21 research outputs found

    "I Preferred to Take Another Activity From the Textbook": An Activity–Theoretical Study of Learning to Design Language Teaching Materials

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    Using activity theory, an offshoot of sociocultural theory, we examined how a group of preservice teachers (PSTs) of English in Chile learnt to design language teaching materials. Data from PSTs, teacher educators, and mentoring teachers shows how the conceptual tool of “teaching English as teaching the textbook” is appropriated by a group of PSTs and how their development of teacher agency is undermined by textbooks during their practicum—as well as showing the influential role of mentoring teachers and teacher educators in the appropriation of this conceptual tool. The study discusses the implications of how textbooks are used for English-as-a-foreign-language teacher education

    English language teaching in South America. Policy, preparation and practices

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    Trends and Outcomes in Lung Transplantation in Patients with and without Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis in Spain during the Period 2016–2020.

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    Background: This paper aims to assess temporal trends (2016–2020) in incidence, patient’s characteristics, complications, length of hospital stay (LOHS) and in-hospital mortality (IHM) among patients with and without idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) undergoing lung transplantation (LTx). We also analyse the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on LTx in these populations. (2) Methods: A retrospective, population-based observational study was conducted using the Spanish National Hospital Discharge Database. Multivariable adjustment was conducted with logistic regression to analyse the IHM. (3) Results: We identified 1777 admissions for LTx during the study period, of which 573 (32.2%) were performed in patients with IPF. The number of hospital admissions for LTx rose from 2016 to 2020, both in patients with and without IPF, but a marked reduction was observed from year 2019 to year 2020. Over time, the proportion of single LTx decreased and bilateral LTx increased significantly in both groups. The incidence of LTx complications increased significantly over time along with the increase in the incidence of IPF. No significant differences in the incidence of complications or in the IHM between patients with and without IPF were found. Suffering any complication of the LTx and pulmonary hypertension were conditions positively associated with IHM in patients with and without IPF. The IHM remained stable from 2016 to 2020 in both study populations and was not affected by the COVID pandemic. (4) Conclusions: Patients with IPF account for almost a third of all lung transplants. The number of LTx increased over time in patients with and without IPF, but a marked reduction was observed from 2019 to 2020. Although the proportion of LTx complications increased significantly over time in both groups, the IHM did not change. IPF was not associated with increased complications or IHM after LTx.Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Governing Artificial Intelligence to benefit the UN Sustainable Development Goals

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    Big Tech's unregulated roll-out out of experimental AI poses risks to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with particular vulnerability for developing countries. The goal of financial inclusion is threatened by the imperfect and ungoverned design and implementation of AI decision-making software making important financial decisions affecting customers. Automated decision-making algorithms have displayed evidence of bias, lack ethical governance, and limit transparency in the basis for their decisions, causing unfair outcomes and amplify unequal access to finance. Poverty reduction and sustainable development targets are risked by Big Tech's potential exploitation of developing countries by using AI to harvest data and profits. Stakeholder progress toward preventing financial crime and corruption is further threatened by potential misuse of AI. In the light of such risks, Big Tech's unscrupulous history means it cannot be trusted to operate without regulatory oversight. The article proposes effective pre-emptive regulatory options to minimize scenarios of AI damaging the SDGs. It explores internationally accepted principles of AI governance, and argues for their implementation as regulatory requirements governing AI developers and coders, with compliance verified through algorithmic auditing. Furthermore, it argues that AI governance frameworks must require a benefit to the SDGs. The article argues that proactively predicting such problems can enable continued AI innovation through well-designed regulations adhering to international principles. It highlights risks of unregulated AI causing harm to human interests, where a public and regulatory backlash may result in over-regulation that could damage the otherwise beneficial development of AI.Qatar National Research Fund, Grant/Award Number: NPRP 11S-1119-17001

    Patients' preferences for subcutaneous trastuzumab versus conventional intravenous infusion for the adjuvant treatment of HER2-positive early breast cancer: final analysis of 488 patients in the international, randomized, two-cohort PrefHer study

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    PrefHer revealed compelling and consistent patient preference for subcutaneous (s.c.) trastuzumab, regardless of delivery by single-use injection device or hand-held syringe. s.c. trastuzumab was well-tolerated and safety data, including immunogenicity, were consistent with previous reports. No new safety signals were identified compared with the known intravenous trastuzumab profile in early breast cance

    A reforma educacional no México e no Chile: apontamentos sobre as rupturas e continuidades

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    Este artigo busca resgatar a inflexão ocorrida recentemente nas políticas educacionais da América Latina a partir de duas situações específicas, a do México e a do Chile. Considerando que tais políticas têm sido implementadas a partir de uma lógica relacionada à globalização capitalista em curso e são expressões da correlação de forças sociais num espaço concreto, propõe-se identificar de que forma diretrizes comuns, definidas por organismos internacionais, interagem com as características culturais vigentes em cada país. Tal preocupação advém da percepção acerca da função social da área educacional e de sua dinâmica como expressão das contradições. Conclui-se que, embora alvo de políticas semelhantes, a realidade educacional nos dois países expressa situações distintas: no México, tem-se uma "ruptura conservadora", pelo seu caráter regressivo, e no Chile uma "continuidade conservadora"

    ChatGPT podría ser el revisor de tu próximo artículo científico: evidencias de los límites de las revisiones académicas asistidas por inteligencia artificial

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Crossroads, v. 29, n. 3, pp. 42-46. https://doi.org/10.1145/3589649The irruption of artificial intelligence (AI) in all areas of our lives is a reality to which the university, as an institution of higher education, must respond prudently, but also with no hesitation. This paper discusses the potential that resources based on AI presents as potential reviewers of scientific articles in a hypothetical peer review of already published articles. Using different models (GPT-3.5 and GPT-4) and platforms (ChatPDF and Bing), we obtained three full reviews, both qualitative and quantitative, for each of the five articles examined, thus being able to delineate and contrast the results of all of them in terms of the human reviews that these same articles received at the time. The evidence found highlights the extent to which we can and should rely on generative language models to support our decisions as qualified experts in our field. Furthermore, the results also corroborate the hallucinations inherent in these models while pointing out one of their current major shortcomings: the context window limit. On the other hand, the study also points out the inherent benefits of a model that is in a clear expansion phase, providing a detailed view of the potential and limitations that these models offer as possible assistants to the review of scientific articles, a key process in the communication and dissemination of academic research.La irrupción de la inteligencia artificial (IA) en todos los ámbitos de nuestra vida es una realidad a la que la universidad, como institución de educación superior, ha de responder con prudencia, pero también con decisión. El presente artículo discute el potencial que recursos basados en la IA presentan como potenciales evaluadores de artículos científicos en una hipotética revisión por pares de artículos ya publicados. A través de distintos modelos (GPT-3.5 y GPT-4) y plataformas (ChatPDF y Bing), obtuvimos tres revisiones completas, tanto cualitativas como cuantitativas, para cada uno de los cinco artículos examinados, pudiendo así delinear y contrastar los resultados de todas ellas en función de las revisiones humanas que estos mismos artículos recibieron en su momento. Las evidencias encontradas ponen de relieve hasta qué punto podemos y debemos confiar en los modelos de lenguaje generativos para sostener nuestras decisiones como expertos cualificados en nuestro campo. Asimismo, los resultados corroboran las alucinaciones propias de estos modelos al mismo tiempo que señalan uno de sus grandes defectos actuales: el límite de la ventana contextual. Por otro lado, el estudio también señala las bondades inherentes de un modelo que se encuentra en plena fase de expansión, proporcionando una visión detallada del potencial y las limitaciones que estos modelos ofrecen como posibles asistentes a la revisión de artículos científicos, proceso clave en la comunicación y difusión de la investigación académica.Universidad ComplutenseDepto. de Estudios EducativosDepto. de Salud Pública y Materno - InfantilFac. de EducaciónFac. de MedicinaTRUEpu