782 research outputs found

    Acerca de uma tigela de terra sigillata clara da necrópole do Sol Avesso, Porto Salvo (Oeiras)

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    Em 1964, no decurso da construção de uma moradia na rua de São Sebastião, no chamado Bairro de Auto-Construção de Porto-Salvo, em Sol Avesso, foram ocasionalmente postas a descoberto três sepulturas estruturadas, de planta rectangular, parcialmente escavadas nas margens do Cenomaniano (Cretácio Inferior) que afloram no local. Correspondem à estação arqueológica nº 45 da Carta Arqueológica do concelho de Oeiras (CARDOSO & CARDOSO, 1992). As circunstâncias da descoberta e ulteriores vicissitudes, prejudicaram a realização, como se impunha, de trabalhos aturados; as limitadas investigações então efectuadas por um grupo de alunos da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, depararam com dificuldades, em detrimento não só da adequada exploração das três sepulturas referidas, mas também das muitas outras que, após aquela intervenção de emergência, foram totalmente destruídas, em consequência do prosseguimento das obras. Na curta notícia dedicada aos trabalhos arqueológicos então efectuados, publica-se apenas uma lucerna atribuída ao século II d.C. (MATOS, 1969; CARDOSO & CARDOSO, 1993). A taça de terra sigillata clara objecto deste estudo, foi recolhida, provavelmente, em outra sepultura, das muitas que, entretanto, foram destruídas. Conserva-se no Centro de Estudos Arqueológicos do Concelho de Oeiras (Câmara Municipal de Oeiras); dela, foi anteriormente publicada apenas desenho, sem mais comentários (CARDOSO & CARDOSO, 1992). porém, a importância arqueológica desta peça intacta justificava estudo mais desenvolvido, o qual agora é concretizado. Com efeito, é excepcional a ocorrência de exemplares inteiros comparáveis: um dos raros casos compulsados é o de tigela proveniente de Bello, Cádiz, conservada no Museu Arqueológico nacional, em Madrid (ZOREDA, 1971, Est. III)

    Um cometa na Pré-história portuguesa : a taça do povoado calcolítico do Outeiro de S. Mamede (Bombarral) e o imaginário colectivo ligado a tais corpos celestes

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    Os autores dão a conhecer a representação de um cometa esgrafitada na face externa de pequena taça cerâmica datável do Calcolítico pleno recolhida no povoado do Outeiro de S. Mamede (Bombarral). Tecem também algumas considerações sobre o papel desempenhado por estes corpos celestes no imaginrió das comunidades humanas que os observaram.The authors show a sgraffito decoratian representing a comet on the extemal face of a small pottery cup dated from me Full Chalcolithic and gathered in the settlement of Outeiro de S. Mamede (Bombarral). They also make some remarques on the role of such celestial bodies in the imagination of the human communities that observed them

    Extenso lipoma do ouvido interno e canal do facial

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    Inner ear lipomas are rare benign congenital lesions, most frequently presenting at the internal auditory canal and labirynth. Lipomas of the facial nerve are even less frequent. We present a case of a lipoma involving all internal ear structures and VII nerve canal and extending intracranially and extracranially, presenting with facial palsy and ipsilateral hearing loss. To our knowledge this is the most extensive case of inner ear lipoma described

    An ontology to integrate multiple knowledge domains of training-dietary-competition in weightlifting: A nutritional approach

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    This study is a part of weightlifting “TrainingDietary-Competition” (TDC) cycle ontology. The main objective of TDC-cycle is to build a knowledge framework for Olympic weightlifting, bringing together related fields such as training methodology, weightlifting biomechanics, and nutrition while modelling the synergy among them. In so doing, terminology, semantics, and used concepts are unified among athletes, coaches, nutritionists, and researchers to partially obviate the problem of unclear results and paucity of information. The uniqueness of this ontology is its ability to solve the knowledge sharing problem in which the knowledge owned by these experts in each field are not captures, classified or integrated into an information system for decision-making. The whole weightlifting TDC-cycle is semantically modelled by conceiving, designing, and integrating domain and task ontologies with the latter devising reasoning capability toward an automated and tailored weightlifting TDC-cycle. However, this study will focus mainly on the nutrition domain. The intended application of this part of ontology is to provide a useful decision-making platform for a sport nutritionist who gathers and integrate relevant scientific information, equation, and tools necessary when providing nutritional services. The system is constructed by using Web Ontology Language (OWL), Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL), and Semantic Query-Enhanced Web Rule Language (SQWRL). The use of weightlifting TDC-cycle ontology can be helpful for nutritionists to create a well-planned nutrition program for athletes (especially, in the process of nutrition monitoring to identify energy imbalance in athletes) by reducing time consumption and calculation errors.The authors would like to thank Prof.Adriano Tavares for his guidance and providing necessary in formation regarding the project

    Management accounting practices in the hospitality industry: A systematic review and critical approach

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    The hospitality industry has been making a remarkable contribution to the growth of several countries’ economies. From a business perspective, the best management accounting (MA) techniques and practices are fundamental to the success of companies. However, studies in this specific area in the hotel industry are scattered in the scientific literature in different types of documents and different languages, and with an irregular distribution throughout the years (2000–2020). To fill this gap, a thorough analysis of the global performance of management accounting practices in hospitality is crucial. This study accessed theWeb of Science database in three different languages and systematized the articles to be included in this research through the PRISMA guidelines, which allowed an empirical basis for the critical approach to this topic. The greatest relevance of the study is the fact that it presents a systematic review of the literature on hotel management accounting practices, for which these results were enriched with a critical approach. The innovative character of the study focuses on evidence of the increasing implementation of some hotel management accounting practices over the years, such as some operating ratios and the USALI. In practical terms, The results of this study explain the overall performance of management accounting practices in the lodging industry and which ones are most widely used. The importance of the practices to support the decision-making of hoteliers and the challenges that they need to face in their implementation are also shown.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Acenocoumarol-related fatal in-utero subdural hematoma

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    Fetal intracranial hemorrhages are typical of the germinal matrix, associated with fetal or placental problems. Subdural hemorrhages in utero are extremely rare but have been reported in coagulation disorders or maternal trauma. We present a case of atraumatic subdural hematoma in a 35 gestational week fetus, whose mother was under oral anticoagulation for prosthetic mitral valve. The mother complained of reduced fetal movement and ultrasound was inconclusive. Fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed the following day. MRI revealed an extensive subdural hematoma involving both hemispheric convexities and the tentorium, with significant mass effect. No heartbeat was detected in an US performed 1 day after MRI. Autopsy confirmed the diagnosis. To our knowledge it is the most extensive acenocoumarol-related in-utero SDH reported, and an excellent example of how fetal MRI might aid in prenatal diagnosis of fetal hemorrhagic complications

    Management accounting practices in the hospitality industry: The Portuguese background

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    Background: Despite the increase in tourism revenues, management in the hospitality industry faces constant challenges for profit maximization. In this way, the aim of this study is to analyze management accounting (MA) research applied to the Portuguese hospitality industry, identifying all the practices mentioned by authors studying the same theme in the rest of the world. Methods: fifty-two studies were obtained and used between 2010 and 2021 for data assessment through bibliometric review, which involved both quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis. To achieve the objectives, studies were selected according to the MA practices identified by several authors for the global hospitality industry. Results: the results highlight the importance of increasing research on MA practices in the hospitality industry to empower management and smooth out the differences between their use. Currently, the emphasis is on hotel ratios and indicators, budgeting, and benchmarking. Conclusions: The adoption of MA practices is decisive for the success of hotel companies. This study evidenced the increasing use of some hotel MA practices over the years and made it possible to assess the development of these practices in Portugal, since to date no other author has produced a bibliometric review on this topic.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    From columbine to virgínia tech : empirical based reflections about an expanding phenomenon

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    O fenômeno conhecido como school shooting vem chamando a atenção do mundo, principalmente após a tragédia na Columbine High School, na cidade de Littleton, Colorado, nos Estados Unidos, em 1999. Posteriormente, em abril de 2007, o estudante Cho Seung-Hui protagonizou um massacre de proporções ainda maiores ao atirar contra estudantes do Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, matando 32 pessoas e se suicidando ao final. O presente artigo reflete sobre o fenômeno chamando a atenção para a sua expansão pelo mundo e traz uma reflexão, baseada em dados empíricos, sobre o desenvolvimento dos protagonistas dos massacres em seus contextos sociais, incluindo o ambiente familiar, a mídia e interações entre colegas nas escolas e universidades. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTSchool shooting phenomenon has attracted attention throughout the world, especially after the Columbine massacre in April, 1999. In that event, 12 people died and about 30 were hurt. Some years later, in April 2007, Cho Seung-Hui carried out an even more impressive deed, shooting and killing 32 people at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA. This article presents school shooting as a growing phenomenon that may happen anywhere and not just in the United States. A reflection based on empirical research is presented focusing the development of school shooters in their social contexts, including home environment, media influence, and inter-students interactions in High Schools and universities