151 research outputs found

    Strongly Real Conjugacy Classes in Unitary Groups over Fields of Even Characteristic

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    An element gg of a group GG is called strongly real if there is an ss in GG such that s2=1s^2 = 1 and sgs−1=g−1sgs^{-1} = g^{-1}. It is a fact that if gg in GG is strongly real, then every element in its conjugacy class is strongly real. Thus we can classify each conjugacy class as strongly real or not strongly real. Gates, Singh, and Vinroot have classified the strongly real conjugacy classes of U(n,q2)(n, q^2) in the case that qq is odd. Vinroot and Schaeffer Fry have classified some of the conjugacy classes of U(n,q2)(n,q^2) where qq is even. We conjecture the full classification, and under that conjecture provide a generating function for the number of unipotent strongly real conjugacy classes in U(n,q2)(n,q^2). We also give some computational results

    Developing a Hybrid Research Course for Rural BSW Students

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    Rural social work educators are facing intense demands to provide distance education, reach larger numbers of students, and deliver crucial social work educational content using multiple technologies. The development of a BSW research hybrid course in a rural setting which integrated face to face teaching with technology is discussed. The hybrid research course utilized compressed video and three face-to-face Saturdays. Course evaluations and pretest/posttest research findings are presented. Strategies for the development of hybrid courses are discussed

    The collected works of J.M. Falckenburg

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    Jacob Milich Falckenburg has on rare occasions in the twentieth century received recognition in notes and scholarly afterthoughts for his Latin verse retelling of the Apollonius of Tyre romance and dedicatory poem to Queen Elizabeth in 1578. In his own time Falckenburg, as a member of a wide circle of Central European humanists, served as a courtier and agent for the Holy Roman Empire and composed a range of verse which saw print in cities from Gdansk to London between 1564 and 1579. Prior to this study, the known facts of Falckenburg's life and works have been restricted to information gleaned from a limited number of the poet's printed works. Collected here are Jacob of Falckenburg's known works, together with a biographical sketch and a brief survey of his printed works. The biography of Jacob of Falckenburg traces the poet's movements from his early years in Wittenberg and Breslau, as a member of an important humanist family, through Vienna, Paris and Antwerp to London, while the survey of his printed works demonstrates that in his nearly twelve thousand lines of poetry Falckenburg has often relied on adaptation in his treatment of diverse subjects. Falckenburg's poetry is shown to include a number of epithalamia and celebratory poems, including three on Henri, King of Poland, while his religious works consist of paraphrases of scripture and sacred meditations. Jacob's magnum opus is the Historia Divi Apollonii, a Latin hexameter version of the Apollonius of Tyre romance. The importance of this poem in the context of the Apollonius romance's Latin and English traditions and, in particular, as a likely source for the play Pericles, Prince of Tyre, has warranted in this study a detailed discussion and commentary

    Listening to the voices of the fishing people: how fishers make sense of their lives in today's world

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    Chemical and Biological Treatment of Fish Canning Wastewaters

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    Beton merupakan hasil campuran dari semen, agregat halus, agregat kasar dan air. Pada zaman sekarang banyak penelitian terhadap campuran beton dengan bahan tambah. Hal ini yang membuat orang-orang melakukan inovasi pada beton untuk meningkatkan mutu beton. Hal ini menyebabkan banyaknya penggunaan bahan baku pembuat beton (khususnya pasir) mengalami kelangkaan, mengingat tidak semua daerah memiliki pasir yang berasal dari aktivitas vulkanik Penggunaan bahan tambah dilakukan untuk mencapai keinginan akan beton mutu tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk meningkatkan mutu beton yang menggunakan pasir galian (Pasir Rumpin) agar bisa bersaing dengan mutu beton yang menggunakan Pasir Muntilan dengan target dapat mencapai nilai kuat tekan minimal 20 MPa. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan melakukan pengujian kuat tekan beton dengan menggunakan bahan tambah accelerator sebesar 0,2%, 0,3%, dan 0,4% dari berat semen, yang ditambahkan pada beton pasir galian dari daerah Rumpin. Beton yang akan diuji berbentuk silinder 15 × 30 cm dengan umur 7 hari, 14 hari dan 28 hari. Hasil uji kuat tekan pada benda uji beton baik yang menggunakan Pasir Muntilan maupun Pasir Rumpin dengan tambahan accelerator mencapai target nilai kuat tekan rencana masing-masing yaitu sebesar 26,72 MPa (beton Pasir Muntilan), 22,65 MPa (beton Pasir Rumpin 0,2% accelerator), 23,44 MPa (beton Pasir Rumpin 0,3% accelerator), 23,89 MPa (beton Pasir Rumpin 0,4% accelerator)

    We Shall Overcome: Songs of the Southern Freedom Movement

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    Administering the Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route National Historic Trail

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    Our current issue, supported by the National Park Service and its partner the Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route Association (W3R-US), offers new scholarship not only about the French army’s sojourn in Newport, but the significance of Newport as the beginning of a trail that originated in Rhode Island and culminated with victory in Yorktown
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