18 research outputs found

    Cohort study protocol of the Brazilian collaborative research network on COVID-19 : strengthening WHO global data

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    Introduction: with the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals in low-income countries were faced with a triple challenge. First, a large number of patients required hospitalisation because of the infection’s more severe symptoms. Second, there was a lack of systematic and broad testing policies for early identification of cases. Third, there were weaknesses in the integration of information systems, which led to the need to search for available information from the hospital information systems. Accordingly, it is also important to state that relevant aspects of COVID-19’s natural history had not yet been fully clarified. The aim of this research protocol is to present the strategies of a Brazilian network of hospitals to perform systematised data collection on COVID-19 through the WHO platform. Methods and analysis: this is a multicentre project among Brazilian hospitals to provide data on COVID-19 through the WHO global platform, which integrates patient care information from different countries. From October 2020 to March 2021, a committee worked on defining a flowchart for this platform, specifying the variables of interest, data extraction standardisation and analysis. Ethics and dissemination: this protocol was approved by the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) of the Research Coordinating Center of Brazil (CEP of the Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceicao), on 29 January 2021, under approval No. 4.515.519 and by the National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP), on 5 February 2021, under approval No. 4.526.456. The project results will be explained in WHO reports and published in international peer-reviewed journals, and summaries will be provided to the funders of the study

    Use of Fuzzy Logic to demonstrate possibility of health system collapse due to Coronavirus Pandemic / Uso da Lógica Fuzzy para demonstrar a possibilidade de colapso do sistema de saúde devido à pandemia de coronavírus

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    Introduction: At the end of 2019, contamination caused by an unknown virus affected the population of Wuhan, China. The virus, known as SARS-CoV-2, was found to cause flu-like symptoms, such as fever, cough, among others. Objective: using the fuzzy logic method graphically demonstrated the Risk of Collapse of the Health System, with the availability of beds /equipment to increase the number of infected, from the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic. Methods: Modeled a fuzzy system with a Mamdani model, later defined the physical variables of entry (Number of infected people and number of beds/equipment available) and output (Risk of collapse of the health system), then inserted the nine rules and the pertinence functions in the trapezoidal and triangular type graph, generating from this information a three-dimensional graph with the results. Results: From the three-dimensional graph, it can be seen that the results were consistent and demonstrate that countries must prevent the number of infected people from increasing, because when this situation occurs, the risk of collapse of the health system is high due to the unavailability of beds /equipment, in addition, this modeling of fuzzy logic along with the generated three-dimensional graph can be used to demonstrate a health crisis in countries. Conclusion: Concluded that the fuzzy logic technique allows many realistic predictions of possible crises and collapses of the health system, but to obtain good results in it, having the knowledge of what is expected will generate the necessary notion to make the insertion of information accurately in the software

    Jornal mural: educomunicação socioambiental no ensino fundamental

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    The Bulletin Board is one of the environmental educational communication tools, which is an excellent feature in group work. Work on Educommunication associated with Environmental Education are very important, however, there are few studies in this area yet. This study aimed to analyze the possible contributions that the development Bulletin Board offer to the school community. The study was conducted with students from the 6th grade of elementary school of a private school in the city of Ilha Solteira (SP), through extracurricular activities in a project called “Biology Beyond the Island” and developed in partnership with the PROEX-UNESP. We were performed sixteen meetings, during which were discussed topics on environmental issues and proposed different activities, which resulted in material to compose the Bulletin Board. The topics covered were: Scientific Curiosity, Environmental Education, Comments and Opinions, Entertainment, Interviews and Illustrations. According to the data obtained in the meetings, the preparation of the Bulletin Board can contribute positively to the reflections on environmental issues. Both students involved in its production, as the school community can benefit.O jornal mural é uma das ferramentas da educomunicação ambiental, sendo este um recurso de excelência no trabalho em grupo. Trabalhos sobre Educomunicação associados à Educação Ambiental são de grande importância, porém, ainda existem poucos estudos nessa área. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo analisar as possíveis contribuições que a elaboração de Jornais Murais oferecem para a comunidade escolar. O trabalho foi desenvolvido com os alunos do 6º ano do ensino fundamental de uma escola privada situada na cidade de Ilha Solteira (SP), por meio de atividades realizadas em um projeto extraclasse denominado Biologia Muito Além da Ilha e desenvolvido em parceria com a Pró-reitoria de Extensão Universitária da UNESP. Realizou-se dezesseis encontros, durante os quais foram abordados tópicos sobre questões ambientais e propostas atividades diferenciadas, as quais resultaram em materiais para compor o Jornal Mural. Os tópicos trabalhados no jornal mural foram: Curiosidade Científica, Educação Ambiental, Comentários e opiniões, Entretenimento, Entrevistas e Ilustrações. De acordo com os dados obtidos nos encontros, a elaboração do Jornal Mural pode contribuir de forma positiva promovendo reflexões sobre a problemática ambiental. Tanto os alunos envolvidos com a sua confecção quanto os alunos leitores e a comunidade escolar podem ser beneficiados

    Educação ambiental no entorno de unidades de conservação: materiais destinados à formação continuada de educadores ambientais

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    Due to the intensification of environmental problems as a result of inadequate humans attitudes and unsustainable activities in relation to the conservation of ecosystems, it was developed this work. The project is based strengthen environmental education in order to improve the concepts of ecosystem conservation for teachers who live in the surrounding area of the Private Reserve of Natural Patrimony "Foz do rio Aguapeí" (PRNP), located in the western of São Paulo state. The methodology consisted of a survey of data on the biological diversity of this region for the elaboration of teaching materials to assist teachers in this process of environmental awareness. It was chosen this region by the fact that it is a priority area for conservation of biodiversity of the Atlantic Forest, and still not be well known in biological terms. were diagnosed several environmental risks causing problems for the integrity of the PRNP, which are associated with human activities, as well as a diversity of flora and fauna, with endemic species and other threatened with risks of extinction. We use this information from the literature to prepare a booklet and a video that will be presented, in the next step of the project, for teachers and schools located in the municipalities of São João do Pau d'alho, Monte Castelo, Nova Independência and Paulicéia. In this paper we will be presented the methodology and results of the preparation of these teaching materials.Devido à intensificação dos problemas ambientais, em decorrência de posturas e atividades inadequadas e insustentáveis em relação à conservação de ecossistemas, foi elaborado o presente trabalho. O projeto teve como fundamento fortalecer a educação ambiental de maneira a melhorar os conceitos sobre conservação de ecossistemas dos professores que residem na área de entorno da Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural (RPPN) da foz do rio Aguapeí, localizado no oeste paulista. A metodologia consistiu em um levantamento de dados sobre a diversidade biológica da região para elaboração de materiais didáticos que auxiliem os professores nesse processo de conscientização ambiental. Foi escolhida esta região pelo fato da mesma ser considerada área prioritária para a conservação da biodiversidade da Mata Atlântica, e ainda não ser muito conhecida em termos biológicos. Foram diagnosticados vários riscos ambientais para a integridade da RPPN da foz do rio Aguapeí, que estão associados com atividades antrópicas, bem como, uma diversidade de fauna e flora, com espécies endêmicas e outras ameaçadas de extinção. Com essas informações do levantamento bibliográfico foram elaborados uma cartilha interativa e um vídeo informativo que serão entregues na próxima etapa do projeto aos professores e escolas localizadas nos municípios de São João do Pau d´Alho, Monte Castelo, Nova Independência e Paulicéia. No presente texto será apresentada a metodologia e resultado da confecção desses materiais didáticos

    Archaea from the gut microbiota of humans: Could be linked to chronic diseases?

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    Archaea comprise a unique domain of organisms with distinct biochemical and genetic differences from bacteria. Methane-forming archaea, methanogens, constitute the predominant group of archaea in the human gut microbiota, with Methanobrevibacter smithii being the most prevalent. However, the effect of methanogenic archaea and their methane production on chronic disease remains controversial. As perturbation of the microbiota is a feature of chronic conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative diseases and chronic kidney disease, assessing the influence of archaea could provide a new clue to mitigating adverse effects associated with dysbiosis. In this review, we will discuss the putative role of archaea in the gut microbiota in humans and the possible link to chronic diseases

    Exosome Liberation by Human Neutrophils under L-Amino Acid Oxidase of <i>Calloselasma rhodostoma</i> Venom Action

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    L-Amino acid oxidase (LAAO) is an enzyme found in snake venom that has multifaceted effects, including the generation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) during oxidative reactions, leading to various biological and pharmacological outcomes such as apoptosis, cytotoxicity, modulation of platelet aggregation, hemorrhage, and neutrophil activation. Human neutrophils respond to LAAO by enhancing chemotaxis, and phagocytosis, and releasing reactive oxygen species (ROS) and pro-inflammatory mediators. Exosomes cellular nanovesicles play vital roles in intercellular communication, including immune responses. This study investigates the impact of Calloselasma rhodostoma snake venom-derived LAAO (Cr-LAAO) on human neutrophil exosome release, including activation patterns, exosome formation, and content. Neutrophils isolated from healthy donors were stimulated with Cr-LAAO (100 μg/mL) for 3 h, followed by exosome isolation and analysis. Results show that Cr-LAAO induces the release of exosomes with distinct protein content compared to the negative control. Proteomic analysis reveals proteins related to the regulation of immune responses and blood coagulation. This study uncovers Cr-LAAO’s ability to activate human neutrophils, leading to exosome release and facilitating intercellular communication, offering insights into potential therapeutic approaches for inflammatory and immunological disorders

    Núcleos de Ensino da Unesp: artigos 2013: volume 2: metodologias de ensino e a apropriação de conhecimento pelos alunos

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Núcleos de Ensino da Unesp: artigos 2013: volume 2: metodologias de ensino e a apropriação de conhecimento pelos alunos

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP