348 research outputs found

    In-situ procjena zidanih svodova: Dinamička ispitivanja i numerička analiza

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    This paper concerns the structural identification of historical masonry buildings with reference to a case study, which is discussed in detail. The building is located in Southern Italy (Lecce). It has an ancient vaulted roof that is complex and commonly found in old masonry structures. This study takes advantage of extensive historical and structural investigations of the building. Preliminary activities have been conducted to obtain information about the current state of the structure including the geometry, morphology, structural details, material properties, prior interventions, and existing damage. This process was supported by an historical investigation into the conceptual background and construction methods used to build the structure. After the historical investigation, a series of experiments, including dynamic tests, were conducted on a number of the vaults to determine their dynamic response characteristics under operational conditions. A numerical model was also determined. In this paper, the primary dynamic test results and modelling assumptions are reported. Comparisons between numerical and experimental results are discussed.U ovom se članku razmatra konstrukcija jedne kulturno-povijesne zidane zgrade, detaljno obrađena još u jednoj ranijoj studiji. Zgrada se nalazi u Južnoj Italiji (Lecce). Zgrada ima složenu konstrukciju krova, sa svodovima, kakva je česta kod starih zidanih zgrada. U članku se uzimaju u obzir ranija opsežna povijesna i statička istraživanja. Ta ranija istraživanja bila su usmjerena ka dobivanju informacija o prethodnim ispitivanjima te o sadašnjem stanju konstrukcije, uključujući geometrijske karakteristike, oblikovnost, konstruktivne detalje, svojstva materijala i oštećenja zgrade. Pri tome su pomogla i ranija istraživanja o koncepciji i načinu gradnje zgrade. Nakon ovih istraživanja, obavljene su serije ispitivanja, između ostalog i dinamički pokusi na mnogim svodovima da se ustanove svojstva njihovog dinamičkog odziva u uvjetima standardne uporabe. Postavljen je i numerički model. U ovom su članku prikazani rezultati prvih dinamičkih ispitivanja i svojstava modela. Diskutira se odnos rezultata dobivenih numerički i eksperimentalno

    Determinación de la edad y el crecimiento por esclerocronología en la tortuga boba marina Caretta caretta del mar Mediterráneo

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    Skeletochronology was applied to humerus bones to assess the age and growth rates of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) in the Mediterranean Sea. Fifty-five dead turtles with curved carapace lengths (CCL) ranging from 24 to 86.5 cm were collected from the central Mediterranean. Sections of humeri were histologically processed to analyze annual growth marks. Two approaches were used to estimate the somatic growth in the form of a von Bertalanffy growth function. The first approach was based on calculating the total number of growth marks, which corresponds to the age of turtles at death. The second approach estimates the carapace length at old growth marks in order to provide the growth rate of each turtle. The observed individual growth rates ranged from 1.4 to 6.2 cm yr–1, and showed both elevated inter- and intra-individual variability possibly related to the environmental variability experienced by turtles during their lifetime. Both approaches gave similar results and suggest that Mediterranean loggerhead turtles take 14.9 to 28.5 years to reach a CCL of 66.5 to 84.7 cm. This size corresponds to the average size of nesting females found in the most important Mediterranean nesting sites and can be considered the approximate size at maturity.La esclerocronología se aplicaba a los huesos de los húmeros para determinar la edad y las tasas de crecimiento de la tortuga boba Caretta caretta del Mediterráneo. Cincuenta y cinco tortugas bobas muertas de 24 a 86.5 cm de longitud de la curvatura del caparazón (CCL) fueron recogidas del Mediterráneo central. Secciones de los húmeros fueron procesados histológicamente para analizar las marcas anuales de crecimiento. Se aplicaron dos aproximaciones para determinar el crecimiento somático utilizando la función de crecimiento de von Bertalanffy. La primera aproximación se basaba en el número total de marcas de crecimiento, correspondiendo a la edad de las tortugas en el momento de la muerte. La segunda aproximación era una estimación de la longitud del caparazón en las marcas de crecimiento más antiguas, con la intención de saber la tasa de crecimiento de cada tortuga. Las tasas de crecimiento individual observadas, oscilaban entre 1.4 y 6.2 cm año–1, mostrando una elevada diversidad individual intra e interanual, posiblemente ligada a la variabilidad ambiental experimentada por las tortugas bobas durante su vida. Ambas aproximaciones dieron resultados similares y sugieren que la tortuga mediterránea tarda 14.5-28.5 años en alcanzar un tamaño de 66.5-84.7 cm de CCL. Este tamaño corresponde al tamaño medio de las tortugas bobas hembras nidificantes, encontradas en la mayoría de lugares nidificantes del Mediterráneo y puede ser considerado el tamaño aproximado de la madurez

    Age and growth determination by skeletochronology in loggerhead sea turtles (<i>Caretta caretta</i>) from the Mediterranean Sea

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    La esclerocronología se aplicaba a los huesos de los húmeros para determinar la edad y las tasas de crecimiento de la tortuga boba Caretta caretta del Mediterráneo. Cincuenta y cinco tortugas bobas muertas de 24 a 86.5 cm de longitud de la curvatura del caparazón (CCL) fueron recogidas del Mediterráneo central. Secciones de los húmeros fueron procesados histológicamente para analizar las marcas anuales de crecimiento. Se aplicaron dos aproximaciones para determinar el crecimiento somático utilizando la función de crecimiento de von Bertalanffy. La primera aproximación se basaba en el número total de marcas de crecimiento, correspondiendo a la edad de las tortugas en el momento de la muerte. La segunda aproximación era una estimación de la longitud del caparazón en las marcas de crecimiento más antiguas, con la intención de saber la tasa de crecimiento de cada tortuga. Las tasas de crecimiento individual observadas, oscilaban entre 1.4 y 6.2 cm año–1, mostrando una elevada diversidad individual intra e interanual, posiblemente ligada a la variabilidad ambiental experimentada por las tortugas bobas durante su vida. Ambas aproximaciones dieron resultados similares y sugieren que la tortuga mediterránea tarda 14.5-28.5 años en alcanzar un tamaño de 66.5-84.7 cm de CCL. Este tamaño corresponde al tamaño medio de las tortugas bobas hembras nidificantes, encontradas en la mayoría de lugares nidificantes del Mediterráneo y puede ser considerado el tamaño aproximado de la madurez

    Stanislavskij’s Method Improves Personality Aspects in Pre-adolescents

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    In Stanislavskij’s method, emotions are produced through body actions, where the body is the custodian of the actions associated with emotions. This association could improve some aspects of personality. Everyone can feel themselves in an immediate way. Hence, an increased knowledge of emotions and thoughts can improve the relationship with others. In the current study, 74 boys and girls took part in a research to ascertain if participation to a workshop on Stanislavskij’s method can improve some personality aspects, according to the Big Five theory. The workshop was divided into two stages: (1) subjects were invited to tell a story with their body, sounds, and in narration; (2) discovering the places of Carloforte island. The final event was a personal rendering of the experience. The six-month experiment included three weekly meetings of three hours each. On the first day, the BFC was administered to each subject and re-administered on the last day of the experiment. Results showed that Energy, Friendship and Openness factors improve after the workshop. This can be explained by the Stanislavskij’s method enabling subjects to feel emotions and handle conflicts immediately through the body and the use of actions.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp

    Stanislavskij’s Method Improves Personality Aspects in Pre-adolescents

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    In Stanislavskij’s method, emotions are produced through body actions, where the body is the custodian of the actions associated with emotions. This association could improve some aspects of personality. Everyone can feel themselves in an immediate way. Hence, an increased knowledge of emotions and thoughts can improve the relationship with others. In the current study, 74 boys and girls took part in a research to ascertain if participation to a workshop on Stanislavskij’s method can improve some personality aspects, according to the Big Five theory. The workshop was divided into two stages: (1) subjects were invited to tell a story with their body, sounds, and in narration; (2) discovering the places of Carloforte island. The final event was a personal rendering of the experience. The six-month experiment included three weekly meetings of three hours each. On the first day, the BFC was administered to each subject and re-administered on the last day of the experiment. Results showed that Energy, Friendship and Openness factors improve after the workshop. This can be explained by the Stanislavskij’s method enabling subjects to feel emotions and handle conflicts immediately through the body and the use of actions.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp

    Stanislavskij’s Method Improves Personality Aspects in Pre-adolescents

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    In Stanislavskij’s method, emotions are produced through body actions, where the body is the custodian of the actions associated with emotions. This association could improve some aspects of personality. Everyone can feel themselves in an immediate way. Hence, an increased knowledge of emotions and thoughts can improve the relationship with others. In the current study, 74 boys and girls took part in a research to ascertain if participation to a workshop on Stanislavskij’s method can improve some personality aspects, according to the Big Five theory. The workshop was divided into two stages: (1) subjects were invited to tell a story with their body, sounds, and in narration; (2) discovering the places of Carloforte island. The final event was a personal rendering of the experience. The six-month experiment included three weekly meetings of three hours each. On the first day, the BFC was administered to each subject and re-administered on the last day of the experiment. Results showed that Energy, Friendship and Openness factors improve after the workshop. This can be explained by the Stanislavskij’s method enabling subjects to feel emotions and handle conflicts immediately through the body and the use of actions.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp

    Stanislavskij’s Method Improves Personality Aspects in Pre-adolescents

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    In Stanislavskij’s method, emotions are produced through body actions, where the body is the custodian of the actions associated with emotions. This association could improve some aspects of personality. Everyone can feel themselves in an immediate way. Hence, an increased knowledge of emotions and thoughts can improve the relationship with others. In the current study, 74 boys and girls took part in a research to ascertain if participation to a workshop on Stanislavskij’s method can improve some personality aspects, according to the Big Five theory. The workshop was divided into two stages: (1) subjects were invited to tell a story with their body, sounds, and in narration; (2) discovering the places of Carloforte island. The final event was a personal rendering of the experience. The six-month experiment included three weekly meetings of three hours each. On the first day, the BFC was administered to each subject and re-administered on the last day of the experiment. Results showed that Energy, Friendship and Openness factors improve after the workshop. This can be explained by the Stanislavskij’s method enabling subjects to feel emotions and handle conflicts immediately through the body and the use of actions.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp

    As juventudes e as tecnologias: horizontes educacionais

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    The study discusses the different ways of living of the youths in the midst of the cultural learning stimulated by digital technologies, based on the approaches mapped in doctoral thesis produced from 2012 to 2016. It is a hermeneutic-reconstructive research carried out in the portal of the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in the field of education, with the objective of identifying the problems, the dialogues and the challenges on the youths and the digital technologies. It is a question of recognizing the relationships between different perspectives that have come to us since the end of the 20th century, corresponding to the social changes that the media context is provoking in the possibilities of the intercultural dialogue of the youths. The debates about digital culture and its intertwining with the formation of young people feedback the educational processes, in the sense of going beyond instrumental ingenuity, which demands a practical impulse to the intercommunication in the world with the youths.El estudio analiza los diferentes modos de juventud que viven en medio del aprendizaje social y cultural estimulado por las tecnologías digitales, sobre la base de los enfoques mapeados en tesis doctorales producidas entre 2012 y 2016. Se trata de una investigación hermenéutica-reconstructiva realizada en el portal de la Biblioteca Digital Brasileña de tesis y disertaciones en el ámbito de la educación, con el objetivo de identificar los problemas, interlocuciones y desafíos sobre la juventud y Tecnologías digitales. Se trata de reconocer las relaciones entre las diferentes perspectivas que llegan a nuestro encuentro desde finales del siglo XX, correspondientes a los cambios sociales que el contexto mediático está provocando en las posibilidades del diálogo intercultural de los jóvenes. Los debates sobre la cultura digital y su interlafonamiento con la formación de los jóvenes respaldan los procesos educativos, con el fin de ir más allá del ingenio instrumental, que exige un impulso práctico a la intercomunicación en el mundo con la juventud.O estudo discute sobre os diferentes modos de viver das juventudes em meio às aprendizagens sociais e culturais estimuladas pelas tecnologias digitais, tomando por base as abordagens mapeadas em teses de doutorado produzidas de 2012 a 2016. Trata-se de uma pesquisa hermenêutico-reconstrutiva realizada no portal da Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações no campo da educação, com o objetivo de identificar as problemáticas, as interlocuções e os desafios sobre as juventudes e as tecnologias digitais. Trata-se de reconhecer as relações entre diferentes perspectivas que vêm ao nosso encontro desde o final do século XX, correspondendo às mudanças sociais que o contexto midiático está provocando nas (im)possibilidades do diálogo intercultural das juventudes. Os debates sobre a cultura digital e seus entrelaçamentos com a formação dos jovens retroalimentam os processos educacionais, no sentido de ir além da ingenuidade instrumental, o que demanda um impulso prático à intercomunicação no mundo com as juventudes

    Sociedade da transparência

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    A obra é apresentada ao leitor em nove capítulos que vão da sociedade positiva (capítulo 1), passando pelo emaranhado da produção cultural da sociedade da exposição (capítulo 2), seguindo para a sociedade da evidência, sociedade pornográfica, sociedade da aceleração, sociedade da intimidade, sociedade da informação, sociedade do desencobrimento até culminar no capítulo final, sociedade do controle. Trata-se de um livro de bolso com 120 páginas, de linguagem acessível e didática, que retrata os saberes alicerçados na própria natureza política da vida em sociedade. O excesso de positividade da vida reflete um sistema fechado em si mesmo, que impõe o igual e anula o diferente e as contradições nas quais nós vivemos, excluindo a dimensão relacional, contextualizada e crítica dos processos de (re)conhecimento humano