24 research outputs found

    Desempeño de las subregiones del departamento del Cauca y su contribución al desarrollo territorial (2015-2017)

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    El presente artículo de investigación busca determinar el aporte de las subregiones del departamento del Cauca, desde sus condiciones de desarrollo territorial, al valor agregado departamental, durante el periodo 2015-2017 para los 42 municipios del departamento. En este propósito, se realiza una contextualización sobre las dimensiones y dinámicas territoriales como insumo para la construcción de un modelo de datos panel agrupado que permita inferir qué relación existe entre la dinámica socioeconómica territorial y el resultado agrupado del valor agregado departamental. Los principales resultados indican que son tres subregiones las que aportan de manera contundente al desarrollo territorial del departamento: Centro, Oriente y Norte. Finalmente, el estudio logra establecer que las condiciones de infraestructura vial, el desempeño fiscal y algunas variables del desarrollo social —en el conjunto de 42 municipios— aportan de forma significativa al aumento del valor agregado departamental

    Sanjaya Lall: la competitividad industrial y las capacidades tecnolĂłgicas

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    This paper seeks to identify the theoretical and empirical development of the research field of industrial competitiveness on the concept of technological capabilities proposed by Sanjaya Lall in the framework of firms. A methodology consisting of the systematic review of literature during the period between 1987 and 2019 is proposed. As the main finding, the study clearly identified three future research lines on technological capabilities dynamics, structure incentives and the analysis of macro-fundamental variables, which allows to conclude that there is an emerging field of study in relation to the interactions between technological capabilities, from its economic perspective, and resources and capabilities from the strategic and administrative literature. So, this study contributes significantly to the theoretical reflection on the relationship between technological capabilities and management, the metrics of the firm's resources, and the scenarios, environments and learning processes at firmŽs individual, collective, organizational and interorganizational level.Este artículo busca identificar el desarrollo teórico y empírico del campo de investigación de la competitividad industrial en torno al concepto de capacidades tecnológicas propuesto por Sanjaya Lall en el marco de las firmas. Se emplea una metodología que consiste en la revisión sistemåtica de literatura durante el periodo comprendido entre 1987 y 2019. Como principal hallazgo, el estudio permitió identificar claramente tres líneas futuras de investigación sobre la dinåmica de las capacidades tecnológicas, la estructura de incentivos y el anålisis de las variables macrofundamentales, lo que permite concluir que existe un campo de estudio emergente con relación a las interacciones entre las capacidades tecnológicas, desde su perspectiva económica, y los recursos y capacidades desde la literatura estratégica y administrativa. Con lo cual este estudio aporta de manera significativa a la reflexión teórica en la relación que existe entre las capacidades tecnológicas y la gestión, las métricas de los recursos de la firma y los escenarios, ambientes y procesos de aprendizaje en el åmbito individual, colectivo, organizativo e interorganizativo de las firmas

    Desempenho das sub-regiÔes do estado do Cauca e sua contribuição para o desenvolvimento territorial (2015-2017)

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    This research article seeks to determine the contribution of subregions in Cauca from their territorial development conditions to the departmental value added during 2015-2017 for the 42 municipalities in the department. For this purpose, the territorial dimensions and dynamics are contextualized as input for constructing a grouped panel data model to infer the relationship between the territorial socio-economic dynamics and the grouped result of the departmental value added. The main results point to three subregions that significantly add to the department’s territorial development: Center, East, and North. Finally, the study establishes that road infrastructure, tax performance, and some social development variables in the 42 municipalities contribute significantly to increasing the departmental value added.El presente artículo de investigación busca determinar el aporte de las subregiones del departamento del Cauca, desde sus condiciones de desarrollo territorial, al valor agregado departamental, durante el periodo 2015-2017 para los 42 municipios del departamento. En este propósito, se realiza una contextualización sobre las dimensiones y dinámicas territoriales como insumo para la construcción de un modelo de datos panel agrupado que permita inferir qué relación existe entre la dinámica socioeconómica territorial y el resultado agrupado del valor agregado departamental. Los principales resultados indican que son tres subregiones las que aportan de manera contundente al desarrollo territorial del departamento: Centro, Oriente y Norte. Finalmente, el estudio logra establecer que las condiciones de infraestructura vial, el desempeño fiscal y algunas variables del desarrollo social —en el conjunto de 42 municipios— aportan de forma significativa al aumento del valor agregado departamental.Este artigo de pesquisa pretende determinar a contribuição das sub-regiões do estado do Cauca, Colômbia, a partir de suas condições de desenvolvimento territorial, ao valor agregado estadual, de 2015 a 2017 para os 42 municípios do estado. Com esse propósito, é realizada uma contextualização sobre as dimensões e as dinâmicas territoriais como insumo para construir um modelo de dados de painel agrupado que permita inferir qual relação existe entre a dinâmica socioeconômica territorial e o resultado agrupado do valor agregado estadual. Os principais resultados indicam que são três sub-regiões que contribuem de maneira contundente para o desenvolvimento territorial do estado: Centro, Leste e Norte. Por último, o estudo consegue estabelecer que as condições de infraestrutura viária, o desempenho fiscal e algumas variáveis do desenvolvimento social — no conjunto dos 42 municípios — contribuem de forma significativa para o aumento do valor agregado estadual

    Financial economics: Dynamic analysis of macrofundamental variables and risk cases, Colombia and Lima (Peru)

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    Dedicated to all those who believe in their dreams and sow day by day to achieve them. This research book is the product of a frank and open debate related to the importance of accurately measuring financial phenomena that turn out to be related to scenarios of economic openness, financial globalization, competitive market environments and their incidence on risk. Thus, the authors of this book have wanted to show in a clear and detailed way methodological approaches that allow future researchers to carry out replications of this work in other contexts or to broaden the theoretical reflection to strengthen the theoretical framework of financial economics. The analysis contexts in this book have been chosen considering spatial, temporal or historical peculiarities that have aroused intellectual interest in understanding how differentiated impacts are produced on commodity prices, exchange rate and risk or which variables are determinants of these categories of analysis. This work aims to provide investors and researchers with a methodological approach to carry out technical and / or fundamental analyzes for the prediction of the behavior of the main currency pairs worldwide, especially those that can be traded through the Internet, in various platforms that brokers develop to facilitate access and participation in these types of markets. In many cases, the broad panorama of research topics related to the field of financial economics may induce a greater focus on performance analysis to leave out very important elements that should be considered when making investment decisions, such as For example, the most appropriate statistical tools for a certain behavior, the combination of analysis to confirm or deny a prediction, the indicators of more and less risky operations, linearity or non-linearity in quantitative relationships of interest. However, this work does not guarantee success in your investment decisions, due to a large number of factors that will be explained later in the following chapters, however, it intends to considerably reduce your deliberate, irrational and unfounded decisions, regarding amounts, risk analysis, types of currency, duration and times when financial operations are carried out. This requires the application of statistical tools (technical analysis) based on longitudinal data available in secondary information sources and the analysis of the most influential economic indicators in the behavior of the assets mentioned in the document (fundamental analysis). Carlos David Cardona Arena

    The sole DNA ligase in entamoeba histolytica is a high-fidelity DNA ligase involved in DNA damage repair

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    "The protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica is exposed to reactive oxygen and nitric oxide species that have the potential to damage its genome. E. histolytica harbors enzymes involved in DNA repair pathways like Base and Nucleotide Excision Repair. The majority of DNA repairs pathways converge in their final step in which a DNA ligase seals the DNA nicks. In contrast to other eukaryotes, the genome of E. histolyticaencodes only one DNA ligase (EhDNAligI), suggesting that this ligase is involved in both DNA replication and DNA repair. Therefore, the aim of this work was to characterize EhDNAligI, its ligation fidelity and its ability to ligate opposite DNA mismatches and oxidative DNA lesions, and to study its expression changes and localization during and after recovery from UV and H2O2 treatment. We found that EhDNAligI is a high-fidelity DNA ligase on canonical substrates and is able to discriminate erroneous base-pairing opposite DNA lesions. EhDNAligI expression decreases after DNA damage induced by UV and H2O2 treatments, but it was upregulated during recovery time. Upon oxidative DNA damage, EhDNAligI relocates into the nucleus where it co-localizes with EhPCNA and the 8-oxoG adduct. The appearance and disappearance of 8-oxoG during and after both treatments suggest that DNA damaged was efficiently repaired because the mainly NER and BER components are expressed in this parasite and some of them were modulated after DNA insults. All these data disclose the relevance of EhDNAligI as a specialized and unique ligase in E. histolytica that may be involved in DNA repair of the 8-oxoG lesions.

    Genomic and phenotypic insights from an atlas of genetic effects on DNA methylation.

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    Characterizing genetic influences on DNA methylation (DNAm) provides an opportunity to understand mechanisms underpinning gene regulation and disease. In the present study, we describe results of DNAm quantitative trait locus (mQTL) analyses on 32,851 participants, identifying genetic variants associated with DNAm at 420,509 DNAm sites in blood. We present a database of >270,000 independent mQTLs, of which 8.5% comprise long-range (trans) associations. Identified mQTL associations explain 15–17% of the additive genetic variance of DNAm. We show that the genetic architecture of DNAm levels is highly polygenic. Using shared genetic control between distal DNAm sites, we constructed networks, identifying 405 discrete genomic communities enriched for genomic annotations and complex traits. Shared genetic variants are associated with both DNAm levels and complex diseases, but only in a minority of cases do these associations reflect causal relationships from DNAm to trait or vice versa, indicating a more complex genotype–phenotype map than previously anticipated.C.L.R., G.D.S., G.S., J.L.M., K.B., M. Suderman, T.G.R. and T.R.G. are supported by the UK Medical Research Council (MRC) Integrative Epidemiology Unit at the University of Bristol (MC_UU_00011/1, MC_UU_00011/4, MC_UU_00011/5). C.L.R. receives support from a Cancer Research UK Programme grant (no. C18281/A191169). G.H. is funded by the Wellcome Trust and the Royal Society (208806/Z/17/Z). E.H. and J.M. were supported by MRC project grants (nos. MR/K013807/1 and MR/R005176/1 to J.M.) and an MRC Clinical Infrastructure award (no. MR/M008924/1 to J.M.). B.T.H. is supported by the Netherlands CardioVascular Research Initiative (the Dutch Heart Foundation, Dutch Federation of University Medical Centres, the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development, and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences) for the GENIUS project ‘Generating the best evidence-based pharmaceutical targets for atherosclerosis’ (CVON2011-19, CVON2017-20). J.T.B. was supported by the Economic and Social Research Council (grant no. ES/N000404/1). The present study was also supported by JPI HDHL-funded DIMENSION project (administered by the BBSRC UK, grant no. BB/S020845/1 to J.T.B., and by ZonMW the Netherlands, grant no. 529051021 to B.T.H). A.D.B. has been supported by a Wellcome Trust PhD Training Fellowship for Clinicians and the Edinburgh Clinical Academic Track programme (204979/Z/16/Z). J. Klughammer was supported by a DOC fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Cohort-specific acknowledgements and funding are presented in the Supplementary Note

    Omecamtiv mecarbil in chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, GALACTIC‐HF: baseline characteristics and comparison with contemporary clinical trials

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    Aims: The safety and efficacy of the novel selective cardiac myosin activator, omecamtiv mecarbil, in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) is tested in the Global Approach to Lowering Adverse Cardiac outcomes Through Improving Contractility in Heart Failure (GALACTIC‐HF) trial. Here we describe the baseline characteristics of participants in GALACTIC‐HF and how these compare with other contemporary trials. Methods and Results: Adults with established HFrEF, New York Heart Association functional class (NYHA) ≄ II, EF ≀35%, elevated natriuretic peptides and either current hospitalization for HF or history of hospitalization/ emergency department visit for HF within a year were randomized to either placebo or omecamtiv mecarbil (pharmacokinetic‐guided dosing: 25, 37.5 or 50 mg bid). 8256 patients [male (79%), non‐white (22%), mean age 65 years] were enrolled with a mean EF 27%, ischemic etiology in 54%, NYHA II 53% and III/IV 47%, and median NT‐proBNP 1971 pg/mL. HF therapies at baseline were among the most effectively employed in contemporary HF trials. GALACTIC‐HF randomized patients representative of recent HF registries and trials with substantial numbers of patients also having characteristics understudied in previous trials including more from North America (n = 1386), enrolled as inpatients (n = 2084), systolic blood pressure < 100 mmHg (n = 1127), estimated glomerular filtration rate < 30 mL/min/1.73 m2 (n = 528), and treated with sacubitril‐valsartan at baseline (n = 1594). Conclusions: GALACTIC‐HF enrolled a well‐treated, high‐risk population from both inpatient and outpatient settings, which will provide a definitive evaluation of the efficacy and safety of this novel therapy, as well as informing its potential future implementation

    Impacto de la polĂ­tica monetaria en el equilibrio del mercado de trabajo: paĂ­ses de la Alianza del PacĂ­fico

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    This paper analyzes the impact of monetary policy on the Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment(NAIRU), or equilibrium of the labor markets, for the countries that belongs to the Pacific Alliance (Chile, Colombia, Peru and Mexico). The NAIRU movements are estimated for each country. Furthermore, Auto-Regressive Vector Models are used to evaluate the impact of monetary policy on the labor market of each of the PA countries. Results show that monetary policy impacts the NAIRU of Chile, Colombia and Peru. However, monetary policy shocks have not significant impact on the NAIRU of Mexico.Este artĂ­culo analiza el impacto de la polĂ­tica monetaria en la tasa de desempleo no aceleradora de la inflaciĂłn (NAIRU), o equilibrio de los mercados de trabajo para los paĂ­ses que pertenecen a la Alianza del PacĂ­fico (Chile, Colombia, PerĂș y MĂ©xico). Los movimientos NAIRU se determinan para cada paĂ­s. AdemĂĄs, se estiman modelos de vectores autorregresivos para evaluar el impacto de la polĂ­tica monetaria en el mercado laboral de cada uno de los paĂ­ses de la Alianza del PacĂ­fico. Los resultados muestran que la polĂ­tica monetaria impacta la NAIRU de Chile, Colombia y PerĂș, mientras que los shocks de tal polĂ­tica no tienen repercusiĂłn significativa en la NAIRU de MĂ©xico

    Impacto de la polĂ­tica monetaria en el equilibrio del mercado de trabajo: paĂ­ses de la Alianza del PacĂ­fico

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    This paper analyzes the impact of monetary policy on the Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment(NAIRU), or equilibrium of the labor markets, for the countries that belongs to the Pacific Alliance (Chile, Colombia, Peru and Mexico). The NAIRU movements are estimated for each country. Furthermore, Auto-Regressive Vector Models are used to evaluate the impact of monetary policy on the labor market of each of the PA countries. Results show that monetary policy impacts the NAIRU of Chile, Colombia and Peru. However, monetary policy shocks have not significant impact on the NAIRU of Mexico.Este artĂ­culo analiza el impacto de la polĂ­tica monetaria en la tasa de desempleo no aceleradora de la inflaciĂłn (NAIRU), o equilibrio de los mercados de trabajo para los paĂ­ses que pertenecen a la Alianza del PacĂ­fico (Chile, Colombia, PerĂș y MĂ©xico). Los movimientos NAIRU se determinan para cada paĂ­s. AdemĂĄs, se estiman modelos de vectores autorregresivos para evaluar el impacto de la polĂ­tica monetaria en el mercado laboral de cada uno de los paĂ­ses de la Alianza del PacĂ­fico. Los resultados muestran que la polĂ­tica monetaria impacta la NAIRU de Chile, Colombia y PerĂș, mientras que los shocks de tal polĂ­tica no tienen repercusiĂłn significativa en la NAIRU de MĂ©xico

    Remittances, Nonlabor Income as a Source of Hysteresis in Unemployment in Colombia, 2010–2020

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    This study seeks to determine the impact of remittances and nonlabor income on the duration of unemployment, and therefore on the hysteresis phenomenon in Colombia for the period between January 2010 and January 2021. The long-term unemployment rate in Colombia (LAPU) is calculated, and a vector autoregressive (VAR) model is subsequently estimated to evaluate the impact of remittances and nonlabor income on the LAPU. The results suggest that the increase in nonlabor income significantly affected LAPU in Colombia in the period analyzed. The growth of remittances instead turned out to positively and significantly impact LAPU only during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. This suggests that remittances have become a fundamental income in times of crisis that allow for financing the search for work for a longer period of time, thus increasing the duration of unemployment and generating a hysteresis effect