152 research outputs found

    Enterramento do neolítico antigo em fossa na zona ribeirinha de Lisboa (antigos armazéns Sommer)

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    A single individual burial in a pit was identified in the course of the preventive archaeological intervention carried out in the former Sommer Warehouses, located on the right bank of the Tagus, in the urban area of Lisbon. From the typology of the vessel that accompanied the deposition of a corpses in fetal position, as well as the absolute radiocarbon date obtained, this grave belongs to the Early Neolithic. It is the only occurrence of this nature hitherto recorded in the West of the Iberian Peninsula, and the similarities of implantation of the tombs of El Retamar on the lagoon coast of Cadiz with a similar geographic implantation is emphasized.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Primeira armada da Índia: novo conceito de jogo misturando realidades aumentada e virtual, gestos finos e amplos

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    Comunicação apresentada na SciTecIn15 - Conferência Ciências e Tecnologias da Interação, realizada em Coimbra, de 12-13 de novembro de 2015Apresentamos um conceito de jogo inovador e o seu protótipo inicial, integrando tipos distintos de interação e de visualização. Dois jogadores interagem como timoneiro de uma nau portuguesa e gigante Adamastor. Um joga em realidade virtual controlada por gestos finos, outro usa aumentação contextual com gestos amplos e fi-nos. Pretende o conceito e o protótipo servirem como exemplificadores das potencialidades das novas formas de interação e de como as concretizar

    Separating gesture detection and application control concerns with a multimodal architecture

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    Comunicação apresentada na conferência internacional - CIT 2015, realizada de 26-28 de outubro de 2015Gesture-controlled applications typically are tied to specific gestures, and also tied to specific recognition methods and specific gesture-detection devices. We propose a concernseparation architecture, which mediates the following concerns: gesture acquisition; gesture recognition; and gestural control. It enables application developers to respond to gesture-independent commands, recognized using plug-in gesture-recognition modules that process gesture data via both device-dependent and deviceindependent data formats and callbacks. Its feasibility is demonstrated with a sample implementation

    Atividade enzimática da lipase em rã-touro na fase pós-metamórfica

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    The knowledge of the digestive system of bullfrogs is an important step for the determination of their nutritional requirements throughout growth phases. With the objective of evaluating the enzymatic activity of lipase in the intestinal content of bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana Shaw, 1802), 100 animals with median weight of 3.6 g were distributed in stalls under controlled temperature and photoperiod. The frogs, selected at the post-metamorphic phase, received commercial extruded diet ad libitum throughout the 87-day experiment. The collections of the intestinal content were performed by the desensitization of the frogs in ice and water at 0ºC and subsequent isolation of the small intestine. Determination of lipase activity was performed with a commercial enzymatic kit (Lipase-Bioclin, MG, Brazil), first measured in samples taken at day three (3.46 UI). During the initial phase the bullfrog possesses low lipase hydrolysis capacity was found, having a specific activity of 217 UI mg-1. In the subsequent period both lipase activity and specific lipase activity continuously increased. Lipase activity as a function of bullfrog weight fell after day twenty and reached 0.33 UI g-1, for frogs of medium weight (179 g). Feed for bullfrogs at the post-metamorphic phase weighing more than 10 g can have larger amounts of ingredients containg lipids, due to the increased digestive capacity of these frogs.O conhecimento do sistema digestório da rã-touro é um passo importante para a determinação de sua exigência nutricional nas diferentes fases de crescimento. Com o objetivo de avaliar a atividade enzimática da lipase no conteúdo intestinal da rã-touro (Rana catesbeiana Shaw, 1802), 100 animais com peso médio de 3,6 g foram distribuídos em baias-teste com temperatura e fotoperíodo controlados. As rãs, selecionadas na fase pos-metamórfica receberam ração extruzada comercial ad libitum. Durante 87 dias de experimento, 29 coletas (87 rãs) foram feitas em intervalos que variaram de um a oito dias. As rãs foram insensibilizadas em água e gelo a 0ºC para subseqüente isolamento do intestino delgado e retirada do conteúdo intestinal. Para determinação da atividade da lipase foram usados conjuntos enzimáticos da BIOCLIN. A atividade da lipase foi registrada no terceiro dia (3,46 UI). Na fase inicial, a rã-touro possui baixa capacidade de hidrólise para a lipase que teve atividade específica de 217 UI mg-1. No período subseqüente, observou-se aumento contínuo da atividade e da atividade específica da lipase. A atividade da lipase em função do peso da rã-touro depois do 20º dia apresentou redução contínua, alcançando valor de 0,33 UI g-1, registrado para rãs com peso médio de 179 g. As rações para rã-touro com peso superior a 10 g podem conter quantidades maiores de ingredientes que contenham lipídos, devido ao aumento da capacidade da digestão

    Aceitação sensorial de um néctar misto de mamão, maracujá e acerola

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    Néctar é uma bebida formulada com suco ou polpa de uma ou mais frutas, água e açúcar, em concentrações tais que resultem em um produto "pronto-para-beber". Recentemente, o mercado para este produto de conveniência tem se expandido de forma expressiva. As misturas de frutas apresentam uma série de vantagens, como a combinação de diferentes aromas e sabores e a soma de componentes nutricionais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um néctar à base de polpa de mamão e suco de maracujá, fortificado com vitamina C presente na polpa de acerola, otimizando sua formulação através de testes sensoriais com consumidores e usando metodologia de análise estatística de superfície de resposta. Onze formulações foram elaboradas, empregando-se diferentes concentrações de polpa de mamão e de suco de maracujá e sacarose adicionada, mantendo-se constante a concentração de polpa de acerola. Os testes sensoriais foram realizados com 22 provadores não treinados, utilizando-se escala hedônica estruturada de nove pontos, para avaliação da aceitação global. As médias de aceitação foram submetidas a uma análise de regressão, calculando-se inicialmente uma equação polinomial quadrática. Um modelo preditivo foi ajustado considerando-se apenas os parâmetros com P < 0,05 e um gráfico de superfície de resposta foi traçado. A aceitação sensorial dos néctares das diferentes formulações variou de 5 ("nem gostei, nem desgostei") até mais de 7 ("gostei moderadamente"), mostrando que alguns produtos podem ser considerados adequados para os consumidores, como o néctar produzido com 37,5% de polpa de mamão, 7,5% de suco de maracujá e 5,0% de polpa de acerola, adicionado de 15% de sacarose. Um modelo preditivo quadrático da aceitação sensorial global, com coeficiente de regressão de 0,97, foi obtido. A aceitação sensorial dos néctares foi positivamente afetada pelo aumento da concentração de polpa de mamão e de sacarose. Portanto, alguns produtos apresentaram boa aceitação sensorial, o que sugere potencial para aproveitamento comercial.Nectars are beverages formulated with the juice or pulp of one or more fruits, plus water and sugar in concentrations resulting in a "ready-to-drink" product. Recently, the market for such products has greatly expanded. Fruit mixtures present a series of advantages, such as the combination of different aromas and flavors and the sum of their nutritional components. The objective of this work was to develop a nectar based on papaya pulp and passion fruit juice, enriched with the vitamin C present in acerola pulp, optimizing the formulation using sensory consumer tests and a response surface statistical methodology. Eleven formulations were prepared using different concentrations of papaya pulp and passion fruit juice and sucrose, and maintaining the concentration of acerola pulp constant. The sensory tests were carried out with 22 non-trained panelists using a structured 9-point hedonic scale to evaluate overall acceptance. The acceptance means were submitted to regression analysis, by first calculating a polynomial quadratic equation. A predictive model was adjusted considering only those parameters where P < 0.05, and a response surface was generated. The overall acceptance of nectars of different formulations varied from 5 ("neither liked nor disliked") to more than 7 ("liked moderately"), showing that some products can be considered adequate to consumers, like the nectar produced with 37.5% papaya pulp, 7.5% passion fruit juice, and 5.0% acerola pulp, added of 15% sucrose. A quadratic predictive overall acceptance model, with a regression coefficient of 0.97 was obtained. The sensory acceptance of nectars was positively affected by increases in the concentrations of papaya pulp and of sucrose. Thus, some products presented good sensory acceptance suggesting commercial potential

    O concheiro de Salamansa (Ilha de São Vicente, arquipélago de Cabo Verde) : nota preliminar

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    Cardoso, João Luís [et al.] - O concheiro de Salamansa (Ilha de São Vicente, arquipélago de Cabo Verde) : nota preliminar. "Portugalia" [Em linha]. ISSN 0871-4290. Nova Série, vol. 23 (2002), p. 221-23

    Bringing user experience empirical data to gesture-control and somatic interaction in virtual reality videogames: an exploratory study with a multimodal interaction prototype

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    Comunicação apresentada na SciTecIn15 - Conferência Ciências e Tecnologias da Interação, realizada em Coimbra, de 12-13 de novembro de 2015With the emergence of new low-cost gestural interaction devices various studies have been developed on multi-modal human-computer interaction to improve user experience. We present an exploratory study which analysed the user experience with a multimodal interaction game prototype. As a result, we propose a set of preliminary recommendations for combined use of such devices and present implications for advancing the multimodal field in human-computer interaction

    A stepped care model assisted by a digital platform to accelerate access to mental health care for cancer patients amid the covid-19 pandemic

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    Funding: This work is financed by national funds through the Research 4 Covid-19 special support from the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P, under the project nr.411. A.J.O.-M. is supported by Portuguese national funds from FCT through grant PTDC/MED-NEU/31331/2017. D.F., B.S., F.C. and A.J.O.-M. are supported by the BOUNCE project (grant agreement number 777167), and F.L.-F. and A.J.O.-M. are supported by the FAITH project (grant agreement number 875358), both funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programmeThe COVID-19 pandemic has important consequences for the mental health of populations. Patients with cancer, already at risk for poor mental health outcomes, are not expected to be spared from these consequences, prompting the need for health services to improve responsiveness. This article presents the research protocol for an implementation study designed to describe the uptake of a well-studied and recognized system for the treatment of depression and anxiety (Stepped-care) during the specific context of a Pandemic in an oncological site. The system set-up will be assisted by a digital platform (MoodUP), where patients undergoing cancer treatment will be screened for anxiety and depressive symptoms, triaged by severity level and algorithm-matched to recommended interventions. Patients undergoing cancer treatment at a cancer clinic in Portugal will be invited to subscribe to the MoodUP platform where they will complete a self-reported questionnaire (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) to screen their anxiety and depressive symptoms. Data will be instantly collected, and an algorithm will activate severity-matched intervention suggestions, through a case manager that will coordinate care. The specific objectives of this study will be to describe the implementation and acceptability of the care system by patients and staff, the barriers to and facilitators of implementation, the proportion of patients accessing the system and their pathways through the various stepped-care interventions, and patient perceptions regarding the feasibility and appropriateness of the eHealth platform. Moreover, exploratory analyses will be conducted to describe patterns of anxiety and depression symptoms variation across all patients, as well as within sociodemographically, clinically and contextually characterized subgroups, to characterize their care needs and access, as well as to explore for whom the MoodUP care system may be more appropriate. This study is expected to improve processes for collaborative mental healthcare in oncology and accelerate the digitalization of services, towards the improvement of mental healthcare access, and management of high-risk patients, during the COVID-19 pandemic.publishersversionpublishe