327 research outputs found

    Why we need to eat milk products?

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    Introduction: The World Health Organization (WHO) defines osteoporosis as a systemic metabolic bone disease, characterized by the reduction of bone mass and deterioration of the micro architecture of the bone tissue. The mineral bone density in adults, an important component of bone resistance, depends on the peak of bone mass acquired and accumulated by 11 to 14-year-old girls and by 13 and 17-year-old boys. Sources: MEDLINE, LILACS, Scielo and PUBmed were searched for relevant Portuguese, English and spanish- language article. Objectives: This article revises the properties of calcium, the risk factors for osteoporosis as well as the various physiological and nutritional factors that may intervene in the bioavailability of calcium. Results: As a result, patients should be oriented about food rich in calcium and their daily needs. Agood bone formation is considered one of the most efficient ways to prevent osteoporosis in old age

    Quality characteristics of Longissimus dorsi muscle from Bos indicus animals treated with vitamin D3

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    Muitas técnicas são empregadas para melhorar a maciez da carne de bovinos. A mais recente usa a vitamina D3, que tem importância na mobilização do cálcio e na ativação das proteases cálcio-dependentes (mi- e m-calpaína). Neste estudo, 36 machos castrados (Nelore) foram suplementados por via oral com quatro níveis de vitamina D3 (0, 3, 6 e 9 milhões de UI de vitamina D3 animal-1 dia-1) durante os 10 dias que antecederam o abate. Após o abate foram medidos a força de cisalhamento e perdas por cozimento (aos dias 1, 8 e 15 de maturação), pH, concentração de minerais no plasma sangüíneo e no músculo Longissimus dorsi, além de análise sensorial de amostras. Não houve (P >; 0.05) efeito da dose de vitamina D3 na concentração de minerais no plasma sangüíneo e no músculo, nas perdas por evaporação, e na suculência estimada pela análise sensorial. As menores perdas (totais e por gotejamento) foram em resposta à dose 6 × 10(6) UI an-1 dia-1 . A dose controle resultou na menor força de cisalhamento (FC), que tendeu a ser menor quanto maior o tempo de maturação. A dose 3 × 10(6) UI an-1 dia-1 afetou positivamente as características de maciez, sabor e aceitação global. A suplementação com elevadas doses de vitamina D3 não melhorou as características qualitativas do músculo Longissimus dorsi (contra-filé) de animais Nelore (Bos indicus).Among several techniques to improve beef tenderness, vitamin D3, important for calcium mobilization, has recently been developed as an alternative. It acts on the intracellular calcium-dependent proteases (mu- and m-calpain). Ten days prior to slaughter, 36 Nelore steers were fed 0, 3, 6 and 9 million IU of supplemental vitamin D3 (D3) per animal per day (an-1 d-1). Animals were slaughtered and tenderness (shear force), cooking losses (1, 8 and 15 days of aging), sensory evaluation, and minerals in blood plasma and muscle (Longissimus dorsi) were measured. There were no differences (P >; 0.05) among treatments for blood plasma and muscle mineral concentration, evaporation losses, and sensory juiciness. For drip and total loss, the smallest losses were for the 6 × 10(6) IU an-1 d-1 treatment. The control treatment resulted in lowest shear force and aging also tended to lower resistance to shearing. The 3 × 10(6) IU an-1 d-1 treatment had a positive effect on tenderness, flavor and overall palatability. High levels of supplemental D3 did not improve the quality characteristicsof Longissimus dorsi muscle from Bos indicus animals


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    The collapse of a mining dam with 62 million cubic meters of mud in the Rio Doce basin resulted in the destruction of whole communities and large areas of the Atlantic Forest. As forest restoration activities are among the most costly conservation strategies, prioritization of restoration efforts is crucial. In the present article, this study mapped priority areas for forest recovery in a portion of the Rio Doce Basin (DO1) using a GIS-based (geographic information system) multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) employing the weighted linear combination (WLC) method. Five factors with different weights were taken into consideration according to their level of importance: distance from the drainage network, distance from the native vegetation patches, slope, soil class and precipitation. A map of priority areas was produced in which 1.73% of the area was classified as very high priority for forest recovery, while 5.18% of the area was classified as high priority, 57.88% as medium priority, 1.34% as low priority and 0.00% as very low priority. The highest weights were attributed to the distance from the drainage network and the distance from native vegetation, revealing that areas of permanent preservation and those closer to forest fragments are priority areas for forest recovery. MCDA is a flexible and easy-to-implement method which generates maps with suitable solutions for forest recovery. The chosen approach can be replicated in regions that require support for decision making in environmental planning, such as the Pantanal biome, which is under considerable process of deforestation for the expansion of pastures.The collapse of a mining dam with 62 million cubic meters of mud in the Rio Doce basin resulted in the destruction of whole communities and large areas of Atlantic Forest. As forest restoration activities are among the most costly conservation strategies, prioritization of restoration efforts is crucial. In the present article, we mapped priority areas for forest recovery in a portion of the Rio Doce Basin (DO1) using a GIS-based (geographic information system) multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) employing the weighted linear combination (WLC) method. Five factors with different weights were taken into consideration according to their level of importance: distance from the drainage network, distance from the native vegetation patches, slope, soil class and precipitation. A map of priority areas was produced where 1.73% of the area was classified as very high priority for forest recovery, while 5.18% of the area was classified as high priority, 57.88% as medium priority, 1.34% as low priority and 0.00% as very low priority. The highest weights were both for the distance from the drainage network and the distance from native vegetation, revealing that areas of permanent preservation and those closer to forest fragments are priority areas for forest recovery. MCDA is a flexible and easy-to-implement method generating maps with suitable solutions for forest recovery. The approach taken can be replicated in regions that require support for decision making in environmental planning, such as the Pantanal biome, which is under considerable pressure from deforestation for the expansion of pastures

    Dietary Pattern and Macronutrients Profile on the Variation of Inflammatory Biomarkers: Scientific Update

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    It is known that the dietary pattern and macronutrients profile may influence the expression and secretion of inflammatory biomarkers, and the low-grade inflammation is associated with the manifestation of noncommunicable chronic diseases. Therefore, this review aimed to present and discuss the role of dietary patterns and macronutrients on the variation of inflammatory markers related to NCD risk. Scientific evidences within the last five years based on clinical trials, case-controls, cohorts, and cross-sectional studies indicate that normocaloric, carbohydrate-moderated, low-glycemic index, protein-moderated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acid-rich, omega-3, and low-saturated fat diets display positive effects on the inflammatory state, both in healthy individuals and in those with cardiovascular risk, although the second group seems to benefit more from changes in the dietary profile


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    O objetivo do estudo foi descrever o perfil das crianças bem como dos atendimentos em consulta de puericultura e de saúde do escolar realizada pelo enfermeiro. Pesquisa descritiva e exploratória, a partir de dados secundários, utilizando formulário de registro de consultas referentes ao ano de 2017, da disciplina de enfermagem em Puericultura, Criança e Adolescente Sadios, do curso de Enfermagem da Unioeste, campus de Cascavel, Paraná, a partir de matriz de coleta de dados elaborada para o estudo. Os dados foram analidados com estatística descritiva. As crianças avaliadas na puericultura tiveram média de peso, estatura e perímetro cefálico adequado para idade; a amamentação exclusiva, se manteve até o quarto mês de vida da criança. Na avaliação de pré-escolares e escolares, o índice de massa corpórea variou entre 14 kg/m2 e 17kg/m2; a acuidade visual média foi 0,7 pelo teste de Snellen; a pressão arterial foi mais elevada nos adolescentes de 13 a 15 anos de idade; a alimentação inadequada foi o diagnóstico de enfermagem mais frequente. O estudo demonstrou que as consultas do Enfermeiro abrangeram ações de avaliação e educação em saúde, com repercussão na promoção da saúde e prevenção de agravos às crianças e adolescentes

    Flora da Bahia: Typhaceae

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    We present a floristic survey of Typhaceae from Bahia State, Brazil, as a contribution to the knowledge of the Flora of the State. Two species are recognized in the genus Typha: T. domingensis and T. latifolia. We present a key to distinguish the species, descriptions and general comments for the taxa, illustrations and distribution map of species in Bahia.É apresentado o levantamento florístico de Typhaceae da Bahia, Brasil, como contribuição ao conhecimento da flora do Estado. São reconhecidas duas espécies de Typha: T. domingensis e T. latifolia. É apresentada uma chave para diferenciar as espécies, além de descrições e comentários gerais para os táxons, ilustrações e mapa de distribuição das espécies na Bahia

    Sexuality and Persons with Down Syndrome. A Study from Brazil

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    In recent years, important gains and changes have been observed in the life of teenagers with Down syndrome (DS) with increased inclusion into society. This review will discuss adolescence and sexuality in teenagers with DS from a descriptive study of 50 patients with DS between the ages of 10 and 20 years. The mean age was 13.5 years, 50% females; 86% went to school with 62.2% in school for over six years. Of the patients that attended school, 60% went to special education school and only 10% read and wrote correctly. In an evaluation of autonomy, 66% took showers, 78% performed their physiological needs, 77% intimate hygiene and 76% oral hygiene without help. 42% affirmed being able to do anything that is asked; 22% perform all tasks in the home; 10% felt they were incapable of doing anything and 4% used public transportation without help. 42% of the teenagers masturbated, 24% on a daily basis, 75% in private, and 25% in a public location. 42% had already kissed at a mean age of 12.9 years, mean age of the partner 16.1 years; 26.8% of these partners had DS. 82% found themselves attractive and 33% would not change anything in their appearance. We found that they presented normal development in the exercise of their sexuality, but with important difficulties in their autonomy and difficulties in school, needing careful interventions to make their social interaction the best possible. Their pubertal development was normal and they were satisfied with their body image with future perspectives of working, finding a partner, and living a normal life of getting married and having children

    Características clínicas e desfechos de casos incidentes de COVID-19 em adultos não vacinados com fibrose cística no sul do Brasil : estudo prospectivo de coorte realizado durante o primeiro ano da pandemia de COVID-19

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    Objective: There is still limited information on the clinical characteristics and outcomes of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients with COVID-19 in Brazil. The objective of this study was to describe the cumulative incidence of COVID-19 in CF patients, as well as their clinical characteristics and outcomes. Methods: This was a prospective cohort study involving unvaccinated adult CF patients and conducted during the first year of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in the city of Porto Alegre, in southern Brazil. The clinical course of the disease was rated on the WHO Ordinal Scale for Clinical Improvement. The primary outcome was the number of incident cases of COVID-19. Results: Between April 30, 2020 and April 29, 2021, 98 CF patients were included in the study. Seventeen patients were diagnosed with COVID-19. For the CF patients, the annual cumulative incidence of COVID-19 was 17.3%, similar to that for the general population, adjusted for age (18.5%). The most common symptoms at diagnosis of COVID-19 were cough (in 59%), dyspnea (in 53%), fatigue (in 53%), and fever (in 47%). Only 6 (35%) of the patients required hospitalization, and 3 (17.6%) required oxygen support. Only 1 patient required mechanical ventilation, having subsequently died. Conclusions: During the first year of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in southern Brazil, the cumulative incidence rate of COVID-19 was similar between CF patients and the general population. More than 50% of the CF patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection had a mild clinical presentation, without the need for hospital admission, and almost the entire sample recovered completely from the infection, the exception being 1 patient who had advanced lung disease and who died.Objetivo: Ainda não há informações suficientes sobre as características clínicas e desfechos de pacientes com fibrose cística (FC) e COVID-19 no Brasil. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a incidência cumulativa de COVID-19 em pacientes com FC, bem como suas características clínicas e desfechos. Métodos: Estudo prospectivo de coorte com adultos com FC não vacinados, realizado na cidade de Porto Alegre, no sul do Brasil, durante o primeiro ano da pandemia de SARS-CoV-2. A evolução clínica da COVID-19 foi avaliada por meio da WHO Ordinal Scale for Clinical Improvement (escala ordinal de evolução clínica, elaborada pela OMS). O desfecho primário foi o número de casos incidentes de COVID-19. Resultados: Entre 30 de abril de 2020 e 29 de abril de 2021, 98 pacientes com FC foram incluídos no estudo. Dezessete pacientes receberam diagnóstico de COVID-19. Nos pacientes com FC, a incidência cumulativa anual de COVID-19 foi de 17,3%, semelhante à observada na população geral, ajustada pela idade (18,5%). Os sintomas mais comuns no momento do diagnóstico de COVID-19 foram tosse (em 59%), dispneia (em 53%), fadiga (em 53%) e febre (em 47%). Apenas 6 (35%) dos pacientes necessitaram de hospitalização, e 3 (17,6%) necessitaram de suporte de oxigênio. Apenas 1 paciente necessitou de ventilação mecânica e, posteriormente, morreu. Conclusões: Durante o primeiro ano da pandemia de SARS-CoV-2 no sul do Brasil, a taxa de incidência cumulativa de COVID-19 foi semelhante nos pacientes com FC e na população geral. Mais de 50% dos pacientes com FC e infecção por SARS-CoV-2 apresentaram manifestações clínicas leves, sem necessidade de internação hospitalar, e quase toda a amostra se recuperou completamente da infecção, à exceção de 1 paciente, que apresentava doença pulmonar avançada e morreu

    Down Syndrome and Sexuality

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    In recent years important gains and changes have been observed in the life of teenagers with Down syndrome (DS) with increased inclusion into society. This chapter will discuss adolescence and sexuality in teenagers with DS from a descriptive study of 50 patients with DS between the ages of 10 and 20 years. The mean age was 13.5 years, 50% females. 86% went to school with 62.2% in school for over six years. Of the patients that attended school, 60% went to special education school and only 10% read and wrote correctly. In evaluation of autonomy, 66% took shower, 78% performed their physiological needs, 77% intimate hygiene and 76% oral hygiene without help. 42% affirmed being able to do anything that is asked; 22% perform all tasks in the home; 10% felt they were incapable of doing anything and 4% used public transportation without help. 42% of the teenagers masturbated, 24% on a daily basis, 75% in private, and 25% in a public location. 42% had already kissed at a mean age of 12.9 years, mean age of the partner 16.1 years; 26.8% of these partners had DS. 82% found themselves attractive and 33% would not change anything in their appearance. We found that they presented normal development in the exercise of their sexuality, but with important difficulties in their autonomy and difficulties in school, needing careful interventions in order to make their social interaction the best possible. Their pubertal development was normal and they were satisfied with their body image with future perspectives of working, finding a partner and living a normal life getting married and having children