72 research outputs found

    Spatial and temporal variability in Acacia population dynamics

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 130-141).Variability in fire, herbivory, and climate facilitate the coexistence of trees and grasses in savannas and impact upon savanna structure, which also varies substantially both spatially and temporally. These features can shape savannas at an ecosystem and even at a global scale, but mechanisms for the effects of fire, herbivory, and climate variability on tree cover are often demographic at the tree population level. Sapling growth in particular has repeatedly been shown to be the limiting step, or 'bottleneck', in the establishment of trees in savannas. I set out to investigate how spatial and temporal variability in fire, herbivory, and climate shape population dynamics of a suite of common African savanna trees, the Acacia, in a landscape context. I carried out my field work in Hluhluwe iMfolozi Park in K waZulu Natal, South Africa, during 2006 and 2007. Fire, herbivory, and the grass layer were primary determinants of distributions and co-occurrence of Acacia species

    Pattern Formation in Mesic Savannas

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    We analyze a spatially extended version of a well-known model of forest-savanna dynamics, which presents as a system of nonlinear partial integro-differential equations, and study necessary conditions for pattern-forming bifurcations. Homogeneous solutions dominate the dynamics of the standard forest-savanna model, regardless of the length scales of the various spatial processes considered. However, several different pattern-forming scenarios are possible upon including spatial resource limitation, such as competition for water, soil nutrients, or herbivory effects. Using numerical simulations and continuation, we study the nature of the resulting patterns as a function of system parameters and length scales, uncovering subcritical pattern-forming bifurcations and observing significant regions of multistability for realistic parameter regimes. Finally, we discuss our results in the context of extant savanna-forest modeling efforts and highlight ongoing challenges in building a unifying mathematical model for savannas across different rainfall levels

    Unifying deterministic and stochastic ecological dynamics via a landscape-flux approach

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    We develop a landscape-flux framework to investigate observed frequency distributions of vegetation and the stability of these ecological systems under fluctuations. The frequency distributions can characterize the population-potential landscape related to the stability of ecological states. We illustrate the practical utility of this approach by analyzing a forest-savanna model. Savanna, and Forest states coexist under certain conditions, consistent with past theoretical work and empirical observations. However, a new Grassland state, unseen in the corresponding deterministic model, emerges as an alternative quasi-stable state under fluctuations, providing a novel theoretical basis for the appearance of widespread grasslands in some empirical analyses. The ecological dynamics are determined by both the population-potential landscape gradient and the steady-state probability flux. The flux quantifies the net input/output to the ecological system and therefore the degree of nonequilibriumness. Landscape and flux together determine the transitions between stable states characterized by dominant paths and switching rates. The intrinsic potential landscape admits a Lyapunov function, which provides a quantitative measure of global stability. We find that the average flux, entropy production rate, and free energy have significant changes near bifurcations under both finite and zero fluctuation. These may provide both dynamical and thermodynamic origins of the bifurcations. We identified the variances in observed frequency time traces, fluctuations and time irreversibility as kinematic measures for bifurcations. This new framework opens the way to characterize ecological systems globally, to uncover how they change among states, and to quantify the emergence of new quasi-stable states under stochastic fluctuations

    Dispersal limitation and fire feedbacks maintain mesic savannas in Madagascar

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    Madagascar is regarded by some as one of the most degraded landscapes on Earth, with estimates suggesting that 90% of forests have been lost to indigenous Tavy farming. However, the extent of this degradation has been challenged: paleoecological data, phylogeographic analysis, and species richness indicate that pyrogenic savannas in central Madagascar predate human arrival, even though rainfall is sufficient to allow forest expansion into central Madagascar. These observations raise a question—if savannas in Madagascar are not anthropogenic, how then are they maintained in regions where the climate can support forest? Observation reveals that the savanna–forest boundary coincides with a dispersal barrier—the escarpment of the Central Plateau. Using a stepping-stone model, we show that in a limited dispersal landscape, a stable savanna–forest boundary can form because of fire–vegetation feedbacks. This phenomenon, referred to as range pinning, could explain why eastern lowland forests have not expanded into the mesic savannas of the Central Highlands. This work challenges the view that highland savannas in Madagascar are derived by human-lit fires and, more importantly, suggests that partial dispersal barriers and strong nonlinear feedbacks can pin biogeographical boundaries over a wide range of environmental conditions, providing a temporary buffer against climate change

    Historical and future global burned area with changing climate and human demography

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    Wildfires influence terrestrial carbon cycling and represent a safety risk, and yet a process-based understanding of their frequency and spatial distributions remains elusive. We combine satellite-based observations with an enhanced dynamic global vegetation model to make regionally resolved global assessments of burned area (BA) responses to changing climate, derived from 34 Earth system models and human demographics for 1860–2100. Limited by climate and socioeconomics, recent BA has decreased, especially in central South America and mesic African savannas. However, future simulations predict increasing BA due to changing climate, rapid population density growth, and urbanization. BA increases are especially notable at high latitudes, due to accelerated warming, and over the tropics and subtropics, due to drying and human ignitions. Conversely, rapid urbanization also limits BA via enhanced fire suppression in the immediate vicinity of settlements, offsetting the potential for dramatic future increases, depending on warming extent. Our analysis provides further insight into regional and global BA trends, highlighting the importance of including human demographic change in models for wildfire under changing climate

    Disease and fire interact to influence transitions between savanna-forest ecosystems over a multi-decadal experiment

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    Global change is shifting disturbance regimes that may rapidly change ecosystems, sometimes causing ecosystems to shift between states. Interactions between disturbances such as fire and disease could have especially severe effects, but experimental tests of multi-decadal changes in disturbance regimes are rare. Here, we surveyed vegetation for 35 years in a 54-year fire frequency experiment in a temperate oak savanna-forest ecotone that experienced a recent outbreak of oak wilt. Different fire regimes determined whether plots were savanna or forest by regulating tree abundance (r(2) = 0.70), but disease rapidly reversed the effect of fire exclusion, increasing mortality by 765% in unburned forests, but causing relatively minor changes in frequently burned savannas. Model simulations demonstrated that disease caused unburned forests to transition towards a unique woodland that was prone to transition to savanna if fire was reintroduced. Consequently, disease-fire interactions could shift ecosystem resilience and biome boundaries as pathogen distributions change

    The role of browsers in maintaining the openness of savanna grazing lawns

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    In savannas, ruminant herbivores can have divergent impacts on tree recruitment and subsequent woody cover. Whereas heavy grazing by cattle results in woody thickening, intensive grazing by wildlife instead tends to be associated with lower woody cover. To disentangle why woody cover is low in areas heavily grazed by wildlife, we investigated (a) whether grazing lawns attract indigenous mammalian browsers, and if a preference for short-grass habitat decreases with browser body mass as predator susceptibility decreases; and (b) whether browser attraction to grazing lawns translates into the suppression of woody plants, including seedlings and saplings, thus maintaining the openness of heavily grazed short-grass areas. In Kruger National Park, South Africa, we contrasted browser abundance (using dung counts) on grazing lawns and on low-herbivory sites characterised by tall grass. Additionally, a herbivore exclosure experiment was set up to investigate the combined impact of browser removal and grass height habitat type on seedling survival and sapling growth of a dominant woody plant species. Finally, in Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park (HiP), we examined the long-term (10 years) impact of browser removal on the growth rates of a range of woody species, monitored across ten sites along a gradient of herbivory ranging from grazing lawn to tall grass. Steenbok and impala selected short- over tall grass as preferred browsing sites, while elephant preferred tall grass. Browser abundance on short grass decreased with browser body mass, indicating that predator avoidance might be a key factor driving mesoherbivores to utilise grazing lawns. Seedling survival was lowest on grazing lawns when browsers were present, with mortality occurring in two out of every three seedlings. Similarly, sapling growth was lowest on grazing lawns, although browser removal had no significant effect. Evidence for increased browser impact on grazing lawns was clearest from our long-term herbivore exclosure experiment in HiP, which demonstrated that browsers strongly modify the growth rates of woody plants in short-grass habitats. Synthesis. These results provide support for the hypothesis that browsers, particularly browsing mesoherbivores and mixed feeders, are attracted to short-grass habitats, and that they help maintain grazing lawn openness by suppressing seedling survival and woody plant growth where grass is kept short by grazers.SUPPORTING INFORMATION: Table S1. Proportion short grass calculated as the mean proportion of grass height below 10 cm, recorded at ten sites in HiP (Hluhluwe and iMfolozi Game Reserves). The mean number of grazer dung piles per year (species: buffalo, blue wildebeest, impala, warthog, white rhino and zebra) are shown for each site. Values in brackets represent standard errors.Figure S1. The effect of grass height and exclosure status (fenced vs. unfenced) on tree height gain (mean ± SE). Browsing impact on tree height gain was higher in areas with short grass i.e. browsers utilised trees in short-grass ecosystems more than in tall-grass ecosystems. Results of linear regression analyses are displayed for the unfenced treatment of two dominant woody plant species: a) D. cinerea (R2 = 0.38, p = 0.05) and b) A. nilotica (R2 = 0.44, p = 0.11), and for two woody plant functional types: c) fine-leaved (R2 = 0.33, p = 0.09) and d) broad-leaved (R2 = 0.60, p = 0.02), across 10 sites in Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park for the period 2000-2009.DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT: Data are available from the Dryad Digital Repository https://doi-org.uplib.idm.oclc.org/10.5061/dryad.76hdr7st3 (Voysey et al., 2020).The USAID/NAS program ‘Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research' (sub-grant 2000004946, Cycle 3) and the South African National Research Foundation, Department of Science and Technology, Innovation and Priority Research Masters Scholarship.http://www.wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/jechj2022Plant Production and Soil Scienc

    Disease and fire interact to influence transitions between savanna-forest ecosystems over a multi-decadal experiment.

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    Global change is shifting disturbance regimes that may rapidly change ecosystems, sometimes causing ecosystems to shift between states. Interactions between disturbances such as fire and disease could have especially severe effects, but experimental tests of multi-decadal changes in disturbance regimes are rare. Here, we surveyed vegetation for 35 years in a 54-year fire frequency experiment in a temperate oak savanna-forest ecotone that experienced a recent outbreak of oak wilt. Different fire regimes determined whether plots were savanna or forest by regulating tree abundance (r2  = 0.70), but disease rapidly reversed the effect of fire exclusion, increasing mortality by 765% in unburned forests, but causing relatively minor changes in frequently burned savannas. Model simulations demonstrated that disease caused unburned forests to transition towards a unique woodland that was prone to transition to savanna if fire was reintroduced. Consequently, disease-fire interactions could shift ecosystem resilience and biome boundaries as pathogen distributions change

    Decadal changes in fire frequencies shift tree communities and functional traits

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    Global change has resulted in chronic shifts in fire regimes. Variability in the sensitivity of tree communities to multi-decadal changes in fire regimes is critical to anticipating shifts in ecosystem structure and function, yet remains poorly understood. Here, we address the overall effects of fire on tree communities and the factors controlling their sensitivity in 29 sites that experienced multi-decadal alterations in fire frequencies in savanna and forest ecosystems across tropical and temperate regions. Fire had a strong overall effect on tree communities, with an average fire frequency (one fire every three years) reducing stem density by 48% and basal area by 53% after 50 years, relative to unburned plots. The largest changes occurred in savanna ecosystems and in sites with strong wet seasons or strong dry seasons, pointing to fire characteristics and species composition as important. Analyses of functional traits highlighted the impact of fire-driven changes in soil nutrients because frequent burning favoured trees with low biomass nitrogen and phosphorus content, and with more efficient nitrogen acquisition through ectomycorrhizal symbioses. Taken together, the response of trees to altered fire frequencies depends both on climatic and vegetation determinants of fire behaviour and tree growth, and the coupling between fire-driven nutrient losses and plant traits
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