80 research outputs found

    Immunoprecipitation and High–Throughput Sequencing of ARGONAUTE–Bound Target RNAs from Plants

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    ARGONAUTE (AGO) proteins function in small RNA (sRNA)-based RNA silencing pathways to regulate gene expression and control invading nucleic acids. In posttranscriptional RNA silencing pathways, plant AGOs associate with sRNAs to interact with highly sequence-complementary target RNAs. Once the AGO–sRNA-target RNA ternary complex is formed, target RNA is typically repressed through AGO-mediated cleavage or through other cleavage-independent mechanisms. The universe of sRNAs associating with diverse plant AGOs has been determined though AGO immunoprecipitation (IP) and high-throughput sequencing of co-immunoprecipitated sRNAs. To better understand the biological functions of AGO–sRNA complexes, it is crucial to identify the repertoire of target RNAs they regulate. Here I present a detailed AGO–RNA IP followed by high-throughput sequencing (AGO RIP-Seq) methodology for the isolation of AGO ternary complexes from plant tissues and the high-throughput sequencing of AGO-bound target RNAs. In particular, the protocol describes the IP of slicer-deficient hemagglutinin (HA)-tagged AGO proteins expressed in plant tissues, the isolation of AGO-bound RNAs, and the generation of target RNA libraries for high-throughput sequencing.This work was supported by an Individual Fellowship from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 655841 to A.C.Carbonell Olivares, A. (2017). Immunoprecipitation and High–Throughput Sequencing of ARGONAUTE–Bound Target RNAs from Plants. En Plant Argonaute Proteins: Methods and Protocols. Springer Link. 93-112. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-7165-7_693112Carbonell A, Carrington JC (2015) Antiviral roles of plant ARGONAUTES. Curr Opin Plant Biol 27:111–117. doi: 10.1016/j.pbi.2015.06.013Fang X, Qi Y (2016) RNAi in plants: an Argonaute-centered view. Plant Cell 28(2):272–285. doi: 10.1105/tpc.15.00920Vaucheret H (2008) Plant ARGONAUTES. Trends Plant Sci 13(7):350–358. doi: 10.1016/j.tplants.2008.04.007Mallory A, Vaucheret H (2010) Form, function, and regulation of ARGONAUTE proteins. Plant Cell 22(12):3879–3889. doi: 10.1105/tpc.110.080671Montgomery TA, Howell MD, Cuperus JT, Li D, Hansen JE, Alexander AL, Chapman EJ, Fahlgren N, Allen E, Carrington JC (2008) Specificity of ARGONAUTE7-miR390 interaction and dual functionality in TAS3 trans-acting siRNA formation. Cell 133(1):128–141. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2008.02.033Mi S, Cai T, Hu Y, Chen Y, Hodges E, Ni F, Wu L, Li S, Zhou H, Long C, Chen S, Hannon GJ, Qi Y (2008) Sorting of small RNAs into Arabidopsis argonaute complexes is directed by the 5′ terminal nucleotide. Cell 133(1):116–127. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2008.02.034Zhang X, Niu D, Carbonell A, Wang A, Lee A, Tun V, Wang Z, Carrington JC, Chang CE, Jin H (2014) ARGONAUTE PIWI domain and microRNA duplex structure regulate small RNA sorting in Arabidopsis. Nat Commun 5:5468. doi: 10.1038/ncomms6468Zhu H, Hu F, Wang R, Zhou X, Sze SH, Liou LW, Barefoot A, Dickman M, Zhang X (2011) Arabidopsis Argonaute10 specifically sequesters miR166/165 to regulate shoot apical meristem development. Cell 145(2):242–256. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2011.03.024Takeda A, Iwasaki S, Watanabe T, Utsumi M, Watanabe Y (2008) The mechanism selecting the guide strand from small RNA duplexes is different among argonaute proteins. Plant Cell Physiol 49(4):493–500. doi: 10.1093/pcp/pcn043Cuperus JT, Carbonell A, Fahlgren N, Garcia-Ruiz H, Burke RT, Takeda A, Sullivan CM, Gilbert SD, Montgomery TA, Carrington JC (2010) Unique functionality of 22-nt miRNAs in triggering RDR6-dependent siRNA biogenesis from target transcripts in Arabidopsis. Nat Struct Mol Biol 17(8):997–1003. doi: 10.1038/nsmb.1866Wu L, Zhang Q, Zhou H, Ni F, Wu X, Qi Y (2009) Rice MicroRNA effector complexes and targets. Plant Cell 21(11):3421–3435. doi: 10.1105/tpc.109.070938Carbonell A, Fahlgren N, Garcia-Ruiz H, Gilbert KB, Montgomery TA, Nguyen T, Cuperus JT, Carrington JC (2012) Functional analysis of three Arabidopsis ARGONAUTES using slicer-defective mutants. Plant Cell 24(9):3613–3629. doi: 10.1105/tpc.112.099945Gilbert KB, Fahlgren N, Kasschau KD, Chapman EJ, Carrington JC, Carbonell A (2014) Preparation of multiplexed small RNA libraries from plants. Bio Protoc 4(21):e1275Wang L, Si Y, Dedow LK, Shao Y, Liu P, Brutnell TP (2011) A low-cost library construction protocol and data analysis pipeline for Illumina-based strand-specific multiplex RNA-seq. PLoS One 6(10):e26426. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.002642

    Resistencia a viroides inducida por ribozimas de cabeza de martillo y RNAs interferentes

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    Los viroides, los agentes infecciosos conocidos más simples, están constituidos por una molécula circular de RNA monocatenario. A pesar de su pequeño tamaño (246-401 nt) y de no codificar proteínas, son capaces de replicarse autónomamente, moverse sistémicamente, y causar enfermedades en ciertas plantas. En el presente trabajo hemos profundizado en el estudio de dos metodologías para el control de viroides basadas en ribozimas de cabeza de martillo con motivos de estabilización terciaria, y en RNAs interferentes que inducen en la planta una respuesta defensiva de silenciamiento génico mediado por RNA. Las ribozimas derivadas del viroide latente de la berenjena (Eggplant latent viroid, ELVd), que en su contexto natural median el autocorte de los RNAs multiméricos generados por un mecanismo de replicación de círculo rodante, son particularmente interesantes para adaptarlas a un formato trans. Hemos observado que la secuencia del trinucleótido que precede el sitio de autocorte de la ribozima de polaridad (+) del ELVd afecta a su actividad autocatalítica. Las constantes catalíticas de distintas variantes de este trinucleótido (AUA, AUC, GUA, GUC) determinadas in vitro a baja concentración de magnesio son diferentes en condiciones co- y postranscripcionales. Estos resultados sugieren que la ribozima de polaridad (+) del ELVd, y muy posiblemente otras ribozimas de cabeza de martillo naturales, han sido evolutivamente seleccionadas para actuar durante la transcripción de los RNAs viroidales, y que el trinucleótido AUC que precede al sitio de autocorte no se encuentra en la mayoría de las ribozimas de cabeza de martillo naturales por favorecer la adopción de estructuras metaestables catalíticamente inactivas durante la transcripción. La variante ELVd(+)-GUC, que presenta una constante catalítica alta e induce el corte de una amplia fracción del transcrito primario, fue seleccionada para diseñar variantes en trans frente al viroide del tubérculo fusiforme de la patata (PotatCarbonell Olivares, A. (2008). Resistencia a viroides inducida por ribozimas de cabeza de martillo y RNAs interferentes [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/2005Palanci

    Estudio semántico-pragmático de las relaciones de contraste y sus marcas en lengua inglesa.

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    RESUMEN El presente trabajo estudia las relaciones de contraste (RC) y su expresión en el discurso escrito en lengua inglesa. El contraste es una noción muy empleada en lingüística, aunque su definición teórica resulta controvertida, y hay pocos estudios prácticos sobre sus formas de expresión. En una primera parte, revisamos los estudios sobre dicha noción desde distintas perspectivas lingüísticas, principalmente la semántica y la lingüística textual. Abordamos la problemática de la definición de esta noción, a partir de su definición como relación conceptual, de su relación con otras nociones (adversación, concesión) y categorías cognitivas (temporalidad, condición), incidiendo en la polisemia de los marcadores (estudios diacrónicos), y recapitulando sus modos de expresión. Llegamos así a una definición del contraste como macro noción que engloba diversos tipos de oposición y contraposición. Seguidamente, hacemos balance de las principales marcas de las RC: los conectores. Revisamos las aportaciones desde las teorías de la coherencia y las teorías ostensivo-inferenciales y argumentativas. Ambas coinciden en caracterizar la función de los marcadores/conectores como guías para la interpretación de los enunciados. A pesar de ello, los paradigmas de conectores contrastivos no coinciden en los subtipos, en las unidades, ni se precisa la relación entre unidades. La segunda parte de nuestro trabajo consiste en un doble estudio de las RC. Un primer análisis describe los diversos mecanismos que expresan la noción de contraste (incluidas las RC marcadas por medios distintos al conector); un segundo análisis estudia las RC expresadas por cuatro unidades, although, while, still y yet, las tres últimas polisémicas, para llegar a una descripción del uso de dichas unidades. Utilizamos para ello un corpus de artículos de investigación de lingüística (Journal of Pragmatics). Así pues, nuestro trabajo es de tipo semántico (analizamos la noción de contraste y los significados que la expresan), y pragmático, porque estudiamos los usos de estas formas en el discurso de un género concreto. Pretendemos, basándonos en un género concreto, contribuir a ampliar el espectro de los estudios textuales y retóricos sobre esta noción. El primer estudio muestra que el contraste se da entre elementos de diverso tipo (entre enunciados, partes de estos o entre series de enunciados; niveles sintagmático, oracional y textual) en proporciones muy diferentes; que involucra con mucha frecuencia a elementos implícitos (relaciones en el dominio epistémico); que se utiliza una gran variedad de mecanismos para expresarlo; y que el conector es el tipo de marca más empleada en las relaciones entre enunciados. El segundo estudio aporta principalmente: (1) una adaptación de un marco teórico excesivamente formal para el estudio de nuestros marcadores (proponiendo tipos de contraste y esquemas de descripción de los elementos involucrados en la RC); y (2) la descripción semántico-pragmática de cada uno de los cuatro marcadores en su uso dentro de un género concreto, la cual revela cómo se conceptualiza y codifica la relación con cada marcador. Analizamos las ocurrencias de cada marcador en el corpus a través de diversos aspectos: tipo de contraste que expresa, significado y solapamiento con otros valores, contribución al procesamiento de la RC, estructura de la información (nueva vs. conocida, presencia explícita o no de cada uno de los elementos de la RC y su orden), coocurrencia y correlación con otros marcadores, funciones retórico-discursivas de los enunciados que contienen el marcador. Estos datos se recogen en una base de datos, lo que permite analizarlos de manera individual y cruzando los datos de otros aspectos, llegando así a una descripción del uso de cada marcador. Se contrastan también globalmente los resultados obtenidos para los diferentes marcadores. __________________________________________________________________________________________________Contrast is a widely used notion in linguistics. However, its definition remains controversial and few studies have been conducted on the different procedures used to codify it linguistically. This thesis studies how contrast relations are expressed in English written academic texts. The first section reviews studies on contrast and contrast relations (CR) from different linguistic approaches. The difficulty of defining contrast, concession and adversative meaning is acknowledged, as well as that of distinguishing different types of contrast, and the relationship between contrast and other notions (time, condition), both diachronically and synchronically. Previous work on contrastive connectives is then reviewed. It is suggested that more detailed synchronic descriptions of contrastive connectives in real texts may contribute both to a better understanding of the paradigm of contrastive connectives, by explaining the ways in which certain units differ from each other, and to explain the role of such connectives in the process of creating textual meaning and argumentation. Our analysis of the expression of CRs is based on a corpus of linguistics journal articles. It is by studying occurrences of CR and contrast connectives in a specific genre that we shall contribute to broaden the range of textual and rhetorical studies on this notion. A first study explores the ways contrast is expressed in a reduced corpus, showing that contrast involves elements of a different nature (phrases, sentences/propositions, text level) in very different proportions, that the contrasted elements are often implicit (epistemic domain), that a variety of mechanisms are used to express it, and that connectives are the most common devices used to signal it. The second study analyzes how a CR is conceptualized and expressed linguistically by four units, although, while, still and yet. The theoretical framework is adapted to describe the particular uses in our corpus. A semantic-pragmatic analysis of each of them is carried out considering aspects such as the type of contrast, its meaning, the information structure, cooccurrence, correlation, and the rhetorical or discourse function performed. A database allows the analysis of these data separately and in combination with other aspects. Results for each marker are also contrasted globally

    Efecto del extracto hidroalcohólico de hojas de Punica granatum sobre el crecimiento de Klebsiella pneumoniae, in vitro

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    El objetivo de la presente tesis fue evaluar el efecto de las concentraciones del extracto hidroalcohólico de hojas de P. granatum sobre el crecimiento de K. pneumoniae, in vitro; para ello se realizó un estudio experimental, cuya variable independiente es la exposición a las concentraciones de 0.560, 1.130, 2.125, 4.250 y 5.600 % extracto hidroalcohólico de hojas de P granatum y la variable dependiente es el crecimiento de K. pneumoniae, además se determinó el CMI y la CMB y el tipo de efecto que genera dicho extracto sobre la bacteria en estudio. Se encontró que las diferentes concentraciones del extracto hidroalcohólico de hojas de P. granatum inhiben el crecimiento de K. pneumoniae, in vitro, generando halos de inhibición de crecimiento bacteriano desde 1.86, 2.14, 2.34, 2.62 hasta 2.64 cm respectivamente, una CMI de 25.0uL/mL y una CMB de 50 ug/mL y el efecto de dicho extracto fue de tipo bactericida. Se concluye que el extracto hidroalcohólico de hojas de P. granatum inhibe el crecimiento de K. pneumoniae, in vitro y que es de tipo bactericida

    Radial Photonic Crystal Shells and Their Application as Resonant and Radiating Elements

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    Radial photonic crystals (RPCs) are a class of microstructured media that possess very particular electromagnetic features. Their properties are driven by radially dependent permittivity and permeability profiles that are also anisotropic. A two dimensional RPC structure is designed and analyzed in order to assess its principal characteristics. This is done through the study of the dispersion diagram of the periodic multilayered structure and also through the analysis of a finite size device. In the later case, research is performed in view of possible applications of RPCs as resonant devices and also when they are combined with line sources. Finally, a device with reduced complexity is designed and implemented by means of a microstructured resonator array. This device is numerically analyzed and the comparison of two independent models shows very good agreement. Potential use of RPCs as frequency and location sensors is pointed out.Carbonell Olivares, J.; Torrent Martí, D.; Sánchez-Dehesa Moreno-Cid, J. (2013). Radial Photonic Crystal Shells and Their Application as Resonant and Radiating Elements. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 61(2):755-767. doi:10.1109/TAP.2012.2225015S75576761

    Wireless energy transfer between anisotropic metamaterials shells

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    The behavior of strongly coupled Radial Photonic Crystals shells is investigated as a potential alternative to transfer electromagnetic energy wirelessly. These sub-wavelength resonant microstructures, which are based on anisotropic metamaterials, can produce efficient coupling phenomena due to their high quality factor. A configuration of selected constitutive parameters (permittivity and permeability) is analyzed in terms of its resonant characteristics. The coupling to loss ratio between two coupled resonators is calculated as a function of distance, the maximum (in excess of 300) is obtained when the shells are separated by three times their radius. Under practical conditions an 83% of maximum power transfer has been also estimated.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Grants TEC 2010-19751 and Consolider CSD2008-00066. The authors acknowledge Daniel Torrent for useful discussions.Diaz Rubio, A.; Carbonell Olivares, J.; Sánchez-Dehesa Moreno-Cid, J. (2014). Wireless energy transfer between anisotropic metamaterials shells. Annals of Physics. 345:55-62. doi:10.1016/j.aop.2014.03.005S556234

    Combinaciones Léxicas en el Inglés de la Tecnología.

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    A part of corpus-based research has centered on the exploration of lexical phrases (Sinclair 1991; Gledhill 2000a, 2000b; Stubbs 2002) and has presented language as a series of choices determined by the context in which it is employed. Native speakers use recurrent lexico-grammatical patterns when communicating in particular registers. This is especially relevant in scientific academic discourse, where the conventions of genres are interwoven with their linguistic realisations. Following Sinclair (1991: 170), a collocation is defined as “the occurrence of two or more words within a spot of space of each other in a text”. The restrictive character of collocations is basically determined by their repetitive use, which makes word combinations more arbitrary than predictable. This is particularly evident when we try to translate these combinations into other languages. Benson et al. (1986) suggest that collocations are halfway between fixed expressions and free combinations of words. They are co-occurrent groups of words that present a certain degree of stability, although they are not completely lexicalised. Collocations can be situated along a scale or continuum limited by free combinations of words at one end and fixed expressions at the other. The study of collocational patterns has direct pedagogical applications. Learners are not usually taught collocations explicitly. However, we believe that the acquisition of phraseological competence is necessary for effective and precise communication. In the area of English language teaching, the works of Howarth (1993, 1996), Oakey (2002) and Tribble (1990, 2002) point out the importance of collocations in academic writing. Other studies propose the teaching of grammar prioritising the behaviour of individual lexical units (or pattern grammar), i.e. taking account of the lexical patterns of a given register (cf. Hunston 1995, 2002). The aim of this paper is to explore the collocational patterns of three semitechnical and specialised words used in a corpus of 54 engineering research articles in the fields of computing, robotics and nanotechnology: robot, performance and lattice. The analysis shows that, although these words can be found in general English, their collocates contribute to restrict and precise their meaning in a specialised corpus. Making learners aware of these patterns should arouse their consciousness of the use of language in specialized contexts and help them to improve their academic writing as regards accuracy and fluency

    Dicer-like 4 is involved in restricting the systemic movement of Zucchini yellow mosaic virus in Nicotiana benthamiana

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    [EN] Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) induces serious diseases in cucurbits. To create a tool to screen for resistance genes, we cloned a wild ZYMV isolate and inserted the visual marker Roseal to obtain recombinant clone ZYMV-Rosl. While in some plant-virus combinations Roseal induces accumulation of anthocyanins in infected tissues, ZYMV-Rosl infection of cucurbits did not lead to detectable anthocyanin accumulation. However, the recombinant virus did induce dark red pigmen-tation in infected tissues of the model plant Nicotiana ben-thamiana. In this species, ZYMV-Rosl multiplied efficiently in local inoculated tissue but only a few progeny particles estab-lished infection foci in upper leaves. We used this system to analyze the roles of Dicer-like (DCL) genes, core components of plant antiviral RNA silencing pathways, in ZYMV infection. ZYMV-Rosl local replication was not significantly affected in single DCL knockdown lines nor in double DCL2/4 and triple DCL2/3/4 knockdown lines. ZYMV-Rosl systemic accumula-tion was not affected in knockdown lines DCL1, DCL2, and DCL3. However in DCL4 and also in DCL2/4 and DCL2/3/4 knockdown lines, ZYMV-Rosl systemic accumulation dra-matically increased, which highlights the key role of DCL4 in restricting virus systemic movement. The effect of DCL4 on ZYMV systemic movement was confirmed with a wild-type version of the virus.We thank V. Aragones for excellent technical assistance. This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) through grants BI02014-54269-R and AGL2013-49919-EXP and by the Greek Ministry for Education and Religious Affairs (Program Aristeia II, 4499, ViroidmiR; ESPA 2007-2013). A. Carbonell was supported by an Individual Fellowship from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 655841.Cordero-Cucart, MT.; Cerdán García, L.; Carbonell Olivares, A.; Katsarou, K.; Kalantidis, K.; Daros Arnau, JA. (2016). Dicer-like 4 is involved in restricting the systemic movement of Zucchini yellow mosaic virus in Nicotiana benthamiana. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 30(1):63-71. https://doi.org/10.1094/MPMI-11-16-0239-RS637130

    Anisotropic Metamaterials as sensing devices in acoustics and electromagnetism

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    We analyze the properties of acoustic and electromagnetic metamaterials with anisotropic constitutive parameters. Particularly, we analyze the so-called Radial Wave Crystals, which are radially periodic structures verifying the Bloch theorem. This type of crystals can be designed and implemented in acoustics as well as in electromagnetism by using anisotropic metamaterials. In acoustics, we have previously predicted that they can be employed as acoustic cavities with huge quality factors and also like dynamically driven antennas. Similar functionalities are here proven in the electromagnetic domain with, in particular, an analysis of the functionality of practical devices operating in the microwave regime. Starting from our recent works on anisotropic structures and their comparison in both application fields, we present a complete discussion concerning their properties in acoustics and electromagnetics.Sánchez-Dehesa Moreno-Cid, J.; Torrent Martí, D.; Carbonell Olivares, J. (2012). Anisotropic Metamaterials as sensing devices in acoustics and electromagnetism. Proceedings of SPIE. 8346:1-11. doi:10.1117/12.916043S111834

    Modulation of electromagnetic waves by alternating currents through left-handed ferromagnetic microwires

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    We present experimental results of electromagnetic wave modulation by the application of AC currents along a ferromagnetic microwire at the frequency range where left-handed transmission is observed. It is demonstrated that transmitted microwave signals through a waveguide mount are modulated by the current applied to the wire. From the measurements, we have extracted information about the magnetic susceptibility behavior of the microwires. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.Work partially supported by MICINN (Spain) under contracts with Refs. TEC 2010-19751 and CSD2008-00066 (CONSOLIDER Program).García Miquel, ÁH.; Carbonell Olivares, J.; Sánchez-Dehesa Moreno-Cid, J. (2012). Modulation of electromagnetic waves by alternating currents through left-handed ferromagnetic microwires. Journal of Applied Physics. 111:639011-639014. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3694006S639011639014111Pendry, J. B. (2000). Negative Refraction Makes a Perfect Lens. Physical Review Letters, 85(18), 3966-3969. doi:10.1103/physrevlett.85.3966Schurig, D., Mock, J. J., Justice, B. J., Cummer, S. A., Pendry, J. B., Starr, A. F., & Smith, D. R. (2006). Metamaterial Electromagnetic Cloak at Microwave Frequencies. Science, 314(5801), 977-980. doi:10.1126/science.1133628Zhao, H., Zhou, J., Kang, L., & Zhao, Q. (2009). Tunable two-dimensional left-handed material consisting of ferrite rods and metallic wires. Optics Express, 17(16), 13373. doi:10.1364/oe.17.013373Zhao, H., Kang, L., Zhou, J., Zhao, Q., Li, L., Peng, L., & Bai, Y. (2008). Experimental demonstration of tunable negative phase velocity and negative refraction in a ferromagnetic/ferroelectric composite metamaterial. Applied Physics Letters, 93(20), 201106. doi:10.1063/1.3033397García-Miquel, H., Carbonell, J., Boria, V. E., & Sánchez-Dehesa, J. (2009). Experimental evidence of left handed transmission through arrays of ferromagnetic microwires. Applied Physics Letters, 94(5), 054103. doi:10.1063/1.3079673Carbonell, J., García-Miquel, H., & Sánchez-Dehesa, J. (2010). Double negative metamaterials based on ferromagnetic microwires. Physical Review B, 81(2). doi:10.1103/physrevb.81.024401García-Miquel, H., Carbonell, J., & Sánchez-Dehesa, J. (2010). Left handed material based on amorphous ferromagnetic microwires tunable by dc current. Applied Physics Letters, 97(9), 094102. doi:10.1063/1.3485055Liberal, I., Ederra, I., Gomez-Polo, C., Labrador, A., Perez-Landazabal, J. I., & Gonzalo, R. (2011). Theoretical Modeling and Experimental Verification of the Scattering From a Ferromagnetic Microwire. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 59(3), 517-526. doi:10.1109/tmtt.2010.2098037Kittel, C. (1948). On the Theory of Ferromagnetic Resonance Absorption. Physical Review, 73(2), 155-161. doi:10.1103/physrev.73.155Lofland, S. E., Bhagat, S. M., Ju, H. L., Xiong, G. C., Venkatesan, T., Greene, R. L., & Tyagi, S. (1996). Ferromagnetic resonance and intrinsic properties of La0.67Ba0.33MnOz. Journal of Applied Physics, 79(8), 5166. doi:10.1063/1.361857Lofland, S. E., Garcia-Miquel, H., Vazquez, M., & Bhagat, S. M. (2002). Microwave magnetoabsorption in glass-coated amorphous microwires with radii close to skin depth. Journal of Applied Physics, 92(4), 2058-2063. doi:10.1063/1.1494847Garcia-Miquel, H., Esbri, M. J., Andres, J. M., Garcia, J. M., Garcia-Beneytez, J. M., & Vazquez, M. (2001). Power absorption and ferromagnetic resonance in Co-rich metallic glasses. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 37(1), 561-564. doi:10.1109/20.914378Kraus, L., Infante, G., Frait, Z., & Vázquez, M. (2011). Ferromagnetic resonance in microwires and nanowires. Physical Review B, 83(17). doi:10.1103/physrevb.83.174438Kraus, L. (1982). Theory of ferromagnetic resonances in thin wires. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 32(11), 1264-1282. doi:10.1007/bf01597425Ipatov, M., Chizhik, A., Zhukova, V., Gonzalez, J., & Zhukov, A. (2011). Correlation of surface domain structure and magneto-impedance in amorphous microwires. Journal of Applied Physics, 109(11), 113924. doi:10.1063/1.3596808Kraus, L. (1999). Theory of giant magneto-impedance in the planar conductor with uniaxial magnetic anisotropy. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 195(3), 764-778. doi:10.1016/s0304-8853(99)00286-3Garcı́a-Miquel, H., Garcı́a, J. ., Garcı́a-Beneytez, J. ., & Vázquez, M. (2001). Surface magnetic anisotropy in glass-coated amorphous microwires as determined from ferromagnetic resonance measurements. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 231(1), 38-44. doi:10.1016/s0304-8853(01)00040-