77 research outputs found

    Presence and Impact of the Articles on Corporate Social Responsibility in the Different Research Areas

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    The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been the object of study by the academic world in recent years, however, despite the large number of published works, there are still many gaps in its conceptualization and the implications it has on business management. In this sense, despite the great interdisciplinarity of the concept, a large part of academic production is focused on the field of business, something that has limited the construction of new research perspectives which will allow to continue expanding in knowledge. The objective of this work is to provide evidence of the scientific production developed in the field of CSR that serves as a basis for researchers in making strategic decisions about the orientation of their work, taking into account new perspectives based on the impact generated by the publications in the different research areas. For this, a search of existing publications on the Web of Science (WoS) was carried out. The analysis of the results was developed through the use of the InCites citation analysis tool, which made it possible to evaluate the productivity and performance of the research developed. The results show the existence of research areas with low productivity in the topic under study, but with a high impact of their publications. It is concluded that publication in these research areas should be a priority for researchers, who, by directing their work toward them, might open up new research perspectives and continue to delve into the concept

    Modeling, Control and Automatic Code Generation for a Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Vehicle Using Modelica

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    The main goal of this project was to use the Modelica features on embedded systems, real-time systems and basic mechanical modeling for the control of a two-wheeled self-balancing personal vehicle. The Elektor Wheelie, a Segway-like vehicle, was selected as the process to control. Modelica is an object-oriented language aimed at modeling of complex systems. The work in the thesis used the Modelica-based modeling and simulation tool Dymola. The Elektor Wheelie has an 8-bit programmable microcontroller (Atmega32) which was used as control unit. This microcontroller has no hardware support for floating point arithmetic operations and emulation via software has a high cost in processor time. Therefore fixed-point representation of real values was used as it only requires integer operations. In order to obtain a linear representation which was useful in the control design a simple mechanical model of the vehicle was created using Dymola. The control strategy was a linear quadratic regulator (LQR) based on a state space representation of the vehicle. Two methods to estimate the platform tilt angle were tested: a complementary filter and a Kalman filter. The Kalman filter had a better performance estimating the platform tilt angle and removing the gyroscope drift from the angular velocity signal. The state estimators as well as the controller task were generated automatically using Dymola; the same tasks were programmed manually using fixed-point arithmetic in order to evaluate the feasibility of the Dymola automatically generated code. At this stage, it was shown that automatically generated fixed-point code had similar results compared to manual coding after slight modifications were made. Finally, a simple communication application was created which allowed real-time plotting of state variables and remote controlling of the vehicle, using elements of Modelica EmbeddedSystems library

    Responsabilidad social corporativa y su comunicación en Twitter: análisis del discurso y los sentimientos generados en la sociedad

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    [EN] The purpose of this work is to analyze on a global level, without focusing on any specific company or sector, the use that is being made of the social media Twitter to address the communication processes of CSR in companies. To do this, data was captured through programming in R and using an Application Program Interface (API) in Twitter. The data were analyzed using text mining techniques and graphical network analysis with the help of R and Gephi software, respectively. The results show that there are no notable groups or movements in the corporate sphere as generators of CSR content. The importance of the social perspective of CSR in communication processes should be emphasized. Finally, CSR generates positive feelings and emotions such as trust in society. It is concluded that there is no efficient use by companies of Twitter as a CSR communication tool, they are not taking into account the interests of their stakeholders, nor are they generating the dialogue and interaction necessary for communication to be effective. The main limitation is associated with the time period in which the sample was taken, which coincides with a period of strong social concern about the pandemic. It would be interesting for future research to analyze how the discourse changes over time, and to what extent an extraordinary social situation, such as the pandemic, is reflected in CSR communication.[ES] El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar a nivel global, sin centrarse en ninguna empresa o sector concreto, el uso que se está haciendo de la red social Twitter para abordar los procesos de comunicación de la RSC en las empresas. Para ello se hizo uso de captura de datos a través de programación en R y una Interfaz de Programación de Aplicaciones (API) en Twitter. Se trataron los datos mediante técnicas de minería de texto y análisis gráfico de redes con la ayuda respectivamente de los softwares R y Gephi. Los resultados muestran que no existen grupos o movimientos notables dentro del ámbito corporativo como generadores de contenido en materia de RSC. Además, se observa la importancia de la perspectiva social de la RSC en los procesos de comunicación de la misma. Por último, se pone de manifiesto que la RSC genera sentimientos positivos y emociones como la confianza en la sociedad. Se concluye que las empresas no están realizando un uso eficiente de Twitter como herramienta de comunicación de la RSC, no están teniendo en cuenta los intereses de sus partes interesadas, ni generando el diálogo y la interacción necesaria para que la comunicación sea eficaz. La principal limitación está asociada al periodo temporal en el que se toma la muestra que coincide con un momento de fuerte preocupación social por la pandemia. Sería interesante que futuras investigaciones analizaran cómo va cambiando el discurso a lo largo del tiempo, y en qué medida una situación social extraordinaria, como es el caso de la pandemia, se ve reflejada en la comunicación de la CSR.This activity has been partially funded by UNIR Research (http://research.unir.net), International University of La Rioja (UNIR, http://www.unir.net), Research Group TR3S-i “Liquid work and emerging risks in the information society”

    Intangible assets and business results of large companies

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    Purpose: To analyze the main types of intangible assets as sources of economic and social outcomes inlarge corporations.Design/methodology: We create a sample of large corporations with data from two secondarydatabases: Fortune Most Admired Companies and Interbrand. We study business’ legitimacy throughtheir presence on Google.com. We perform quantitative analysis by testing the proposed hypothesesagainst a structural equation model built using the PLS method. Findings: We confirm the value of brands and legitimacy as sources of economic outcomes. Weobserve that perceived quality and brand equity influence social results. We conclude that perceivedquality alone does not improve brand or market value.Research limitations/implications: The main limitation is related to the characteristics of thecompanies in the sample: large, highly institutionalized multinational corporations.Practical implications: The results offer several considerations for managers seeking to improveorganizational outcomes. Intangible assets must be managed along with tangible assets in order fororganizations to survive and thrive in the marketplace. Originality/value: The principal contribution of this study is to demonstrate the importance ofmanaging intangible assets so that the organization can maintain or improve its legitimacy and itseconomic outcomesPeer Reviewe

    Síntesis y propiedades de hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos (HAPs) dopados con átomos de N y B

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    En los últimos años, el interés en HAPs dopados con átomos de nitrógeno ha crecido exponencialmente debido a las propiedades tan interesantes que estos presentan, lo que provoca que posean una gran amplitud de aplicaciones. Menos conocidos resultan los HAPs dopados con átomos de boro por lo que el estudio de sus propiedades y de sus aplicaciones no ha sido detalladamente realizado; por lo que resulta un campo de estudio de gran interés debido al impacto que las propiedades que presenten dichos compuestos puedan generar. El objetivo de este proyecto de tesis es el desarrollo de procesos basados en catálisis mediante complejos metálicos que permitan la síntesis de HAPs dopados con átomos de nitrógeno y/o boro a partir de moléculas sencill

    An assessment of sample processing methods for stable isotope analyses of coastal foodwebs

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    [Abstract] The relative abundance of the light and heavy forms of stable isotopes of Carbon and Nitrogen is commonly used in the research of marine food webs. Dehydration of samples is needed for C and N isotopic analysis, and in those organisms with inorganic carbonate structures acidification with hydrochloric acid is also needed for sample preparation. There is not a consensus about the methodology appropriate for sample processing. In the present study, the effects of different sample processing methods in the relative abundance of stable isotopes of C and N in the different trophic compartments of a coastal food web are evaluated. The final purpose is to define an adequate methodology to be used in the construction of whole food webs. The results obtained after acidification show a decrease in carbon values for sedimentary organic matter, suspended particulate organic matter, plankton and invertebrates with carbonated structures, and a variable response for nitrogen values. According to our results we recommend sampling acidification for carbon analysis in compartments in which variations of this element were observed. For nitrogen analysis acidification should not be done. Different treatments of dehydration studied provoked significant differences only in nitrogen values, thereby freeze-drying seems the most adequate method. Muscle tissue should be used in invertebrate with carbonated structures whenever body sizes make it possible

    Complex Patterns of Habitat Use by Juvenile Spider Crabs Maja Brachydactila Revealed by Stable Isotope Analyses

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    [Abstract] Patterns of habitat use by spider crab juveniles, Maja brachydactila, from two geographic areas in the NW coast of the Iberian Peninsula, were analyzed through the analysis of Carbon and Nitrogen stable isotope relations in two tissues (muscle and hepatopancreas). The main organisms that constitute the diet of spider crab juveniles in rocky and sandy habitats and the different organic matter sources in coastal food webs were analysed too. The isotopic ratios of C and N did not show any difference between habitats. The use of carapace colour and epibiosis as an indicator of habitat use was not supported by our data. These results suggest much more frequent movements between both types of habitats than those suggested by former studies (carried out using behavioural observations and sampling distributions) that hypothesized seasonal and ontogenetic changes. In the coastal food web, two main trophic compartments were identified according to the organic matter source: one based in plankton and seaweeds, that corresponds, mainly, with rocky habitats, and another based in sedimentary particulated organic matter that correspond with sandy bottoms. The relationships observed between the C and N isotopic ratios and the proportions of lipids and proteins in muscle and hepatopancreas seem to indicate a clear relation between the trophic origin of the food consumed by the spider crab juveniles and its energetic condition, and the individuals that spent more time feeding in sandy areas would show a better energetic condition. Juveniles of Maja brachydactila, independently of the habitat of capture, would consume in average approximately two thirds of the preys in rocky habitats and a third in sedimentary habitats. The results obtained indicate that, in exposed environments, large juveniles spend most of the time in sedimentary bottoms, where they find more refuge, but they move frequently (probably at night) to the nearby rocky substrates to feed.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología; REN2000-0446MARMinisterio de Ciencia y Tecnología; REN2003-0481

    N-Doped Cationic PAHs by Rh(III)-Catalyzed Double C–H Activation and Annulation of 2-Arylbenzimidazoles with Alkynes

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    NOTICE: This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Villar, J. M., Suárez, J., Varela, J. A., Saá, C., (2017). N-Doped Cationic PAHs by Rh(III)-Catalyzed Double C–H Activation and Annulation of 2-Arylbenzimidazoles with Alkynes. Org. Lett. 19, 7, 1702-1705. [doi: 10.1021/acs.orglett.7b00478]. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with American Chemical Society Terms and Conditions for self-archivingA novel class of N-doped cationic PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) bearing the benzo[c,d]fluoranthene scaffold has been synthesized by the Rh(III)-catalyzed double oxidative annulation of 2-arylbenzimidazoles with alkynes. The overall process involves a double C–N bond formation through a double C–H/N–H functionalization.The solid-state structures and electronic properties of the new N-doped PAHs were analyzed. These cationic azapolycycles were readily reduced in the presence of LiAlH4 or by the addition of PhLi to give interesting phenyl and diphenylmethanediamine derivatives.This work has received financial support from Spanish MINECO (project CTQ2014-59015R), the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria (project GRC2014/032) and Centro singu-lar de investigación de Galicia, accreditation 2016-2019, ED431G/09 and ERDF. We also thank the ORFEO-CINQA network (CTQ2014-51912REDC). J.M. V. and J. S. thank the Xunta de Galicia for pre-doctoral and postdoctoral contracts, respectivelyS

    Impacto de las emociones vertidas por diarios digitales en Twitter

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    The use of Twitter by newspapers is widespread and is a way to keep readers informed in real time. In this article, we analyze the discourse of the messages released by the ten main general information newspapers in Spain and the reactions they provoked on the social network. The objective is to analyze whether the emotional discourse of the news in each newspaper caused greater dissemination among and attention from users, as well as to determine the emotions and feelings expressed by them. To do so, news about important events such as court judgements, street riots, and general elections was followed between October and November 2019. A total of 124,897 tweets collected using machine-learning techniques were analyzed by the application of algorithms which allowed the determination of emotions and valences of feelings. We carried out statistical studies and produced graphs showing the dependence between emotional variables and positive or negative sentimental valence. The results showed that, in general, newspapers do not use an excessive amount of emotional speech with the aim of impacting their public. However, differences were found among the newspapers in terms of trying to encourage reader loyalty. The reaction of the users was more linked to the informative facts themselves and the emotions they provoked than to the type of emotional and/or polarized discourse. The day-to-day information determines to a large extent what is consumed by Twitter users, in which changing modes of speech are observed depending on the editorial line of each newspaper