1,561 research outputs found

    Novel sulfur and selenium containing bis-α-amino acids from 4-hydroxyproline

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    The synthesis of new substituted prolines carrying at C-4 a second α-amino acid residue is reported. The amino acid, l-cysteine or l-selenocysteine, is linked to the proline ring through the sulfur or the selenium atom, respectively. The products were prepared with different stereochemistry at C-4, in few and clean high-yielding steps, with suitable protections for solid phase applications. The introduction of both sulfur and selenium atoms at C-4 of the proline ring seems to enhance significantly the cis geometry at the prolyl amide bond

    Entrepreneurial education and internationalisation of firms in transition economies: a conceptual framework from the case of Croatia

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    The aim of this paper is to offer an integrated perspective on internationalisation process in transition economies and the role that an entrepreneurial education can play in it. The context of a transition economy, such those countries belonging to the former Yugoslavian republic, deeply affect the entrepreneurial activities established. Internationalisation offers a viable advantage to entrepreneurs and their firms to overcome a limited internal market and hostile conditions faced in the local environment. Thanks to the results obtained by a stream of studies focused on the entrepreneurial context in Croatia, we build a framework to explore the problems faced by entrepreneurs when internationalisation is considered and possible solutions. Our main contribution is the proposition of an entrepreneurial education as facilitator of the process. Indeed, entrepreneurial education, considered as formal education and an entrepreneurial university context, can directly ameliorate the process of internationalisation. Simultaneously it can also affect the networking strategy that in literature is another prominent element tackled regarding the problem of internationalisation in transition economies. Thus, entrepreneurial education may represent a strong boost in which to invest with public policies and targeted interventions

    Environment comparison in the germination of sugarcane seeds

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    A obtenção de cariopses de cana-de-açúcar por meio de cruzamento de parentais é de primordial importância para os programas de melhoramento de cultivares. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho comparar o ambiente de germinação de cariopses da casa de vegetação do Programa Cana IAC com um ambiente de condições controladas, a fim de avaliar sua eficiência, no período de 30/09 a 09/10/2004. Foram desenvolvidos dois experimentos, em delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados com quatro repetições, em Jaú, SP. Um deles foi montado sob condições de laboratório em câmara de germinação e outro em casa de vegetação em condições não controladas, sendo cada tratamento constituído por 100 cariopses por repetição, provenientes de seis cruzamentos. Foram realizadas avaliações do índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG), da porcentagem (%G) e dos dias para emergência (DE), em intervalos de 24 horas, após a instalação dos testes. A massa de 100 sementes de cada cruzamento também foi avaliada com o propósito de verificar sua influência nos demais atributos da germinação. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância e a comparação de médias foi feita pelo teste de Tukey, a 0,05 de significância. A massa de 100 sementes foi diferente entre os cruzamentos, e interferiu, de maneira geral, nos atributos IVG e % G. Concluiu-se que a casa de vegetação utilizada pelo Programa Cana IAC proporciona porcentagens de germinação semelhantes às da câmara de germinação, porém condições controladas favorecem o IVG e os DE.The production of true seeds of sugarcane through parental crossing is primordial for the breeding programs of cultivars. With the objective of comparing the efficiency of the environment greenhouse used for seed germination in the IAC Sugarcane Program with an environment with controlled conditions (germination chamber), two experiments were carried out in a completely randomized block with four replicates of 100 seeds each, in Jaú (SP), from 09/30 to 10/09/2004. In both places the treatments were composed of seeds from six crossings. The evaluations accomplished were speed of germination index (SGI), germination percentage (% G) and days for emergence (DE) in 24 h intervals after set up treatments. The mass of 100 seeds of each crossing was also evaluated with the purpose of measuring its influence on other germination attributes. The data were submitted to the analysis of variance and averages were compared by the Tukey test at 0.005 significance. The weight of 100 seeds differed among the crossings, and, in general, it interfered with the attributes SGI and % G. It was concluded that the greenhouse used by the IAC Sugarcane Program provides germination percentages similar to the germination chamber; however, controlled conditions improve SGI and DE

    Management lessons from Italy: a bibliometric analysis of top Italian based scholars and studies published from 1985 to 2015

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    Based on three decades of data collected via Web of Science (WOS) database this paper offers a comprehensive overview of Italian managerial studies published in international journals indexed in the WOS Core Collection. This paper, taking in consideration 1,665 researches made by Italian scholars or based in the Italian context, firstly shows the most influential papers, authors, and the most relevant journals. Furthermore, using a keywords co-occurrences analysis the paper shows the most relevant topics, how they are clustered together, and the relative importance in terms of number of citations. Finally, it provides a representation of keywords average novelty highlighting the past, the present, and the future trends in Italian managerial studies

    Case Report: Liraglutide for Weight Management in Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndromic Obesity

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    Genetic obesity, including syndromic and non-syndromic forms, represents a minority of cases compared to essential obesity but gene dysregulations lead to complex clinical conditions that make their management particularly difficult. Among them, Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) is a multisystem human genomic imprinting disorder characterized by overgrowth. We describe the first case of liraglutide treatment in an 18-year-old boy patient affected by BWS complicated by macroglossia, cryptorchidism, nephroblastoma, organomegaly, microscopic lymphocytic colitis, pharmacologically treated arterial hypertension, obesity, and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. He presented a normal cognitive development. Body mass index at the time of first transition visit in the adult endocrinology department at the age of 18-years-old was 40.6 kg/m2 without glucose metabolism impairment. Lifestyle interventions failed because of poor compliance. During 20 months of 3.0 mg liraglutide treatment, a weight loss of 19 kg (−13.3%) and BMI reduction of 6.8 points were registered without side effects. To date, liraglutide treatment was effective on obesity in 7 subjects with Prader Willy Syndrome and 14 with melanocortin-4 receptor mutations. The efficacy of liraglutide in BWS could be related to a crosstalk among glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 system, mechanisms related to the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1C (CDKN1C), and dopamine mesolimbic circuit. Clinical trials aiming at a tailored medicine in genetic obesity are needed

    SFINGE 3D: A novel benchmark for online detection and recognition of heterogeneous hand gestures from 3D fingers' trajectories

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    In recent years gesture recognition has become an increasingly interesting topic for both research and industry. While interaction with a device through a gestural interface is a promising idea in several applications especially in the industrial field, some of the issues related to the task are still considered a challenge. In the scientific literature, a relevant amount of work has been recently presented on the problem of detecting and classifying gestures from 3D hands' joints trajectories that can be captured by cheap devices installed on head-mounted displays and desktop computers. The methods proposed so far can achieve very good results on benchmarks requiring the offline supervised classification of segmented gestures of a particular kind but are not usually tested on the more realistic task of finding gestures execution within a continuous hand tracking session.In this paper, we present a novel benchmark, SFINGE 3D, aimed at evaluating online gesture detection and recognition. The dataset is composed of a dictionary of 13 segmented gestures used as a training set and 72 trajectories each containing 3-5 of the 13 gestures, performed in continuous tracking, padded with random hand movements acting as noise. The presented dataset, captured with a head-mounted Leap Motion device, is particularly suitable to evaluate gesture detection methods in a realistic use-case scenario, as it allows the analysis of online detection performance on heterogeneous gestures, characterized by static hand pose, global hand motions, and finger articulation.We exploited SFINGE 3D to compare two different approaches for the online detection and classification, one based on visual rendering and Convolutional Neural Networks and the other based on geometrybased handcrafted features and dissimilarity-based classifiers. We discuss the results, analyzing strengths and weaknesses of the methods, and deriving useful hints for their improvement. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Boletín NUESTRA AMÉRICA XXI - Desafíos y alternativas, num.10, agosto 2017

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    Una excelente iniciativa del Grupo de Trabajo Crisis y economía mundial, coordinado por María Josefina Morales y Gabriela Roffinelli
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