75 research outputs found


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     O presente artigo visa a discutir alguns pontos acerca do caráter de ruptura do teatro trágico shakespeariano, focando, especificamente, Hamlet e Otelo.Palavras-chave: Shakespeare, tragédia, Hamlet, Otelo, rupture. ABSTRACT: This article aims at discussing some aspects about Shakespearean tragic theatre, focusing on Hamlet and Othelo.Keywords: Shakespeare, tragedy, Hamlet, Othelo, rupture


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     O presente artigo visa a discutir alguns pontos acerca do caráter de ruptura do teatro trágico shakespeariano, focando, especificamente, Hamlet e Otelo.Palavras-chave: Shakespeare, tragédia, Hamlet, Otelo, rupture. ABSTRACT: This article aims at discussing some aspects about Shakespearean tragic theatre, focusing on Hamlet and Othelo.Keywords: Shakespeare, tragedy, Hamlet, Othelo, rupture

    ground source heat pump systems in historical buildings two italian case studies

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    Abstract Reducing the energy demand of buildings has become one of the key points of the European Union. The issue related to the air conditioning of old and historical buildings is nowadays one of the most important field of operation for the primary energy saving and, at the same time, for the reduction of the CO 2 emission. The recent development of heat pump able to rise the supply of high temperature at the condenser side makes this technology suitable for the application also in historical buildings that are characterized by low thermal insulation and high thermal capacitance. In this context, the ground source heat pump systems can be used for both heating and cooling. The aim of this work is to analyze the thermal behavior of two historical buildings located in Italy, in Venice and Florence respectively. Detailed computer simulations of the buildings have been carried out by means of a transient calculation tool TRNSYS. Energy simulations of GSHP systems have been performed and a comparison with a common plant system using a gas boiler for heating and air-to-water chiller for cooling has been carried out

    As mulheres e as planta medicinais: reflexões sobre o papel do cuidado e suas implicações

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    Focusing on processes of collective learning and social organization of rural women motivated by the theme of medicinal plants in different regions of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), this paper discusses the construction of ‘care for others’ as a female role. The starting point is the observation that this ‘care’ seems to be overcoming the family sphere, being extended to the community and even globally, once women broadened their struggles for gender equality and for the recognition of their work toward a new accountability that includes the requirements to changethe development standard. The groups are organized around the remedies production, establishing forms of action that allow access other political questions. We identified a repositioning of women for the outside, with the entrance in the productive world and toward public life, but also contradictory dynamics that cause work overload. Thus, there are continuities and discontinuities in ‘caring role’ of the women, but the donation of time, affections, words and practices still appear minimized before the developmental imperative.Tendo como foco processos de aprendizagens coletivas e de organização social de mulheres rurais motivadas pelo tema das plantas medicinais, em diferentes regiões do Rio Grande do Sul, este trabalho problematiza a construção do cuidado ao outro como um papel feminino. O ponto de partida é observação de que esse ‘cuidado’ parece estar superando a esfera familiar, ampliando-se para o âmbito comunitário e mesmo global, na medida em que as mulheres ampliaram suas lutas pela igualdade de gênero e pelo reconhecimento do seu trabalho até uma nova responsabilização pelas mudanças requeridas no padrão de desenvolvimento. Os grupos estudados têm na mobilização em torno da produção de remédios uma forma de ação que permite acessar outras questões de ordem política.Identifica-se que há reposicionamentos das mulheres frente à entrada no mundo produtivo e em direção à vida pública, mas também dinâmicas contraditórias que provocam sobrecargas de trabalho. Assim, há continuidades e descontinuidades no papel ‘cuidador’ da mulher, sendo que a doação de tempo, afetos, palavras e práticas, ainda, aparecem minimizadas diante do imperativo desenvolvimentista

    Thermodynamic Analysis for the Selection of low GWP Refrigerants in Ground Source Heat Pumps

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    One of the main objectives of the European Commission in the buildings sector, responsible for approximately 40% of total energy consumption and 36% of greenhouse gas emissions, is to identify technological solutions capable of reducing energy consumption and at the same time greenhouse gas emissions. For this purpose, ground source heat pump system (GSHPs) is a technology of particular interest that promises to considerably reduce greenhouse gas emissions of HVAC systems (up to 44% compared to air source heat pumps). In order to develop and test innovative GSHPs to be used for heating and cooling in the various European climatic zones, EU has funded the GEO4CIVHIC project, which will have a duration of 4 years and will end in 2022. As part of the project, the problem of identifying new generation low environmental impact refrigerants to be used in innovative GSHPs is tackled. In this article, we report the results of an energetic and exergetic analysis of the performance of heat pumps based on simulations carried out both on simple reverse cycles and on more complex cycles. Low pressure alternative fluids have been considered as an alternative to R134a and high pressure fluids as an alternative to R410A. The simulations were conducted at various heat sink and heat source temperature conditions, in order to evaluate the GSHPs performance in the whole range of real conditions that can be found in Europe. Particular attention was paid to the compression phase, with the aim to simulate the compressor performance in a more realistic way than simply assuming constant isentropic efficiency

    An updated ground thermal properties database for GSHP applications

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    Abstract When a new ground source heat exchanger field is planned, underground thermal properties input data are necessary for the correct sizing of the geo-exchange system. To support the design, the EU founded Cheap-GSHPs project developed a Decision Support System, that comprises a new database of thermal properties for both rocks and unconsolidated sediments. The thermal properties database has been developed by integrating and comparing data (1) provided by the most important international guidelines, (2) acquired from a wide literature review and (3) obtained from more than 400 direct measurements. The data are mainly thermal conductivity data, hence the convective contribution provided by groundwater flow to heat transfer is not included. This paper presents and analyses the collected database

    EU project "Cheap-GSHPs": the geoexchange field laboratory

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    Abstract The Molinella test site is the open-air laboratory of the EU project entitled "Cheap-GSHPs: Cheap and Efficient Application of Reliable Ground Source Heat Exchangers and Pumps". Here, innovative helical heat baskets and steel coaxial probes are installed next to the traditional double-U. The tests involve the probes design as well as materials and drilling techniques and machines, therefore the newly developed GSHEs can be directly compared with the traditional ones with respect to technical issues and energetic performances. The Molinella test site therefore represents a very extraordinary possibility to improve the knowledge of heat transfer processes in shallow geo-exchange systems

    A European Database of Building Energy Profiles to Support the Design of Ground Source Heat Pumps

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    [EN] The design of ground source heat pumps is a fundamental step to ensure the high energy efficiency of heat pump systems throughout their operating years. To enhance the diffusion of ground source heat pump systems, two different tools are developed in the H2020 research project named, Cheap GSHPs: A design tool and a decision support system. In both cases, the energy demand of the buildings may not be calculated by the user. The main input data, to evaluate the size of the borehole heat exchangers, is the building energy demand. This paper presents a methodology to correlate energy demand, building typologies, and climatic conditions for different types of residential buildings. Rather than envelope properties, three insulation levels have been considered in different climatic conditions to set up a database of energy profiles. Analyzing European climatic test reference years, 23 locations have been considered. For each location, the overall energy and the mean hourly monthly energy profiles for heating and cooling have been calculated. Pre-calculated profiles are needed to size generation systems and, in particular, ground source heat pumps. For this reason, correlations based on the degree days for heating and cooling demand have been found in order to generalize the results for different buildings. These correlations depend on the Koppen-Geiger climate scale.This work received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 657982.Carnieletto, L.; Badenes Badenes, B.; Belliardi, M.; Bernardi, A.; Graci, S.; Emmi, G.; Urchueguía Schölzel, JF.... (2019). A European Database of Building Energy Profiles to Support the Design of Ground Source Heat Pumps. Energies. 12(13):1-23. https://doi.org/10.3390/en12132496S1231213De Carli, M., Tonon, M., Zarrella, A., & Zecchin, R. (2010). A computational capacity resistance model (CaRM) for vertical ground-coupled heat exchangers. Renewable Energy, 35(7), 1537-1550. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2009.11.034Grossi, I., Dongellini, M., Piazzi, A., & Morini, G. L. (2018). Dynamic modelling and energy performance analysis of an innovative dual-source heat pump system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 142, 745-759. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2018.07.022Engineering Reference Manual. In EnergyPlus V8.5https://energyplus.net/Sandberg, N. H., Bergsdal, H., & Brattebø, H. (2011). Historical energy analysis of the Norwegian dwelling stock. Building Research & Information, 39(1), 1-15. doi:10.1080/09613218.2010.528186Application of Energy Performance Indicators for Residential Building Stocks Experiences of the EPISCOPE Projecthttp://episcope.eu/fileadmin/episcope/public/docs/reports/EPISCOPE_Indicators_ConceptAndExperiences.pdfGustafsson, M., Dipasquale, C., Poppi, S., Bellini, A., Fedrizzi, R., Bales, C., … Holmberg, S. (2017). Economic and environmental analysis of energy renovation packages for European office buildings. Energy and Buildings, 148, 155-165. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.04.079De Carli, M., Bernardi, A., Cultrera, M., Dalla Santa, G., Di Bella, A., Emmi, G., … Zarrella, A. (2018). A Database for Climatic Conditions around Europe for Promoting GSHP Solutions. Geosciences, 8(2), 71. doi:10.3390/geosciences8020071Cartalis, C., Synodinou, A., Proedrou, M., Tsangrassoulis, A., & Santamouris, M. (2001). Modifications in energy demand in urban areas as a result of climate changes: an assessment for the southeast Mediterranean region. Energy Conversion and Management, 42(14), 1647-1656. doi:10.1016/s0196-8904(00)00156-4Kottek, M., Grieser, J., Beck, C., Rudolf, B., & Rubel, F. (2006). World Map of the Köppen-Geiger climate classification updated. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 15(3), 259-263. doi:10.1127/0941-2948/2006/0130Herrera, M., Natarajan, S., Coley, D. A., Kershaw, T., Ramallo-González, A. P., Eames, M., … Wood, M. (2017). A review of current and future weather data for building simulation. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 38(5), 602-627. doi:10.1177/0143624417705937Peel, M. C., Finlayson, B. L., & McMahon, T. A. (2007). Updated world map of the Köppen-Geiger climate classification. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 11(5), 1633-1644. doi:10.5194/hess-11-1633-2007D’Amico, A., Ciulla, G., Panno, D., & Ferrari, S. (2019). Building energy demand assessment through heating degree days: The importance of a climatic dataset. Applied Energy, 242, 1285-1306. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.03.167Al-Hadhrami, L. M. (2013). Comprehensive review of cooling and heating degree days characteristics over Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 27, 305-314. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2013.04.034Degree Days.net-Custom Degree Day Datahttp://www.degreedays.netAnnunziata, E., Frey, M., & Rizzi, F. (2013). Towards nearly zero-energy buildings: The state-of-art of national regulations in Europe. Energy, 57, 125-133. doi:10.1016/j.energy.2012.11.049Principle for Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings, Ecofys Germany GmbHhttp://bpie.eu/documents/BPIE/publications/LR_nZEB%20study.pdfAhern, C., Griffiths, P., & O’Flaherty, M. (2013). State of the Irish housing stock—Modelling the heat losses of Ireland’s existing detached rural housing stock & estimating the benefit of thermal retrofit measures on this stock. Energy Policy, 55, 139-151. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2012.11.039Kaklauskas, A., Zavadskas, E. K., Raslanas, S., Ginevicius, R., Komka, A., & Malinauskas, P. (2006). Selection of low-e windows in retrofit of public buildings by applying multiple criteria method COPRAS: A Lithuanian case. Energy and Buildings, 38(5), 454-462. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2005.08.005Zavadskas, E., Raslanas, S., & Kaklauskas, A. (2008). The selection of effective retrofit scenarios for panel houses in urban neighborhoods based on expected energy savings and increase in market value: The Vilnius case. Energy and Buildings, 40(4), 573-587. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2007.04.015Aerts, D., Minnen, J., Glorieux, I., Wouters, I., & Descamps, F. (2014). A method for the identification and modelling of realistic domestic occupancy sequences for building energy demand simulations and peer comparison. Building and Environment, 75, 67-78. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2014.01.021Yang, Z., & Becerik-Gerber, B. (2014). The coupled effects of personalized occupancy profile based HVAC schedules and room reassignment on building energy use. Energy and Buildings, 78, 113-122. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2014.04.002Richardson, I., Thomson, M., & Infield, D. (2008). A high-resolution domestic building occupancy model for energy demand simulations. Energy and Buildings, 40(8), 1560-1566. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2008.02.006Villi, G., Peretti, C., Graci, S., & De Carli, M. (2013). Building leakage analysis and infiltration modelling for an Italian multi-family building. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 6(2), 98-118. doi:10.1080/19401493.2012.69998

    Evaluation of apical transportation and apical root sealing in root canals prepared with mtwo rotary system with and without apical enlargement – an in vitro study

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate apical transportation and apical root canal sealing after root canal filling in human teeth prepared with MTwo® Rotary System with and without apical foramen enlargement. Twenty mandibular premolars were divided into two groups (n=10). Group 1 had root canals prepared 1mm beyond the apical foramen. Group 2 had root canals prepared 1mm below the root canal length. After chemo-mechanical preparation, samples were submitted to scanning electronic microscopy. Apical foramen images had 75x magnification at standardized positions, allowing measurements from the apical foramen area before and after root canal preparation, and after root canal filling. Apical foramen shape and apical transportation, as well as its level of circumferential filling after root canal preparation were accessed using the Image Subtraction System. Scanning electronic microscopy analysis demonstrated that samples of Group 1 showed larger foraminal diameter than samples of Group 2 (p<0.05). Apical foramen transportation was statistically different between Groups 1 and 2 (p=0.0108). Furthermore, the apical foramen sealing also differed statistically between groups 1 and 2 (p=0.0007) and 100% of samples of Group 1 showed apical root canal sealing. Apical root canal sealing was more effective when the root canal was prepared with apical foramen enlargement, even when the apical transportation was detected

    Prevalence of oral injuries and salivary changes in patients with chronic renal failure on hemodialysis: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate whether individuals with chronic renal failure (CRF) undergoing hemodialysis treatment have more salivary and oral mucosa alterations when compared to healthy individuals, through a systematic review followed by meta-analysis. A systematic literature review was performed, evaluating randomized clinical trials found in the Proquest, Embase, Scopus, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Lilacs and Pubmed databases, using MeSH terms and other keywords. Initially, 40 articles were included in the study and, after reading the complete articles, only 15 clinical trials that analyzed oral lesions and salivary changes in patients with CRF undergoing hemodialysis treatment were eligible. Most of the clinical studies included were cross-sectional and composed of a study group and a control group. The mean age of participants in the study group was 50.19 years and in the control group, 48.95 years. The most common oral alterations found in the CRF group in relation to the control group were xerostomia, uremic breath, dysgeusia, coated tongue, gingival bleeding and pale mucosa. The salivary flow of patients with CRF was 46.6% lower than the control group. The salivary pH in the study group was also more alkaline when compared to the control group. Greater amounts of urea, phosphate, C-reactive protein and total proteins were found in the saliva of individuals with CRF. Individuals with CRF undergoing hemodialysis are more prone to changes in both the quantity and quality of saliva, as well as having a greater amount of oral changes