4 research outputs found

    DDoS Hide & Seek:On the effectiveness of a booter services takedown

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    Booter services continue to provide popular DDoS-as-a-service platforms and enable anyone irrespective of their technical ability, to execute DDoS attacks with devastating impact. Since booters are a serious threat to Internet operations and can cause significant financial and reputational damage, they also draw the attention of law enforcement agencies and related counter activities. In this paper, we investigate booter-based DDoS attacks in the wild and the impact of an FBI takedown targeting 15 booter websites in December 2018 from the perspective of a major IXP and two ISPs. We study and compare attack properties of multiple booter services by launching Gbps-level attacks against our own infrastructure. To understand spatial and temporal trends of the DDoS traffic originating from booters we scrutinize 5 months, worth of inter-domain traffic. We observe that the takedown only leads to a temporary reduction in attack traffic. Additionally, one booter was found to quickly continue operation by using a new domain for its website

    Classificação tecnológica de solos e resíduos industriais, com e sem tratamento térmico, para fins rodoviários Technological classification of soils and industrial residues with and without thermal treatment for forest road pavement

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    Estudou-se o comportamento mecânico das misturas solo-alcatrão, solo-cal-alcatrão e solo-cimento-alcatrão, com base nos ensaios de limites de liquidez e plasticidade, CBR, compressão simples e permeabilidade, visando a aplicabilidade destas em rodovias. Trabalhou-se com três amostras de solos (ETA, NV e VS), representativos das ocorrências da microrregião de Viçosa-MG. Foram empregados alcatrão, nos quantitativos de 0,25, 0,5, 1, 2, 4 e 6%, cal hidratada e cimento Portland, em conjunto com o alcatrão, na dosagem de 2%, considerando-se a energia do ensaio de compactação AASHTO Normal. A adição de alcatrão reduziu significativamente os valores de LL dos solos, mas com pouca variação nos valores de IP. Conclui-se que o alcatrão contribuiu para melhorar as características mecânicas e hidráulicas dos solos, para alguns tratamentos, não atingindo, entretanto, os padrões de resistência mecânica exigida pelo DNER para camadas de sub-base de pavimentos flexíveis. Quanto às misturas solo-cal-alcatrão e solo-cimento-alcatrão, constatou-se melhoria substancial nos parâmetros de resistência mecânica em relação aos solos, principalmente devido à ação cimentante da cal e do cimento, e que para alguns tratamentos esta ação foi potencializada pelo alcatrão, incidindo em resistência mecânica superior à das misturas solo-cal e solo-cimento. O alcatrão, em alguns tratamentos, ocasionou decréscimos na permeabilidade das misturas, com relação ao solo, de até dez vezes. O alcatrão mostrou ser um estabilizante de interesse para fins rodoviários apenas para determinadas condições, envolvendo tipo de solo e tipo e teor de alcatrão, o que indica que estudos nesta direção devem apresentar uma característica regional.<br>The behavior of the mechanical mixtures soil-wood tar, soil-lime-wood tar and soil-cement-wood tar, based on the Atterberg limits California Bearing Ratio (CBR), Unconfined Compression Strength (UCS) and permeability, were studied for application in forest road pavement. Three soil samples of (ETA, NV and VS) representative of Viçosa-MG occurrences were used. Wood-tar was used 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 6% and lime and cement mixture.The addition of wood-tar reduced the Atterberg values significantly. It was concluded that wood-tar improved the mechanical and hydraulic characteristics of the soils, for some treatments without, however, reaching however, the patterns of mechanical resistance demanded by DNER sub-base layers of flexible pavements. Regarding the mixtures soil-lime-wood tar and soil-cement-wood tar, substantial improvement was verified in the mechanical resistance parameters in relation to the soils, mainly due to the action of lime and cement. This action was found to be stronger for the wood tar in some treatments, leading to a higher mechanical resistance than that of the mixtures soil-lime and soil-cement. Wood tar caused a decrease in mixture permeability in relation to the soil up to 10 times. Wood tar was found to be an important stabilizer only for some forest road pavement conditions, involving soil type, and wood tar type and level, suggesting that studies on this area should present a regional characteristic

    37th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (part 2 of 3)

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    Núcleos de Ensino da Unesp: artigos 2009

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