51 research outputs found

    Efficient Computation of the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with Time-Dependent Coefficients

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    open access articleMotivated by the limited work performed on the development of computational techniques for solving the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with time-dependent coefficients, we develop a modified Runge-Kutta pair with improved periodicity and stability characteristics. Additionally, we develop a modified step size control algorithm, which increases the efficiency of our pair and all other pairs included in the numerical experiments. The numerical results on the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with periodic solution verified the superiority of the new algorithm in terms of efficiency. The new method also presents a good behaviour of the maximum absolute error and the global norm in time, even after a high number of oscillations

    A Neural Network for Interpolating Light-Sources

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    This study combines two novel deterministic methods with a Convolutional Neural Network to develop a machine learning method that is aware of directionality of light in images. The first method detects shadows in terrestrial images by using a sliding-window algorithm that extracts specific hue and value features in an image. The second method interpolates light-sources by utilising a line-algorithm, which detects the direction of light sources in the image. Both of these methods are single-image solutions and employ deterministic methods to calculate the values from the image alone, without the need for illumination-models. They extract real-time geometry from the light source in an image, rather than mapping an illumination-model onto the image, which are the only models used today. Finally, those outputs are used to train a Convolutional Neural Network. This displays greater accuracy than previous methods for shadow detection and can predict light source-direction and thus orientation accurately, which is a considerable innovation for an unsupervised CNN. It is significantly faster than the deterministic methods. We also present a reference dataset for the problem of shadow and light direction detection. © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works

    Identifying Parkinson’s Disease Through the Classification of Audio Recording Data

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    Developments in artificial intelligence can be leveraged to support the diagnosis of degenerative disorders, such as epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease. This study aims to provide a software solution, focused initially towards Parkinson’s disease, which can positively impact medical practice surrounding degenerative diagnoses. Through the use of a dataset containing numerical data representing acoustic features extracted from an audio recording of an individual, it is determined if a neural approach can provide an improvement over previous results in the area. This is achieved through the implementation of a feedforward neural network and a layer recurrent neural network. By comparison with the state-of-the-art, a Bayesian approach providing a classification accuracy benchmark of 87.1%, it is found that the implemented neural networks are capable of average accuracy of 96%, highlighting improved accuracy for the classification process. The solution is capable of supporting the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease in an advisory capacity and is envisioned to inform the process of referral through general practice

    Can compact optimisation algorithms be structurally biased?

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    In the field of stochastic optimisation, the so-called structural bias constitutes an undesired behaviour of an algorithm that is unable to explore the search space to a uniform extent. In this paper, we investigate whether algorithms from a subclass of estimation of distribution algorithms, the compact algorithms, exhibit structural bias. Our approach, justified in our earlier publications, is based on conducting experiments on a test function whose values are uniformly distributed in its domain. For the experiment, 81 combinations of compact algorithms and strategies of dealing with infeasible solutions have been selected as test cases. We have applied two approaches for determining the presence and severity of structural bias, namely an (existing) visual and an (updated) statistical (Anderson-Darling) test. Our results suggest that compact algorithms are more immune to structural bias than their counterparts maintaining explicit populations. Both tests indicate that strong structural bias is found only in the cBFO algorithm, regardless of the choice of strategy of dealing with infeasible solutions, and cPSO with mirror strategy. For other test cases, statistical and visual tests disagree on some cases classified as having mild or strong structural bias: the former one tends to make harsher decisions, thus needing further investigation

    Shallow Buried Improvised Explosive Device Detection Via Convolutional Neural Networks

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.The issue of detecting improvised explosive devices, henceforth IEDs, in rural or built-up urban environments is a persistent and serious concern for governments in the developing world. In many cases, such devices are plastic, or varied metallic objects containing rudimentary explosives, which are not visible to the naked eye and are difficult to detect autonomously. The most effective strategy for detecting land mines also happens to be the most dangerous. This paper intends to leverage the use of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to aid in the discovery of such IEDs. As part of a related project, an autonomous sensor array was used to detect the devices in terrains too hazardous for a human to survey. This paper presents a CNN and its training methodology, suitable to make use of the sensor system. This convolutional neural network can accurately distinguish between a potential IED and surrounding undergrowth and natural features of the environment in real-time. The training methodology enabled the CNN to successfully recognise the IEDs with an accuracy of 98.7%, in well-lit conditions. The results are evaluated against other convolutional neural systems as well as against a deterministic algorithm, showing that the proposed CNN outperforms its competitors including the deterministic method

    EmotiMask: Mapping Mouth Movements to an LED Matrix for Improving Recognition When Teaching With a Face Mask

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    Available as part of conference proceedings at: https://papers.iafor.org/proceedings/conference-proceedings-ECE2022/The Covid-19 pandemic has led to the adoption of face masks in physical teaching spaces across the world. This has in-turn presented a number of challenges for practitioners in the face-to-face delivery of content and in effectively engaging learners in practical settings, where face coverings are an ongoing requirement. Being unable to identify the mouth movements of a speaker due to the lower portion of the face being obscured can lead to issues in clarity, attention, emotional recognition, and trust attribution, negatively affecting the learning experience. This is further exacerbated for those who require specialist support and those with impairments, particularly those centred around hearing. EmotiMask embeds an LED matrix within a face mask to replicate mouth movements and emotional state through speech detection and intelligent processing. By cycling through different LED configurations, the matrix can approximate speech in-progress, as well as various mouth patterns linked to distinct emotional states. An initial study placed EmotiMask within a HE practical session containing 10 students, with results suggesting a positive effect on clarity and emotional recognition over typical face masks. Further feedback noted that it was easier to identify the current speaker with EmotiMask, however speech amplification, additional led configurations, and improved portability are desired points of refinement. This study represents a step towards a ubiquitous solution for tackling some of the challenges presented when teaching in a pandemic or similar situations where face coverings are a requirement and has potential value in other sectors where such scenarios present themselves

    A pulsed nanosecond IR laser diode system to automatically test the Single Event Effects in the laboratory

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    Abstract A pulsed nanosecond IR laser diode system to automatically test the Single Event Effects in laboratory is described. The results of Single Event Latchup (SEL) test on two VLSI chips (VA_HDR64, 0.8 and 1.2 ÎĽm technology) are discussed and compared to those obtained with high-energy heavy ions at GSI (Darmstadt)

    A Differential Evolution Framework with Ensemble of Parameters and Strategies and Pool of Local Search Algorithms

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.The ensemble structure is a computational intelligence supervised strategy consisting of a pool of multiple operators that compete among each other for being selected, and an adaptation mechanism that tends to reward the most successful operators. In this paper we extend the idea of the ensemble to multiple local search logics. In a memetic fashion, the search structure of an ensemble framework cooperatively/competitively optimizes the problem jointly with a pool of diverse local search algorithms. In this way, the algorithm progressively adapts to a given problem and selects those search logics that appear to be the most appropriate to quickly detect high quality solutions. The resulting algorithm, namely Ensemble of Parameters and Strategies Differential Evolution empowered by Local Search (EPSDE-LS), is evaluated on multiple testbeds and dimensionality values. Numerical results show that the proposed EPSDE-LS robustly displays a very good performance in comparison with some of the state-of-the-art algorithms

    Large Scale Problems in Practice: The effect of dimensionality on the interaction among variables

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.This article performs a study on correlation between pairs of variables in dependence on the problem dimensionality. Two tests, based on Pearson and Spearman coefficients, have been designed and used in this work. In total, 8686 test problems ranging between 10 and 1000 variables have been studied. If the most commonly used experimental conditions are used, the correlation between pairs of variables appears, from the perspective of the search algorithm, to consistently decrease. This effect is not due to the fact that the dimensionality modifies the nature of the problem but is a consequence of the experimental conditions: the computational feasibility of the experiments imposes an extremely shallow search in case of high dimensions. An exponential increase of budget and population with the dimensionality is still practically impossible. Nonetheless, since real-world application may require that large scale problems are tackled despite of the limited budget, an algorithm can quickly improve upon initial guesses if it integrates the knowledge that an apparent weak correlation between pairs of variables occurs, regardless the nature of the problem

    The renal lineage factor PAX8 controls oncogenic signalling in kidney cancer

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    Large-scale human genetic data(1-3) have shown that cancer mutations display strong tissue-selectivity, but how this selectivity arises remains unclear. Here, using experimental models, functional genomics and analyses of patient samples, we demonstrate that the lineage transcription factor paired box 8 (PAX8) is required for oncogenic signalling by two common genetic alterations that cause clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) in humans: the germline variant rs7948643 at 11q13.3 and somatic inactivation of the von Hippel-Lindau tumour suppressor (VHL)(4-6). VHL loss, which is observed in about 90% of ccRCCs, can lead to hypoxia-inducible factor 2 alpha (HIF2A) stabilization(6,7). We show that HIF2A is preferentially recruited to PAX8-bound transcriptional enhancers, including a pro-tumorigenic cyclin D1 (CCND1) enhancer that is controlled by PAX8 and HIF2A. The ccRCC-protective allele Cat rs7948643 inhibits PAX8 binding at this enhancer and downstream activation of CCND1 expression. Co-option of a PAX8-dependent physiological programme that supports the proliferation of normal renal epithelial cells is also required for MYC expression from the ccRCC metastasis-associated amplicons at 8q21.3-q24.3 (ref. (8)). These results demonstrate that transcriptional lineage factors are essential for oncogenic signalling and that they mediate tissue-specific cancer risk associated with somatic and inherited genetic variants.Peer reviewe
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