3 research outputs found

    Guia d'actuaci贸 en cas d'anafilaxi

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    L'anafilaxi 茅s la reacci贸 al路l猫rgica m茅s greu que pot patir una persona. Per aix貌 茅s fonamental que tant els professionals sanitaris com els pacients amb risc, siguin capa莽os de recon猫ixer-la i d'iniciar r脿pidament l'actuaci贸 m茅s adient. La "Guia d'actuaci贸 en anafilaxi" (tamb茅 anomenada GALAXIA), elaborada per consens entre diverses societats m猫diques i coordinada per professionals de l'Hospital Vall d'Hebron supleix la manca d'una guia semblant a l'脿mbit espanyol, adaptant-se a les caracter铆stiques de la poblaci贸 i als recursos diagn貌stics i terap猫utics propis i incrementant, aix铆, les possibilitats d'猫xit quant a disseminaci贸 entre els professionals sanitaris.La anafilaxia es la reacci贸n al茅rgica m谩s grave que puede sufrir una persona. Por ello es fundamental que tanto los profesionales sanitarios como los pacientes con riesgo, sean capaces de reconocerla e iniciar r谩pidamente la actuaci贸n m谩s adecuada. La "Gu铆a de actuaci贸n en anafilaxia" (tambi茅n llamada GALAXIA), elaborada por consenso entre varias sociedades m茅dicas y coordinada por profesionales del Hospital Vall d'Hebron suple la falta de una gu铆a similar en el 谩mbito espa帽ol, adaptando a las caracter铆sticas de la poblaci贸n y los recursos diagn贸sticos y terap茅uticos propios, e incrementando as铆 las posibilidades de 茅xito en cuanto a diseminaci贸n entre los profesionales sanitarios.Anaphylaxis is the most severe allergic reaction a person can suffer from. It is therefore essential that both healthcare professionals and patients at risk be able to recognise it quickly and initiate the most appropriate action. GALAXY, or "Guidelines for Action in Anaphylaxis", developed by consensus among several professional medical societies and coordinated by professionals from Hospital Vall d'Hebron, aims to solve the lack of this type of guide in Spain. It is adapted to the characteristics of the population and the country's diagnostic and therapeutic resources, thus increasing chances of success in terms of dissemination activities among healthcare professionals

    Modulaci贸 de la resposta immunol貌gica per la immunoter脿pia amb Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus : relaci贸 amb l'efic脿cia cl铆nica /

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    Consultable del del TDXT铆tol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaAntecedents: Les malalties al路l猫rgiques s'han associat a un desequilibri immunol貌gic consistent en un predomini de la resposta Th2 sobre la Th1. Determinades mol猫cules expressades en la superf铆cie de las c猫l路lules presentadores de l'antigen (CPA) s贸n fonamentals per a l'activaci贸 dels limf貌cits T (LT) i tamb茅 per induir la derivaci贸 cap la producci贸 d'un tipus determinat de citocines Th1 o Th2. Es possible que els pacients al路l猫rgics presentin alteracions en l'expressi贸 de aquestes mol猫cules i que la immunoter脿pia (IT) reverteixi aquesta alteraci贸. Objectiu: Avaluar l'expressi贸 intracel路lular d'IL-4, IL-10 i IFN-g en LT d'individus sans i pacients al路l猫rgics. Investigar l'expressi贸 de CD23 i CD86 (B7.2) en limf貌cits B (LB) i mon貌cits (M). Relacionar aquesta expressi贸 amb l'aplicaci贸 d'IT i amb l'efecte cl铆nic sobre la sensibilitzaci贸 a l'al路lergen, la simptomatologia cl铆nica i l'煤s de medicaci贸. M猫todes: Estudi prospectiu, obert, aleatoritzat amb grup control. Pacients: 10 individus sans i 28 pacients asm脿tics, al路l猫rgics a Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (D pteronyssinus), 16 tractats amb IT i 12 sense IT. M猫todes: Seguiment de proves cut脿nies i de provocaci贸 conjuntival a D pteronyssinus. Control de la puntuaci贸 de s铆mptomes i de l'煤s de medicaci贸. Determinaci贸 mitjan莽ant citometria de flux, en cultius de c猫l路lules mononucleades de sang perif猫rica estimulats amb PMA i ionomicina o estimulats amb D pteronyssinus i sotmesos a re-estimulaci贸, del percentatge de LT que expressaven IL-4, IL-10 i IFN-g. Determinaci贸 de l'activaci贸 limfocit脿ria (segons l'expressi贸 de CD69). Estudi de la proliferaci贸 limfocit脿ria enfront el D pteronyssinus. Avaluaci贸 del percentatge de LB (CD20+) i de M (CD14+) que expressaven CD23 o CD86. En els individus al路l猫rgics es va realitzar un control cl铆nic i dels estudis 芦in vitro禄 a l'inici del estudi (T1), als 6 mesos (T2) i als 12 mesos (T3). Resultats: Els malalts al路l猫rgics presentaven respecte als individus sans un major percentatge de M que expressaven CD23 (p=0,022) i una capacitat d'activaci贸 de les c猫l路lules T (CD69) disminu茂da (p<0,001). A l'inici de l'estudi, no es van trobar difer猫ncies en les caracter铆stiques cl铆niques ni immunol貌giques entre el grup aleatoritzat a rebre IT o no. La IT es va associar a una disminuci贸 significativa de la puntuaci贸 de s铆mptomes, de l'煤s de medicaci贸, de la sensibilitat cut脿nia i conjuntival. A T2 i T3, els pacients tractats amb IT mostraven un menor percentatge de M que expressaven CD23 (T2: p=0,019 i T3: p=0,024) i un major percentatge de LB que expressaven CD86 (T3: p=0,06), respecte al grup sense IT. En l'an脿lisi intragrup del pacients amb IT es va evidenciar un augment del percentatge de LB que expressaven CD23 a T2 i T3 comparat amb T1 (T1: p=0,024; T3 p=0,024). La IT es va associar a un increment del percentatge de LT CD69+ (T3: p=0,05). No es van evidenciar canvis en l'expressi贸 de citocines en els cultius estimulats de forma inespec铆fica, mentre que en els cultius amb D pteronyssinus s'observava una tend猫ncia a augmentar el percentatge d'expressi贸 d'IFN-g en LT durant la IT, i a un augment del percentatge de LT que expressaven IL-10 a T2. Va disminuir la proliferaci贸 limfocit脿ria front a D pteronyssinus (T3: p=0,026). La milloria cl铆nica es va associar a una reducci贸 de l'expressi贸 de CD23 en M, a un augment de l'activaci贸 de LT i a una p猫rdua de la resposta proliferativa front l'al路lergen. Conclusions: L'expressi贸 de mol猫cules que poden participar en senyals de coestimulaci贸 durant la presentaci贸 antig猫nica 茅s diferent en pacients al路l猫rgics i individus sans. La IT indueix canvis en l'expressi贸 d'aquestes mol猫cules i pot influenciar el tipus de resposta immunol貌gica front l'al路lergen.Introduction: Allergic diseases are associated with a disturbance in the immune balance with a predominance of a Th2 over a Th1 response. Certain molecules, expressed on the surface of antigen presenting cells (APC) are crucial for T cell activation and also play a role on the induction Th1 or Th2 cytokine production. It is possible that allergic patients may have an alteration on the expression of these molecules and specific immunotherapy (SIT) might revert this situation. Objectives: To evaluate intracellular IL-4, IL-10 and IFN-g expression in T cells of healthy and allergic subjects. To evaluate the expression of CD23 and CD86 (B7.2) on B cells and monocytes (M). To correlate this expression with the administration of SIT and with the clinical effect on the sensitivity to the allergen, the clinical symptoms and with the use of medication. Methods: Prospective, open, controlled, randomized study. Subjects: 10 healthy controls and 28 asthmatic patients, allergic to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (D pteronyssinus), 16 randomized to receive SIT and 12 without SIT. Methods: Follow up of skin prick tests and conjunctival challenge to D pteronyssinus. Control of symptom and medication scores. Determination by flow cytometry, in peripheral blood mononuclear cell cultures stimulated with PMA and ionomicine or with D pteronyssinus followed by restimulation, of the percentage of T cells expressing IL-4, IL-10 and IFN-g. Determination of T cell activation (by CD69 expression). D pteronyssinus induced T cell proliferation assays. Evaluation of the percentage of B cell (CD20+) and M (CD14+) expressing CD23 or CD86. Clinical and 芦in vitro禄 controls were performed on the allergic patients at the beginning of the study (T1), at 6 months (T2) and at 12 months (T3). Results: Allergic patients compared with healthy controls showed a higher percentage of M expressing CD23 (p=0,022) and a reduced activation of T cells (CD69+) (p<0,001). At the beginning of the study the group of patients randomized to receive SIT and the group without SIT showed no differences with respect to their clinical and immunological characteristics. Administration of SIT was associated with a significant reduction of symptom and medication scores, cutaneous and conjunctival sensitivity to D pteronyssinus. At T2 and T3, patients receiving SIT showed a lower percentage of M expressing CD23 (T2: p=0,019 and T3: p=0,024) and a higher percentage of B cells expressing CD86 (T3: p=0,06), compared with the group without SIT. In the intragrup analysis of the patients receiving SIT there was an increase of the percentage of B cells expressing CD23 at T2 and T3 compared with T1 (T1: p=0,024; T3 p=0,024). SIT was associated with an increase in the expression of CD69 on T cells (T3: p=0,05). There were no changes on the expression of intracellular cytokines in the non-specifically stimulated cell cultures, while in allergen stimulated cultures there was an tendency to increase IFN-g expression during SIT, and to an increase at T2 of IL-10 expression. There was also a decrease of D pteronyssinus induced lymphocyte proliferation (T3: p=0,026). Clinical improvement was also associated with a decrease of M expressing CD23, an increase of T cell activation and a reduction of D pteronyssinus induced lymphocyte proliferation Conclusions: Expression of molecules, which can participate in costimulatory signalling during antigen presentation, is different in allergic patients compared with healthy individuals. SIT induces changes on the expression of such molecules and may influence the immune response to allergens

    Allergic diseases in the elderly

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    Demographic distribution of the population is progressively changing with the proportion of elderly persons increasing in most societies. This entails that there is a need to evaluate the impact of common diseases, such as asthma and other allergic conditions, in this age segment. Frailty, comorbidities and polymedication are some of the factors that condition management in geriatric patients. The objective of this review is to highlight the characteristics of allergic diseases in older age groups, from the influence of immunosenescence, to particular clinical implications and management issues, such as drug interactions or age-related side effects