701 research outputs found

    The brand as value production: from the trademark to designation of origin of wines from the Douro Demarcated Region

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    ES: A fines del siglo XIX surgen las marcas comerciales modernas, después de la creación del marco legal para su protección y el nacimiento de grandes empresas comerciales. En el sector vitivinícola portugués hubo una fuerte adhesión de las empresas al re-gistro de marcas como defensa contra las prácticas de "uso indebido de indicaciones de procedencia falsas", en un contexto de conversión postfiloxérica, de un mercado inestable y la proliferación de imitaciones y falsificaciones. El sector comercial se apropiaría de la marca en su identificación con la Denominación de Origen, lo que llevó a la aparición, a principios del siglo XX, de un movimiento liderado por las élites de la Región Demarcada del Duero en el sentido del reconocimiento y defensa legal de la marca regional Porto. En este artículo nos centraremos en tres fincas históricas -Senhora da Ribeira, Bomfim y Zimbro- y en las marcas comerciales, etiquetas y marcas de fuego de Silva & Cosens, una de las compañías de comercio de vino del Duero más respetadas a principios del siglo XX. Intentaremos comprender cómo la compañía creó marcas comerciales con una fuerte identificación con la Re-gión Duriense, la región que produce sus vinos.Palabras clave: vino de Oporto, marca comercial, Denominación de Origen, Región Demarcada del Duero.Introduction In the Alto Douro region, the oldest demarcated and regulated region in the world, with shale soils, vineyard cultivation dates to Roman times, having developed progressively in the fo-llowing centuries. From the 11th to 13th centuries there was an expansion of the vineyard. And as soon as the 17th century, English, Flemish and Dutch traders settled in Oporto, dedicating themselves to the export of Douro wines.While the export of wines to England increases, the first conf licts between producers and mer-chants erupt, leading to the Constitution of the Companhia Geral da Agricultura das Vinhas do Alto Douro by Royal Charter, in 1756, accompanied by the demarcation of the producing region (see Pereira, 1996: 180-188; Pereira, 2010b: 10-16). The law of 7th December 1865, the result of an intense and prolonged debatebetween free traders and protectionists on the wine sector issue, established a regime of freedom of trade that would end only in 1907. During this period, all regulatory mechanisms were abolished: the demarcation was eliminated, as well as the restriction of the port bar of Porto for the export of Douro wines and the supervision and certification of wines.At the end of the 19th century, modern commercial brands emerged after the creation of the legal framework for their protection and the birth of large commercial companies. On the other hand, the commercial sector would eventually take ownership of the brand, na-mely in its identification with the designation of origin, leading to the emergence at the be-ginning of the 20th century of a movement led by prominent landowners and personalities from the Douro Region aiming to recognition and creation of legal mechanisms to defend the regional brand of Porto.At the end of the 19th century, modern commercial brands emerged after the crea-tion of the legal framework for their protection and the birth of large commercial companies. In the Portuguese wine sector, there was a strong adhesion of companies to the registration of trademarks as a defense against practices of "abusive use of false or misleading indications of provenance", in a context of post-phylloxera re-conversion, market instability and the proliferation of imitations and counterfeits. The commercial sector took ownership of the brand in its identification with the designation of origin, leading to the emergence at the beginning of the 20th century of a movement led by prominent personalities from the Douro Region in the sense of creation of legal mechanisms to defend the regional brand of Portwine. We will analyze three historical quintas (estates) - Senhora da Ribeira, Bomfim and Zimbro - and the marks (brands, labels and fire marks) of Silva & Cosens, the "most respec-table" company in the Douro wine trade in the early 20th century. We aim to undes-rtand how this company created trademarks with a strongly identifying character with the Douro Demarcated Region, the producing region of its wines

    Observed classroom quality in first grade: associations with teacher, classroom, and school characteristics

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    The observation and assessment of quality of teacher–child interactions in elementary school settings are increasingly recognized as important; however, research is still very limited in European countries. In this study, we examined the quality of the interactions between teacher and children in first-grade classrooms in Portugal and the extent to which structural features at teacher-,classroom-, and school-level explained variation in this quality. One hundred fifteen classrooms participated in the study. Classrooms were observed through a standardized rating scale concerning emotional, organizational, and instructional support. Results indicated that the levels of emotional and organizational support in most classrooms were of moderate quality, but the levels of instructional support were low, suggesting that most observed activities did not encourage students’ higher-order thinking skills. An examination of the associations between teacher and classroom characteristics and the quality of teacher–child interactions indicated a small effect for teacher education. Teachers with an advanced degree were more likely to be more emotionally sensitive and to have better instructional interactions in the classroom. For school-level characteristics, findings showed that the classrooms in private and smaller schools were likely to provide higher levels of emotional, organizational, and instructional quality. The results suggest that focusing on the interactions between teacher and children can provide valuable information to enhance classroom quality.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Helping Clients Victimized by Intimate Partners Through Stages of Change: An Emotion-Focused Approach

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    Intimate partner violence results in extensive negative mental health outcomes including depression, posttraumatic stress, and anxiety. Moreover, victimized partners who experience cumulative episodes of abuse over time can also present severe affect dysregulation and interpersonal difficulties. Preliminary evidence for existing psychological treatments shows that these are globally effective on a symptomatic level and in reducing revictimization. Nonetheless, systematic reviews show high attrition rates and suggest that future interventions need to address a wider range of emotional difficulties and contextual challenges according to readiness for change. In this article, our goal is to contribute to the development of more responsive interventions that are tailored to individual experiences of violence with a focus on personal values, self-determination, and autonomy, as well as promoting adaptive coping and safety. More specifically, we describe how the intervention principles and experiential tasks of a neohumanistic model, emotion-focused therapy, can be integrated into a mediating readiness for change framework to help victimized clients receiving psychological treatment. We address four main problematic contentaffective states that may hinder the therapeutic progress (interrupting fear of change, decisional pain, overwhelming safety concerns, and long-term interpersonal injuries), their association with stages of change, and how they can be resolved insession using emotion-focused principles and interventions. The implications for future research are also discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    2-Phenoxyethanol derivatization in ink dating determination

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    Abstract in proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century, held at Egas Moniz’ University Campus in Monte de Caparica, Almada, from 3–5 June 2019.This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliação do estado nutricional, dos hábitos alimentares e da probabilidade de exposição a micotoxinas na alimentação infantil: contributo do estudo-piloto efetuado na USF Cidadela, Cascais

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    Objetivo: O estudo-piloto realizado na USF Cidadela, Cascais tem como objetivo a avaliação do estado nutricional, dos hábitos alimentares e da probabilidade de exposição a contaminantes na alimentação infantil. Neste trabalho serão apresentados os resultados da 1ª fase do estudo, caracterização nutricional de uma população de crianças, com idades entre os 0 e 3 anos de idade, da USF Cidadela, Cascais.O Projeto MycoMix é financiado por Fundos Nacionais através da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (PTDC/DTP-FTO/0417/2012)

    O papel do território na competitividade das microempresas

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    Mestrado em Economia e Gestão do TerritórioNum contexto de globalização a redução do ciclo de vida dos produtos obriga a que as empresas, para sobreviverem no mercado, adoptem uma postura cada vez mais competitiva. Flexibilidade e inovação constituem o suporte fundamental da sua posição competitiva.No caso das microempresas, dadas as suas características, que à partida se afiguram desvantajosas, tornase ainda mais pertinente compreender de que forma podem sobreviver no mercado global. A definição do posicionamento da empresa passa pela análise dos factores que lhe permite atingir uma boa performance competitiva. Estes factores têm como elemento central a inovação, mas as características particulares de enquadramento de cada empresa, principalmente a sua forma de inserção no território, conduzem a diferentes perspectivas da forma como esta inovação pode ser gerada, o que nos leva a colocar a questão: o grau de sucesso das microempresas está relacionado com o seu modo de inserção no território? Para responder a esta questão orientámos o nosso trabalho no sentido de analisar os determinantes da competitividade, para em seguida nos concentrarmos sobre os aspectos territoriais dessa mesma competitividade, domínio em que emerge a relevância das redes que se estabelecem entre os diversos intervenientes. Pretendemos assim esclarecer se na presença de redes de mercado e de fácil acesso aos factores avançados de competitividade as empresas alcançam padrões elevados de inovação e se, com isso, obtêm maior sucesso competitivo do que as empresas que operam de forma isolada não fomentando grandes relações com o seu meio envolvente. Esta análise conduz-nos também à verificação da diferenciação territorial dos determinantes da competitividade. Com base num inquérito efectuado a empresas que se candidataram ao Regime de Incentivos às Microempresas analisámos de que modo a performance competitiva das empresas em estudo é afectada pela forma como se inserem no território.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relatório da prática de ensino supervisionada em educação pré-escolar: a pertinência da literatura infantil no processo de aprendizagem

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    O presente relatório final corresponde à exposição do trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito da prática de ensino supervisionada (PES), no contexto de creche e jardim-de-infância, para a aquisição de grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar. Este apresenta especial enfoque na prática investigativa denominada “A pertinência da literatura infantil no processo de aprendizagem” desenvolvida em ambos os contextos, e que tem como principal objetivo, compreender a importância da literatura infantil no processo de aprendizagem, mais concretamente, os contributos da literatura infantil na abordagem aos diferentes domínios curriculares e ainda, a compreensão e exposição de diferentes formas de exploração de histórias para a infância. Ao longo deste relatório pretendo assim, demonstrar a importância da exploração da literatura infantil, através do conto e exploração de histórias/poemas, enquanto instrumento capaz de promover o desenvolvimento de diferentes competências, assim como a exploração dos diferentes domínios curriculares; Abstract: "The relevance of children's literature in the learning process" This is the final report on work carried out as part of supervised teaching practice (Prática de Ensino Supervisionada - PES) at a nursery and a kindergarten, for a master's degree in Pre-school Education. It focuses on the research work entitled "The relevance of children's literature in the learning process" carried out in both contexts. The principal aim of this research was to provide an understanding of the importance of children's literature in the learning process, specifically: the role children's literature plays in the different curricular areas, and an examination and presentation of the different ways of exploiting stories for children. In this report I seek to demonstrate the importance of the exploitation of children's literature through the reading and use of stories and poems, an instrument which enables the development of different skills, as well as the exploitation of different curricular areas

    Caracterização genética da raça bovina barrosã : Estudos de genética bioquímica, familiar e populacional

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Ecologia Aplicada apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Port

    BSA-based sample clean-up columns for ochratoxin A determination in wine: method development and validation

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    Analytical chromatographic techniques for mycotoxins control are well established, but they often depend on costly immunoaffinity sample clean-up. Serum albumins, particularly that from bovine origin (BSA), have stable binding affinity towards some mycotoxins, and can be cheaper alternative receptors for sample clean-up due to their wide availability. Thus, this work used BSA immobilized in agarose beads as a novel solid-phase extraction method for quantification of ochratoxin A (OTA) in wine. Constructed BSA-agarose columns could extract OTA efficiently from red wine after its dilution (4-fold) in 0.1 M Tris pH 8.0. The method was linear (R2=0.9999) in the OTA concentration range studied (0.05 to 3.0 g L-1), with recovery rates above 98%. It also showed low detection (0.017 g L-1) and quantification (0.051 g L-1) limits. The efficacy of the BSA-based method was further validated by direct comparison with commercial immunoaffinity columns. Portuguese wines analyzed by both methods had agreeing results.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Scienceand Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469 unit and COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684)and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. Luís Abrunhosawas supported by grant UMINHO/BPD/51/2015 from project UID/BIO/04469/2013 financed by FCT/MEC (OE). Carla Oliveira was sup-ported by the FCT grant SFRH/BPD/110640/2015.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliação de práticas linguístico-textuais

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    FRH/BPD/111234/2015 UID/LIN/03213/2013 UIDB/03213/2020 UIDP/03213/2020This paper presents an evaluation proposal on text-linguistic practices in different contexts of the advertisement activity, supported by Socio-Discursive Interactionism (SDI, Bronckart, 2008, 1999) and Social Semiotics’ (Kress & van Leeuwen, 2006) theoretical frameworks. Focusing on important theoretical issues that embrace the Saussurean tradition for both SDI and Social Semiotics, like sign notion and the importance of the sociocultural contexts on text interpretation, we will analyse multimodal texts from advertisement activity and show how text and linguistic organization is relevant for the comprehension of these texts. Finally, we will propose three evaluation categories or strategies specifically for the advertisement multimodal text: thematic, interactive and design.publishersversionpublishe