304 research outputs found


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    This paper intends to render several important factors of impact on economic growth and to describe the particular types of relationships of the latter with each one of its influencing elements. In order to correctly determine such issue, we have resorted to three carefully selected models that have been estimated and compared so as to identify the most adequate and representative regression. For this purpose we have performed an analysis based on cross-section annual data for 105 countries spread all over the world. After having tested and rejected certain exogenous variables initially considered, such as imports or exports, we have finally retained the external debt and foreign direct investments as explanatory items of the dependent variable. The results revealed that both of them positively affect the gross domestic product of the analysed countries, this one being inelastic in relation to the exogenous variables considered. Even if the relationship between the economic growth and the external debt of a country is usually negative, as the money exit out of the country due to the debt service causes non-achieved potential investments, yet, there is an inflexion point up to which the external debt has a positive influence on economic growth by the increase of the investments funds acquired as result of the external credit contracting, this being the case reflected by our study. As for the relationship existing between foreign direct investments and GDP, the economic theory confirms that FDI and economic growth are directly correlated, the former contributing to technical progress, production increase and, finally, to the improvement of the living standard

    QFT Robust Control of Wastewater Treatment Processes

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    Utilizarea disjunctorului maxilar simultan cu masca Delaire în tratamentul interceptiv la pacienții cu clasa a III-a angle. Caz clinic

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    Introduction: Treatment of Class III malocclusion is a challenge for practitioners, especially for children. Orthodontists have always tried to intervene as early as possible during the child’s growth and development, using various devices to solve these problems. The objective of the study: The study aims to evaluate early interceptive treatment in growing patients of Class III malocclusion. Material and methods: A 6-year-old patient was questioned and examined. The clinical and paraclinical examinations were performed. The diagnosis of Class III malocclusion was established. The patient’s parents were informed and the treatment plan was initiated. Rapid maxillary expansion (RME) and the Delaire facemask were used in interceptive treatment of Class III malocclusion. Results: There was an improvement in the frontal facial appearance, as well as in the profile; also, the proportionality of the face has improved, with the minimization of functional and aesthetic disorders. Conclusion: Patients (children) with Class III malocclusion find it difficult to accept early interceptive treatment, and their compliance to the treatment is usually low, because of their young age. However, the results of the treatment, such as improved facial appearance, corrected skeletal discrepancy between the upper and lower jaw, act in support of the need and effectiveness of the treatment, as they help to develop a normal intermaxillary relationship.Introducere: Tratamentul anomaliei dento-maxilare de clasa a III-a Angle reprezintă o provocare pentru practicieni, mai ales la copii. Medicii ortodonți au căutat întotdeauna să intervină cât mai curând posibil în perioada creșterii și dezvoltării copilului, cu diverse dispozitive pentru rezolvarea acestei probleme. Scopul lucrării: Evaluarea tratamentului interceptiv la pacienții cu anomalii dento-maxilare de clasa a III-a Angle. Materiale și metode: S-a realizat anamneza la un pacient în vârsta de 6 ani. S-a efectuat examenul clinic și paraclinic. S-a stabilit diagnosticul. Aparținătorii acestuia au fost informați și s-a indicat planul de tratament. În tratamentul ADM de clasa a III-a Angle s-a folosit disjunctorul maxilar și masca Delaire. Rezultate: S-a observat o îmbunătățire al aspectului facial din față, cât și din profil, a proporționalității etajelor feței, cu minimizarea dereglărilor funcționale și estetice. Concluzie: Pacientul cu malocluzie de clasa a III-a Angle acceptă cu dificultate tratamentul interceptiv, iar complianța acestuia poate fi scăzută din cauza vârstei, totuși s-a dovedit necesitatea și eficiența tratamentului, acestea fiind susținute de ameliorarea aspectului facial si îmbunătățirea indicatorilor cefalometrici

    Final evaluation of the project Erasmus+ project (KA203) IN2RURAL-Innovative Practices in Renewable Energies to Improve Rural Employability

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    This document develops the final evaluation of the project: “Innovative Practices in Renewable Energies to Improve Rural Employability” (2014‐1‐ES01‐KA203‐004740) financed by the the European Union (Erasmus+ Programme)


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Tratamentul anomaliei dento-maxilare de clasa a III-a Angle reprezintă o provocare pentru practicieni, mai ales la copii. Medicii ortodonți au căutat întotdeauna să intervină cât mai curând posibil în perioada creșterii și dezvoltării copilului, cu diverse dispozitive pentru rezolvarea acestei probleme. Scopul lucrării: Evaluarea tratamentului interceptiv la pacienții cu anomalii dento-maxilare de clasa a III-a Angle. Materiale și metode: S-a realizat anamneza la un pacient în vârsta de 6 ani. S-a efectuat examenul clinic și paraclinic. S-a stabilit diagnosticul. Aparținătorii acestuia au fost informați și s-a indicat planul de tratament. În tratamentul ADM de clasa a III-a Angle s-a folosit disjunctorul maxilar și masca Delaire. Rezultate: S-a observat o îmbunătățire al aspectului facial din față, cât și din profil, a proporționalității etajelor feței, cu minimizarea dereglărilor funcționale și estetice. Concluzie: Pacientul cu malocluzie de clasa a III-a Angle acceptă cu dificultate tratamentul interceptiv, iar complianța acestuia poate fi scăzută din cauza vârstei, totuși s-a dovedit necesitatea și eficiența tratamentului, acestea fiind susținute de ameliorarea aspectului facial si îmbunătățirea indicatorilor cefalometrici.Introduction: Treatment of Class III malocclusion is a challenge for practitioners, especially for children. Orthodontists have always tried to intervene as early as possible during the child’s growth and development, using various devices to solve these problems. The objective of the study: The study aims to evaluate early interceptive treatment in growing patients of Class III malocclusion. Material and methods: A 6-year-old patient was questioned and examined. The clinical and paraclinical examinations were performed. The diagnosis of Class III malocclusion was established. The patient’s parents were informed and the treatment plan was initiated. Rapid maxillary expansion (RME) and the Delaire facemask were used in interceptive treatment of Class III malocclusion. Results: There was an improvement in the frontal facial appearance, as well as in the profile; also, the proportionality of the face has improved, with the minimization of functional and aesthetic disorders. Conclusion: Patients (children) with Class III malocclusion find it difficult to accept early interceptive treatment, and their compliance to the treatment is usually low, because of their young age. However, the results of the treatment, such as improved facial appearance, corrected skeletal discrepancy between the upper and lower jaw, act in support of the need and effectiveness of the treatment, as they help to develop a normal intermaxillary relationship

    Water Quality Modeling and Control in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems

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    Nowadays, modern aquaculture technologies are made in recirculating systems, which require the use of high-performance methods for the recirculated water treatment. The present chapter presents the results obtained by the authors in the field of modeling and control of wastewater treatment processes from intensive aquaculture systems. All the results were obtained on a pilot plant built for the fish intensive growth in recirculating regime located in “Dunarea de Jos” University from Galati. The pilot plant was designed to study the development of various fish species, starting with the less demanding species (e.g. carp, waller), or "difficult" species such as trout and sturgeons (beluga, sevruga, etc.)

    Biochemical profile of blood of rabbits on the dependence of the consumed fodder

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    In order to study the variation of the biochemical profile of the blood of the rabbits depending on the biochemical composition of the consumed fodder (with and without the addition of streptomycetes biomass), an experiment was carried out under laboratory conditions in which were included two lots (control and experimental) of 5 animals per lot. During the experiment, was carried out the biochemical analysis of the fodder, of the blood of the rabbits from both lots taken initially, over 15 days and the end of the experiment.As a result of the experiment, the superiority of the biochemical profile of the rabbit blood from the experimental lot was compared with that of the control lot. The quantitative increase of protein, albumin and glucose respectively by 5.34%, 25.86% and 26.32%, in the blood serum of the animals from the experimental lot compared to the control lot, was favored by the consumption, by rabbits, during 60 days, of the combined granulated fodder with the addition of 0.1% of S. levoris biomass CNMN-Ac-01

    „Myopia computer” application

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    Catedra de Oftalmologie și Optometrie, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu”, Catedra de Oftalmologie, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu”Summary. The exponential growth of myopic patients and the integration of information technologies in the medical system creates the need to implement programs for diagnosis, treatment and recommendations for these patients. Presentation of the application “Myopia computer”. The “Myopia Calculator” application is a program that allows users to find out about the evolution of the patient’s myopia depending on the selected treatment, the degree of myopia, age, the annual gradient of progression of the initial myopia and family factor. The “Myopia Calculator” application can be installed in any gadget that supports the operation of the screen and allows the visualization of the numerical value and the graphical visualization of the result for reading and interpretation.Introducere. Creșterea exponențială a pacienților miopi și integrarea tehnologiilor informaționale în sistemul medical creează necesitatea implementării programelor de diagnostic, tratament și recomandări pentru aceste persoane. Scopul studiului constă în prezentarea aplicației „Myopia calculator”. Rezultat. Aplicația „Myopia Calculator” este un program care permite utilizatorului să se informeze cu privire la evoluția miopiei pacientului în dependență de tratamentul selectat, gradul miopiei, vârsta, gradientul anual de progresare a miopiei inițial și prezența sau absența factorului familial. Aplicația „Myopia Calculator” poate fi instalată în orice dispozitiv care susține funcționarea acesteia și permite vizualizarea pe ecran a valorilor numerice, precum și vizualizarea grafică a cestora pentru citire și interpretare

    Literature and Psychoanalysis: Whose Madness is it anyway?

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    Examiner/examined, analyst/analysand, subject/object, sane/mad, science/art: the relationship between psychoanalysis and literature appears to conform to this binary logic, with the first term in each set clearly privileged over the second. The realm of the literary is populated with an impressive assortment of mad characters and mad authors: killers, junkies, drunkards, the paranoid, the depressed, the suicidal, the abandoned or the simply alienated. Literature inhabits and is inhabited by the pathological, or so it must have seemed to the armies of psychoanalytic critics who repeatedly turned to it. We seek to deconstruct this particular binary view of literature-as-madness, psychoanalysis-as-saneness by showing how a critic’s preoccupation with the pathology of an author can sometimes expose his/her own unconscious complexes, desires or fears. With this in mind, we thus momentarily turn the examiner into the examined

    Poe’s Strategies of Seduction: Transference, Incongruity and the Undecidability of Meaning

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    What makes readers, particularly critics, revisit Poe? One of the objections that can be brought against most psychoanalytic interpretations of his life or work is its omission of “the why.” Why write about Poe? What compels us to return to an author already surrounded by, to use Susan Sontag’s words, “thick encrustations” of criticism and theory? There seems to be an undefined “something,” a certain element “X” in Poe that irresistibly attracts (our) critical commentary. Designating this elusive quality “X” as textual “seduction,” the following article attempts, in a sense, to define the undefinable: that is, to identify and describe some of the Poe-esque characteristics that continue to keep readers and critics glued to his work. Drawing principally from Jacques Lacan’s model of transference, Roland Barthes’ “erotics of reading” and Pierre Bayard’s theory of “applied literature,” this paper posits that some of Poe’s strategies of literary seduction include, on the one hand, anticipated textual effects that operate similarly to transference in their double fulfillment of the analyst’s role of S.s.S and S.s.R and, on the other, carefully constructed thematic incongruities that result in an ultimate “undecidability” of meaning