10 research outputs found

    Resistência de genótipos de algodoeiro a Sclerotinia sclerotiorum pelos métodos straw test e imersão em ácido oxálico

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of the straw and oxalic acid tests to identify resistance levels of white and colored cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) genotypes to white mold (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum). Ten genotypes were evaluated: five with colored fiber, four with white fiber, and a white-fiber susceptible genotype. The genotypes MAB-1 with white fiber and MAC-2 with colored fiber were the most resistant to white mold, according to the immersion in oxalic acid and straw tests, respectively. These genotypes can be recommended as resistance sources for breeding programs. Both assessed tests are complementary to each other; however, the straw test is more efficient in evaluating the resistance of cotton genotypes to white mold.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficácia dos métodos “straw test” e imersão em ácido oxálico na identificação dos níveis de resistência do algodoeiro (Gossypium hirsutum) branco e colorido ao mofo-branco (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum). Foram avaliados dez genótipos: cinco de fibra colorida, quatro de fibra branca e um genótipo suscetível de fibra branca. Os genótipos MAB-1 de fibra branca e MAC-2 de fibra colorida foram os mais resistentes ao mofo-branco de acordo com os métodos imersão em ácido oxálico e straw test, respectivamente. Esses genótipos podem ser indicados como fontes de resistência para programas de melhoramento. Ambos os métodos analisados são complementares entre si; no entanto, o straw test é mais eficiente na avaliação da resistência dos genótipos de algodão ao mofo-branco

    Desempenho agronômico de soja, sob interferência de plantas infestantes

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    A competição entre os recursos ambientais, imposta pela comunidade infestante, afeta o crescimento, produtividade e qualidade final da soja, prejudicando a colheita, por competição, que aumenta o custo operacional. Outro fator relevante da interferência das plantas infestantes é que estas podem ser hospedeiras de patógenos e pragas, o que dificulta seu controle. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho agronômico de duas cultivares de soja sujeitas à interferência de plantas infestantes. O experimento foi conduzido na área experimental da Fazenda Capim Branco pertencente à Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, no município de Uberlândia - MG, na safra 2015/2016. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso (DBC) com seis repetições. Foram utilizadas duas cultivares, uma de ciclo precoce (UFUS Capim Branco) e outra de ciclo tardio (UFUS Carajás), avaliadas na presença e ausência de plantas infestante, quanto à altura da planta na maturidade, número de nós na haste principal, número de vagens e produtividade de grãos. Após atender às pressuposições do modelo, os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e ao teste de Tukey (p<0,05). Os resultados refletiram as relações de interferência entre a população de infestantes e a cultura, sendo a família Poaceae a infestante predominante no experimento. Houve aumento na altura média das plantas de soja, redução do número de nós e da produtividade de grãos em ambas cultivares. A cultivar UFUs Capim Branco, sob interferência de infestantes, obteve maior rendimento quando comparada a cultivar de ciclo tardio, UFUS Carajás

    Productivity and quality of cotton fiber in different planting seasons

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    Cotton is one of the main agricultural products produced in Brazil. With such a high demand in the market, it is necessary that the cotton cultivars present high productivity and fiber quality. In order to favor the expression of the potential of the genotypes, the cultivation must occur in climatic conditions that provide good development of the plants, being the sowing time a primordial factor for the good performance of the cotton plant. In order to establish an ideal sowing season for different cotton genotypes, the present study aimed to evaluate the best sowing season of cotton genotypes for the environment of Uberlândia (Minas Gerais State), aiming at productivity and fiber quality. The experiment was carried out in field conditions, in the 2016/2017 harvest in the experimental area located at Fazenda Capim Branco, in the city of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais State. A randomized complete block design (DBC) with four replications in a 4x7 factorial scheme was used: 4/12 sowing dates: 05/12, 19/12, 30/12, 13/01 and 7 genotypes. 5 strains of the breeding program of the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) and 2 commercial cultivars. The evaluated characteristics were: seed cotton yield, feather yield, micronaire index, maturity index, fiber length, uniformity of length, short fibers, resistance and elongation. It was concluded that the best sowing season for a high productivity was the one performed on 12/05/16, with emphasis on the UFUJP-Z genotype. For fiber quality, UFUJP-C showed the best results at the 12/19/16 sowing season

    Use of computational intelligence in the genetic divergence of colored cotton plants

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    The objective of this work was to analyze the genetic diversity using conventional methods and artificial neural networks among 12 colored fiber cotton genotypes, using technological characteristics of the fiber and productivity in terms of cottonseed and cotton fiber yield. The experiment was conducted in an experimental area located at Fazenda Capim Branco, belonging to the Federal University of Uberlândia, in the city of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. Twelve genotypes of colored fiber cotton were evaluated, 10 from the Cotton Genetic Improvement Program (PROMALG): UFUJP - 01, UFUJP - 02, UFUJP - 05, UFUJP - 08, UFUJP - 09, UFUJP - 10, UFUJP - 11, UFUJP - 13, UFUJP - 16, UFUJP - 17 and two commercial cultivars: BRS Rubi (RC) and BRS Topázio (TC). The experimental design used was complete randomized block (CRB) with three replications. The following evaluations were carried out at full maturation: yield of cottonseed (kg ha-1) and the technological characteristics, which include, fiber length, micronaire, maturation, length uniformity, short fiber index, elongation and strength, using the HVI (High volume instrument) device. Genetic dissimilarity was measured using the generalized Mahalanobis distance and after obtaining the dissimilarity matrix, the genotypes were grouped using a hierarchical clustering method (UPGMA). A discriminant analysis and the Kohonen Self-Organizing Map (SOM) by Artificial Neural Networks (ANN’s) were performed through computational intelligence. SOM was able to detect differences and organize the similarities between accesses in a more coherent way, forming a larger number of groups, when compared to the method that uses the Mahalanobis matrix. It was also more accurate than the discriminant analysis, since it made it possible to differentiate groups more coherently when comparing their phenotypic behavior. The methods that use computational intelligence proved to be more efficient in detecting similarity, with Kohonen's Self-Organizing Map being the most adequate to classify and group cotton genotypes

    Genetic diversity among colored cotton genotypes to obtain potential parent plants

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    The objective of this study was to analyze the genetic diversity among colored cotton fiber genotypes using technological characteristics of the fiber, seed cotton yield and percentage of fiber, to identify potential parents with high performance. The experiment was conducted in the Brazilian city of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, during the 2016/2017 harvest. Twelve colored fiber genotypes were used in a randomized block design. The characteristics that were evaluated included micronaire, maturation, fiber length, length uniformity, short fiber index, fiber resistance, elongation, seed cotton yield and percentage of fiber. Genetic divergence was estimated using the Mahalanobis generalized matrix with Unweighted Pair Group with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) and the Tocher method. The Singh method was used to evaluate the relative contributions of the characteristics in the divergence. In detecting divergence, fiber length and maturation were observed to have contributed the most. In order to obtain segregant populations with greater genetic variability and greater productive potential, hybridizations between UFUJP-17 and UFUJP-16 with commercial cultivars could be promising. Crossing UFUJP-16 with commercial controls would have a higher chance of success of producing superior fiber quality

    Breeding colored cotton: Artificial Neural Networks versus conventional methods

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    The objective of this work was: a) to verify the genotype x environment relationships for the physical and potential characteristics of the methods of Eberhart and Russel (1966), Centroid, as well as the use of artificial neural networks in the adaptability and stability of the cotton genotypes of b) to analyze a genetic difference between cotton genotypes of fiber and power propagation factors by the UPGMA and Tocher methods to identify the parents of potential risk factors and to evaluate the phenotypic and genotypic and indirect correlations on productivity, yield and technological characteristics of colored cotton fiber. The experiment was carried out at the experimental farm of Capim Branco, in Uberlândia-MG, in the crop year 2013/2014, 2014/2015, 2015/2016 and 2016/2017. Twelve cotton fiber genotypes were evaluated. The experimental design was completely randomized blocks with three replicates. The yield of cotton seed, fiber yield and technical characteristics of the fiber were evaluated with the aid of the HVI apparatus (High Volume Instrument), being: Average length of fiber (UHML), Uniformity of length (UI), Index of short fibers (SFI), fiber resistance (STR), fiber elongation (ELG), micronaire (MIC) and fiber maturity (MAT). GxA, which demonstrates the differential behavior of genocysts in the face of environmental oscillations. The interaction was predominantly intentional and adaptive, and a correlation was found between the Eberhart and Russell methods and the RNAs, and the genotypes UFUJP-02 and UFUJP-17 were shown to be responsive to environmental stimuli with high predictability, and to be shown to be the quality and quality of fibers. The RNA's method demonstrated how much adaptability was compared to the Eberhart and Russell and Centroid methods. Through the contribution of Singh, UHML and MAT were the characteristics that contributed most to a divergence. Five divergent groups were formed, one less than Tocher with 6 groups. Commercial applications may be more useful for the generation of segregant residues and with greater genetic variability. Aiming to increase the productive and improved potential of fiber quality, crosses between UFUJP-16 and the most frequent witnesses, the greater chance of success in the breeding program. The MIC, MAT, STR and ELG characteristics were highly comic, and the exterior was negative, that is, an inverse association with productivity. In the analysis of the MIC, MAT and STR tracks, the deleterious effects exceed the magnitude of the residual effect, and the MAT has direct effect in the unfavorable sense, demonstrating absence of cause and effect on productivity. The MIC characteristic, despite the high direct effect, has low genotype determination coefficient, making its use in indirect selection impossible. It was verified that the compromise of fiber and resistance can be used in the selection of direct, as long as a truncated selection is made between the two.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorDissertação (Mestrado)O objetivo deste trabalho foi: a) verificar a presença da interação genótipos x ambientes para a adapatabilidade e estabilidade pelos métodos de Eberhart e Russel (1966), Centróide, assim como avaliar o uso das redes neurais artificiais na adaptabilidade e estabilidade dos genótipos de algodoeiro de fibra colorida, para características da fibra e produtividade b) analisar a diversidade genética entre genótipos de algodoeiro de fibra colorida, utilizando características tecnológicas da fibra e produtividade pelos métodos de UPGMA e Tocher, para obtenção de genitores em potencial e c) avaliar as correlações fenotípicas e genotípicas e seus efeitos diretos e indiretos sobre produtividade, rendimento e caracteres tecnológicos da fibra de algodoeiro colorido. O experimento foi realizado na fazenda experimental Capim Branco, em Uberlândia-MG, nas safras 2013/2014, 2014/2015, 2015/2016 e 2016/2017. Foram avaliados 12 genótipos de algodão de fibra colorida. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos completamente casualizados com três repetições. Foram avaliados a produtividade de algodão em caroço, rendimento de fibra e as características tecnológicas da fibra com o auxílio do aparelho HVI (High Volume Instrument), sendo estas: Comprimento médio da fibra (UHML), Uniformidade de comprimento (UI), Índice de fibras curtas (SFI), Resistência de fibras (STR), Elongamento da fibra (ELG), Micronaire (MIC) e Maturidade da fibra (MAT). As características apresentaram interação GxA, que evidencia o comportamento diferencial dos genótipos frente as oscilações ambientais. A interação foi predominantemente do tipo complexa e, ao analisarmos a adaptabilidade e estabilidade, houve concordância entre os métodos de Eberhart e Russell e as RNA’s, sendo que os genótipos UFUJP-02 e UFUJP-17, demonstraram ser responsivos aos estímulos ambientais com alta previsibilidade, além de demonstrarem ser promissores para a característica produtividade e qualidade de fibras. O método de RNA’s demonstrou confiabilidade quanto a adaptabilidade se comparada aos métodos Eberhart e Russell e Centróide. Pela contribuição relativa de Singh UHML e MAT foram as características que mais contribuíram para a divergência. Formaram-se cinco grupos divergentes, um a menos que Tocher com 6 grupos. Verificou-se que possíveis hibridações entre UFUJP-17 e as cultivares comerciais podem ser promissoras para obtenção de populações segregantes com maior variabilidade genética. Visando o aumento do potencial produtivo e melhorias da qualidade de fibra, cruzamentos entre UFUJP-16 e as testemunhas comercias, teriam maior chance de se obter êxito no programa de melhoramento. As características MIC, MAT, STR e ELG tiveram correlação significativa com produtividade, sendo que alongamento obteve correlação negativa, ou seja, uma associação inversa com produtividade. Na análise de trilha MIC, MAT e STR tiveram efeito direto superior a magnitude do efeito residual, sendo que MAT obteve efeito direto em sentido desfavorável, demonstrando ausência de causa e efeito sobre produtividade. A característica MIC, apesar do alto efeito direto, possui baixo coeficiente de determinação genotípico, inviabilizando sua utilização na seleção indireta. Verificou-se que comprimento de fibra e resistência podem ser utilizados na seleção indireta, desde que seja feito, entre ambas, uma seleção truncada

    Variabilidade genética e coeficiente de determinação em genótipos de algodoeiro quanto a qualidade da fibra

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    Cotton is the most important textile fiber in the world and its quality is what ensures the return invested by the producer. The objective of this work was to evaluate the genetic variability among 22 genotypes of cotton fiber white of the Program of Genetic Improvement of Cotton, from the Federal University of Uberlandia, as fiber quality and determine the coefficient of determination of genotypic characters. The experiment was carried out on the farm Capim Branco, in Uberlandia, MG, in season 2012/2013. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with three replications. Evaluated 20 cotton genotypes. With the aid of the appliance High Volume Instrument, it was determined that the index of consistency the wiring, index micronaire, fiber maturity, fiber length, length uniformity index of short fibers, strength, elongation, reflectance and degree of yellowing. The lines of the Program of genetic improvement of cotton from the Federal University of Uberlandia, with the exception of UFUJP13-17 and UFUJP13-20, meet the requirements of the textile industry and feature variability sufficient to follow in the process of improvement. The variation between the genotypes was in most of nature genetics, with coefficient of determination above 80 %.O algodão é a mais importante fibra têxtil do mundo e a sua qualidade é o que garante o retorno investido pelo produtor. O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a variabilidade genética entre 22 genótipos de algodoeiro de fibra branca do Programa de Melhoramento Genético do Algodoeiro, da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, quanto a qualidade da fibra e determinar o coeficiente de determinação genotípico dos caracteres. O experimento foi realizado na fazenda Capim Branco, em Uberlândia-MG, na safra 2012/2013. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados com três repetições. Avaliou-se 20 genótipos de algodoeiro. Com o auxílio do aparelho High Volume Instrument, determinou-se o índice de consistência a fiação, índice micronaire, maturidade da fibra, comprimento da fibra, uniformidade de comprimento, índice de fibras curtas, resistência, alongamento, reflectância e grau de amarelecimento. As linhagens do Programa de Melhoramento genético do Algodoeiro da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, com exceção da UFUJP13-17 e UFUJP13-20, atendem as exigências da indústria têxtil e apresentam variabilidade suficiente para seguir no processo de melhoramento. A variação entre os genótipos foi em maior parte de natureza genética, com coeficiente de determinação acima de 80%


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    In this article we present a brief history, lines of research, objectives and studies developed at the Laboratório de Ensaios Farmacológicos e Toxicológicos (LEFT), located at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG) in the extreme south of Brazil.Neste artigo apresentamos um breve histórico, linhas de pesquisas, objetivos e estudos desenvolvidos no Laboratório de Ensaios Farmacológicos e Toxicológicos (LEFT), situado na Universidade Federal de Rio Grande (FURG) no extremo sul do Brasil

    Complete genome sequence of the sugarcane nitrogen-fixing endophyte gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus PAL5

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    17 p. : il.Background: Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus Pal5 is an endophytic diazotrophic bacterium that lives in association with sugarcane plants. It has important biotechnological features such as nitrogen fixation, plant growth promotion, sugar metabolism pathways, secretion of organic acids, synthesis of auxin and the occurrence of bacteriocins. Results: Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus Pal5 is the third diazotrophic endophytic bacterium to be completely sequenced. Its genome is composed of a 3.9 Mb chromosome and 2 plasmids of 16.6 and 38.8 kb, respectively. We annotated 3,938 coding sequences which reveal several characteristics related to the endophytic lifestyle such as nitrogen fixation, plant growth promotion, sugar metabolism, transport systems, synthesis of auxin and the occurrence of bacteriocins. Genomic analysis identified a core component of 894 genes shared with phylogenetically related bacteria. Gene clusters for gum-like polysaccharide biosynthesis, tad pilus, quorum sensing, for modulation of plant growth by indole acetic acid and mechanisms involved in tolerance to acidic conditions were identified and may be related to the sugarcane endophytic and plant-growth promoting traits of G. diazotrophicus. An accessory component of at least 851 genes distributed in genome islands was identified, and was most likely acquired by horizontal gene transfer. This portion of the genome has likely contributed to adaptation to the plant habitat. Conclusion: The genome data offer an important resource of information that can be used to manipulate plant/bacterium interactions with the aim of improving sugarcane crop production and other biotechnological applications