however, this requires position information. The back EMF signal contains useful information on the rotor position. This information can be used to monitor the motor condition and to implement a more advanced position control algorithm. A theoretical analysis gives insight into the back EMF generated in a two-phase hybrid stepping motor. In this paper a, by the authors, patented sampling method is considered to measure the back EMF signal. The opportunities of this method are considered theoretically. Moreover this paper presents extensive measurement results proving the opportunities of the method, to develop more intelligent stepping motor algorithms

    Large scale flow effects, energy transfer, and self-similarity on turbulence

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    The effect of large scales on the statistics and dynamics of turbulent fluctuations is studied using data from high resolution direct numerical simulations. Three different kinds of forcing, and spatial resolutions ranging from 256^3 to 1024^3, are being used. The study is carried out by investigating the nonlinear triadic interactions in Fourier space, transfer functions, structure functions, and probability density functions. Our results show that the large scale flow plays an important role in the development and the statistical properties of the small scale turbulence. The role of helicity is also investigated. We discuss the link between these findings and intermittency, deviations from universality, and possible origins of the bottleneck effect. Finally, we briefly describe the consequences of our results for the subgrid modeling of turbulent flows

    Spin-polarized oxygen hole states in cation deficient La(1-x)CaxMnO(3+delta)

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    When holes are doped into a Mott-Hubbard type insulator, like lightly doped manganites of the La(1-x)CaxMnO3 family, the cooperative Jahn-Teller distortions and the appearance of orbital ordering require an arrangement of Mn(3+)/Mn(4+) for the establishment of the insulating canted antiferromagnetic (for x<=0.1), or of the insulating ferromagnetic (for 0.1<x<= 0.2) ground state. In the present work we provide NMR evidence about a novel and at the same time puzzling effect in La(1-x)CaxMnO(3+delta) systems with cation deficience. We show that in the low Ca-doping regime, these systems exhibit a very strong hyperfine field at certain La nuclear sites, which is not present in the stoichiometric compounds. Comparison of our NMR results with recent x-ray absorption data at the Mn K edge, suggests the formation of a spin-polarized hole arrangement on the 2p oxygen orbitals as the origin of this effect.Comment: 10 pages, 4 Figures, submitted to PR

    The Low-Level Control System for the CERN PS Multi-Turn Extraction Kickers

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    To reduce the beam losses when preparing high intensity proton beam for the CERN Neutrino to Gran Sasso (CNGS) facility, a new Multi-Turn extraction (MTE) scheme has been implemented in the PS, to replace the present Continuous Transfer (CT) to the SPS. Industrial off-the-shelf components have been used for the low-level part of the MTE kicker control system. National Instruments PXI systems are used to control the high voltage pulse generators and a SIEMENS programmable logic controller (PLC) handles the centralised oil cooling and gas insulation sub-system

    Commissioning of the Control System for the LHC Beam Dump Kicker System

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    The beam dumping system of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) provides a loss-free fast extraction of the circulating beams. It consists per ring of 15 extraction kickers, followed by 15 septum magnets, 10 dilution kickers and an external absorber. A dump request can occur at any moment during the operation of the collider, from injection energy up to collision energy. All kickers must fire synchronously with the beam abort gap to properly extract the whole beam in one single turn into the extraction channel. Incorrect operation of the extraction kickers can lead to beam losses and severe damage to the machine. The control system of the LHC beam dump kickers is based on a modular architecture composed of 4 different sub-systems, each with a specific function, in order to detect internal failures, to ensure a correct extraction trajectory over the whole LHC operational range, to synchronise and distribute dumps requests, and to analyse the transient signals recorded during the beam dumping process. The control architecture is presented and the different steps performed for its validation, from the individual sub-systems tests to the final commissioning with beam, are describe
