8 research outputs found

    Inter‑individual consistency in habitat selection patterns and spatial range constraints of female little bustards during the non‑breeding season

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    Background: Identifying the factors that affect ranging behavior of animals is a central issue to ecology and an essential tool for designing effective conservation policies. This knowledge provides the information needed to pre- dict the consequences of land-use change on species habitat use, especially in areas subject to major habitat trans- formations, such as agricultural landscapes. We evaluate inter-individual variation relative to environmental predictors and spatial constraints in limiting ranging behavior of female little bustards (Tetrax tetrax) in the non-breeding season. Our analyses were based on 11 females tracked with GPS during 5 years in northeastern Spain. We conducted devi- ance partitioning analyses based on different sets of generalized linear mixed models constructed with environmen- tal variables and spatial filters obtained by eigenvector mapping, while controlling for temporal and inter-individual variation. Results: The occurrence probability of female little bustards in response to environmental variables and spatial filters within the non-breeding range exhibited inter-individual consistency. Pure spatial factors and joint spatial-habitat factors explained most of the variance in the models. Spatial predictors representing aggregation patterns at ~ 18 km and 3-5 km respectively had a high importance in female occurrence. However, pure habitat effects were also identi- fied. Terrain slope, alfalfa, corn stubble and irrigated cereal stubble availability were the variables that most contrib- uted to environmental models. Overall, models revealed a non-linear negative effect of slope and positive effects of intermediate values of alfalfa and corn stubble availability. High levels of cereal stubble in irrigated land and roads had also a positive effect on occurrence at the population level. Conclusions: Our results provide evidence that female little bustard ranging behavior was spatially constrained beyond environmental variables during the non-breeding season. This pattern may result from different not mutually exclusive processes, such as cost-benefit balances of animal movement, configurational heterogeneity of environ- ment or from high site fidelity and conspecific attraction. Measures aimed at keeping alfalfa availability and habitat heterogeneity in open landscapes and flat terrains, in safe places close to breeding grounds, could contribute to protect little bustard populations during the non-breeding season

    Factors affecting expansion success of bird populations in human-transformed environments: the marsh harrier Circus aeruginosus in the Ebro Valley

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    [eng] Change in species geographic ranges is a natural phenomenon, but the rate and magnitude of such change has significantly increased due to anthropogenic causes. The rate at which a population spreads/contracts through space is a function of the rates of population growth and dispersal, coupled with density-dependence. Human-induced environmental changes can lead to variation in density-independent components of local birth or death rates through deterministic process (e.g. impoverishment/increase of habitat and food resources), thus pushing populations toward positive/negative growth. Moreover, spatial range constraints, such as dispersal, and density-dependence may also limit population growth and range expansion, beyond environmental characteristics. The main goal of this thesis is to explore the role played by ecological factors such as habitat and food availability, spatial range constraints and density-dependence in the expansion of a species through human-transformed environments. For this purpose, I use as a study model an expanding population of the marsh harrier living in an agricultural landscape of the Ebro Valley (northeastern peninsular Spain). Results obtained in this thesis suggest that environmental factors, sociability, dispersal constraints and density-dependent mechanisms may play an important role in the distribution of a species. Marsh harrier breeding numbers had been greatly reduced in previous decades (1960-1980) mainly due to organochlorine pesticides, drainage of wetlands and direct persecution. Thus, at least part of their increase in recent decades may represent population recovery following reductions in organochlorine use and direct persecution. However, the species may also have benefited from the spread of human-made structures such as artificial ponds and reservoirs related to agricultural intensification, for breeding and from their surrounding herbaceous crops for hunting. At a local scale, individual variation in density-dependence for productivity and settlement patterns may have favoured dispersal of some individuals to new empty habitat patches, while others aggregated around traditional areas. However, at a large scale (i.e., across peninsular Spain), the breeding population of marsh harriers seems to be spatially constricted beyond environmental variables. This result indicates that potential habitat for marsh harriers still exists for further expansions in the Iberian Peninsula (at least at the spatial resolution of our analyses, which does not allow us to consider smaller scale processes that may restrict the species distribution such as local food abundances or pesticides). Potential consequences of this expansion for other species should be considered in order to properly conserve biodiversity in a world of change.[cat] En aquesta tesi s’analitza el paper que desenvolupen factors ecològics com l’hàbitat i la disponibilitat d’aliments, les limitacions espacials i la denso-dependència en l’expansió d’una espècie en ambients transformats per l’home. S’utilitza com a model d’estudi l’arpella Circus aeruginosus en una zona agrícola de la Península Ibèrica, a la part oriental de la Vall de l’Ebre. Els resultats d’aquesta tesi indiquen que tant els factors ambientals, de sociabilitat, les limitacions dispersives i els mecanismes de denso-depèndecia poden jugar un paper important en la distribució d’una espècie. La població d’arpella s’havia reduït en dècades anteriors (1960-0980) degut principalment a l’assecament i contaminació de les zones humides on criava, a l’ús de pesticides i a la persecució directa per part de l’home. Si bé, part de l’augment que la població ha experimentat en els darrers anys podria ser degut a la recuperació de la seva població després de la reducció en l’ús d’organoclorats i en la seva persecució per part d l’home, l’espècie també s’hauria beneficiat en els darrers anys de l’increment d’estructures artificials, com embassaments i basses de reg artificials relacionades amb l’agricultura, e l’espècie utilitza per nidificar i dels cultius herbacis del voltant per caçar. A escala local, la variació individual en els efectes de la denso-dependència en la productivitat i patrons d’assentament, podrien haver afavorit la dispersió d’alguns individus a noves localitats buides, mentre altres individus amb una resposta diferent a la densitat s’agregaven al voltant de zones ja ocupades. A escala de la Península Ibèrica, l’àrea de distribució de l’arpella encara es veuria limitada, per factors espacials diferents al clima i al tipus d’hàbitat, indicant que encara hi hauria hàbitat potencial per a l’espècie (com a mínim a la resolució espacial de les nostres anàlisi, que no permeten considerar processos a escala local). Les possibles conseqüències de l’expansió d’aquesta i altres espècies haurien de ser considerades per tal de conservar adequadament la biodiversitat en l’actual escenari de canvi global

    Factors que afecten l’èxit d’expansió de poblacions d’aus en medis transformats per l’home: l’arpella "Circus aeruginosus" a la Vall de l’Ebre Factors affecting expansion success of bird populations in human-transformed environments: the marsh harrier Circus aeruginosus in the Ebro Valley

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    Change in species geographic ranges is a natural phenomenon, but the rate and magnitude of such change has significantly increased due to anthropogenic causes. The rate at which a population spreads/contracts through space is a function of the rates of population growth and dispersal, coupled with density-dependence. Human-induced environmental changes can lead to variation in density-independent components of local birth or death rates through deterministic process (e.g. impoverishment/increase of habitat and food resources), thus pushing populations toward positive/negative growth. Moreover, spatial range constraints, such as dispersal, and density-dependence may also limit population growth and range expansion, beyond environmental characteristics. The main goal of this thesis is to explore the role played by ecological factors such as habitat and food availability, spatial range constraints and density-dependence in the expansion of a species through human-transformed environments. For this purpose, I use as a study model an expanding population of the marsh harrier living in an agricultural landscape of the Ebro Valley (northeastern peninsular Spain). Results obtained in this thesis suggest that environmental factors, sociability, dispersal constraints and density-dependent mechanisms may play an important role in the distribution of a species. Marsh harrier breeding numbers had been greatly reduced in previous decades (1960-1980) mainly due to organochlorine pesticides, drainage of wetlands and direct persecution. Thus, at least part of their increase in recent decades may represent population recovery following reductions in organochlorine use and direct persecution. However, the species may also have benefited from the spread of human-made structures such as artificial ponds and reservoirs related to agricultural intensification, for breeding and from their surrounding herbaceous crops for hunting. At a local scale, individual variation in density-dependence for productivity and settlement patterns may have favoured dispersal of some individuals to new empty habitat patches, while others aggregated around traditional areas. However, at a large scale (i.e., across peninsular Spain), the breeding population of marsh harriers seems to be spatially constricted beyond environmental variables. This result indicates that potential habitat for marsh harriers still exists for further expansions in the Iberian Peninsula (at least at the spatial resolution of our analyses, which does not allow us to consider smaller scale processes that may restrict the species distribution such as local food abundances or pesticides). Potential consequences of this expansion for other species should be considered in order to properly conserve biodiversity in a world of change.En aquesta tesi s’analitza el paper que desenvolupen factors ecològics com l’hàbitat i la disponibilitat d’aliments, les limitacions espacials i la denso-dependència en l’expansió d’una espècie en ambients transformats per l’home. S’utilitza com a model d’estudi l’arpella Circus aeruginosus en una zona agrícola de la Península Ibèrica, a la part oriental de la Vall de l’Ebre. Els resultats d’aquesta tesi indiquen que tant els factors ambientals, de sociabilitat, les limitacions dispersives i els mecanismes de denso-depèndecia poden jugar un paper important en la distribució d’una espècie. La població d’arpella s’havia reduït en dècades anteriors (1960-0980) degut principalment a l’assecament i contaminació de les zones humides on criava, a l’ús de pesticides i a la persecució directa per part de l’home. Si bé, part de l’augment que la població ha experimentat en els darrers anys podria ser degut a la recuperació de la seva població després de la reducció en l’ús d’organoclorats i en la seva persecució per part d l’home, l’espècie també s’hauria beneficiat en els darrers anys de l’increment d’estructures artificials, com embassaments i basses de reg artificials relacionades amb l’agricultura, e l’espècie utilitza per nidificar i dels cultius herbacis del voltant per caçar. A escala local, la variació individual en els efectes de la denso-dependència en la productivitat i patrons d’assentament, podrien haver afavorit la dispersió d’alguns individus a noves localitats buides, mentre altres individus amb una resposta diferent a la densitat s’agregaven al voltant de zones ja ocupades. A escala de la Península Ibèrica, l’àrea de distribució de l’arpella encara es veuria limitada, per factors espacials diferents al clima i al tipus d’hàbitat, indicant que encara hi hauria hàbitat potencial per a l’espècie (com a mínim a la resolució espacial de les nostres anàlisi, que no permeten considerar processos a escala local). Les possibles conseqüències de l’expansió d’aquesta i altres espècies haurien de ser considerades per tal de conservar adequadament la biodiversitat en l’actual escenari de canvi global

    A resource-based modelling framework to assess habitat suitability for steppe birds in semiarid mediterranean agricultural systems

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    European agriculture is undergoing widespread changes that are likely to have profound impacts on farmland biodiversity.The development of tools that allow an assessment of the potential biodiversity effects of different land-use alternatives before changes occur is fundamental to guiding management decisions. In this study, we develop a resource-based model framework to estimate habitat suitability for target species, according to simple information on species’ key resource requirements (diet, foraging habitat and nesting site), and examine whether it can be used to link land-use and local species’ distribution. We take as a study case four steppe bird species in a lowland area of the north-eastern Iberian Peninsula. We also compare the performance of our resource-based approach to that obtained through habitat-based models relating species’ occurrence and land-cover variables. Further, we use our resource-based approach to predict the effects that change in farming systems can have on farmland bird habitat suitability and compare these predictions with those obtained using the habitat-based models. Habitat suitability estimates generated by our resource-based models performed similarly (and better for one study species) than habitat based-models when predicting current species distribution. Moderate prediction success was achieved for three out of four species considered by resource-based models and for two of four by habitat-based models. Although, there is potential for improving the performance of resource-based models, they provide a structure for using available knowledge of the functional links between agricultural practices, provision of key resources and the response of organisms to predict potential effects of changing land-uses in a variety of context or the impacts of changes such as altered management practices that are not easily incorporated into habitat-based models

    Tools for exploring habitat suitability for steppe birds under land use change scenarios

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    In this study, scenario development based on changes in key socioeconomic drivers (namely, the prices of conventional food products, rural development policies and agro-environmental regulations) was used together with resource-based habitat suitability models to develop plausible visions of future pathways of agricultural land use and evaluate their potential consequences on conservation of target species. Analyses focused on three steppe bird species in a protected Natura 2000 area, located in the Iberian Peninsula. Our results showed that changes in land use composition under different scenarios can have important effects on habitat suitability, but that the size of those effects would vary depending on species-specific requirements and spatial distribution of land use changes. Positive effects of some new crops in the study area (grain legumes and aromatic plants) on studied species were suggested by our analyses. A positive effect of aggregation of land use changes was also found for two of the studied species. Scenario building and forecasting using transferable inter-disciplinary knowledge can therefore improve our capability to anticipate future changes and provide timely advice towards long-term conservation planning in agricultural systems