26 research outputs found

    Estrategias pedagógicas en el área de matemáticas para la inclusión educativa de escolares con discapacidad cognitiva de los grados 1°, 2° y 3° de la Institución Educativa Gimnasio Risaralda sede América Mixta del municipio de Pereira

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    Este trabajo presenta la investigación “Estrategias Pedagógicas en el área de Matemáticas para la inclusión educativa de escolares con discapacidad cognitiva de los grados 1°, 2° y 3° de la Institución Educativa Gimnasio Risaralda sede América mixta del municipio de Pereira”, cuyo objetivo principal fue reconocer las Estrategias pedagógicas implementadas por los maestros en el área de Matemáticas, para la atención educativa de escolares con discapacidad cognitiva de los grados nombrados anteriormente, con el fin de elaborar Estrategias que faciliten su inclusión. Para ello nos enfocamos en una investigación cualitativa de tipo descriptivo basada en el estudio de caso, la cual busca estudiar la realidad en su contexto natural, interpretando los fenómenos de acuerdo a los significados que tienen para las personas implicadas, utilizando y aplicando la entrevista semiestructurada, que incorpora preguntas relacionadas con las categorías: Inclusión educativa, discapacidad cognitiva, estrategias y el área específica de investigación, al igual que se realizo una observación no participante, la cual consistió en el registro no estandarizado de comportamientos, en este caso, de las estrategias utilizadas por los Docentes en el área de matemáticas. Para realizar un análisis, se contrastaron los resultados de las entrevistas y de la observación, en relación con la teoría que sustenta la investigación, con el fin de dar cuenta de las estrategias pedagógicas predominantes en la atención educativa de los escolares con discapacidad cognitiva. Así, analizando las estrategias pedagógicas implementadas por los Docentes de la Institución Educativa América mixta, se encontró que las Docentes implementan para la enseñanza de las matemáticas a estudiantes con discapacidad cognitiva estrategias alternativas que permite la construcción de una base conceptual sólida a partir de las situaciones que el estudiante puede construir y desarrollar bajo la orientación del docente, partiendo del contexto de los niños y niñas y con problemáticas que ellos puedan evidenciar llevándolos a aplicar los conceptos y las soluciones a la vida cotidiana

    New records of Basilia Miranda-Ribeiro, 1903 (Diptera: Hippoboscoidea: Nycteribiidae) from Colombia

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    Los Nycteribiidae son un grupo de moscas ectoparásitas y hematófagas, asociadas a murciélagos y escasamente conocidas en Colombia. La revisión de material previamente recolectado y trabajo de campo adicional en varias regiones de Colombia, permitieron identificar varias especies de moscas y sus murciélagos asociados. Particularmente, este es el primer registro para Colombia de la especie Basilia tiptoni Guimarães, 1966, recolectada en el murciélago Gardnerycteris keenani (Handley, 1960) (Mammalia: Chiroptera), en los departamentos de Antioquia y Sucre. Además, se encontró al murciélago Eptesicus brasiliensis (Desmarest, 1819), procedente del departamento de Sucre, como un nuevo hospedero y nuevo registro geográfico, de Basilia ferrisi Schuurmans Stekhoven, Jr., 1931.The Nycteribiidae is a group of ectoparasitic and hematophagous flies associated with bats and barely known in Colombia. The revision of previously collected material and additional fieldwork through various regions in Colombia let us to identify various fly species and their associated bats. Particularly, this is the first record of the species Basilia tiptoni Guimarães, 1966, for Colombia, collected on the bat Gardnerycteris keenani (Handley, 1960) (Mammalia: Chiroptera), from the Antioquia and Sucre departments. Additionally, and as a new geographic and host record, the species Basilia ferrisi Schuurmans Stekhoven, Jr., 1931 was found on the bat Eptesicus brasiliensis (Desmarest, 1819) from the Sucre department

    How Do Colombian Mountains Shape the Life History Of Treehoppers?

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    Assessing the variation in species richness and life history of treehoppers in two mountains in Colombia

    Physical, chemical and biological characterization as support for water governance in a hydrogeological system of Colombia

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    Understanding the physical, chemical and biological system is an indispensable precondition to addressing groundwater management. This understanding is based on Conceptual Hydrogeological Models, which contain different interpretations and their validity is checked through the application of specific research techniques (numerical modelling, hydrochemistry, isotope hydrology,process evaluation and biological functions). This paper describes the experience carried out by an academic team that, together with entities responsible for the protection of waterresources, established strategic alliances to improve the knowledge of the hydrogeological system,providing new elements for governance. This study was carried out in the Urabá antioqueño zone, located north-west of Colombia. A complex aquifer system is located in the region,characterized by a series of permeable, semi-permeable and impermeable layers. In such alayered aquifer the determination of the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the layers and their management are a challenge for researchers because groundwater represents a strategic resource for supplying the population and developing economic activities. Starting from the conceptual hydrogeological model, multiscale numerical modelling exercises have been carried out, enabling the characterization of local, intermediate and regional flow systems. In addition,by determining the natural background level, the concentration ranges of chemical compounds from natural sources were obtained, in order to detect future changes in water quality. It was also possible to examine the stygofauna, which allowed the recognition of different types of organisms (stygobits, stygophiles and stygoxens) associated with underground ecosystems.These scientific elements serve as a support for the management instruments such as the groundwater management plan that is important for water governance, ensuring its future sustainability

    Dificuldades enfrentadas para a implementação da política nacional de saúde integral LGBT / Difficulties covered for the implementation of the nacional LGBT integral health policy

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    A comunidade LGBT, sofre pelo preconceito descabido da sociedade e na área da saúde com grandes evidências não é diferente. O acesso aos serviços de saúde a essa comunidade é marcado, e os principais motivos da exclusão da população em questão, nos serviços de saúde são; a homofobia (aversão a homossexuais), a discriminação e a heteronormatividade institucional. A presente pesquisa foi realizada com a finalidade de avaliar as dificuldades enfrentadas para implementação da Política Nacional de Saúde Integral LGBT, nas unidades básicas de saúde da família, do município de Caruaru-PE e constatar que as unidades não dispõem de atendimento e acolhimento adequado para essa comunidade

    Política nacional de atençao integral a saúde do homem e os desafios de sua implementação / National policy of comprehensive attention to men's health and the challenges of its implementation

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    A Política de Atenção Integral à Saúde do Homem considera os agravos de saúde masculina como um problema de saúde pública, problema esse que demanda condutas e ações de caráter preventivo e assistencial específicos. Esta problemática justifica o desenvolvimento deste estudo que objetivou analisar e conhecer os desafios encontrados para implantação da PNAISH no município de Caruaru- PE. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva com abordagem quantitativa de caráter transversal que teve como campo Unidades Básicas de Saúde. Os sujeitos foram 49 enfermeiros, responsáveis por 81,6% das UBS do território de estudo. Foi construído um questionário semiestruturado e auto administrável como meio de instrumento de coleta e análise do conteúdo. A pesquisa foi dividida em zona Rural e Urbana, na ocasião da pesquisa havia no município 60 ESF distribuídas a partir da necessidade de cada um dos territórios. Observa-se que a implantação da política ainda apresenta  como entraves aspectos organizacionais (ambiência, disponibilidade de horários alternativos, falta de materiais e insumos) além da necessidade de conhecer a política e os programas direcionados a esse publico través da implementação de capacitação ativa para os profissionais de saúde, principalmente os de enfermagem, para que esses possam assistir, conhecer e entender o perfil masculino,  visto que o conhecimento possibilitará ações de saúde mais específicas e eficazes fazendo assim com que haja a adequação desses cuidados com as novas diretrizes preconizadas pelo MS.

    Consultorio contable y tributario de la Universidad Libre Seccional Pereira

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    CD-T 343.04 A18;168 p.Se analiza la factibilidad financiera y social de la creación de un consultorio contable y tributario en la Universidd Libre Seccional Pereira, adscrito al programa de contaduría pública, para prestar asesoría y consultoría a personas naturales, mypimes y la gran empresa de Pereira y Dosquebradas, a título gratuito y oneroso.Universidad Libre Seccional Pereir

    WorldFAIR (D10.3) Agricultural biodiversity FAIR data assessment rubrics

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    The WorldFAIR Case Study on Agricultural Biodiversity (WP10) addresses the challenges of advancing interoperability and mobilising plant-pollinator interactions data for reuse. Previous efforts, reported in WorldFAIR Deliverable 10.1, ‘Agriculture-related pollinator data standards use cases report’ (Trekels et al., 2023), provided an overview of projects, good practices, tools, and examples for creating, managing and sharing data related to plant-pollinator interactions. It also outlined a work plan for conducting pilot studies. Deliverable 10.2 (Drucker et al., 2024) presented Agricultural Biodiversity Standards, Best Practices and Guidelines Recommendations. This deliverable presented results from six pilot studies that adopted standards and recommendations from the earlier report. The current report complements the efforts with Agricultural Biodiversity FAIR data assessment rubrics.We introduce a set of FAIR assessment tools tailored to the plant-pollinator interactions domain. These tools are designed to help researchers and institutions evaluate adherence to the FAIR principles. In the discovery phase, we found that a significant amount of data on plant-pollinator interactions is available as supplementary files of research articles, in a diversity of formats such as PDFs, Excel spreadsheets, and text files. The diversity of approaches and the lack of appropriate data vocabularies lead to confusion, information loss, and the need for complex data interpretation and transformation. Our proposed framework primarily targets researchers in this domain who wish to assess the FAIRness of the data they produce and take action to improve it. However, we believe it can also benefit data reviewers, data stewards, data repository managers and librarians dealing with plant-pollinator data. Our approach focuses on being as familiar as possible with the researcher's practices, language, and jargon. Ultimately, we aim to promote data publishing and reuse in the plant-pollinator interactions domain.We present a ‘Rubric for the assessment of Plant-Pollinator Interactions Data’ with examples from the data from the pilots developed in Deliverable 10.2 and in relation to the FAIR Implementation Profile (FIP) created by Work Package 10. We conduct ‘dataset assessments’ of available data from research projects surveyed in the discovery phase. Additionally, we describe in detail the ‘Automated FAIR-enabled Data Reviews’ generated by the Global Biotic Interactions (GLoBI) infrastructure, with examples from the pilots. We believe the tools described in this report will encourage data publishing and reuse in the plant-pollinator interactions domain. Moving from diverse approaches and siloed initiatives to widely available FAIR plant-pollination interactions data for scientists and decision-makers will enable the development of integrative studies that enhance our understanding of species biology, behaviour, ecology, phenology, and evolution

    WorldFAIR (D10.2) Agricultural Biodiversity Standards, Best Practices and Guidelines Recommendations

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    The WorldFAIR Case Study on Agricultural Biodiversity (WP10) addresses the challenges of advancing interoperability and mobilising plant-pollinator interactions data for reuse. Previous efforts, reported in Deliverable 10.1 - from our discovery phase - provided an overview of projects, best practices, tools, and examples for creating, managing and sharing data related to plant-pollinator interactions, along with a work plan for conducting pilot studies. The current report presents the results from the pilot phase of the Case Study, which involved six pilot studies adopting standards and recommendations from the discovery phase. The pilots enabled the handling  of concrete examples and the generation of reusable materials tailored to this domain, as well as providing better estimates for the overall costs of adoption for future projects. Our approach for plant-pollinator data standardisation is based on the widely-used standard for representing biodiversity data, Darwin Core, developed and maintained by the Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG), in conjunction with a data model and vocabulary proposed by the Brazilian Network of Plant-Pollinator Interactions (REBIPP). The pilot studies also underwent a process of “FAIRification” (i.e., transforming data into a format that adheres to the FAIR data principles) using the Global Biotic Interactions (GloBI, Poelen et al. 2014) platform. Additionally, we present the publishing model for Biotic Interactions developed in collaboration with the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), which leads the WorldFAIR Case Study on Biodiversity, as part of the proposed GBIF New Data Model, along with a concrete example of its use by one of the pilots. This effort led to the development of ‘FAIR best practices’ guidelines for sharing plant-pollinator interaction data. The primary focus of this work is to enhance the interoperability of data on plant-pollinator interactions, aligning with WorldFAIR efforts  to develop a Cross-Domain Interoperability Framework. We have successfully promoted the adoption of standards and increased the interoperability of plant-pollinator interactions data, resulting in a process that allows for tracing the provenance of the data, as well as facilitating the reuse of datasets crucial for understanding this essential ecosystem service and its changes due to human impact. Our effort demonstrates there are several possible paths for FAIRification, tailored to institutional needs, and we have shown that different approaches can contribute to promoting data interoperability and data availability for reuse, which is the ultimate goal of this initiative. Consequently, we have successfully ensured FAIR data for understanding plant-pollinator interactions at biologically-relevant scales for crops, with broad participation from initiatives in Europe, South America, Africa, North America, and elsewhere. We have also established concrete guidelines on FAIR data best practices customised for pollination data, metadata, and other digital objects, promoting the scalable adoption of these standards and FAIR data best practices by multiple initiatives. We believe this effort can assist similar initiatives in adopting interoperability standards for this domain and contribute to our understanding of how plant-pollinator interactions contribute to sustain life on Earth. Visit WorldFAIR online at http://worldfair-project.eu. WorldFAIR is funded by the EC HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ERA-01-41 Coordination and Support Action under Grant Agreement No. 101058393. 