91 research outputs found

    Material quality characterization of CdZnTe substrates for HgCdTe epitaxy

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    Cd1-xZnxTe (CZT) substrates were studied to investigate their bulk and surface properties. Imperfections in CZT substrates affect the quality of Hg1-xCdxTe (MCT) epilayers deposited on them and play a role in limiting the performance of infrared (IR) focal plane arrays. CZT wafers were studied to investigate their bulk and surface properties. Transmission and surface x-ray diffraction techniques, utilizing both a conventional closed-tube x-ray source as well as a synchrotron radiation source, and IR transmission microspectroscopy, were used for bulk and surface investigation. Synchrotron radiation offers the capability to combine good spatial resolution and shorter exposure times than conventional x-ray sources, which allows for high-resolution mapping of relatively large areas in an acceptable amount of time. Information on the location of grain boundaries and precipitates was also obtained. The ultimate goal of this work is to understand the defects in CZT substrates and their effects on the performance and uniformity of MCT epilayers and then to apply this understanding to produce better infrared detectors


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    Microbiota refers to the population of microorganism (bacteria, viruses and fungi) that inhabit the entire gastrointestinal tract, more particularly the colon whose role is to maintain the integrity of the intestinal mucosa and control the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. Alteration in the composition of the gut microbiota is called dysbiosis. Dysbiosis redisposes to inflammatory bowe diseases such ulcerative colitis, Crohn disease and indeterminated colitis. The purpose of this literature review is to elucidate the influence of diet on the composition of the gastrointestinal microbiota in the healthy gut and the role of diet in the development of dysbiosis. The "western diet", in particular a low-fiber high/fat carboydrate diet is one factor that can lead to severe dysbiosis. in contrast, "mediterranean diet" and vegetearian diets that includes abundant fruits, vegetables, olive oil and oily fish are known for their anti-inflammatory effects and could prevent dysbiosis and subsequent inflammatory bowel disease

    Coherent methods in the X-ray sciences

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    X-ray sources are developing rapidly and their coherent output is growing extremely rapidly. The increased coherent flux from modern X-ray sources is being matched with an associated rapid development in experimental methods. This article reviews the literature describing the ideas that utilise the increased brilliance from modern X-ray sources. It explores how ideas in coherent X-ray science are leading to developments in other areas, and vice versa. The article describes measurements of coherence properties and uses this discussion as a base from which to describe partially-coherent diffraction and X-ray phase contrast imaging, with its applications in materials science, engineering and medicine. Coherent diffraction imaging methods are reviewed along with associated experiments in materials science. Proposals for experiments to be performed with the new X-ray free-electron-lasers are briefly discussed. The literature on X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy is described and the features it has in common with other coherent X-ray methods are identified. Many of the ideas used in the coherent X-ray literature have their origins in the optical and electron communities and these connections are explored. A review of the areas in which ideas from coherent X-ray methods are contributing to methods for the neutron, electron and optical communities is presented.Comment: A review articel accepted by Advances in Physics. 158 pages, 29 figures, 3 table

    Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. VII. Understanding the Ultraviolet Anomaly in NGC 5548 with X-Ray Spectroscopy

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    During the Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project observations of NGC 5548, the continuum and emission-line variability became decorrelated during the second half of the six-month-long observing campaign. Here we present Swift and Chandra X-ray spectra of NGC 5548 obtained as part of the campaign. The Swift spectra show that excess flux (relative to a power-law continuum) in the soft X-ray band appears before the start of the anomalous emission-line behavior, peaks during the period of the anomaly, and then declines. This is a model-independent result suggesting that the soft excess is related to the anomaly. We divide the Swift data into on- and off-anomaly spectra to characterize the soft excess via spectral fitting. The cause of the spectral differences is likely due to a change in the intrinsic spectrum rather than to variable obscuration or partial covering. The Chandra spectra have lower signal-to-noise ratios, but are consistent with the Swift data. Our preferred model of the soft excess is emission from an optically thick, warm Comptonizing corona, the effective optical depth of which increases during the anomaly. This model simultaneously explains all three observations: the UV emission-line flux decrease, the soft-excess increase, and the emission-line anomaly

    Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. IX. Velocity–Delay Maps for Broad Emission Lines in NGC 5548

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    In this contribution, we achieve the primary goal of the active galactic nucleus (AGN) STORM campaign by recovering velocity–delay maps for the prominent broad emission lines (Lyα, C iv, He ii, and Hβ) in the spectrum of NGC 5548. These are the most detailed velocity–delay maps ever obtained for an AGN, providing unprecedented information on the geometry, ionization structure, and kinematics of the broad-line region. Virial envelopes enclosing the emission-line responses show that the reverberating gas is bound to the black hole. A stratified ionization structure is evident. The He ii response inside 5–10 lt-day has a broad single-peaked velocity profile. The Lyα, C iv, and Hβ responses extend from inside 2 to outside 20 lt-day, with double peaks at ±2500 km s−1 in the 10–20 lt-day delay range. An incomplete ellipse in the velocity–delay plane is evident in Hβ. We interpret the maps in terms of a Keplerian disk with a well-defined outer rim at R = 20 lt-day. The far-side response is weaker than that from the near side. The line-center delay τ=(R/c)(1sini)5\tau =(R/c)(1-\sin i)\approx 5 days gives the inclination i ≈ 45°. The inferred black hole mass is MBH ≈ 7 × 107 M⊙. In addition to reverberations, the fit residuals confirm that emission-line fluxes are depressed during the "BLR Holiday" identified in previous work. Moreover, a helical "Barber-Pole" pattern, with stripes moving from red to blue across the C iv and Lyα line profiles, suggests azimuthal structure rotating with a 2 yr period that may represent precession or orbital motion of inner-disk structures casting shadows on the emission-line region farther out

    Phylogenetic and functional marker genes to study ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms (AOM) in the environment

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    The oxidation of ammonia plays a significant role in the transformation of fixed nitrogen in the global nitrogen cycle. Autotrophic ammonia oxidation is known in three groups of microorganisms. Aerobic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea convert ammonia into nitrite during nitrification. Anaerobic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (anammox) oxidize ammonia using nitrite as electron acceptor and producing atmospheric dinitrogen. The isolation and cultivation of all three groups in the laboratory are quite problematic due to their slow growth rates, poor growth yields, unpredictable lag phases, and sensitivity to certain organic compounds. Culture-independent approaches have contributed importantly to our understanding of the diversity and distribution of these microorganisms in the environment. In this review, we present an overview of approaches that have been used for the molecular study of ammonia oxidizers and discuss their application in different environments

    Volume III. DUNE far detector technical coordination

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    open966siAcknowledgments This document was prepared by the DUNE collaboration using the resources of the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), a U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, HEP User Facility. Fermilab is managed by Fermi Research Alliance, LLC (FRA), acting under Contract No. DE-AC02-07CH11359. The DUNE collaboration also acknowledges the international, national, and regional funding agencies supporting the institutions who have contributed to completing this Technical Design Report.The preponderance of matter over antimatter in the early universe, the dynamics of the supernovae that produced the heavy elements necessary for life, and whether protons eventually decay-these mysteries at the forefront of particle physics and astrophysics are key to understanding the early evolution of our universe, its current state, and its eventual fate. The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is an international world-class experiment dedicated to addressing these questions as it searches for leptonic charge-parity symmetry violation, stands ready to capture supernova neutrino bursts, and seeks to observe nucleon decay as a signature of a grand unified theory underlying the standard model. The DUNE far detector technical design report (TDR) describes the DUNE physics program and the technical designs of the single- A nd dual-phase DUNE liquid argon TPC far detector modules. Volume III of this TDR describes how the activities required to design, construct, fabricate, install, and commission the DUNE far detector modules are organized and managed. This volume details the organizational structures that will carry out and/or oversee the planned far detector activities safely, successfully, on time, and on budget. It presents overviews of the facilities, supporting infrastructure, and detectors for context, and it outlines the project-related functions and methodologies used by the DUNE technical coordination organization, focusing on the areas of integration engineering, technical reviews, quality assurance and control, and safety oversight. Because of its more advanced stage of development, functional examples presented in this volume focus primarily on the single-phase (SP) detector module.openAbi B.; Acciarri R.; Acero M.A.; Adamov G.; Adams D.; Adinolfi M.; Ahmad Z.; Ahmed J.; Alion T.; Monsalve S.A.; Alt C.; Anderson J.; Andreopoulos C.; Andrews M.; Andrianala F.; Andringa S.; Ankowski A.; Antonova M.; Antusch S.; Aranda-Fernandez A.; Ariga A.; Arnold L.O.; Arroyave M.A.; Asaadi J.; Aurisano A.; Aushev V.; Autiero D.; Azfar F.; Back H.; Back J.J.; Backhouse C.; Baesso P.; Bagby L.; Bajou R.; Balasubramanian S.; Baldi P.; Bambah B.; Barao F.; Barenboim G.; Barker G.; Barkhouse W.; Barnes C.; Barr G.; Monarca J.B.; Barros N.; Barrow J.L.; Bashyal A.; Basque V.; Bay F.; Alba J.B.; Beacom J.F.; Bechetoille E.; Behera B.; Bellantoni L.; Bellettini G.; Bellini V.; Beltramello O.; Belver D.; Benekos N.; Neves F.B.; Berger J.; Berkman S.; Bernardini P.; Berner R.M.; Berns H.; Bertolucci S.; Betancourt M.; Bezawada Y.; Bhattacharjee M.; Bhuyan B.; Biagi S.; Bian J.; Biassoni M.; Biery K.; Bilki B.; Bishai M.; Bitadze A.; Blake A.; Siffert B.B.; Blaszczyk F.; Blazey G.; Blucher E.; Boissevain J.; Bolognesi S.; Bolton T.; Bonesini M.; Bongrand M.; Bonini F.; Booth A.; Booth C.; Bordoni S.; Borkum A.; Boschi T.; Bostan N.; Bour P.; Boyd S.; Boyden D.; Bracinik J.; Braga D.; Brailsford D.; Brandt A.; Bremer J.; Brew C.; Brianne E.; Brice S.J.; Brizzolari C.; Bromberg C.; Brooijmans G.; Brooke J.; Bross A.; Brunetti G.; Buchanan N.; Budd H.; Caiulo D.; Calafiura P.; Calcutt J.; Calin M.; Calvez S.; Calvo E.; Camilleri L.; Caminata A.; Campanelli M.; Caratelli D.; Carini G.; Carlus B.; Carniti P.; Terrazas I.C.; Carranza H.; Castillo A.; Castromonte C.; Cattadori C.; Cavalier F.; Cavanna F.; Centro S.; Cerati G.; Cervelli A.; Villanueva A.C.; Chalifour M.; Chang C.; Chardonnet E.; Chatterjee A.; Chattopadhyay S.; Chaves J.; Chen H.; Chen M.; Chen Y.; Cherdack D.; Chi C.; Childress S.; Chiriacescu A.; Cho K.; Choubey S.; Christensen A.; Christian D.; Christodoulou G.; Church E.; Clarke P.; Coan T.E.; Cocco A.G.; Coelho J.; Conley E.; Conrad J.; Convery M.; Corwin L.; Cotte P.; Cremaldi L.; Cremonesi L.; Crespo-Anadon J.I.; Cristaldo E.; Cross R.; Cuesta C.; Cui Y.; Cussans D.; Dabrowski M.; Motta H.D.; Peres L.D.S.; David Q.; Davies G.S.; Davini S.; Dawson J.; De K.; Almeida R.M.D.; Debbins P.; Bonis I.D.; Decowski M.; Gouvea A.D.; Holanda P.C.D.; Astiz I.L.D.I.; Deisting A.; Jong P.D.; Delbart A.; Delepine D.; Delgado M.; Dell'acqua A.; Lurgio P.D.; Neto J.R.D.M.; Demuth D.M.; Dennis S.; Densham C.; Deptuch G.; Roeck A.D.; Romeri V.D.; Vries J.D.; Dharmapalan R.; Dias M.; Diaz F.; Diaz J.; Domizio S.D.; Giulio L.D.; Ding P.; Noto L.D.; Distefano C.; Diurba R.; Diwan M.; Djurcic Z.; Dokania N.; Dolinski M.; Domine L.; Douglas D.; Drielsma F.; Duchesneau D.; Duffy K.; Dunne P.; Durkin T.; Duyang H.; Dvornikov O.; Dwyer D.; Dyshkant A.; Eads M.; Edmunds D.; Eisch J.; Emery S.; Ereditato A.; Escobar C.; Sanchez L.E.; Evans J.J.; Ewart E.; Ezeribe A.C.; Fahey K.; Falcone A.; Farnese C.; Farzan Y.; Felix J.; Fernandez-Martinez E.; Menendez P.F.; Ferraro F.; Fields L.; Filkins A.; Filthaut F.; Fitzpatrick R.S.; Flanagan W.; Fleming B.; Flight R.; Fowler J.; Fox W.; Franc J.; Francis K.; Franco D.; Freeman J.; Freestone J.; Fried J.; Friedland A.; Fuess S.; Furic I.; Furmanski A.P.; Gago A.; Gallagher H.; Gallego-Ros A.; Gallice N.; Galymov V.; Gamberini E.; Gamble T.; Gandhi R.; Gandrajula R.; Gao S.; Garcia-Gamez D.; Garcia-Peris M.A.; Gardiner S.; Gastler D.; Ge G.; Gelli B.; Gendotti A.; Gent S.; Ghorbani-Moghaddam Z.; Gibin D.; Gil-Botella I.; Girerd C.; Giri A.; Gnani D.; Gogota O.; Gold M.; Gollapinni S.; Gollwitzer K.; Gomes R.A.; Bermeo L.G.; Fajardo L.S.G.; Gonnella F.; Gonzalez-Cuevas J.; Goodman M.C.; Goodwin O.; Goswami S.; Gotti C.; Goudzovski E.; Grace C.; Graham M.; Gramellini E.; Gran R.; Granados E.; Grant A.; Grant C.; Gratieri D.; Green P.; Green S.; Greenler L.; Greenwood M.; Greer J.; Griffith C.; Groh M.; Grudzinski J.; Grzelak K.; Gu W.; Guarino V.; Guenette R.; Guglielmi A.; Guo B.; Guthikonda K.; Gutierrez R.; Guzowski P.; Guzzo M.M.; Gwon S.; Habig A.; Hackenburg A.; Hadavand H.; Haenni R.; Hahn A.; Haigh J.; Haiston J.; Hamernik T.; Hamilton P.; Han J.; Harder K.; Harris D.A.; Hartnell J.; Hasegawa T.; Hatcher R.; Hazen E.; Heavey A.; Heeger K.M.; Hennessy K.; Henry S.; Morquecho M.H.; Herner K.; Hertel L.; Hesam A.S.; Hewes J.; Pichardo A.H.; Hill T.; Hillier S.J.; Himmel A.; Hoff J.; Hohl C.; Holin A.; Hoppe E.; Horton-Smith G.A.; Hostert M.; Hourlier A.; Howard B.; Howell R.; Huang J.; Huang J.; Hugon J.; Iles G.; Iliescu A.M.; Illingworth R.; Ioannisian A.; Itay R.; Izmaylov A.; James E.; Jargowsky B.; Jediny F.; Jesus-Valls C.; Ji X.; Jiang L.; Jimenez S.; Jipa A.; Joglekar A.; Johnson C.; Johnson R.; Jones B.; Jones S.; Jung C.; Junk T.; Jwa Y.; Kabirnezhad M.; Kaboth A.; Kadenko I.; Kamiya F.; Karagiorgi G.; Karcher A.; Karolak M.; Karyotakis Y.; Kasai S.; Kasetti S.P.; Kashur L.; Kazaryan N.; Kearns E.; Keener P.; Kelly K.J.; Kemp E.; Ketchum W.; Kettell S.; Khabibullin M.; Khotjantsev A.; Khvedelidze A.; Kim D.; King B.; Kirby B.; Kirby M.; Klein J.; Koehler K.; Koerner L.W.; Kohn S.; Koller P.P.; Kordosky M.; Kosc T.; Kose U.; Kostelecky V.; Kothekar K.; Krennrich F.; Kreslo I.; Kudenko Y.; Kudryavtsev V.; Kulagin S.; Kumar J.; Kumar R.; Kuruppu C.; Kus V.; Kutter T.; Lambert A.; Lande K.; Lane C.E.; Lang K.; Langford T.; Lasorak P.; Last D.; Lastoria C.; Laundrie A.; Lawrence A.; Lazanu I.; Lazur R.; Le T.; Learned J.; Lebrun P.; Miotto G.L.; Lehnert R.; De Oliveira M.L.; Leitner M.; Leyton M.; Li L.; Li S.; Li S.; Li T.; Li Y.; Liao H.; Lin C.; Lin S.; Lister A.; Littlejohn B.R.; Liu J.; Lockwitz S.; Loew T.; Lokajicek M.; Lomidze I.; Long K.; Loo K.; Lorca D.; Lord T.; Losecco J.; Louis W.C.; Luk K.; Luo X.; Lurkin N.; Lux T.; Luzio V.P.; MacFarland D.; MacHado A.; MacHado P.; MacIas C.; MacIer J.; Maddalena A.; Madigan P.; Magill S.; Mahn K.; Maio A.; Maloney J.A.; Mandrioli G.; Maneira J.C.; Manenti L.; Manly S.; Mann A.; Manolopoulos K.; Plata M.M.; Marchionni A.; Marciano W.; Marfatia D.; Mariani C.; Maricic J.; Marinho F.; Marino A.D.; Marshak M.; Marshall C.; Marshall J.; Marteau J.; Martin-Albo J.; Martinez N.; Caicedo D.A.M.; Martynenko S.; Mason K.; Mastbaum A.; Masud M.; Matsuno S.; Matthews J.; Mauger C.; Mauri N.; Mavrokoridis K.; Mazza R.; Mazzacane A.; Mazzucato E.; McCluskey E.; McConkey N.; McFarland K.S.; McGrew C.; McNab A.; Mefodiev A.; Mehta P.; Melas P.; Mellinato M.; Mena O.; Menary S.; Mendez H.; Menegolli A.; Meng G.; Messier M.; Metcalf W.; Mewes M.; Meyer H.; Miao T.; Michna G.; Miedema T.; Migenda J.; Milincic R.; Miller W.; Mills J.; Milne C.; Mineev O.; Miranda O.G.; Miryala S.; Mishra C.; Mishra S.; Mislivec A.; Mladenov D.; Mocioiu I.; Moffat K.; Moggi N.; Mohanta R.; Mohayai T.A.; Mokhov N.; Molina J.A.; Bueno L.M.; Montanari A.; Montanari C.; Montanari D.; Zetina L.M.M.; Moon J.; Mooney M.; Moor A.; Moreno D.; Morgan B.; Morris C.; Mossey C.; Motuk E.; Moura C.A.; Mousseau J.; Mu W.; Mualem L.; Mueller J.; Muether M.; Mufson S.; Muheim F.; Muir A.; Mulhearn M.; Muramatsu H.; Murphy S.; Musser J.; Nachtman J.; Nagu S.; Nalbandyan M.; Nandakumar R.; Naples D.; Narita S.; Navas-Nicolas D.; Nayak N.; Nebot-Guinot M.; Necib L.; Negishi K.; Nelson J.K.; Nesbit J.; Nessi M.; Newbold D.; Newcomer M.; Newhart D.; Nichol R.; Niner E.; Nishimura K.; Norman A.; Northrop R.; Novella P.; Nowak J.A.; Oberling M.; Campo A.O.D.; Olivier A.; Onel Y.; Onishchuk Y.; Ott J.; Pagani L.; Pakvasa S.; Palamara O.; Palestini S.; Paley J.M.; Pallavicini M.; Palomares C.; Pantic E.; Paolone V.; Papadimitriou V.; Papaleo R.; Papanestis A.; Paramesvaran S.; Parke S.; Parsa Z.; Parvu M.; Pascoli S.; Pasqualini L.; Pasternak J.; Pater J.; Patrick C.; Patrizii L.; Patterson R.B.; Patton S.; Patzak T.; Paudel A.; Paulos B.; Paulucci L.; Pavlovic Z.; Pawloski G.; Payne D.; Pec V.; Peeters S.J.; Penichot Y.; Pennacchio E.; Penzo A.; Peres O.L.; Perry J.; Pershey D.; Pessina G.; Petrillo G.; Petta C.; Petti R.; Piastra F.; Pickering L.; Pietropaolo F.; Pillow J.; Plunkett R.; Poling R.; Pons X.; Poonthottathil N.; Pordes S.; Potekhin M.; Potenza R.; Potukuchi B.V.; Pozimski J.; Pozzato M.; Prakash S.; Prakash T.; Prince S.; Prior G.; Pugnere D.; Qi K.; Qian X.; Raaf J.; Raboanary R.; Radeka V.; Rademacker J.; Radics B.; Rafique A.; Raguzin E.; Rai M.; Rajaoalisoa M.; Rakhno I.; Rakotondramanana H.; Rakotondravohitra L.; Ramachers Y.; Rameika R.; Delgado M.R.; Ramson B.; Rappoldi A.; Raselli G.; Ratoff P.; Ravat S.; Razafinime H.; Real J.; Rebel B.; Redondo D.; Reggiani-Guzzo M.; Rehak T.; Reichenbacher J.; Reitzner S.D.; Renshaw A.; Rescia S.; Resnati F.; Reynolds A.; Riccobene G.; Rice L.C.; Rielage K.; Rigaut Y.; Rivera D.; Rochester L.; Roda M.; Rodrigues P.; Alonso M.R.; Rondon J.R.; Roeth A.; Rogers H.; Rosauro-Alcaraz S.; Rossella M.; Rout J.; Roy S.; Rubbia A.; Rubbia C.; Russell B.; Russell J.; Ruterbories D.; Saakyan R.; Sacerdoti S.; Safford T.; Sahu N.; Sala P.; Samios N.; Sanchez M.; Sanders D.A.; Sankey D.; Santana S.; Santos-Maldonado M.; Saoulidou N.; Sapienza P.; Sarasty C.; Sarcevic I.; Savage G.; Savinov V.; Scaramelli A.; Scarff A.; Scarpelli A.; Schaffer T.; Schellman H.; Schlabach P.; Schmitz D.; Scholberg K.; Schukraft A.; Segreto E.; Sensenig J.; Seong I.; Sergi A.; Sergiampietri F.; Sgalaberna D.; Shaevitz M.; Shafaq S.; Shamma M.; Sharma H.R.; Sharma R.; Shaw T.; Shepherd-Themistocleous C.; Shin S.; Shooltz D.; Shrock R.; Simard L.; Simos N.; Sinclair J.; Sinev G.; Singh J.; Singh V.; Sipos R.; Sippach F.; Sirri G.; Sitraka A.; Siyeon K.; Smargianaki D.; Smith A.; Smith A.; Smith E.; Smith P.; Smolik J.; Smy M.; Snopok P.; Nunes M.S.; Sobel H.; Soderberg M.; Salinas C.J.S.; Soldner-Rembold S.; Solomey N.; Solovov V.; Sondheim W.E.; Sorel M.; Soto-Oton J.; Sousa A.; Soustruznik K.; Spagliardi F.; Spanu M.; Spitz J.; Spooner N.J.; Spurgeon K.; Staley R.; Stancari M.; Stanco L.; Steiner H.; Stewart J.; Stillwell B.; Stock J.; Stocker F.; Stokes T.; Strait M.; Strauss T.; Striganov S.; Stuart A.; Summers D.; Surdo A.; Susic V.; Suter L.; Sutera C.; Svoboda R.; Szczerbinska B.; Szelc A.; Talaga R.; Tanaka H.; Oregui B.T.; Tapper A.; Tariq S.; Tatar E.; Tayloe R.; Teklu A.; Tenti M.; Terao K.; Ternes C.A.; Terranova F.; Testera G.; Thea A.; Thompson J.L.; Thorn C.; Timm S.; Tonazzo A.; Torti M.; Tortola M.; Tortorici F.; Totani D.; Toups M.; Touramanis C.; Trevor J.; Trzaska W.H.; Tsai Y.T.; Tsamalaidze Z.; Tsang K.; Tsverava N.; Tufanli S.; Tull C.; Tyley E.; Tzanov M.; Uchida M.A.; Urheim J.; Usher T.; Vagins M.; Vahle P.; Valdiviesso G.; Valencia E.; Vallari Z.; Valle J.W.; Vallecorsa S.; Berg R.V.; De Water R.G.V.; Forero D.V.; Varanini F.; Vargas D.; Varner G.; Vasel J.; Vasseur G.; Vaziri K.; Ventura S.; Verdugo A.; Vergani S.; Vermeulen M.A.; Verzocchi M.; De Souza H.V.; Vignoli C.; Vilela C.; Viren B.; Vrba T.; Wachala T.; Waldron A.V.; Wallbank M.; Wang H.; Wang J.; Wang Y.; Wang Y.; Warburton K.; Warner D.; Wascko M.; Waters D.; Watson A.; Weatherly P.; Weber A.; Weber M.; Wei H.; Weinstein A.; Wenman D.; Wetstein M.; While M.R.; White A.; Whitehead L.H.; Whittington D.; Wilking M.J.; Wilkinson C.; Williams Z.; Wilson F.; Wilson R.J.; Wolcott J.; Wongjirad T.; Wood K.; Wood L.; Worcester E.; Worcester M.; Wret C.; Wu W.; Wu W.; Xiao Y.; Yang G.; Yang T.; Yershov N.; Yonehara K.; Young T.; Yu B.; Yu J.; Zalesak J.; Zambelli L.; Zamorano B.; Zani A.; Zazueta L.; Zeller G.; Zennamo J.; Zeug K.; Zhang C.; Zhao M.; Zhivun E.; Zhu G.; Zimmerman E.D.; Zito M.; Zucchelli S.; Zuklin J.; Zutshi V.; Zwaska R.Abi B.; Acciarri R.; Acero M.A.; Adamov G.; Adams D.; Adinolfi M.; Ahmad Z.; Ahmed J.; Alion T.; Monsalve S.A.; Alt C.; Anderson J.; Andreopoulos C.; Andrews M.; Andrianala F.; Andringa S.; Ankowski A.; Antonova M.; Antusch S.; Aranda-Fernandez A.; Ariga A.; Arnold L.O.; Arroyave M.A.; Asaadi J.; Aurisano A.; Aushev V.; Autiero D.; Azfar F.; Back H.; Back J.J.; Backhouse C.; Baesso P.; Bagby L.; Bajou R.; Balasubramanian S.; Baldi P.; Bambah B.; Barao F.; Barenboim G.; Barker G.; Barkhouse W.; Barnes C.; Barr G.; Monarca J.B.; Barros N.; Barrow J.L.; Bashyal A.; Basque V.; Bay F.; Alba J.B.; Beacom J.F.; Bechetoille E.; Behera B.; Bellantoni L.; Bellettini G.; Bellini V.; Beltramello O.; Belver D.; Benekos N.; Neves F.B.; Berger J.; Berkman S.; Bernardini P.; Berner R.M.; Berns H.; Bertolucci S.; Betancourt M.; Bezawada Y.; Bhattacharjee M.; Bhuyan B.; Biagi S.; Bian J.; Biassoni M.; Biery K.; Bilki B.; Bishai M.; Bitadze A.; Blake A.; Siffert B.B.; Blaszczyk F.; Blazey G.; Blucher E.; Boissevain J.; Bolognesi S.; Bolton T.; Bonesini M.; Bongrand M.; Bonini F.; Booth A.; Booth C.; Bordoni S.; Borkum A.; Boschi T.; Bostan N.; Bour P.; Boyd S.; Boyden D.; Bracinik J.; Braga D.; Brailsford D.; Brandt A.; Bremer J.; Brew C.; Brianne E.; Brice S.J.; Brizzolari C.; Bromberg C.; Brooijmans G.; Brooke J.; Bross A.; Brunetti G.; Buchanan N.; Budd H.; Caiulo D.; Calafiura P.; Calcutt J.; Calin M.; Calvez S.; Calvo E.; Camilleri L.; Caminata A.; Campanelli M.; Caratelli D.; Carini G.; Carlus B.; Carniti P.; Terrazas I.C.; Carranza H.; Castillo A.; Castromonte C.; Cattadori C.; Cavalier F.; Cavanna F.; Centro S.; Cerati G.; Cervelli A.; Villanueva A.C.; Chalifour M.; Chang C.; Chardonnet E.; Chatterjee A.; Chattopadhyay S.; Chaves J.; Chen H.; Chen M.; Chen Y.; Cherdack D.; Chi C.; Childress S.; Chiriacescu A.; Cho K.; Choubey S.; Christensen A.; Christian D.; Christodoulou G.; Church E.; Clarke P.; Coan T.E.; Cocco A.G.; Coelho J.; Conley E.; Conrad J.; Convery M.; Corwin L.; Cotte P.; Cremaldi L.; Cremonesi L.; Crespo-Anadon J.I.; Cristaldo E.; Cross R.; Cuesta C.; Cui Y.; Cussans D.; Dabrowski M.; Motta H.D.; Peres L.D.S.; David Q.; Davies G.S.; Davini S.; Dawson J.; De K.; Almeida R.M.D.; Debbins P.; Bonis I.D.; Decowski M.; Gouvea A.D.; Holanda P.C.D.; Astiz I.L.D.I.; Deisting A.; Jong P.D.; Delbart A.; Delepine D.; Delgado M.; Dell'acqua A.; Lurgio P.D.; Neto J.R.D.M.; Demuth D.M.; Dennis S.; Densham C.; Deptuch G.; Roeck A.D.; Romeri V.D.; Vries J.D.; Dharmapalan R.; Dias M.; Diaz F.; Diaz J.; Domizio S.D.; Giulio L.D.; Ding P.; Noto L.D.; Distefano C.; Diurba R.; Diwan M.; Djurcic Z.; Dokania N.; Dolinski M.; Domine L.; Douglas D.; Drielsma F.; Duchesneau D.; Duffy K.; Dunne P.; Durkin T.; Duyang H.; Dvornikov O.; Dwyer D.; Dyshkant A.; Eads M.; Edmunds D.; Eisch J.; Emery S.; Ereditato A.; Escobar C.; Sanchez L.E.; Evans J.J.; Ewart E.; Ezeribe A.C.; Fahey K.; Falcone A.; Farnese C.; Farzan Y.; Felix J.; Fernandez-Martinez E.; Menendez P.F.; Ferraro F.; Fields L.; Filkins A.; Filthaut F.; Fitzpatrick R.S.; Flanagan W.; Fleming B.; Flight R.; Fowler J.; Fox W.; Franc J.; Francis K.; Franco D.; Freeman J.; Freestone J.; Fried J.; Friedland A.; Fuess S.; Furic I.; Furmanski A.P.; Gago A.; Gallagher H.; Gallego-Ros A.; Gallice N.; Galymov V.; Gamberini E.; Gamble T.; Gandhi R.; Gandrajula R.; Gao S.; Garcia-Gamez D.; Garcia-Peris M.A.; Gardiner S.; Gastler D.; Ge G.; Gelli B.; Gendotti A.; Gent S.; Ghorbani-Moghaddam Z.; Gibin D.; Gil-Botella I.; Girerd C.; Giri A.; Gnani D.; Gogota O.; Gold M.; Gollapinni S.; Gollwitzer K.; Gomes R.A.; Bermeo L.G.; Fajardo L.S.G.; Gonnella F.; Gonzalez-Cuevas J.; Goodman M.C.; Goodwin O.; Goswami S.; Gotti C.; Goudzovski E.; Grace C.; Graham M.; Gramellini E.; Gran R.; Granados E.; Grant A.; Grant C.; Gratieri D.; Green P.; Green S.; Greenler L.; Greenwood M.; Greer J.; Griffith C.; Groh M.; Grudzinski J.; Grzelak K.; Gu W.; Guarino V.; Guenette R.; Guglielmi A.; Guo B.; Guthikonda K.; Gutierrez R.; Guzowski P.; Guzzo M.M.; Gwon S.; Habig A.; Hackenburg A.; Hadavand H.; Haenni R.; Hahn A.; Haigh J.; Haiston J.; Hamernik T.; Hamilton P.; Han J.; Harder K.; Harris D.A.; Hartnell J.; Hasegawa T.; Hatcher R.; Hazen E.; Heavey A.; Heeger K.M.; Hennessy K.; Henry S.; Morquecho M.H.; Herner K.; Hertel L.; Hesam A.S.; Hewes J.; Pichardo A.H.; Hill T.; Hillier S.J.; Himmel A.; Hoff J.; Hohl C.; Holin A.; Hoppe E.; Horton-Smith G.A.; Hostert M.; Hourlier A.; Howard B.; Howell R.; Huang J.; Huang J.; Hugon J.; Iles G.; Iliescu A.M.; Illingworth R.; Ioannisian A.; Itay R.; Izmaylov A.; James E.; Jargowsky B.; Jediny F.; Jesus-Valls C.; Ji X.; Jiang L.; Jimenez S.; Jipa A.; Joglekar A.; Johnson C.; Johnson R.; Jones B.; Jones S.; Jung C.; Junk T.; Jwa Y.; Kabirnezhad M.; Kaboth A.; Kadenko I.; Kamiya F.; Karagiorgi G.; Karcher A.; Karolak M.; Karyotakis Y.; Kasai S.; Kasetti S.P.; Kashur L.; Kazaryan N.; Kearns E.; Keener P.; Kelly K.J.; Kemp E.; Ketchum W.; Kettell S.; Khabibullin M.; Khotjantsev A.; Khvedelidze A.; Kim D.; King B.; Kirby B.; Kirby M.; Klein J.; Koehler K.; Koerner L.W.; Kohn S.; Koller P.P.; Kordosky M.; Kosc T.; Kose U.; Kostelecky V.; Kothekar K.; Krennrich F.; Kreslo I.; Kudenko Y.; Kudryavtsev V.; Kulagin S.; Kumar J.; Kumar R.; Kuruppu C.; Kus V.; Kutter T.; Lambert A.; Lande K.; Lane C.E.; Lang K.; Langford T.; Lasorak P.; Last D.; Lastoria C.; Laundrie A.; Lawrence A.; Lazanu I.; Lazur R.; Le T.; Learned J.; Lebrun P.; Miotto G.L.; Lehnert R.; De Oliveira M.L.; Leitner M.; Leyton M.; Li L.; Li S.; Li S.; Li T.; Li Y.; Liao H.; Lin C.; Lin S.; Lister A.; Littlejohn B.R.; Liu J.; Lockwitz S.; Loew T.; Lokajicek M.; Lomidze I.; Long K.; Loo K.; Lorca D.; Lord T.; Losecco J.; Louis W.C.; Luk K.; Luo X.; Lurkin N.; Lux T.; Luzio V.P.; MacFarland D.; MacHado A.; MacHado P.; MacIas C.; MacIer J.; Maddalena A.; Madigan P.; Magill S.; Mahn K.; Maio A.; Maloney J.A.; Mandrioli G.; Maneira J.C.; Manenti L.; Manly S.; Mann A.; Manolopoulos K.; Plata M.M.; Marchionni A.; Marciano W.; Marfatia D.; Mariani C.; Maricic J.; Marinho F.; Marino A.D.; Marshak M.; Marshall C.; Marshall J.; Marteau J.; Martin-Albo J.; Martinez N.; Caicedo D.A.M.; Martynenko S.; Mason K.; Mastbaum A.; Masud M.; Matsuno S.; Matthews J.; Mauger C.; Mauri N.; Mavrokoridis K.; Mazza R.; Mazzacane A.; Mazzucato E.; McCluskey E.; McConkey N.; McFarland K.S.; McGrew C.; McNab A.; Mefodiev A.; Mehta P.; Melas P.; Mellinato M.; Mena O.; Menary S.; Mendez H.; Menegolli A.; Meng G.; Messier M.; Metcalf W.; Mewes M.; Meyer H.; Miao T.; Michna G.; Miedema T.; Migenda J.; Milincic R.; Miller W.; Mills J.; Milne C.; Mineev O.; Miranda O.G.; Miryala S.; Mishra C.; Mishra S.; Mislivec A.; Mladenov D.; Mocioiu I.; Moffat K.; Moggi N.; Mohanta R.; Mohayai T.A.; Mokhov N.; Molina J.A.; Bueno L.M.; Montanari A.; Montanari C.; Montanari D.; Zetina L.M.M.; Moon J.; Mooney M.; Moor A.; Moreno D.; Morgan B.; Morris C.; Mossey C.; Motuk E.; Moura C.A.; Mousseau J.; Mu W.; Mualem L.; Mueller J.; Muether M.; Mufson S.; Muheim F.; Muir A.; Mulhearn M.; Muramatsu H.; Murphy S.; Musser J.; Nachtman J.; Nagu S.; Nalbandyan M.; Nandakumar R.; Naples D.; Narita S.; Navas-Nicolas D.; Nayak N.; Nebot-Guinot M.; Necib L.; Negishi K.; Nelson J.K.; Nesbit J.; Nessi M.; Newbold D.; Newcomer M.; Newhart D.; Nichol R.; Niner E.; Nishimura K.; Norman A.; Northrop R.; Novella P.; Nowak J.A.; Oberling M.; Campo A.O.D.; Olivier A.; Onel Y.; Onishchuk Y.; Ott J.; Pagani L.; Pakvasa S.; Palamara O.; Palestini S.; Paley J.M.; Pallavicini M.; Palomares C.; Pantic E.; Paolone V.; Papadimitriou V.; Papaleo R.; Papanestis A.; Paramesvaran S.; Parke S.; Parsa Z.; Parvu M.; Pascoli S.; Pasqualini L.; Pasternak J.; Pater J.; Patrick C.; Patrizii L.; Patterson R.B.; Patton S.; Patzak T.; Paudel A.; Paulos B.; Paulucci L.; Pavlovic Z.; Pawloski G.; Payne D.; Pec V.; Peeters S.J.; Penichot Y.; Pennacchio E.; Penzo A.; Peres O.L.; Perry J.; Pershey D.; Pessina G.; Petrillo G.; Petta C.; Petti R.; Piastra F.; Pickering

    Scintillation light detection in the 6-m drift-length ProtoDUNE Dual Phase liquid argon TPC

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    DUNE is a dual-site experiment for long-baseline neutrino oscillation studies, neutrino astrophysics and nucleon decay searches. ProtoDUNE Dual Phase (DP) is a 6  ×  6  ×  6 m 3 liquid argon time-projection-chamber (LArTPC) that recorded cosmic-muon data at the CERN Neutrino Platform in 2019-2020 as a prototype of the DUNE Far Detector. Charged particles propagating through the LArTPC produce ionization and scintillation light. The scintillation light signal in these detectors can provide the trigger for non-beam events. In addition, it adds precise timing capabilities and improves the calorimetry measurements. In ProtoDUNE-DP, scintillation and electroluminescence light produced by cosmic muons in the LArTPC is collected by photomultiplier tubes placed up to 7 m away from the ionizing track. In this paper, the ProtoDUNE-DP photon detection system performance is evaluated with a particular focus on the different wavelength shifters, such as PEN and TPB, and the use of Xe-doped LAr, considering its future use in giant LArTPCs. The scintillation light production and propagation processes are analyzed and a comparison of simulation to data is performed, improving understanding of the liquid argon properties

    Supernova neutrino burst detection with the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment

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    The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), a 40-kton underground liquid argon time projection chamber experiment, will be sensitive to the electron-neutrino flavor component of the burst of neutrinos expected from the next Galactic core-collapse supernova. Such an observation will bring unique insight into the astrophysics of core collapse as well as into the properties of neutrinos. The general capabilities of DUNE for neutrino detection in the relevant few- to few-tens-of-MeV neutrino energy range will be described. As an example, DUNE's ability to constrain the νe spectral parameters of the neutrino burst will be considered