377 research outputs found

    Merito, meritocrazia e pedagogia

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    .Le attuali considerazioni su merito e meritocrazia con le loro contraddizioni tradiscono la loro origine utilitaristica il cui limite principale \ue8 il misconoscimento della diversit\ue0 delle persone, dei loro talenti e delle loro storie. Riconoscere il merito \ue8 fondamentale per affermare la responsabilit\ue0 delle persone, ma diventa possibile recuperandone l\u2019originario significato morale, evitando di appiattirlo su di una logica meramente efficientista. Solo distinguendo tra qualifica e merito la pedagogia e l\u2019educazione restano le migliori alleate del merito, non per garantire ascensori sociali, ma per formare cittadini capaci di combattere il malcostume e il privilegio e promuovere la mobilit\ue0 sociale

    Merito, meritocrazia e pedagogia

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    The contradictions regarding worth and meritocracy come from an utilitarian principle, in such a way that they disclaim the difference regarding peoples’ personal talents and histories. In recognizing the worth we affirm the responsibility of people, but only if we recover native moral meaning of it, far off an efficiency-based approach. To be an ally of worth, pedagogy and education are to distinguish it in relation to qualification. In such a way they are not to be considered social elevators, but are in the position to prepare citizen able to fight immorality andprivileges on one side and on the other to indirectly promote social mobility.Le attuali considerazioni su merito e meritocrazia con le loro contraddizioni tradiscono la loro origine utilitaristica il cui limite principale è il misconoscimento della diversità delle persone, dei loro talenti e delle loro storie. Riconoscere il merito è fondamentale per affermare la responsabilità delle persone, ma diventa possibile recuperandone l’originario significato morale, evitando di appiattirlo su di una logica meramente efficientista. Solo distinguendo tra qualifica e merito la pedagogia e l’educazione restano le migliori alleate del merito, non per garantire ascensorisociali, ma per formare cittadini capaci di combattere il malcostume e il privilegio e promuovere la mobilità sociale

    La pedagogia della convivialità di Mario Ferracuti

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    Pedagogues who were also educators in their life attest to an implicit pedagogy, which often turns out to be more authentic and truthful than what is explicitly stated in their works. This is the case of Don Mario Ferracuti, who remembers being a passionate educator before being a theorist. His reflection is, in fact, co-herently and deeply rooted in his pastoral care. His pedagogical creed can be summed up in an original interpretation of personalism that is one with conviviality, which is closeness, relationship, friendship. Above all it is understanding and sharing of joys and sorrows that are the constituents of our existence.Pedagogisti che sono stati anche educatori nella loro vita attestano una pedagogia implicita, che non di rado si rivela più autentica e veritiera di quanto esplicitato nelle loro opere. È il caso di don Mario Ferracuti, che si ricorda per essere stato un appassionato educatore prima che un teorico. La sua riflessione è infatti, coerentemente e profondamente radicata nella sua cura pastorale. Si può riassumere il suo credo pedagogico in una interpretazione originale di personalismo che fa tutt'uno con la convivialità, che è vicinanza, relazione, amicizia. Soprattutto è comprensione e condivisione di gioie e dolori che sono i costitutivi della nostra esistenza

    Teorie della formazione, lavoro e pedagogia del lavoro

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    The article analyzes the contribution of the Studium Educationis journal as regards the subject of the work, in the first twenty years of activity, coinciding with a period of institutional reforms and deep change in the Italian educational culture. For its present and future significance the focus us on the unresolved relationship between theories of the formation and labor pedagogy.L’articolo analizza il contributo della rivista Studium Educationis al tema del lavoro nei primi vent’anni di attività, coincidenti con un periodo di riforme istituzionali e di svolta della cultura pedagogica italiana. Viene data centralità, per la sua rilevanza presente e futura, al rapporto ancora irrisolto tra teorie della formazione e pedagogia del lavoro

    Dirigente scolastico: oltre la leadership, la deontologia

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    The situationist and transformationist theories highlight that ethical competences of leader are shown within the educational communication that aims not only to inform, but also toconvince and to persuade by testimony and modelling.However, the code of ethics requires to go beyond the experienced and to be aware of criteria regulating ethical decision in order to justify and to offer reasons legitimating present choices and prefigurating future ones. Hence, professional code of ethics aims at:1. limiting the uncontrollable effects of charismatic leadership;2. containing the border of discretion connected to the responsibility of the School Principal;3. improving the professionalism of the School Principal;4. spreading the leadership and making it more participated.Le teorie situazioniste e trasformazioniste della leadership attribuiscono al leader competenze etiche che si manifestano nella natura educativa di una comunicazione che punta adinformare, ma anche a convincere e persuadere con la testimonianza e l’esempio. Tuttavia la competenza di tipo deontologico obbliga ad andare oltre il vissuto, per prendere consapevolezza anche dei criteri che regolano le scelte etiche esperite, per giustificare e offrire ragioni che legittimino le scelte presenti e prefigurino quelle future. Su queste basi la deontologia svolge le seguenti funzioni:1. limitare gli effetti incontrollabili di una leadership carismatica;2. contenere il margine di discrezionalità connesso alla responsabilità del DS;3. migliorare la professionalità del Ds;4. diffondere e rendere più partecipata la leadership


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    Educatore e pedagogista:finalmente il riconoscimento professional

    Partial vs. complete course of antenatal corticosteroid prophylaxis: An Italian single center retrospective study

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    Introduction: This study aimed to compare the outcomes of preterm infants given 12 vs. 24mg of betamethasone prophylaxis to understand whether a partial course of antenatal corticosteroids (CCS) could prevent or mitigate the major preterm birth complications. Methods: This is a retrospective single-center cohort study including neonates born between 24 and 34 weeks of gestation from 2001 to 2019 at the University Hospital of Udine. The study population was divided into two groups: one group received 12mg, and another received a 24mg dose of betamethasone before the delivery. A separate analysis was performed for single and multiple pregnancies. The two groups were evaluated for various neonatal outcomes. Results: The study population included a total of 1,258 pregnancies and 1,543 neonates delivered between 24 and 34 weeks of gestation, of which 1,022 (803 single and 219 multiple pregnancies) were exposed to the complete CCS prophylaxis, whereas 236 (192 single and 44 multiple pregnancies) received the incomplete CCS prophylaxis. In single pregnancies, as for maternal characteristics, the most significant differences observed between the two groups are the following: a higher prevalence of spontaneous vaginal deliveries in the incomplete CCS prophylaxis (36.46 vs. 23.91%) and, by contrast, a higher prevalence of cesarean deliveries in the complete CCS prophylaxis group (75.72 vs. 63.02%). As for neonatal outcomes, the low Apgar score in the first and fifth min was significantly more prevalent in the incomplete CCS prophylaxis group compared with the complete CCS prophylaxis group. The group of incomplete CCS prophylaxis reported a higher occurrence of the following outcomes: IVH grade 3-4 (7.81 vs. 3.74%, p < 0.05), PVL (7.29 vs. 1.99% p < 0.05), ROP (23.96 vs. 18.06% p = 0.062), and RDS (84.38 vs. 78.83% p = 0.085). After adjusting for covariates, the complete CCS prophylaxis group in single pregnancies was significantly protective for IVH grade 3-4, PVL, and low Apgar's scores. Similar results were found in multiple pregnancies except for RDS. Discussion: This retrospective single-center cohort study found that, compared with preterm infants treated with 24mg betamethasone in utero, those given half course of betamethasone had a significantly higher prevalence of IVH grade 3-4, PVL, RDS, and lower Apgar scores at 1 and 5 min. In conclusion, the evidence from this single-center retrospective study supports the preference for the complete CCS prophylaxis in women at risk of preterm birth because of its beneficial effect on the main adverse outcomes

    Tattoo removal in the typical adolescent

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although popular tattoos are often regretted later on for different reasons. Nevertheless, tattoo removal is a complicated and costly procedure seldom providing satisfactory results. The aim of this study was to investigate the awareness of the implications of tattoo removal among a substantial sample of Italian secondary school adolescents.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Students were recruited by a stratified convenience sample and surveyed by a self administered questionnaire. Logistic regression analysis was performed, reporting adjusted Odds Ratios (OR), with 95% Confidence Interval (CI).</p> <p>4,277 pupils returned a usable questionnaire. Piercings were more frequently undertaken than tattoos. Only 40% of the respondents were aware of the issues related to tattoo removal. Males and pupils with younger fathers were less likely to be aware, whereas students satisfied with their physical appearance and those with a positive attitude towards body art were more likely to be aware.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Male adolescents with younger fathers can be regarded as the ideal target of corporate health education programs driven by school counsellors and primary care physicians.</p