396 research outputs found

    Justificación de los invariantes climáticos de la arquitectura popular española

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    La presente investigación estudia las necesidades de confort de la arquitectura popular española en los distintos climas, para detectar los invariantes arquitectónicos que permitan justificar su funcionamiento bioclimático. El estudio se realiza a partir de las tres zonas climáticas características en España: la cantábrica-atlántica, la central y la mediterránea. En cada una de estas regiones se estudian las estrategias climáticas empleadas como la inercia térmica, la ventilación cruzada, la captación solar, las posibilidades de refrigeración que ofrece la vegetación, etc. Una de las conclusiones más destacadas es la gran adaptación de la arquitectura popular a su entorno a lo largo de la historia, sabiendo aprovechar y defenderse de las condiciones climáticas

    Repercusión del impacto ambiental en las distintas fases productivas de los procesos edificatorios según su grado de industrialización

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    Con el nuevo Reglamento de Productos de Construcción [1] que obliga a los fabricantes de éstos productos a tener su correspondiente estudio medioambiental, los profesionales del sector debemos prescribir y diseñar teniendo en cuenta, no solo el impacto que se genera en la fabricación de los productos, sino en todas las fases del proceso constructivo, incluida la fase de ejecución, uso, mantenimiento y fin de vida. Los múltiples estudios de análisis de ciclo de vida que se están generando de los distintos productos de la construcción, pueden facilitar una serie de pautas para poder establecer nuevos criterios de mejora de la calidad de nuestras edificaciones. Para lograr este objetivo se analiza, de forma comparativa, la repercusión de las distintas fases del proceso productivo del edificio según el grado de industrialización del mismo. Los estudios comparativos sobre el cumplimiento de la sostenibilidad de los distintos productos o sistemas de la construcción revelan que aquellos que poseen un alto grado de industrialización, tienen un mayor grado de sostenibilidad, por ello existe una tendencia clara a la hora de introducir estos sistemas en los procesos edificatorios

    Integración de criterios ambientales en el diseño de los módulos naturpanel aljibe® para fachadas vegetadas.

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    Esta comunicación es el resultado de las actividades desarrolladas en el proyecto ?SOS Natura, Soluciones Arquitectónicas Vegetales? dentro del programa INNPACTO del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación del Gobierno de España. El objetivo general del proyecto es el desarrollo, por parte de Intemper, de una nueva solución de fachada vegetada con el fin de mejorar la eficiencia energética y reducir los impactos ambientales de los edificios a lo largo de su ciclo de vida. El proyecto propone un sistema de envolvente vegetada del edificio cuyo componente principal está formado por los módulos Naturpanel Aljibe® diseñados para contener en su interior el sustrato necesario para el desarrollo de la vegetación suspendida en la fachada del edificio. Por parte Intemper se deseaba reforzar la imagen de sostenibilidad incorporando criterios ambientales en la selección de los materiales de dichos módulos, ya que constituyen el elemento central de la propuesta de fachada. Durante el proceso de selección de materiales se incluyó el perfil ambiental de las distintas soluciones con el objeto de asistir en la toma de decisiones. En esta comunicación se presenta el proceso de selección del material que supone el menor impacto ambiental cumpliendo en todo momento con los requisitos técnicos y de desempeño impuestos a los módulos. Palabras claves: Análisis de ciclo de vida, ecodiseño, construcción sostenible, fachadas vegetales

    The Challenge of genetic selection for heat tolerance. The dairy cattle example

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    Exposure of livestock to high heat loads negatively affects animal productivity. In dairy cattle genetic selection to improve tolerance to heat stress (HS) through quantitative approaches has made use of milk production records together with meteorological information for the test date. The main conclusions arrived at by this approach have been: 1) there is genetic variability in individual productive responses to HS; 2) a genotype by environment interaction in productive potential exists between conditions of thermal comfort and stressful conditions, and 3) there is a genetic antagonism between HS tolerance and milk yield. This approach offers the advantage of adding no extra cost to the existing milk recording schemes, but it also has disadvantages. Current milk recording data do not seem to fully capture the productive responses to high heat loads. Moreover, the antagonism between HS tolerance and high milk production may offset the benefits of selection if tolerant animals. are less productive. The use of new tools from phenomics, genomics, and transcriptomics can facilitate accurate selection for heat tolerance without hindering progress in milk yield. New phenotypes for this selection include measures of body temperature and respiration rate together with those of metabolites indicative of heat tolerance detectable in milk by mid-infrared spectroscopy (MIR). The use of commercial DNA chips to perform genome-wide association studies or comparison of whole-genome DNA sequences of animals of heat-adapted and non-adapted temperate climate breeds could also provide useful genomic information. Finally, RNA sequencing combined with the recently discovered possibility of using milk transcription instead of tissue biopsies could help to identify differentially expressed genes under HS and thermally neutral conditions

    Labour measures against the Covid-19 pandemic

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    La pandemia generada por la enfermedad COVID 19 ha traído consigo consecuencias fatales para nuestro país tanto a nivel sanitario como a nivel económico. El empleo se ha visto resentido ante esta crisis y por ello el gobierno se ha visto obligado a tomar medidas relevantes para proteger tanto a trabajadores como empresarios. En este trabajo analizaremos algunas de las medidas más importantes, como la adaptación de los ERTE a esta situación, la nueva ley de teletrabajo o las prestaciones extraordinarias por cese de actividad, figuras que no son novedosas pues ya existían en nuestro ordenamiento pero que han tomado especial trascendencia por el extraordinario escenario en el que nos encontramos. Terminaremos el trabajo con la proposición de medidas nuevas o mejoras de las ya existentes que podrían contribuir al mantenimiento del empleo y sobre todo a que éste sea seguro y de calidad. Finalmente, se expondrán las conclusiones a las que se han llegado tras la realización del trabajo.The pandemic generated by COVID 19 disease has brought with it fatal consequences for our country both at the health level and at the economic level. Employment has been resentful of this crisis and therefore the government has been forced to take relevant measures to protect both workers and employers. This study aims to analyse some of the most important measures, such as the adaptation of ERTE to this situation, the new law of telework or the extraordinary benefits for cessation of activity, figures that are not novel because they have already existed in Spanish legal system but that have taken special significance because of the extraordinary scenario in which we find ourselves. We will finish with the proposal for new measures or improvements to existing ones that could contribute to the maintenance of employment and above all to make it safe and quality. Finally, will be exposed the conclusions reached after the work was carried out.Máster Universitario en Acceso a la Profesión de Abogado (M155

    Determination of faecal dry matter digestibility two weeks after weaning in twenty five day old weaned rabbits

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    [EN] The aim of this work was to analyse the evolution from 26 to 40 d of age of apparent faecal dry matter digestibility (DMd) in rabbits weaned at 25 d of age to define how to determine nutrient digestibility in the post-weaning period. Fifteen New Zealand ' Californian rabbits from five litters (3 rabbits/litter) weaned at 25 d of age and weighing 602±75g were fed ad libitum a commercial diet containing 20.0% crude protein and 33.5% NDF (on DM basis). Feed intake and faeces excretion were recorded daily from 25 to 40 d of age and DM digestibility determined. Litter affected DM intake and excretion (P = 0.013 and 0.014, respectively), and tended to affect DMd (P = 0.061), whereas age influenced all these traits (P < 0.001). Dry matter intake and DM excretion increased from 26 to 40 d of age by 158 and 480%, respectively. During the first week after weaning, DM intake increased more slowly than DM excretion (55 vs. 245%), but in the second week after weaning both increased by 67%. The correlation between daily feed intake was higher with the faeces excretion of the same day than with faeces excretion of the next day, and the first values were used to determine daily DMd. A broken line regression model was fitted to daily DMd, which decreased linearly from weaning to 32 d of age (2.17 ± 0.25 percentage units per day), whereas from 32 to 40 d it remained constant (69.4 ± 0.47%). Accordingly, for 25-d old weaned rabbits it would be advisable to begin a digestibility trial not before 32 d of age, using the first week after weaning as adaptation period. Average standard deviation of DMd decreased by 54% when the length of the collection period increased from 2 to 6 d. Consequently, the number of animals required to detect a significant difference among means depends on the length of the collection period. For a conventional collection period of four days, a difference of 2 percentage units could be detected by using 14 animals/treatment.Gómez-Conde, M.; García, J.; Villamide, M.; Carabaño, R. (2011). Determination of faecal dry matter digestibility two weeks after weaning in twenty five day old weaned rabbits. World Rabbit Science. 19(1):43-48. doi:10.4995/wrs.2011.816SWORD434819

    The challenge of the genetic selection of animals that tolerate heat stress. The case of dairy cattle

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    The physiological stress produced by exposure to high thermal loads has negative effects on the productive and reproductive performance of livestock, as well as on the morbidity and mortality rate. The animals specialized in dairy production suffer to a greater extent the negative effects of heat than animals of meat breeds due to the high metabolic heat that is generated during the production of milk. In addition, the high selection pressure to increase milk production in cattle intensifies the vulnerability of these animals to heat stress (HS). Furthermore, predictions about the consequences of climate change are expected to exacerbate the problem of HS in dairy farms in the future. The negative impact of the HS can be mitigated in several ways, through improvements in livestock housing, through the genetic selection of heat-tolerant animals or the use of breeds adapted to heat and through the management of food. The path of genetic selection of tolerant animals represents a cumulative and permanent effect, with a relatively low associated cost if it is integrated into selection schemes already established for other characters. The selection of HS-tolerant animals, however, presents a series of challenges derived from the complexity of the mechanisms that determine this tolerance and the antagonism with the level of production. This paper summarizes the results of previous studies on the physiological response and genes associated with HS, as well as the possible approaches to the genetic improvement of heat tolerance, including the use of new genomic and transcriptomic information tools and the so-called fine phenotyping

    Effect of level of dietary soluble fibre and threonine on digestion and growth performance in post-weaning rabbits

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    The aim of this work was to study the effect of soluble fibre and threonine deficiency on digestion and performance after weaning in rabbits. Four diets in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement were used with two level of soluble fibre (89 vs.119 g/kg) and two level of threonine (5 vs. 6.4 g/kg). Two experiments were conducted with rabbits weaned at 25 (35/diet) and 35 (32/diet) d of age to determine apparent ileal (at 35 and 46 d) and faecal digestibility, intestinal mucin concentration, mucosa morphology and growth traits. The increase of soluble fibre improved intestinal mucosa integrity and mucin secretion leading to a better health status of the rabbits when the sanitary conditions worsened. Mucosa barrier traits were not affected by dietary threonine level although in poor sanitary conditions a low threonine level impaired rabbit health suggesting a limiting status of this amino acid