2,216 research outputs found

    Solid rocket booster joint seal analyses

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    O-ring response and sealing in pressurized shell structures is examined. The study found that the key elements in the failure of the seal to be joint opening and rotation, assembly out of roundness, and O-ring seal response

    Mental measurements in education.

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    Patterns of Adjustment in Character Research Project Families

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityThe purpose of this investigation has been to determine if there are patterns of adjustment, family types, in a sampling of families participating in the Union College Character Research Project. It has been fashioned on the hypothesis that a family's internal ratio of compatibility of adjustment may be approximated from examination of interpersonal attitudes toward each other as held by the family's members. Family adjustment is thought of as being on a continuum. The well-adjusted family tends to include both conformity and freedom, group loyalty and individuality, stability and consistency. The not-so-well-adjusted family tends to include total conformity or total freedom, a minimum of group loyalty and individuality, inconsistency and often contradictory standards. This study was made possible by an arrangement between CTI and Boston University Graduate School in which the writer would explore a research problem defi ned by CRP and appropriate to the dissertational requirements of Boston University Gradate School. A brief statement of the historical development of the Character Research Project gives background for the content of this dissertation. CRP, founded by Dr. Ernest M. Ligon in 1935, and directed by him ever since, has developed a curriculum for Christian character education which now is used in more than 50 churches and private groups throughout the United States and Canada. CRP's headquarters are on the campus of Un ion College in Schenectady, New York. The Project has tried to incorporate the most creative insights of scientific method, religious education, and psychology into the development and progressive revision of its curriculum. Also, one of CRP's basic tenets is that Christian character education depends for its success on the maximum of cooperation between the home and church school. To expand its understanding of home and family living, CRP developed the Home Dynamics Study, a questiorraaire study completed by more than 200 families. A randomized sample of 200 families were selected. A description of the sample shows that 71% of the fathers and 60% of the mothers have had four or more years of college. 75% of the fathers are in the professional and managerial classification vocationally. 61% of the mothers are classified similarly either in their present or former occupations. 39% of these families have three or more children; 45% have two children; 16% have only one child. Comparison of this sample with the Nation's averages shows that this sample does not represent our Nation's population. The HDS questionnaire asked husbands and wives to rate the influence of 63 dynamic factors on themselves as they taught attitudes of character to their children in the home. Included among these dynamic factors were the external situation, an individual's native endowment, his skills, his tensions, his behavior, his attitudes, and his self concepts. A rating scale was used which had five gradations: "very positive," "positive," "neutral," "negative," and "very negative." The HDS was designed for the application of statistical analysis to the data gathered. The investigation described in this dissertation is a segment of the HDS. The investigator began analysis of the questionnaire data by recording the ratings made by the husbands and wives on the "inter:personal" factors. Designated as essentially "interpersonal" were the following factors: "your spouse," " this child, "other children in the home," "other people in the home," "harmony between you and your spouse," "harmony among the children," "harmony between the children and parents," "family interests," and "family religious practice." From the ratings described above, an average score for each family was computed. The ratings on the 9 factors combined. A curve of distribution of the family rating averages was drawn. The 30 families with the lowest averages, the 30 families with averages nearest the sample mean, and the 30 families with the highest averages became Groups A, B, and C. Average ratings on sets of factors other than "interpersonal" then were computed for the three groups. Coefficients of correlation between the interpersonal and other factor sets were tabulated. The results were lacking in statistical significance. A second method of data analysis, known as "Q Technique," was employed. William Stephenson and others have developed this method. Soon it was found that this method, too, was unsuccessful. "Q Techni que" is designed to express a statistical relationship between the sets of ratings, and involves the use of product-moment correlations. However, it is unusable if one or the other of the rating sets has a "flat" rating profile, a profile with all the ratings the same. A number of the rating profiles in this data are "flat." The third attempt at finding a workable method for data analysis resulted in the selection of the D Measure. The names of Charles E. Osgood, George J. Suci, Lee J. Cronbach, and Goldine C. Gleser are associated with the development of this method. It is used in comparing the raw scores of two rating profiles and measuring the distance between them. The D Measure is found by computing the square root of the sum of the squares of differences between two rating profiles. Preliminary to the application of this D Measure, the families in the sample were re-grouped, but on the basis of their average ratings on the three "harmony" factors. Families with average ratings tending to be positive or very positive on all three harmony factors became Group A'; families with positive or very positive average ratings on the first and third harmony factors, but with neutral or negative average ratings on the second became Group B'; Group C' was made up of the families whose average ratings tended positively on the first but neutrally or negatively on the second and third of the harmony factors. A random sample of 10 families each was chosen from the three groups, and they, in turn, became Groups A'R, B'R, and C'R. The distances within these three groups of families were measured on their average ratings of the interpersonal factors other than "harmony." Then by cluster analysis those families in each of the three groups which had the smallest amount of distance between them were selected. Next, the cluster or clusters of families most representative of the three groups on the six factors were determined. The rating profiles of the families involved were compared on the basis of level of elevation: the mean of a family's ratings on a factor, and the amount of scatter: the extent of variation within a family's rating profile on a factor and found by computing the square root of the sum of squares of a family 's deviation in ratings about its own mean. The following patterns of similarity or dissimilarity were found: Factor A'R B'R C'R "Your spouse" SL;SS SL;VS SL;VS "This child" SL;SS SL;SS VL;VS "Other children" SL;VS VL;VS SL;VS "Other people" SL;VS SL;SS SL;SS "Family interests" SL;VS SL;SS SL;SS "Family religious practice" SL;VS VL;VS VL;VS SL - Similar level VL - Varied level SS - Similar scatter VS - Varied scatter An analysis of the levels elevation which resulted in the above patterns showed that the representative families in Group A'R tended to rate the influence of these interpersonal factors somewhat higher than did the representative families in Groups B'R and C'R. Also, an analysis of the amounts of scatter showed that there was considerable variation in all three groups, but that the amount in Group A'R usually was less than in the other two. These results suggest the interpretation that husbands and wives in this first group placed more importance on the interpersonal factors, and that there was more consistent agreement between them as to this importance, than was indicated for either of the other two groups. Thus, the writer believes that the degree of compatibility or adjustment in Group A'R is larger than in Groups B'R and C'R. From this conclusion modest support for the hypothesis of this study has been found. From this study the writer would summarize the following conclusions: 1. While care must be exercised in generalizing the findings of this study, they may be applied to populations other than the study sample if there is sufficient agreement on major dimensions among the populations compared. 2. A comparison of family rating profile averages on the interpersonal factors between the three random groups and the larger groups from which they were chosen showed a very close agreement. No differences were greater than 0.2. This agreement has been interpreted as showing that the random groups represent the larger groups. Since A'R was chosen from A', a group of 98 families, and since the highest ratio of compatibility was ascribed to this group by means used in this study, the total sample's composition may include approximately 100 well-adjusted families and approximately 100 not-so-well-adjusted families. 3. Only in Group A'R were the husbands and wives consistently agreed as to the positive influence on themselves of their mates and of the harmony between them. Also, this group seemed to attach more positive importance to the remaining interpersonal factors than did the other two groups. These circumstances suggest the interpretation that one of the major sources of a positive family climate stems from the relationships existing between husband and wife. 4. In the realm of Christian character education, this study's conclusions lend added support to the view that parental cooperation, voluntarily given, should make for more successful home teaching when both parents participate. 5. Then, too, one of the usual procedures in CRP methodology in participating churches is to have a parents' class. This study's conclusions point to the desirability of making these classes therapeutic groups in which husband-wife relations may be improved. 6. While this study has not produced a novel typology of the home, it has focused attention on two central tendencies in family adjustment. Terms borrowed from the vocabulary of geometry designate the well-adjusted as the symmetrical family, and the not- so-well-adjusted as the asymmetrical family. The sym~metry or asymmetry of these family adjustment tendencies are in terms of interpersonal attitudes and relationships

    Space station structures and dynamics test program

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    The design, construction, and operation of a low-Earth orbit space station poses unique challenges for development and implementation of new technology. The technology arises from the special requirement that the station be built and constructed to function in a weightless environment, where static loads are minimal and secondary to system dynamics and control problems. One specific challenge confronting NASA is the development of a dynamics test program for: (1) defining space station design requirements, and (2) identifying the characterizing phenomena affecting the station's design and development. A general definition of the space station dynamic test program, as proposed by MSFC, forms the subject of this report. The test proposal is a comprehensive structural dynamics program to be launched in support of the space station. The test program will help to define the key issues and/or problems inherent to large space structure analysis, design, and testing. Development of a parametric data base and verification of the math models and analytical analysis tools necessary for engineering support of the station's design, construction, and operation provide the impetus for the dynamics test program. The philosophy is to integrate dynamics into the design phase through extensive ground testing and analytical ground simulations of generic systems, prototype elements, and subassemblies. On-orbit testing of the station will also be used to define its capability

    Green Infrastructure and Urban Sustainability: Recent Advances and Future Challenges

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    Although the majority of urban green infrastructure (GI) programs in the United States, and elsewhere, are being driven by stormwater management challenges arising as a result of the impervious nature of modern cities, GI is also believed to provide other benefits that enhance urban sustainability. This paper discusses the role that GI systems might play in urban climate adaptation strategies for cities like New York City, where increases in both temperature and precipitation are projected over the coming decades. Examples of work conducted by the author and colleagues in New York City to quantify the performance of urban GI are first presented. This work includes monitoring efforts to understand how extensive green roofs retain rainfall, reduce surface temperatures and sequester carbon. Next, a discussion of the advantages that a distributed, or neighborhood level, GI system might bring to a climate adaptation strategy is provided. The paper then concludes with an outline of some of the future work that is needed to fully realize the potential of urban GI systems to address future climate change impacts

    SRM (Solid Rocket Motor) propellant and polymer materials structural modeling

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    The following investigation reviews and evaluates the use of stress relaxation test data for the structural analysis of Solid Rocket Motor (SRM) propellants and other polymer materials used for liners, insulators, inhibitors, and seals. The stress relaxation data is examined and a new mathematical structural model is proposed. This model has potentially wide application to structural analysis of polymer materials and other materials generally characterized as being made of viscoelastic materials. A dynamic modulus is derived from the new model for stress relaxation modulus and is compared to the old viscoelastic model and experimental data

    The National Research Council.

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    Leptonic decay constants fDs and fD in three flavor lattice QCD

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    ManuscriptWe determine the leptonic decay constants fDs and fD in three flavor unquenched lattice QCD. We use O(a2)-improved staggered light quarks and O(a)-improved charm quarks in the Fermilab heavy quark formalism. Our preliminary results, based upon an analysis at a single lattice spacing, are fDs = 263+5 −9 ± 24 MeV and fD = 225+11 −13 ± 21 MeV. In each case, the first reported error is statistical while the second is the combined systematic uncertainty

    Wesley Center of Religion (Formerly Wesley College)

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    This departmental history was written on the occasion of the UND Centennial in 1983.https://commons.und.edu/departmental-histories/1040/thumbnail.jp

    Surface Switching Characteristics of Variable Permittivity Dielectrics

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    Flashover voltage, lifetimes, and switch performance of insulators utilizing square thin and thick film electrodes were examined to determine the viability of using thin electrodes for reliable surface discharge switching. Gold, silver, and platinum were sputtered (0.25 µm) and screen printed (15 µm) onto Al2O3, TiO2, and modified BaTiO3 (MBT), then tested in air at 105 Pa, under vacuum (10-3/ torr), and while immersed in an insulating fluid, SF-2 (manufactured by 3M). For the measured range of 0.5 to 3 mm in air, the flashover voltage for all three insulators was found to have a linear dependence on the electrode separation distance with 15 µm thick screen printed electrodes and a square root dependence with 0.25 µm thick sputtered electrodes. Delay times of approximately 20 ns with a corresponding jitter of 6 ns were observed across all three insulators under triggered flashover. Insulators in air with sputtered electrodes had lifetimes of approximately 5 flashovers for dc flashover and 40 for triggered flashover. Screen printed TiO2 and MBT had dc lifetimes of approximately 10 flashovers in air, and 3 flashovers in vacuum and SF-2. Screen printed TiO2 and MBT had triggered lifetimes of greater than 200 flashovers in air, and \u3c3 flashovers in vacuum and SF-2. Screen printed Al2O3 had dc and triggered lifetimes of greater than 200 flashovers in air, vacuum and SF-2. Insulator failure during dc flashover was determined to be due to the formation of a conductive channel between the anode and cathode. Formation of the channel was attributed to insulator thermal and dielectric properties and the presence of vaporized electrode species in the gap region during flashover