60 research outputs found
Eficiência de Bacillus cereus na promoção de crescimento e proteção do aparato fotossintético à infecção de Pestalotiopsis sp. em mudas de Coqueiro anão-verde- do-brasil
FapespaO coqueiro anão-verde (Cocos nucifera L.) é uma palmeira de elevada importância econômica e com cadeia produtiva destinada à produção de água de coco. Existem fatores que limitam a obtenção de mudas de coqueiro anão-verde-do-brasil, descatam-se os custos e a e problemas fitossanitário, como doenças foliares. A utilização de microrganismos benéficos na agricultura, está em promover benefícios as plantas aumentando em qualidade, vigorosidade e sua proteção quanto a patógenos. Além de permitir viabilizar uma agricultura sustentável. O objetivo deste trabalho foi obter bioestimulantes combinado a baixa dose de fertilizante químico (FQ) recomendado, capaz de promover o crescimento e mitigar a queima foliar, desvendar os mecanismos
fisiológicos associados e a agroeficiência econômica da inserção da tecnologia no sistema de produção de mudas de coqueiro anão-verde-do-brasil. O experimento foi realizado em viveiro comercial em Santa Isabel-PA e em casa de vegetação da Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia, Belém-PA. Foram coletadas amostras de solo e realizado diluição seriada onde foi obtido 96 isolados distintos de rizobatérias. Foi realizado experimento em casa de vegetação com plantas modelo (Oryza sativa L.), o delineamento experimental
foi interamente caualizado (DIC) com 97 tratamentos ( 96 rizobactérias e tratamento controle com água), com três repetições cada. Foram avaliados comprimento aéreo, comprimento radicular e biomassa total. Em viveiro o melhor isolado selecionado em planta modelo, foi testado como promotor de crescimento em mudas de coqueiro anão-verde-do-brasil, o delineamento experimental foi em DIC com dois tratamentos: controle com 100% de FQ e R40 com 50% de FQ. O isolado R40 foi testado in vitro para solubilização de fosfato, produção de saideroforos e ácido indolacético (AIA), nas mudas foi avaliado biometria, trocas gasosas, concentração homonal e conteúdo nutricional, as médias foram comparadas pelo teste t a 5% de probabilidade. Em viveiro foram coletadas amostras de folhas com sintomas de queima foliar, seguidas levadas para laboratório para análise e isolamento de fungos associados. Foi obtido isolado de Pestalotiopsis sp. em casa de vegetação o teste de patogenicidade em dois tratamentos: Controle com água e Plantas pulverizas com Pestalotiopsis sp. (103 conídios mL-1.), com três repetições. foi realizado em mudas com três meses de idade e tratamentos aplicados na primeira folha totalmente expandida, foi aplicado suspensão e mantida sobre câmara úmida. Foi avaliada a presença de sintomas nas folhas testadas durante sete dias após início do experimento, seguida de coleta e reisolamento. Para elabolaração de escala diagramática foram coletadas 100 folhas de mudas de coqueiro anão-verde-do-brasil, aleatoriamente, digitalizadas e obtidos valores de severidade real da doença (%), para construir uma proposta de escala. Os avaliadores selecionados não apresentavam experiência com a doença, a eles foi projetada imagem das folhas de coqueiro, ao qual foram avaliadas sem e com o auxílio da proposta de escala. A partir dos resultados foi realizada análise de regressão linear, relacionando a severidade real e a severidade estimada. Em viveiro, foi realizado ensaio para avaliar o efeito do uso de R40 sobre mudas com sintomas de queima foliar causada por Pestalotiopsis sp. Foram dois tramantos: controle com 100% de FQ e R40 com 50% de FQ e cinco repetições. Foram avaliadas a severidade, área foliar, trocas gasosas e fluorescência da clorofila a, mensalmente durante seis meses. Além, de teor e conteúdo de clorofilas ao final dos seis meses de idade, as médias foram comparadas pelo teste t a 5% de probabilidade. Para a avaliação dos custos associados ao uso de B. cereus em mudas de coqueiro anão-verde-do-brasil, foi realizado experimento com dois tratamentos: controle com 100% de FQ e R40 com 50% de FQ e cinco repetições. Foram avaliados mensalmente ao longo de seis meses: Altura, diâmetro do coleto e massa seca, as médias foram comparadas pelo teste t a 5% de probabilidade. Foram elaboradas tabelas que descriminaram custo operacional efetivo (COE) e o custo operacional total (COT), 9 comparando o tratamento com B. cereus com tempo de viveiro de seis meses de idade com a produção de mudas convencional de oitos meses. Os resultados destes estudo mostraram que o isolado R40 identificado como B. cereus (UFRABC40)foi solubilizador de fosfato, produtor de sideróforos e de ácido indolacético (AIA) in vitro. Mudas bioestimuladas com B. cereus e combinadas a 50% de FQ, foram superiores em biometria, trocas gasosas, concentração homonal e conteúdo nutricional compardas a mudas controle com 100% de FQ. As plantas do tratamento com pulverização de Pestalotiopsis sp. apresentaram sintomas semelhantes as amostras coletadas em viveiros. O
reisolamento identificou o fungo do gênero Pestalotiopsis sp. como causador de queima foliar em mudas de coqueiro anão-verde-do-brasil. A escala diagramática proposta garantiu a partir dos valores de coeficiente de determinação, maior precisão a 100% dos avaliadores. As as mudas do tratamento com B. cereus, promoveram a partir do terceiro mês de idade redução da severidade de queima foliar em mudas de coqueiro combinado a maior assimilação de CO2, condutância estomática, transpiração e relação eficiência de
carboxilação ocorreu também a redução da concentração intercelular de carbono. Além, de ter proporcionado alterações positivas dos fotosistemas avaliados a partir da fluorescência da clorofila a. Nestas mudas também houve maior teor e conteúdo de clorofilas comparado a plantas controle. No ensaio de eficiência econômica, as mudas bioestimuladas possuíram maior incremento biométrico comparado a mudas do tratamento controle, e promoveram redução do custo operacional total e redução do valor unitário da muda em 11%. Bacillus cereus combinada a redução da FQ promove o crescimento de mudas de coqueiro e reduz a incidência de manchas foliares provocadas por Pestalotiopsis sp., a tecnologia microbiana aplicada em mudas de coqueiro anão-verde-do-brasil no estado do Pará aumenta a eficiência econômica do manejoThe green-dwarf coconut tree (Cocos nucifera L.) is a palm tree of high economic importance and a productive chain intended to the coconut water production. There are factors which limits the obtaining of green dwarf coconut seedlings, highlighting the costs and phytosanitary problems, as leaf diseases. Using beneficial microorganisms in the agriculture, it is in promoting benefits to the plants increasing in quality, vigor and its
protection from pathogens. In addition to allow and enable a sustainable agriculture. The objective of this work was to obtain biostimulants associated with low doses of the recommended chemical fertilizer (FQ), being able to promote growth and mitigate the leaf burning, unveil the associated physiological mechanisms and the economic agro-efficiency of the technology insertion in the brazil dwarf coconut tree seedling production
system. The experiment was performed in commercial nursery in Santa Isabel-PA and in a greenhouse of Feral Rural University of Amazon, Belém-PA. Soil samples were collected and made a serial dilution which were obtained 96 distinct isolates of rhizobacteria. The greenhouse experimente was performed with model plant (Oryza sativa L.), the experimental design used was entirely random (DIC) with 97 treatment (96 rhizobacteria and control treatment with water), with three repetitions each. Aerial and radicular length and total biomass were evaluated. In nursery, the best isolated selected in model plant, was tested as growth promoter in brazil green dwarf coconut tree seedlings, the experimental design was in DIC with two control treatments with 100% of FQ and R40 with 50% of FQ. The R40 isolated was tested in vitro for phosphate solubilization, siderophore and indolacetic acid (AIA) production, in the seedlings were evaluated the biometrics, gas exchanges, hormonal concentration and nutritional content, the averages were compared by t test at 5% of probability. In nursery were collected leaf samples with leaf burning symptoms, and taken to the laboratory for analysis and isolation
of associated fungi. A Pestalotiopsis sp. isolate was obtained in greenhouse. The pathogenicity test in two treatments: Control with water and Pestalotiopsis sp. (103 conidia mL-1.) sprayed plants, with three repetitions, were performed in three-months-old seedlings and treatments applied in the first leaf totally expanded, were applied suspension and kept under humid chamber. The presence of symptoms in the tested leafs were evaluated during seven days after the start of the experiment, followed by the collect and a second isolation. To the diagrammatic scale elaboration were collected 100 leafs of brazil green dwarf coconut tree seedlings, randomly, digitalized and obtaining real disease severity values (%), to build an scale proposal. The selected evaluators did not showed experience with the disease, coconut leaf images were projected to them, which
were evaluated without and with the scale proposal help. From the results was made a linear regression analysis, relating the real severity and estimated severity. In nursery, was made a trial to evaluate the effect of R40 use on seedlings with leaf burning symptoms caused by Pestalotiopsis sp. Two treatments were used: control with 100% of FQ and R40 with 50% of FQ and five repetitions. The severity, leaf area, gas exchange
and A chlorophyll fluorescence were evaluated monthly for six months. In addition, the chlorophyll content and percentage at the end of six months of age, the averages were compared by t test at 5% probability. To the evaluation of associated cost to B. cereus use in brazil green dwarf coconut tree seedlings, was performed an experiment with two treatments: control with 100% of FQ and R40 with 50% of FQ and five repetitions.
Monthly, were evaluated during six months: Height, stem diameter and dry mass, the averages were compared by t test at 5% of probability. Tables with discriminated effective operational costs (COE) and total operational costs (COT) were elaborated, comparing the treatment with B. cereus with six-months-old nursery time with the conventional eight months seedling production. The results of this study showed that R40 isolate identified
as B. cereus (UFRABC40), was phosphate solubilizer, siderophores and indolacetic acid (AIA) in vitro producer. B. cereus biostimulated seedlings combined to 50% of FQ, were superior in biometrics, gas exchange, hormonal concentration and nutritional content compared to the control seedling with 100% of FQ. Plants of the treatment with Pestalotiopsis sp. pulverization presented similar symptoms to the samples collected in
nursery. The second isolation identified the fungi of Pestalotiopsis sp. genus as the leaf burning cause in Brazil green dwarf coconut tree seedlings. The proposed diagrammatic scale guaranteed, from the determination coefficient values, greater precision to 100% of the evaluators. Seedlings of the B. cereus treatment, promoted, from the third month old, reduction of leaf burning severity in coconut tree seedlings combined to greater CO2
assimilations, stomatal conductance, transpiration and carboxylation efficiency relation also occured the reduction of carbon intercellular concentration. In addition, it has provided positive changes in the photosystems evaluated from the a chlorophyll fluorescence. On these seedlings also had the greater percentage and chlorophyll content compared to control plants. In the economic efficiency trial, the biostimulated seedlings
had greater biometric increment compared to the control treatment seedlings, and promoted reduction in the total operational cost and an 11% reduction in the seedling unitary value. Bacillus cereus combined with FQ reduction promotes coconut tree growth and reduces the incidence of leaf spots caused by Pestalotiopsis, the microbial technology applied in Brazil green dwarf coconut tree seedlings in the state of Pará increases the
economic efficiency of the management
Physiology and nutritional contents of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) plants induced by Pseudomonas fluorescens / Fisiologia e conteúdo nutricional de plantas de alface (Lactuca sativa L.) induzidas por Pseudomonas fluorescensv
Sustainable agriculture and the larger scales of production needed to meet the higher demand for food each year have become models for several studies; beneficial microorganisms are one model that has been used as an alternative for greater production of and reductions in the use of chemical fertilizers. Thus, the objective of this work was to study the physiological changes in and nutrient contents of lettuce after inoculation with Pseudomonas fluorescens in combination with chemical fertilization. P. fluorescens had a positive influence on gas exchange, with increases of 41% in A, 44% in Gs, 29% in E, and 100% in A / Ci; increased Concentration of chlorophyll a and b, of 220% more chl a and 106% chl b; increased chlorophyll a fluorescence, higher relative water content; and nutrient content increases of 19% for nitrogen, 24% for phosphorus, and 105% for potassium. Plants inoculated with BRM-32111 presented increases for MFT, MFC and FF, in 37%, 34% and 26% respectively. However, when combined with fertilization, antagonism occurred, and the evaluated parameters were negatively affected
Elaboração e validação de conteúdo de um protocolo assistencial para cuidados de enfermagem com materiais utilizados em suporte ventilatório de paciente suspeito ou com COVID-19 confirmada
The aim was to develop and validate a Standard Operating Protocol for the processing of inhalation material used in suspected patients or with confirmed COVID-19. This is a methodological research carried out in two stages: process of building the Standard Operating Protocol through best recommended practices and appreciation of it by experts. The analysis was performed by calculating the Content Validity Index. The Content Validity Index was obtained for each item and the Content Validity Index for the general scale (0.97). The item “Material – cleaning and disinfection” had the lowest individual score (0.85). The team must be trained and be aware of institutional protocols for disinfection, dressing and undressing. The use of N95 masks is recommended due to the risk of contagion by aerosols when cleaning the material. Thermal disinfection is the method of choice for processing materials used in ventilatory support during the pandemic. The protocol initially developed was improved following the experts' suggestions. A care protocol that was valid in terms of content was obtained, capable of being used by nurses in their care practice.Objetivou-se elaborar e validar um Protocolo Operacional Padrão para processamento de material inalatório utilizado em pacientes suspeitos ou com COVID-19 confirmado. Trata-se de uma pesquisa metodológica realizada em duas etapas: processo de construção do Protocolo Operacional Padrão através das boas práticas recomendadas e apreciação dele por especialistas. A análise foi realizada por meio do cálculo do Índice de Validade de Conteúdo. Obteve-se o Índice de Validade de Conteúdo para cada item e o Índice de Validade de Conteúdo para a escala geral (0,97). O item “Material – limpeza e desinfecção” apresentou o menor escore (0,85) individual. A equipe deve ser treinada e ter ciência dos protocolos institucionais de desinfecção, paramentação e desparamentação. Orienta-se a utilização de máscaras N95 em virtude do risco de contágio por aerossóis durante a limpeza do material. A termodesinfecção constitui-se método de escolha para o processamento de materiais utilizados em suporte ventilatório durante a pandemia. O protocolo desenvolvido inicialmente foi aprimorado seguindo as sugestões dos especialistas. Obteve-se um protocolo assistencial válido em seu conteúdo, apto a ser utilizado por enfermeiros em sua prática assistencial.
Elaboração e validação de conteúdo de um protocolo assistencial para cuidados de enfermagem com materiais utilizados em suporte ventilatório de paciente suspeito ou com COVID-19 confirmada
The aim was to develop and validate a Standard Operating Protocol for the processing of inhalation material used in suspected patients or with confirmed COVID-19. This is a methodological research carried out in two stages: process of building the Standard Operating Protocol through best recommended practices and appreciation of it by experts. The analysis was performed by calculating the Content Validity Index. The Content Validity Index was obtained for each item and the Content Validity Index for the general scale (0.97). The item “Material – cleaning and disinfection” had the lowest individual score (0.85). The team must be trained and be aware of institutional protocols for disinfection, dressing and undressing. The use of N95 masks is recommended due to the risk of contagion by aerosols when cleaning the material. Thermal disinfection is the method of choice for processing materials used in ventilatory support during the pandemic. The protocol initially developed was improved following the experts' suggestions. A care protocol that was valid in terms of content was obtained, capable of being used by nurses in their care practice.Objetivou-se elaborar e validar um Protocolo Operacional Padrão para processamento de material inalatório utilizado em pacientes suspeitos ou com COVID-19 confirmado. Trata-se de uma pesquisa metodológica realizada em duas etapas: processo de construção do Protocolo Operacional Padrão através das boas práticas recomendadas e apreciação dele por especialistas. A análise foi realizada por meio do cálculo do Índice de Validade de Conteúdo. Obteve-se o Índice de Validade de Conteúdo para cada item e o Índice de Validade de Conteúdo para a escala geral (0,97). O item “Material – limpeza e desinfecção” apresentou o menor escore (0,85) individual. A equipe deve ser treinada e ter ciência dos protocolos institucionais de desinfecção, paramentação e desparamentação. Orienta-se a utilização de máscaras N95 em virtude do risco de contágio por aerossóis durante a limpeza do material. A termodesinfecção constitui-se método de escolha para o processamento de materiais utilizados em suporte ventilatório durante a pandemia. O protocolo desenvolvido inicialmente foi aprimorado seguindo as sugestões dos especialistas. Obteve-se um protocolo assistencial válido em seu conteúdo, apto a ser utilizado por enfermeiros em sua prática assistencial.
Schinus terebinthifolius leaf extract causes midgut damage, interfering with survival and development of Aedes aegypti larvae
In this study, a leaf extract from Schinus terebinthifolius was evaluated for effects on survival, development, and midgut of A. aegypti fourth instar larvae (L4), as well as for toxic effect on Artemia salina. Leaf extract was obtained using 0.15 M NaCl and evaluated for phytochemical composition and lectin activity. Early L4 larvae were incubated with the extract (0.3–1.35%, w/v) for 8 days, in presence or absence of food. Polymeric proanthocyanidins, hydrolysable tannins, heterosid and aglycone flavonoids, cinnamic acid derivatives, traces of steroids, and lectin activity were detected in the extract, which killed the larvae at an LC50 of 0.62% (unfed larvae) and 1.03% (fed larvae). Further, the larvae incubated with the extract reacted by eliminating the gut content. No larvae reached the pupal stage in treatments at concentrations between 0.5% and 1.35%, while in the control (fed larvae), 61.7% of individuals emerged as adults. The extract (1.0%) promoted intense disorganization of larval midgut epithelium, including deformation and hypertrophy of cells, disruption of microvilli, and vacuolization of cytoplasms, affecting digestive, enteroendocrine, regenerative, and proliferating cells. In addition, cells with fragmented DNA were observed. Separation of extract components by solid phase extraction revealed that cinnamic acid derivatives and flavonoids are involved in larvicidal effect of the extract, being the first most efficient in a short time after larvae treatment. The lectin present in the extract was isolated, but did not show deleterious effects on larvae. The extract and cinnamic acid derivatives were toxic to A. salina nauplii, while the flavonoids showed low toxicity. S. terebinthifolius leaf extract caused damage to the midgut of A. aegypti larvae, interfering with survival and development. The larvicidal effect of the extract can be attributed to cinnamic acid derivatives and flavonoids. The data obtained using A. salina indicates that caution should be used when employing this extract as a larvicidal agent
Subacute and Reproductive Oral Toxicity Assessment of the Hydroethanolic Extract of Jacaranda decurrens
Jacaranda decurrens subsp. symmetrifoliolata Farias & Proença (Bignoniaceae) is a species traditionally used for the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases. Previous findings from our group reported scientifically that J. decurrens has anti-inflammatory efficacy. However, more toxicological studies are needed to support and ensure its safe use. The present study was carried out to evaluate the toxic effects of a prolonged treatment with hydroethanolic root extract of J. decurrens (EJD) on hematological, biochemical, and reproductive parameters in adult male rats. The animals received by oral gavage 0; 250; 500; or 1000 mg/kg body weight of EJD for 28 days. After the treatment, biochemical, hematological, histopathological, and reproductive parameters were analyzed. The EJD treatment did not cause adverse effects on body weight gain, feed and water consumption, hematological and biochemical profiles, or histopathological analysis of liver and kidney. Similarly, there were no statistically significant differences in reproductive parameters, such as sperm production, number of sperm in the epididymis, and sperm morphology. These results demonstrate the absence of subacute toxicity as a result of the oral treatment with EJD for 28 days in adult male rats. However, other studies should be performed to evaluate the total safety of this plant
Patient safety during anesthetic procedures is a fundamental pillar in medical practice, aiming to mitigate risks and prevent adverse events. In this context, the implementation of effective strategies plays a crucial role in ensuring patient well-being. Objectives: Implement effective strategies in anesthesia to prevent adverse events, ensuring patient safety during surgical procedures. Methodology: The articles found were read, upon reading the articles were subjected to inclusion and exclusion criteria, within the inclusion criteria original articles were considered, which addressed the topic researched and allowed full access to the content of the study, published in the period of 2015 to 2023, in Portuguese and English, totaling 22 articles for the present study. The research was carried out through online access to the National Library of Medicine (PubMed MEDLINE), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS) databases in March 2024. Results and Discussions: Consistent application of safety protocols significantly reduced the incidence of adverse events in anesthesia. The effectiveness of these strategies such as the checklist before the procedure, during and after the procedure is highlighted, emphasizing the continuous importance of monitoring and improving practices carried out in the surgical environment during the anesthesia process, further improving patient safety. Conclusion: In summary, the implementation of preventive strategies proves to be crucial in reducing adverse events in anesthesia, strengthening patient safety. The constant evaluation and improvement of these approaches are essential to ensure increasingly safe and effective anesthetic practices.A segurança do paciente durante procedimentos anestésicos é um pilar fundamental na prática médica, visando mitigar riscos e prevenir eventos adversos. Nesse contexto, a implementação de estratégias eficazes desempenha um papel crucial na garantia do bem-estar do paciente. Objetivos: Implementar estratégias eficazes na anestesia para prevenir eventos adversos, garantindo a segurança do paciente durante procedimentos cirúrgicos. Metodologia: Foi realizada a leitura doas artigos encontrados, mediante a leitura os artigos foram submetidos a critérios de inclusão e de exclusão, dentro os de inclusão foram considerados artigos originais, que abordassem o tema pesquisado e permitissem acesso integral ao conteúdo do estudo, publicados no período de 2015 a 2023, em português e em inglês, totalizando 22 artigos para o presente estudo. A pesquisa foi realizada através do acesso online nas bases de dados National Library of Medicine (PubMed MEDLINE), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS) no mês de março de 2024. Resultados e Discussões: A aplicação consistente de protocolos de segurança reduziu significativamente a incidência de eventos adversos em anestesia. Destaca-se a eficácia dessas estratégias como o checklist antes do procedimento, durante e a pós, enfatizando a importância contínua da vigilância e aprimoramento das práticas realizadas no ambiente cirúrgico mediante ao processo de anestesia melhorando ainda mais a segurança do paciente. Conclusão: Em síntese, a implementação de estratégias preventivas demonstra ser crucial na redução de eventos adversos em anestesia, fortalecendo a segurança do paciente. A constante avaliação e aprimoramento dessas abordagens são essenciais para garantir práticas anestésicas cada vez mais seguras e eficazes
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