205 research outputs found

    Avaluant l'eficàcia de la formació basada en noves tecnologies

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    L'eficàcia de la formació de treballadors d'empreses espanyoles basat en la utilització de noves tecnologies, o eLearning, davant del clàssic aprenentatge presencial, ha estat avaluat per un grup d'investigadors de la UAB, que a més ha creat un model per a l'avaluació general de la transferència de formació. Aquesta recerca sembla indicar que el més adequat seria combinar els dos recursos i no centrar-se únicament en la formació eLearning, que hauria de ser utilitzada de forma més responsable i racional pels responsables de les empreses.La eficacia de la formación de trabajadores de empresas españolas basado en la utilización de nuevas tecnologías, o eLearning, ante el clásico aprendizaje presencial, ha sido evaluado por un grupo de investigadores de la UAB, que además ha creado un modelo para la evaluación general de la transferencia de la formación. Esta investigación indica que lo más adecuado sería combinar los dos recursos y no centrarse únicamente en la formación eLearning, que debería ser utilizada de forma más responsable y racional por los responsables de las empresas

    Training transfer evaluation in the public administration of Catalonia : the MEVIT factors model

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    The current research highlights the need to find alternative ways to measure learning transfer by means of diagnosis of barriers and facilitators of training effectiveness (Baldwin & Ford, 1988 [1]; Noe, 1988 [2]; Pineda et al., 2010 [3]; Quesada et al., 2011 [4]). We developed the MEVIT model, a 40 items, 5-point Likert scale questionnaire measurings the factors affecting learning transfer. Our sample consisted of 458 employees of the Public Administration of Catalonia -PAC-. After an exploratory factor analysis, the results showed "motivational elements" as being the most valued factor by participants in training, with an average of 4.49 out of 5 s. The least significant factors are related to the "work context" (3.73), followed by the "elements of control over transfer opportunities" (3.74). The study provides a reliable tool to measure what facilitates and what hinders learning transfer and, therefore, the areas of improvement for an efficient and cost-effective training in the PA

    Pautes de format per a la creació d'instruments de recollida de dades

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    Aquest document es pot fer servir com a model o plantilla dels apartats que ha de tenir qualsevol instruments o tècnica de recollida de dades. Ajuda a la persona que ho necessita a identificar els apartats clau i quina informació posar-hi per no deixar-nos res

    Llistat d'auto-avaluació de l'informe d'una recerca en context d'aula

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    El checklist o llistat d'auto-avaluació ofereix una sèrie d'elements per a verificar que aspectes bàsics d'un informe de recerca (en context d'aula) es compleixen. Cal que s'ajustin alguns elements a les demandes específiques de l'assignatura o professorat però la idea és tenir una base sobre apartats, subapartats, i elements mínims a tenir present. Està pensat per treballs que mostrin el resum d'una recerca realitzada en context d'una assignatura en estudis de ciències de l'educació però es pot adaptar a les necessitats específiques de cadascú

    Estudio experimental comparado de marcadores bioquímicos en la infección por Fasciola hepatica y F. gigantica

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    Fascioliasis is caused by the genetically and phenotypically very close Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica. The latter, always considered secondary in human infection, appears nowadays increasingly involved in human endemic areas of Africa and Asia. Unfortunately, little is known about the pathogenicity of this liver fluke species, mainly due to difficulties assessing the moment of a patient's infection in the anamnesis and in the differential diagnosis with F. hepatica. This is the first experimental study comparing F. hepatica and F. gigantica in a long-term study of up to 24 weeks with genotypically and phenotypically standardised fluke strains in the same animal model host, the Guirra sheep breed susceptible to both species. Serum biochemical parameters of liver damage (aspartate aminotransferase AST, alanine aminotransferase ALT, γ-glutamyl transferase GGT, total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase AP), serum electrolytes (calcium, chloride, phosphore), protein metabolism (creatinine, blood urea nitrogen), plasma proteins (albumin, total proteins), carbohydrate metabolism (glucose, amylase), hepatic lipid metabolism (total cholesterol, triglycerides) and inflammation (C-reactive protein), were analysed on a biweekly basis as morbidity indicators. Serum anti-Fasciola IgG, coproantigen and egg shedding were simultaneously followed up. DNA sequencing of rDNA ITS-2 and ITS-1 and mtDNA cox1 and nad1, as well as the morphometric study by CIAS, showed the two fasciolid strains used to fit respective standard species characteristics. Results demonstrated that F. gigantica is more pathogenic than F. hepatica, mostly due to its bigger size. Fasciola gigantica shows a delayed development of 1-2 weeks regarding both biliary phase and beginning of egg laying, with the respective consequences on the biochemical marker profile modifications in both the acute and chronic periods. A review on the physiopathogenicity by F. gigantica compared to that by F. hepatica is made. A biochemical marker baseline for human infection by F. gigantica is proposed to help physicians and health officers in F. gigantica human endemic areas.Fascioliasis is caused by the genetically and phenotypically very close Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica. The latter, always considered secondary in human infection, appears nowadays increasingly involved in human endemic areas of Africa and Asia. Unfortunately, little is known about the pathogenicity of this liver fluke species, mainly due to difficulties assessing the moment of a patient's infection in the anamnesis and in the differential diagnosis with F. hepatica. This is the first experimental study comparing F. hepatica and F. gigantica in a long-term study of up to 24 weeks with genotypically and phenotypically standardised fluke strains in the same animal model host, the Guirra sheep breed susceptible to both species. Serum biochemical parameters of liver damage (aspartate aminotransferase AST, alanine aminotransferase ALT, γ-glutamyl transferase GGT, total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase AP), serum electrolytes (calcium, chloride, phosphore), protein metabolism (creatinine, blood urea nitrogen), plasma proteins (albumin, total proteins), carbohydrate metabolism (glucose, amylase), hepatic lipid metabolism (total cholesterol, triglycerides) and inflammation (C-reactive protein), were analysed on a biweekly basis as morbidity indicators. Serum anti-Fasciola IgG, coproantigen and egg shedding were simultaneously followed up. DNA sequencing of rDNA ITS-2 and ITS-1 and mtDNA cox1 and nad1, as well as the morphometric study by CIAS, showed the two fasciolid strains used to fit respective standard species characteristics. Results demonstrated that F. gigantica is more pathogenic than F. hepatica, mostly due to its bigger size. Fasciola gigantica shows a delayed development of 1-2 weeks regarding both biliary phase and beginning of egg laying, with the respective consequences on the biochemical marker profile modifications in both the acute and chronic periods. A review on the physiopathogenicity by F. gigantica compared to that by F. hepatica is made. A biochemical marker baseline for human infection by F. gigantica is proposed to help physicians and health officers in F. gigantica human endemic areas

    Càlcul de Pingüins. Pràctica de mostreig probabilístic

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    L'activitat dels pingüins és un recurs docent amb aproximació manipulativa al mostreig probabilístic. Permet, de manera lúdica i manipulativa, aproximar-nos a un tema complex i abstracte com és el mostreig probabilísti

    Mejora del Tiempo de Operatividad de Camiones Volquetes en Proyectos de Mantenimiento Vial, utilizando Teoría de Confiabilidad en un Sistema Simulado

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo es brindar una propuesta de mejora para el tiempo de operatividad de una flota de camiones volquetes mediante la presentación de diferentes escenarios a través de la aplicación de la Teoría de Confiabilidad en un Sistema Simulado. Para lograr este objetivo se realizó un diagnóstico de la situación actual de los camiones volquetes mediante un estudio de análisis de fallas, con la finalidad de aplicar la teoría de confiabilidad para proponer escenarios alternativos que cumplan con el objetivo de la investigación; mejorar el tiempo de operatividad de la flota. Se ha probado la hipótesis que si se aplica la teoría de confiabilidad en un sistema simulado de la flota de camiones volquetes, entonces es posible mejorar el tiempo de operatividad de la flota. La metodología empleada fue no experimental, exploratoria y descriptiva.The main objective of this paper is to provide an improvement proposal for the uptime of a fleet of dump trucks by presenting different scenarios through the application of the Theory of Reliability on a simulated system. To achieve this objective, a diagnosis of the current situation of dump trucks was made by a fault analysis study, in order to apply reliability theory to propose alternative scenarios that meet the objective of the investigation; improve the uptime of the fleet. Has tested the hypothesis that if the theory of reliability in a simulated fleet of dump trucks system is applied, then it is possible to improve the uptime of the fleet. The methodology used was not experimental, exploratory and descriptive. Keywords: Reliability, Simulation, Maintenance.Tesi

    El 'grupo de trabajo' como método innovador de formación del profesorado para potenciar la transferencia del aprendizaje

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    El 'Grupo de Trabajo' (G-T) es una estrategia de organización del trabajo basada en los principios del aprendizaje cooperativo (Johnson y Johnson, 1989), efectiva para la adquisición del aprendizaje y para su transferencia al puesto de trabajo en contextos formativos (Moreno, 2009). Se creó un sistema de evaluación para la formación del profesorado de la Comunidad de Navarra, y se puso en práctica mediante un plan piloto, enfatizando el análisis de los G-T. Se utilizaron dos herramientas de evaluación: una encuesta de satisfacción (173 casos) y una encuesta de autoevaluación del G-T (16 grupos). Los resultados mostraron que los G-T fueron valorados positivamente, generando un elevado aprendizaje y una moderada transferencia. Además, esta metodología integraba numerosos factores considerados clave en la efectividad de la formación (motivación, autonomía, etc.)The "Working-Group" (W-G) is a strategy of organizing work based on the principles of the cooperative learning (Johnson & Johnson, 1989), effective to acquire both learning and transfer to the job in training contexts (Moreno, 2009). It was created an evaluation system for all the teacher training programs in the region of Navarre, and putting it into practice as a pilot way, emphasizing the W-G analysis. Two assessment tools were used: a satisfaction survey (173 cases)and a group self-evaluation survey (16 WG). Results showed that W-G were positively valued, generated learning and were moderately transfered to the work. Moreover, this methodology integrated several factors which in the literature are considered as key for training (motivation, autonomy, among others)

    Evaluation of Happy Sport, an Emotional Education Program for Assertive Conflict Resolution in Sports

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    Background: Interpersonal conflicts occur in any kind of social relation, including the field of sports. Proper emotional management can improve athletes’ well-being, coexistence, and performance. This study presents the initial results of the gamified emotional education program Happy Sport in a sample of athletes in the field of non-formal education. Methods: The study sample consists of 194 athletes from the benjamín and alevín categories (3rd- to 6th-grade primary school children). A quasi-experimental pre-intervention and post-intervention design with a control group is followed using the Games and Emotions Scale (GES), Social Support Scale, Emotion Regulation Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents (ERQ-CA), and Bullying in Sports Questionnaire. Results: Statistically significant differences were found across participants in the experimental group between the pre- and post-intervention evaluations for the variables satisfaction and bullying. An analysis of the competencies related to emotion regulation revealed significant results for the experimental group for both scales (cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression). Conclusions: The results show that after a training session with the gamified software Happy Sport, children’s satisfaction increased and bullying levels decreased. Changes in cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression may also be explained by the training received

    The well-fit for the FET model : understanding training transfer factors in Spain

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    Learning transfer evaluation is a necessary process for practitioners to assess the effectiveness of training, and the outcomes of training produces in workers' behaviors. In this paper, we explore an alternative way to evaluate transfer: through the study of transfer facilitators and barriers. Our aim is to validate the Factors to Evaluate Transfer (FET) model in a large sample of Spanish employees using confirmatory factor analysis. We applied the Spanish version of the FET scale to a sample of 2,745 Spanish workers of public service institutions and private companies. The results show a seven-factor model as the best choice according to the adjustment indices presented in the paper. We obtained a shorter version of the instrument, with adequate construct validity as well as good reliability and internal consistency. This model is a step forward in the measurement of indirect transfer and allows keeping working on the FET model to diagnosis transfer factors and increase the probabilities of higher learning transfer levels.L'avaluació de la transferència de l'aprenentatge és un procés necessari perquè els professionals avaluïn l'eficàcia de la formació i els seus resultats en els treballadors. Aquest article explora una forma alternativa d'avaluar la transferència: a través de l'estudi de facilitadors i obstacles de la transferència. L'objectiu és validar el model FET (factors per avaluar la transferència), en una mostra de treballadors espanyols amb una anàlisi factorial confirmatòria. Es va aplicar l'escala FET en espanyol a una mostra de 2.745 treballadors espanyols de l'Administració pública i l'empresa privada. Els resultats mostren un model de set factors com la millor opció sobre la base dels índexs d'ajust presentats en l'article. Vam obtenir una versió més reduïda de l'instrument, amb una validació de constructe adequada, així com una bona fiabilitat i consistència interna. Aquest model és un pas endavant en la mesura de la transferència indirecta i permet seguir treballant en el model FET per utilitzar-lo com a diagnosi de factors de transferència i augmentar la probabilitat de nivells més alts de transferència de l'aprenentatge.La evaluación de la transferencia del aprendizaje es un proceso necesario para que los profesionales evalúen la eficacia de la formación y sus resultados en los trabajadores. Este artículo explora una forma alternativa de evaluar la transferencia: a través del estudio de facilitadores y obstáculos de la transferencia. Su objetivo es validar el modelo FET (factores para evaluar la transferencia), en una muestra de empleados españoles con un análisis factorial confirmatorio. Se aplicó la escala FET en español a una muestra de 2.745 trabajadores españoles de la Administración pública y la empresa privada. Los resultados muestran un modelo de siete factores como la mejor opción sobre la base de los índices de ajuste presentados en el artículo. Obtuvimos una versión más reducida del instrumento, con una validación de constructo adecuada, así como una buena fiabilidad y consistencia interna. Este modelo es un paso adelante en la medición de transferencia indirecta y permite seguir trabajando en el modelo FET para usarlo como diagnóstico de factores de transferencia y aumentar la probabilidad de mayores niveles de transferencia del aprendizaje