170 research outputs found
La integración de Redes de Colaboración entre Cuerpos Académicos
El tema de redes de colaboración nos involucra a quienes estamos cursando estudios de posgrado o realizando investigación en las Instituciones de Educación Superior al ser considerado por el Programa de Mejoramiento del Profesorado vigente, como una de las modalidades prioritarias para apoyar a quienes se han integrado, o lo están haciendo, a cuerpos académicos bajo esta nueva forma de organización del trabajo académico en colectivo que no necesariamente es en colaboración. En el curso del trabajo, se precisa el término redes pues, por ser polisémico, ha llegado a ser utilizado de tan diversas maneras que algunas de ellas suelen ser antónimas; aquí introduciremos el término cuerpo académico. En un segundo momento nos permitimos abrir un amplio paréntesis para tratar, de manera breve, algunos conceptos de Michel Gibbons sobre la nueva forma, o Modo 2, de producción del conocimiento. Posteriormente, retomando el concepto de redes y las características aplicables a redes educativas, veremos los planteamientos de otros autores, para concluir sobre cómo los cuerpos académicos podrán integrar las redes de colaboración
Effects of Body Shape on Literal Objectification: When Ideal May Be Less Than Ideal
Objectification, or the tendency to adopt an externalized view of self/other, is a ubiquitous process disproportionately affecting women (Fredrickson & Roberts, 1997). Recent work has examined literal objectification, defined as “any outcome in which a person is perceived as, or behaves, objectlike, relative to humanlike” (Heflick & Goldenberg, 2014, p. 225). Focusing on women’s physical appearance heightens literal objectification, including reduced perceptions of warmth, competence, and morality (Heflick et al., 2011).
We investigated whether participants’ ratings of literal objectification vary as a function of body type. Seventy-one college women (Mage = 19.23) viewed three photos of women, manipulated to depict low, average, and high ideal body shapes. Participants rated the degree to which each woman possessed competence, warmth and morality, and their desire to collaborate on a group project with them.
Average images were rated as significantly higher on warmth, morality, and collaboration desirability than high ideal and low ideal images, and marginally more competent than high ideal images. High ideal images were rated as significantly lower on warmth and marginally lower on collaboration desirability than low ideal images. Future research should extend this work to evaluate behavioral manifestations of literal objectification and explore what other factors might moderate these effects
El sorgo (Sorghum vulgare Pers) es uno de los granos forrajeros más importantes dentro del sector pecuario mexicano, ocupa el segundo lugar en producción de granos básicos y se considera el principal ingrediente en la formulación de alimentos balanceados. Para estimar los factores que determinan la demanda de sorgo grano en México, se estimó un modelo econométrico lineal multivariable para el periodo 1995-2014, con la técnica de retrasos distribuido
Densidad poblacional y uso del hábitat de la codorniz Moctezuma (Cyrtonyx montezumae) en Hualtepec, Hidalgo
El presente estudio se realizó para determinar la densidad poblacional y el uso del hábitat de la codorniz Moctezuma (Cyrtonyx montezumae) en Hualtepec, Hidalgo, México, en tres tipos de vegetación: bosque, pastizal y zona de transición (ecotono). Dicho sitio se localiza en el extremo oeste de Hidalgo, con área de muestreo de 5 715 ha. Se realizó un muestreo en 55 unidades, para evaluar el uso del hábitat por medio de indicios (excretas, rascaderos, plumas y nidos), y densidad de población, con transectos convencionales (6 km de longitud por 50 m de ancho), con el apoyo de perros de muestra. En cada sitio se registraron los indicios y se contaron las codornices observadas. La densidad (codornices/ha) varió de 0.1341 a 0.2318. No se encontraron diferencias en la densidad de codornices en los diferentes tipos de vegetación (bosque, 0.1765; pastizal, 0.2318; ecotono, 0.1341); sin embargo, el hábitat más usado fue el ecotono, seguido por el pastizal y el bosque. Los rascaderos y bulbos de Oxalis disponibles fueron más altos (P < 0.05) en el pastizal. El número de individuos, plumas, excretas (P < 0.10) y de nidos y rascaderos fueron mayores (P < 0.05) en el pastizal. Este estudio constituye la primera estimación de densidad poblacional de la codorniz Moctezuma en Hidalgo, México
Cross-cultural validity of the five items Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS-5) in Peru and Mexico during the COVID-19 pandemic
The Spanish version of the 5-item Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS-5) is a brief measure of the general tendency to be attentive and aware of experiences in the present moment during daily life. The MAAS-5 has been used in different countries; however, an assessment of its cross-cultural measurement invariance (MI) has not been conducted. Therefore, the study aimed to evaluate the cross-cultural measurement invariance of the MAAS-5 in university students from two countries: Peru and Mexico. A total of 1144 university students from Peru (N = 822) and Mexico (N = 322) responded online to the Spanish version of the 5-item Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS-5). A multigroup confirmatory factor analysis was performed. Measurement invariance tests the hypothesis that the model behind a set of scores is comparable between groups. The results showed that the unidimensional structure of the MAAS-5 is the same between Peruvian and Mexican university students. Therefore, it is suggested that university students from both countries conceptualize the mindfulness in a similar way. As a result, the MAAS-5 can be used to compare differences between countries. No significant differences were observed in the MAAS-5 score between Peruvian and Mexican university students. The present study contributes to a better understanding of the psychometric properties of the MAAS-5 by presenting MI results in two Latin American countries. Implications of the findings are discussed, which will facilitate a more solid and reliable use of the MAAS-5 in future cross-cultural studies
Evaluation of the Conservation and Management Program of the Arrecife Alacranes National Park from the Perspective of Management of Fishery Resources
Este artículo aborda el caso del Parque Nacional Arrecife Alacranes (PNAA) que cuenta con un Programa de conservación y Manejo (PCyM) desde 2007 que hasta la fecha no ha sido evaluado ni actualizado. El objetivo de este artículo es evaluar la efectividad del PCyM en relación con la gestión de los recursos pesqueros en el PNAA e identificar los principales problemas administrativos
Incidencia de las políticas de micro-financiamiento sobre la percepción de emprendimiento caficultor e implicaciones para el trabajo social
Pelaksanaan E-Government Pembayaran Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor Dalam Menciptakan Good Governance Pada Kantor Samsat Kabupaten Merangin Provinsi Jambi
The research was conducted due to several problems including: The lack of information dissemination on the requirements and use of E-Samsat in Merangin District, the limited number of human resources for mobile Samsat car operators and Samsat outlet operators, internet network interference is still common so E-Samsat is still not working optimally, limited supporting facilities and infrastructure in implementing E-Samsat. The sample of 18 people who worked at the Merangin Jambi Samsat Office used descriptive survey techniques aimed at knowing the implementation of E-Government motor vehicle tax payments in creating good governance at the Merangin District samsat office in Jambi Province. The results of the research and discussion show the implementation of E-Government payment of motor vehicle accessories in creating good governance in the samsat office of Merangin Regency, Jambi Province. The implementation of E-Government payment of Motor Vehicle Tax in supporting Good governance at the Merangin District Samsat Office through the latest innovations, namely: the addition of Samsat Online service facilities, mobile Samsat car service facilities, and Gerai Samsat service facilities. For now the E-Government of Motor Vehicle Tax payments in supporting Good governance in the Merangin District Samsat Office is still not optimal, this is because there are still some obstacles, including: The lack of information dissemination on the requirements and use of E-Samsat in Merangin Regency; The limited number of human resources for car operators, Mobile Samsat and Operator Samsat; Internet network interference is still common, so E-Samsat is still not working optimally; Limited supporting facilities and infrastructure in implementing E-Samsat. Appropriate efforts, so that these obstacles can be resolved properly. Following this, the researchers describe the efforts made by Merangin District Samsat in overcoming these obstacles, including: Improving information dissemination on the requirements and use of E-Samsat in Merangin District; Adding Human Resources to operators; Improve internet network facilities, so that they do not experience interference; Improve supporting facilities and infrastructure in the implementation of E-Samsat
The present and future status of heavy neutral leptons
The existence of nonzero neutrino masses points to the likely existence of multiple Standard Model neutral fermions. When such states are heavy enough that they cannot be produced in oscillations, they are referred to as heavy neutral leptons (HNLs). In this white paper, we discuss the present experimental status of HNLs including colliders, beta decay, accelerators, as well as astrophysical and cosmological impacts. We discuss the importance of continuing to search for HNLs, and its potential impact on our understanding of key fundamental questions, and additionally we outline the future prospects for next-generation future experiments or upcoming accelerator run scenarios
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