5 research outputs found

    Citogenotoxicidade e mutagenicidade da água do Sistema Estuarino de Santos-São Vicente

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    The Santos-São Vicente Estuarine System (SESS) is one of the most degraded estuaries in Brazil. The disorderly urbanization of the Baixada Santista Metropolitan Region (RMBS) added with the inefficiency of regulatory mechanisms and basic sanitation, poverty, poor housing conditions, and environmental pollution make this region suitable for environmental monitoring studies. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the water-induced cytogenotoxicity and mutagenicity of SSES collected at the points described as most contaminated (São Vicente and Piaçaguera Channels) using Wistar rats as an experimental model and Centropomus undecimalis fish. For this purpose, surface water was collected São Vicente Channel (SVC) and Piaçaguera Channel (PIC) of SESS and non-essential metals and metalloids (Cd, Pb, Hg and As) were quantified. Adult male Wistar rats were divided into four groups (n = 5) and exposed for 5 days: a) negative control received filtered water, b) saline control received saline water, c) experimental group received estuarine water from PIC and d) experimental group received estuarine water from SVC. Blood and liver were used for comet assay; bone marrow was used to perform the micronucleus test; histopathological, immunohistochemical analyzes (TNF-α, ki67 and 8-OHdG) and realtime PCR of caspase-3 were performed in the liver. The results revealed that rats exposed to water from SESS showed biological responses associated with genotoxicity, mutagenicity and cytotoxicity. Juvenile fish (n = 6) from C. undecimalis were collected from the SVC and compared to fish (n = 10) obtained from a pisciculture laboratory (control group). Micronucleus tests and nuclear abnormalities were performed with blood, and quantification of lipid peroxidation and DNA damage were performed with gills and livers of fish. Erythrocyte nuclear abnormalities in blood and lipid peroxidation in gills were higher in fish from SESS. In conclusion, SESS is capable of both mutagenic and cytotoxic activities in murine and fish, both having similar responses to environmental contaminants.O Sistema Estuarino de Santos-São Vicente (SESS) é um dos estuários mais degradados do Brasil. A urbanização desordenada da Região Metropolitana da Baixada Santista (RMBS) somada à ineficiência dos mecanismos regulatórios, pobreza, condições precárias de moradia, saneamento básico, coleta de lixo e poluição ambiental tornam essa região apropriada para estudos de monitoramento ambiental. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a citogenotoxicidade e mutagenicidade induzidas pela água do SESS coletadas nos pontos descritos como mais contaminados (Canal de São Vicente e Canal de Piaçaguera) utilizando ratos Wistar como modelo experimental e peixes Centropomus undecimalis. Para tanto, foram coletadas águas superficiais do Canal de São Vicente (CSV) e do Canal de Piaçaguera (CPIA) do SESS, e quantificados metais e metaloides não essenciais (Cd, Pb, Hg e As). Para isso, ratos machos adultos Wistar foram distribuídos em quatro grupos (n = 5) e foram expostos durante 5 dias: a) controle negativo que recebeu água filtrada, b) controle salino que recebeu água salina, c) grupo experimental que recebeu água estuarina do CPIA e d) grupo experimental que recebeu água estuarina do CSV. O sangue e o fígado foram utilizados para realização de ensaio cometa; a medula óssea para realização do teste do micronúcleo; análises histopatológicas, imunoistoquímica (TNF-α, ki67 e 8-OHdG) e PCR em tempo real da caspase-3 foram realizados em fígados. Os resultados revelaram que os ratos expostos à água do SESS apresentaram respostas biológicas associadas à genotoxicidade, mutagenicidade e citotoxicidade. Nos testes in situ, peixes juvenis (n=6) de C. undecimalis foram coletados no CSV e comparados aos peixes (n=10) adquiridos de um laboratório de Piscicultura (grupo controle). Testes de micronúcleo e anormalidades nucleares foram realizados com sangue, e a quantificação de peroxidação lipídica e dos danos ao DNA foram realizados nas brânquias e nos fígados dos peixes. Foi observado o aumento de anormalidades nucleares eritrocitárias e peroxidação lipídica das brânquias nos peixes coletados no SESS. Em suma, o SESS é capaz de exercer atividades tanto de natureza mutagênica quanto citotóxica em murinos e em peixes, ambos tendo respostas similares frente aos contaminantes ambientais.Dados abertos - Sucupira - Teses e dissertações (2019

    Histoimmunology of cellular repair proteins and behavior of juvenile Trachinotus carolinus (Linnaeus, 1766) (Perciformes, Carangidae) during gradual increase of temperature

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    A temperatura é um fator abiótico que exerce profundos efeitos no funcionamento dos ecossistemas marinhos, influenciando na biologia das espécies. Os peixes são um bom modelo para se estudar este fator, pois são pecilotérmicos e possuem importância comercial e ecológica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o comportamento, a tolerância térmica e os mecânicos moleculares de juvenis de peixe pampo Trachinotus carolinus em relação à elevação da temperatura. Para isso, foram submetidos ao aumento controlado da temperatura da água (2°C/h) a partir da temperatura de coleta (22°C) até 26°C, 30°C, 32°C, 34°C e 36°C e nestas foram mantidos por 120 minutos, ou foram aquecidos até a morte no estudo de tolerância térmica. O comportamento foi analisado usando-se vídeos e as expressões de Hsp70 e p53 nas brânquias e no coração dos pampos foram obtidas por meio da técnica de imuno-histoquímica Os resultados mostraram que os pampos comportam-se de forma agitada com o aquecimento até a temperatura de 36°C, e a partir dela apresentam uma desorganização dos sistemas e órgãos. A expressão de Hsp70 e p53 está relacionada ao aumento de temperatura até 34°C e decai nas temperaturas de 36°C e TCS. Assim, conclui-se que o aumento de temperatura afeta o comportamento e a expressão de Hsp70 e p53.Temperature is an abiotic factor that influences the biology of marine species. Fishes are a good model to study temperature because they are poikilothermic and have ecological and commercial importance. The aim of this study was to analyze the behavior and study the expression of Hsp70 and p53 using the immunohistochemistry assay. The Expression of these two protein was observed in relation to temperature rise in heart and gills tissues of juvenile pompano fish Trachinotus carolinus. The Fishes were exposed to controlled increase of the water temperature (2°C/h), from 22°C (control) to 26°C, 30°C, 32°C, 34°C and 36°C and they were maintained in these temperature for 120 minutes . After that fishes were maintained in these temperature for 120 minutes. In addition, experiments were performed to determinate the critical temperature survival (TCS). The results revealed that the expression of Hsp70 and p53 were proportional to the temperature rise until 34°C and that it declines at temperatures of 36°C and TCS. The fishes behavior was frantic with heating until a temperature of 36°C and subsequently they have showed a disorganization of systems and organs. We concluded that the temperature increase affects the behavior and expression of p53 and Hsp70 in pompanos fishes

    Polyphenols-Rich Fruit (<i>Euterpe edulis</i> Mart.) Prevents Peripheral Inflammatory Pathway Activation by the Short-Term High-Fat Diet

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    Ju&#231;ara berry is a potential inflammatory modulator, rich in dietary fiber, fatty acids, and anthocyanins. Considering this, we evaluated the high-fat diet (HFD) intake supplemented with different doses of freeze-dried ju&#231;ara pulp on the TLR4 pathway. Twenty-seven male Wistar rats with ad libitum access to food and water were divided into four experimental groups: control standard chow group (C); high-fat diet control group (HFC); high-fat diet ju&#231;ara 0.25% group (HFJ0.25%); and high-fat diet ju&#231;ara 0.5% group (HFJ0.5%). The inflammatory parameters were analyzed by ELISA and Western blotting in liver and retroperitoneal adipose tissue (RET). The HFJ0.25% group had the energy intake, aspartate transaminase (AST) levels, and liver triacylglycerol accumulation reduced; also, the tumor necrosis factor &#945; (TNF-&#945;) and TNF receptor-associated factor 6 (TRAF6) expression in RET were reduced. However, there were no changes in other protein expressions in liver and adipose tissue. Adiposity and pNF&#954;Bp50 had a positive correlation in HFC and HFJ0.5%, but not in the C group and HFJ0.25%. The necrosis hepatic score did not change with treatment; however, the serum (AST) levels and the hepatic triacylglycerol were increased in HFC and HFJ0.5%. These results demonstrated that one week of HFD intake triggered pro-inflammatory mechanisms and liver injury. Additionally, 0.25% ju&#231;ara prevented inflammatory pathway activation, body weight gain, and liver damag