205 research outputs found


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    Este artigo apresenta uma análise semântico-lexical da fala dos moradores do município de Igarapé-Miri-PA. Partimos da hipótese que há um acervo semântico-lexical usado por moradores da região de Igarapé-Miri, no Estado do Pará. O objetivo geral é analisar as ocorrências semântico-lexicais de natureza, diatópica e diastrática, encontradas na fala dos referidos moradores. As lexias foram coletadas por meio do QSL (ALiB/2001), composto de 207 questões distribuídas em 15 (quinze) campos semânticos, com base nas variáveis sociais: sexo, faixa etária e classe social, em 20 (vinte) sujeitos de 5 (cinco) pontos linguísticos, com menor e maior escolaridade; registrar em tabelas as lexias cuja frequência foi igual ou superior a 75% coincidente e não coincidentes com o QSL, por campo semântico; documentar cartograficamente esse corpus e analisá-lo, numa abordagem quanti-qualitativa. O tipo de estudo pauta-se na Geolinguística. Os resultados revelam que, de um universo de 207 (duzentas e sete) questões, as ocorrências encontradas na fala dos moradores do município de Igarapé-Miri-PA diferem em 35% das ocorrências dos questionários do ALiB/2001, coincidem em 30%, apresentam 30% de lexias igual ou superior a 75% e apenas 5% dos sujeitos não responderam às questões propostas pelo referido questionário. &nbsp

    The Use of UV-vis Spectroscopy Technique for Investigation of Organic Compounds in Saccharine Substrates

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    Sugar substrates are rich in organic compounds. However, its concentration may vary depending on the culture. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the composition of sugarcane and sorghum juices using the UV-vis technique. An evaluation of the composition of the substrates was carried out and a pre-inoculum with YPSAC 5% medium, where 0.10 grams of FT858 yeast was inoculated and kept incubated at 30°C for 24h at 250rpm. The cells were recovered by centrifugation, resulting in a concentration of 10 mg mL-1 of wet mass that was inoculated into 50 mL of the previously prepared fermentation medium with a concentration of 22°Brix and pH 5.0. Aliquots were taken for evaluation of molecular absorption spectra using a spectrophotometer (Global Trade Technology). These substrates are composed of water and fermentable sugars. The evaluation of the molecular absorption spectra showed a difference in the profile of the substrates as well as in the subsequent hours of fermentation, with a decrease in the intensity of the peaks being observed that may be related to the absorption of nutrients by the yeast. vis shows promise for this type of analysis

    The Production of Metabolites by Saccharomyces Cerevisiae and its Application in Biotechnological Processes

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    Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeasts are widely known and used in biotechnological processes, as they have an excellent metabolic capacity that results in the formation of natural products with high added value. Thus, this study aims to present a view on the production of metabolites by Saccharomyces cerevisiae and their application in biotechnological processes. For this, a bibliometric analysis was carried out on the scientific production regarding the use of yeasts in biotechnological tests for the production of substances by activating their metabolic pathways. The articles found in the range between the years 2014 to 2019 are mostly research articles 57% and the rest 43% review. The analysis of the production of articles per year showed an oscillation for both research and review articles, and the countries with the highest publication rate are the United States and China. The data demonstrate a growing interest in secondary metabolic pathways of S. cerevisiae. These microorganisms can be used for the production of different metabolites that are of industrial interest, as they have a purity content that results in high commercial value


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    O trabalho, em questão, registra cartograficamente as ocorrências de caráter semântico-lexical encontradas nos municípios de Aurora do Pará – PA, na ilha do Marajó – PA e em Santo Augusto – RS. O presente estudo pauta-se na geolinguística, método cartográfico, utilizado em trabalhos de caráter dialetológico. Insere-se, portanto, no domínio de três áreas da ciência da linguagem: Dialetologia, Sociolinguística e Semântica Lexical. A pesquisa dialetológica, de caráter geolinguístico, realizada para este trabalho, objetivou descrever um falar nunca antes descrito, o aurorense, e compará-lo a outros dialetos, santoaugustense e marajoara, já descritos. Os dados para a constituição do corpus da análise foram obtidos por meio do Questionário Semântico-Lexical do ALiB (2002), composto de 202 questões, das quais, 32, referente ao campo semântico corpo humano, foram aplicadas a 10 (dez) sujeitos, de ambos os sexos, entre 45 a 65 anos, nativos da localidade, para a descrição do falar aurorense. A partir disso, se estabeleceu a comparação deste falar com os falares marajoara e santoaugustense nesse campo semântico. Os dados demonstram um percentual de mais ou menos 48% de lexias, de maio frequência, recorrentes entre as localidades e a proposta do ALiB, fato que faz inferir que a variedade chega a ser cerca de mais ou menos 52%, percentual esse que seria maior, caso levássemos em consideração as ocorrências de baixa frequência que não foram recorrentes entre as localidades. Os dados, portanto, revelam que há uma disparidade muito grande entre os falares, principalmente entre os do Norte e os do Sul. E mais, revelam que há variação nas próprias localidades pesquisadas, o que vem comprovar a diversidade linguística em meio à unidade. ABSTRACT: The work, in question, charts cartographically the occurrences of semantic-lexical character found in the municipalities of Aurora do Pará - PA, in the island of Marajó - PA and in Santo Augusto - RS. The present study is based on geolinguistics, a cartographic method, used in dialectical studies. It is therefore included in the domain of three areas of language science: Dialecology, Sociolinguistics and Lexical Semantics. The geological and dialectical research carried out for this work was aimed at describing a speech never before described, the aurorense, and comparing it to other dialects, Saint-Oustus and Marajoara, already described. The data for the constitution of the corpus of the analysis were obtained through the ALiB (2002) Semantic-Lexical Questionnaire, composed of 202 questions, of which, 32, referring to the semantic field of the human body, were applied to 10 subjects, of both sexes, between 45 and 65 years, natives of the locality, for the description of the aurorense speech. From this, the comparison of this talk with the Marajoara and Santoaugustense phrases in this semantic field was established. The data show a percentage of more or less 48% of lexias, of frequency, recurrent between the localities and the proposal of the ALiB, fact that makes it possible to infer that the variety amounts to about 52%, a percentage that would be higher, if we take into account the occurrences of low frequency that were not recurrent between the localities. The data, therefore, reveal that there is a very great disparity between the speeches, mainly between the North and the South. Moreover, they reveal that there is variation in the localities researched, which proves the linguistic diversity in the middle of the unit. KEYWORDS: Linguistic diversity; Semantic-lexical variation; Dialectology; Sociolinguistic; Description and linguistic comparison


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    O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a importância da inovação para o desenvolvimento regional e local, para tanto, observa o papel da interação entre os agentes regionais/locais na geração destas inovações. Faz-se uma evolução das principais teorias de desenvolvimento regional, partindo desde as teorias neoclássicas da localização, passando pelos fatores de aglomeração e pólos de crescimento, até os distritos industriais, os ambientes inovadores, e a organização industrial, para se chegar ao papel das inovações para o desenvolvimento regional/local. O artigo ainda apresenta algumas considerações acerca dos resultados da PINTEC 2008 e do estudo sobre a do Mapeamento e das Políticas para Arranjos Produtivos Locais no Norte, Nordeste e Mato Grosso analisando os dados para o Rio Grande do Norte. Trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica. Justifica este artigo o papel fundamental que a inovação vem exercendo sobre o desenvolvimento econômico. Observa-se a necessidade de se formular políticas nacionais efetivas de incentivo à inovação com a finalidade de gerar o desenvolvimento regional

    Variação semântico-lexical no Amapá

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    Este artigo objetiva explicitar algumas variantes linguísticas semântico-lexicais encontradas no Amapá. Como suporte teórico, seguimos Cardoso (2010), Labov (2008), Oliveira (2005), Ferreira e Cardoso (1994), Crystal (1987), entre outros. Usamos metodologia geolinguística, selecionando dez pontos de inquéritos para a aplicação de um questionário semântico-lexical em 40 informantes. Assim, foram analisados sete itens lexicais de um campo temático. Notamos que no estado do Amapá há uma grande variação semântico-lexical, e que tais itens possuem muitas outras lexias com o mesmo sentido, e que tal variação pode depender do espaço geográfico e dos aspectos sociais

    Production and Characterization of Craft Beers with Addition of Campomanesia adamantium O. Berg Fruits and Leave

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    The increase in the consumption of craft beer is drawing attention to its characteristics. The search for compounds or products that increase stability and guarantee the quality of the beer is fundamental. Here is presented the preparation of two craft beers with the addition of aqueous extract of leaves or fruits of Campomanesia adamantium since this species is known for having a high antioxidant activity. Volatiles compounds and phenolic content, pH, colour and antioxidant action were determined for the samples. The results show that the alcohol content and the number of volatile compounds are on average for most beers. The sample prepared with C. adamantium fruits has a higher content of phenolic compounds and antioxidant potential, compared to the sample added with the aqueous extract of the leaves. Fruits of C. adamantium increased the antioxidant action of craft beers by 79.1%. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v14i1.169


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    This article takes into account the fact that most schools in the Amazon region of Pará give little value to other literatures as literary literacy practices because they are not recognized by academia as literature proper, such as mythical oral narratives, which feed the symbolic imagination of riverside social groups. The objectives of this work are to analyse the theoretical foundations that problematize the invisibility of popular knowledge, based on Santos' ecology of knowledge (2006) and to analyse the issue of literary segregation, through mythical narratives, of social groups that inhabit riverside communities in the Amazon region of Pará. This is a scientific study. Among the theoretical references analyzed in this text are Arroyo (2014), Bacherlard (1942) and Santos (2006; 2010). The results stand out: literary reading, as well as the oral exposition of mythical narratives from different social groups through storytelling, which do not have oral records, need to be discovered by children and young readers as an infinite source of leisure/knowledge/doing, and it is necessary for teachers to mediate the relationship between popular knowledge and scientific knowledge, carrying out the ecology of knowledge in schools and recognizing and valuing the traditional knowledge of these communities. 

    Evaluation of Thermal Stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Concerning Ethanol Production and Assimilation of Amino Acids in Saccharine Substrate

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    Fuel ethanol has been consolidated in view of the current energy matrix. However, for an efficient process, the yeast and the quality of the substrate used must be taken into account. Thus, this study aims to evaluate sugarcane juice and sweet sorghum and analyze cell viability, ethanol production and the assimilation of amino acids present in these substrates as a function of temperature. The Industrial yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae FT858 and Pedra-2 (Pe-2) were activated with pre-inoculum of 2% YPD. The biomass obtained was inoculated on the substrates and incubated at 30 and 40°C at 250 rpm. Aliquots were collected for feasibility analyses with methylene blue, ethanol by gas chromatography and amino acids by high performance liquid chromatography. Yeasts showed better performance in sorghum broth at 30°C. The viability of 89% for Pe-2 and 85% for FT858 and ethanol concentration of 10% (v v-1) for both yeasts. At 40°C there was a reduction in these parameters. Sorghum had the highest amount of amino acids and serine, arginine, alanine and tryptophan were effectively assimilated by yeasts. The temperature of 40°C interfered in the metabolic capacity of the yeasts, causing thermal stress, inducing a greater consumption of amino acids. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v13i4.155