164 research outputs found

    Mineral profile and resilience to low water provision of white and black chickpea varieties (Cicer arietinum)

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    Legumes are of great importance for agriculture and the environment due to their ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen, providing important amounts of minerals, and vitamins, being are an excellent option for a balanced diet (Geraldo et al., 2022). Among the most consumed legumes worldwide, chickpeas (Cicer arietinum) have gained evidence in these past decades, through increased individual production, intercropping with other crops, and formulation of food products, thus improving the resilience of agroecosystems at lower environmental costs (Saget et al., 2020). However, the exploitation of traditional chickpea varieties, such as the black chickpea, has been overlooked, and the recovery of under-exploited traditional varieties could contribute to foster biodiversity, promote environmental sustainability and diversify diets. However, current knowledge on the nutritional profile of commercial and traditional chickpea varieties and their resilience to environmental stresses, such as water scarcity, is very limited, being the focus of this work.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Differential responses of Kabuli and Desi chickpeas (Cicer arietinum) to low water provision and their mineral profiling

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    Legume grains are of great importance for agriculture and the environment due to their ability to symbiotically fix atmospheric nitrogen and provide protein, minerals, vitamins, and other bioactive nutrients (Geraldo et al., 2022). Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) is one of the most consumed legumes worldwide and it has gained even more importance in recent decades. Production levels have increased, their incorporation as intercrops has been promoted, and they have been used in the formulation of novel food products (Saget et al., 2020). Nonetheless, the exploitation of traditional chickpea varieties, such as the Desi type (black coloured chickpea), has been overlooked, and the recovery of under-exploited traditional varieties could contribute to fostering biodiversity, and promoting environmental sustainability and diversifying diets. However, current knowledge on the nutritional profile of commercial and traditional chickpea varieties and their resilience degree to environmental stresses, such as water scarcity, is limited, thus being the focus of this work.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Desempenho das larvas de Anastrepha obliqua (Diptera, Tephritidae) alimentadas com dietas artificiais

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    Fruit flies of the genus Anastrepha Schiner, 1868 are well-known for having economical importance since they damage commercially cultivated fruits. Nutritional demands during the immature and adult stages are different, so the larvae do not develop well using the same diet as the adults. Although the insect basic nutritional needs are well-known, there is also the challenge to elaborate rearing diets adequate to species with specific needs. The aim of this study was to determine the effect on the Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart, 1835) larvae performance of different kinds and amounts of carbohydrates in the diet. Larvae were individually reared until pupation in test tubes containing one of the artificial diets to be tested. The basic composition of the diets to be tested included 2.5 g agar, 3.25 g brewer's yeast and several different amounts of flour and sucrose. The suitability of the artificial diet for A. obliqua was tested evaluating the larvae and pupae survival (%) and the larvae, pupae and larvae-adults periods of development. The diet containing flour (2 g) and sucrose (2 g) and the diet containing only sucrose (5.5 g) have shown the best results regarding larval performance. All tested diets presented similar or superior results as compared to diets used in other studies. The importance of flour and its nutritional value for the larvae was discussed.Moscas das frutas do gênero Anastrepha Schiner, 1868 são conhecidas por sua importância econômica devido aos danos que elas causam nos frutos comerciais. As exigências nutricionais dos estágios imaturo e adulto são diferentes e as larvas não se desenvolvem bem utilizando a mesma dieta do adulto. Embora as necessidades nutricionais básicas dos insetos sejam bem conhecidas, existe ainda o problema de elaborar dietas de criação adequadas para espécies com necessidades específicas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o efeito de diferentes tipos e quantidades de carboidratos na dieta sobre a performance larval de Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart, 1835). Larvas foram criadas individualmente em tubos de ensaio contendo uma das dietas artificiais a serem testadas onde elas foram mantidas até a pupação. A composição básica das dietas testadas incluia 2,5 g de agar, 3,25 g de levedo de cerveja e quantidades variadas de sacarose e farinha de trigo. A adequação do meio artificial para A. obliqua foi testada pela avaliação da sobrevivência larval e pupal (%) e o tempo de desenvolvimento larval, pupal e de larva-adulto. A dieta contendo farinha de trigo (2 g) e sacarose (2 g) e a dieta somente com sacarose (5,5 g) foram as que apresentaram melhor performance larval. Todas as dietas testadas apresentaram resultados similares ou superiores às dietas utilizadas em outros trabalhos. A importância da presença da farinha de trigo e seu valor nutricional para as larvas são discutidos

    Ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of APA Pandeiros: A Perspective from a Decade of Research in an Environmental Protection Area in the Cerrado-Caatinga Transition

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    Habitat transformation and species loss bring enormous environmental damage, whereas establishing protected areas promotes more sustainable use of environmental resources through biodiversity conservation. In this study, we aimed to point out gaps in ant knowledge and provide a species checklist that contributes to biodiversity conservation in the transition areas between Cerrado and Caatinga biomes, constantly threatened by land use changes. This checklist integrates data from previous studies developed at “Área de Proteção Ambiental do Rio Pandeiros” (APA Pandeiros), Minas Gerais, Brazil, involving ant diversity and their contribution to ecological processes accessed and described in the studies. We showed and discussed how authors managed and provided information regarding methodologies and habitats sampled. We listed 143 ant species formally named. Pheidole, Camponotus and Cephalotes were the most speciose genera, with more than ten species each. Among ants involved in ecological processes, 40 are linked to diaspore removal (part of seed dispersal) and 30 to carcass interaction (part of the decomposition process). Unbaited pitfall traps, epigeic stratum and Cerrado sensu stricto, were the top sampling method, stratum, and habitats among ant studies. We presented proposals for the best management and integration of data from surveys in APA Pandeiros (e.g., sharing the results of the studies with the APA managers, creating a database, and the local community). These surveys are fundamental for understanding biodiversity and ecological processes and provide valuable information to conservation biology. Therefore, neglecting the importance of the Cerrado-Caatinga transition can lead to irreparable setbacks for scientific knowledge and biodiversity

    Specificity and sensitivity comparative study between phage PVP-S1 and monoclonal antibody as receptor in polydiacetylene vesicles for Salmonella colorimetric detection

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    Polydiacetylene polymer (PDA) has been intensively studied because of its properties as colour change from blue to red and change from non-fluorescent to fluorescent form due to an external stimulus that lead to a reorientation of the PDA within the organized structure. External stimulus could be temperature, pH, solvent influence, bacteria presence, mechanical stresses and others (Oliveira et al., 2012). Pires et al. (2010) support the hypothesis that such phenomena occurred due to conformational changes associated with the functional group rotation around the simple carbon-carbon bond present in PDA chains. When the backbones of PDA conjugated polymer chains are perturbed, the delocalized π-network induces changes in electronic absorption and emission properties (Huo et al., 1999). For a particular colour change, it is possible to incorporate a compound in the polydiacetylene carboxyl groups that will work as a specific receptor for the bacteria detection. This technology can be used for the detection of pathogens and thus is important to avoid food contamination once the standard technology demands long time and people trained. The selection of the receptor used in the PDA is the first critical step to develop a biosensor with improved selectivity, selectivity and stability. For this reason, the aim of this study was to make a comparative study between two recognition molecules: phage PVP-S1 (Santos et al., 2011) and a monoclonal antibody in the PDA sensor for the detection of Salmonella. Antibodies lack specificity, poor separation efficiency and sensitivity. Phages are extremely specific, withstand harsh environments, are economically and easily produced, show high stability during storage and thus present potential for bacterial detection. Overall the selection of the recognition molecule that show the best features is important to develop a simple and rapid sensor for the industry and consumer’s life. The specificity of the sensor was proven by using Staphylococus aures and Escherichia coli as gram-positive and gram-negative controls, respectively

    Massive right atrial myxoma presenting as syncope and exertional dyspnea: case report

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    Primary heart neoplasms are rare occurring with an estimated incidence of 0.0017-0.19%. Myxoma is the most prevalent primary heart tumor. The right atrium is an unusual localization, occurring only in 15-20% of myxoma cases. We report a rare case of a massive right atrial myxoma causing tricuspid valve obstruction and presenting as syncope and exertional dyspnea. This case illustrates the influence of myxoma's size, position and mobility as well as patient's body posture and respiration to the development of signs and symptoms. Three-dimensional echocardiography proved useful in surgery planning, allowing a better definition of the tumor outline and attachment

    Persistência da sindrome metabólica em crianças e adolescentes com excesso de peso de acordo com dois críterios diagnósticos: Um estudo longitudinal.

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    Objective: To investigate the persistence of the metabolic syndrome (MS) in children and adolescents are overweight according to the diagnostic criteria of the World Health Organization (WHO) and National Cholesterol Education Panel Adult Treatment Program- III (NCEP / ATP III). Methods: A longitudinal study was conducted at the Center for Childhood Obesity between April/2009 and April/2012, involving 133 children and adolescents are overweight. The evaluation was made at first and after 24 months of follow up, anthropometry being performed, then the nutritional classification and diagnosis of MS which was subsequently divided into three groups: negative, intermittent and and persistent MS. Descriptive and agreement between the two criteria and also between groups analysis was performed using the Kappa index, using SPSS version 17.0 (95% CI). Results: Among those evaluated, the majority were female (60.9%), and adolescent with severe obesity. Among the components of metabolic syndrome, fasting glucose, blood pressure levels and insulin resistance were reduced in the period. There was no significant correlation between the diagnostic criteria, although it has seen significant coincidence in the group with persistent metabolic syndrome (p = 0.002). Conclusion: A significant similarity between the criteria of WHO and NCEP/ATPIII only in the group with persistent SM, demonstrating sensitivity of the tests, but the use of more specific markers for this age group it is necessary to identify the early SM.Objetivo: Verificar a persistência da síndrome metabólica (SM) em crianças e adolescentes com excesso de peso de acordo com os critérios diagnósticos da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) e do National Cholesterol Education Program- Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP/ATP III). Métodos: Estudo longitudinal, realizado no Centro de Obesidade Infantil de abril/2009 a abril/2012, envolvendo 133 crian- ças e adolescentes com excesso de peso. A avaliação se deu em um primeiro momento e após 24 meses de seguimento, sendo realizada antropometria, seguida da classificação nutricional e diagnóstico da SM que foi, posteriormente, dividida em três grupos: SM negativa, intermitente e persistente. A análise descritiva e de concordância entre os dois critérios e também entre os grupos se deu através do índice de Kappa, no programa SPSS versão 17.0 (IC95%). Resultados: Entre os avaliados, a maioria era do sexo feminino (60,9%), adolescente e cursava com obesidade acentuada. Dentre os componentes da síndrome metabólica, a glicemia de jejum, os níveis pressóricos e a resistência insulínica sofreram redução no período. Não foi verificada concordância significativa entre os critérios diagnósticos, embora tenha se observado coincidência significativa no grupo que apresentou a síndrome metabólica persistente (p=0,002). Conclusão: Verificou-se semelhança significativa entre os critérios da OMS e NCEP/ATPIII apenas no grupo com persistência da SM, demonstrando sensibilidade dos testes, porém faz-se necessário a utilização de marcadores mais específicos a essa faixa etária a fim de identificar precocemente a SM


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    This research aimed to determine population structure and physiological condition of Hoplias malabaricus in the Capibaribe river (PE), northeastern Brazil. Monthly sampling were carried out between September/2013 and August/2014, using gill nets. The sex was identified by macroscopic and microscopic viewing of gonads, following the classification proposed by Vazzoler (1996). The specimens were distributed in length classes, being applied Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to evaluate the presence of sexual dimorphism. The length-weight relationship was calculated assessing differences through Kruskal Wallis test and physiological condition was calculated through allometric condition factor (K) between sexes, being applied the Spearman correlation test. Was collected 30 males and 42 females. No sexual dimorphism was observed relative to the size. Was observed positive allometric growth for females and negative for males. Was evidenced physiological condition variations along the year regarding seasonality. Population structure and physiological condition of the Hoplias malabaricus differed from that found in other environments, being this research, an important tool support the development of future management plans and conservation of Hoplias malabaricus, especially in this region.Keywords: population dynamics; fishing; reproduction.Esta pesquisa objetivou determinar a estrutura populacional e condição fisiológica de Hoplias malabaricus no rio Capibaribe (PE), nordeste brasileiro. Foram realizadas coletas mensais entre setembro/2013 e agosto/2014, utilizando redes de espera. O sexo foi identificado pela visualização macroscópica e microscópica das gônadas, seguindo a classificação proposta por Vazzoler (1996). Os indivíduos foram distribuídos entre classes de comprimento, sendo aplicado teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov para verificar a presença de dimorfismo sexual. A relação peso-comprimento entre sexos foi calculada, avaliando diferenças pelo teste Kruskal-Wallis e a condição fisiológica foi avaliada pelo fator de condição alométrico (K) entre sexos, sendo aplicado teste de correlação de Spearman. Foram coletados 30 machos e 42 fêmeas, não sendo observado dimorfismo sexual relativo ao tamanho. Além disto, verificou-se um crescimento alométrico positivo para as fêmeas e negativo para os machos. Também foram evidenciadas variações na condição fisiológica ao longo do ano em relação à sazonalidade. A estrutura populacional e condição fisiológica de Hoplias malabaricus diferiram do encontrado em outros ambientes, sendo este estudo uma importante ferramenta para embasar o desenvolvimento de futuros planos de manejo e conservação de Hoplias malabaricus, especialmente nesta região.Palavras-chave: dinâmica populacional, pesca, manejo de recursos pesqueiros