43 research outputs found

    On the relation between the Feynman paradox and Aharonov-Bohm effects

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    The magnetic Aharonov-Bohm (A-B) effect occurs when a point charge interacts with a line of magnetic flux, while its dual, the Aharonov-Casher (A-C) effect, occurs when a magnetic moment interacts with a line of charge. For the two interacting parts of these physical systems, the equations of motion are discussed in this paper. The generally accepted claim is that both parts of these systems do not accelerate, while Boyer has claimed that both parts of these systems do accelerate. Using the Euler-Lagrange equations we predict that in the case of unconstrained motion only one part of each system accelerates, while momentum remains conserved. This prediction requires a time dependent electromagnetic momentum. For our analysis of unconstrained motion the A-B effects are then examples of the Feynman paradox. In the case of constrained motion, the Euler-Lagrange equations give no forces in agreement with the generally accepted analysis. The quantum mechanical A-B and A-C phase shifts are independent of the treatment of constraint. Nevertheless, experimental testing of the above ideas and further understanding of A-B effects which is central to both quantum mechanics and electromagnetism may be possible.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, recently submitted to New Journal of Physic

    Physical and physiologic determinants of rock climbing

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    Purpose: Rock climbing performance relies on many characteristics. Here, we identified the physical and physiologic determinants of peak performance in rock climbing across the range from lower-grade to elite. Methods: 44 male and 33 female climbers with onsight maximal climbing grades 5a-8a and 5a-7b+, respectively, were tested for physical, physiologic and psychologic characteristics (independent variables) that were correlated and modelled by multiple regression and principal component analysis to identify the determinants of rock climbing ability. Results: In males, 23 of 47 variables correlated with climbing ability (p<0.05, Pearson’s correlation coefficients 0.773-0.340), including shoulder endurance, hand and finger strength, shoulder power-endurance, hip flexibility, lower-arm grip strength, shoulder power, upper-arm strength, core-body endurance, upper-body aerobic endurance, hamstrings and lower-back flexibility, aerobic endurance, and open-hand finger strength. In females, 10 of 47 variables correlated with climbing ability (p<0.05, Pearson’s correlation coefficients 0.742-0.482): shoulder endurance and power, lower-arm grip strength, balance, aerobic endurance, and arm span. Principal component analysis and univariate multiple regression identified the main explanatory variables. In both sexes, shoulder power and endurance measured as maximum pull-ups, average arm crank power, and bent-arm hang, emerged as the main determinants (p<0.01; adjusted R2=0.77 in males and 0.62 in females). In males, finger pincer (p=0.07) and grip strength also had trends (p=0.09) toward significant effects. Finally, in test-of-principle training studies, we trained to increase main determinants 42-67%; this improved climbing ability 2-3 grades. Conclusions: Shoulder power and endurance majorly determines maximal climbing. Finger, hand and arm strength, core-body endurance, aerobic endurance, flexibility and balance are important secondary determinants

    Searching the protein structure database for ligand-binding site similarities using CPASS v.2

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A recent analysis of protein sequences deposited in the NCBI RefSeq database indicates that ~8.5 million protein sequences are encoded in prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes, where ~30% are explicitly annotated as "hypothetical" or "uncharacterized" protein. Our Comparison of Protein Active-Site Structures (CPASS v.2) database and software compares the sequence and structural characteristics of experimentally determined ligand binding sites to infer a functional relationship in the absence of global sequence or structure similarity. CPASS is an important component of our Functional Annotation Screening Technology by NMR (FAST-NMR) protocol and has been successfully applied to aid the annotation of a number of proteins of unknown function.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>We report a major upgrade to our CPASS software and database that significantly improves its broad utility. CPASS v.2 is designed with a layered architecture to increase flexibility and portability that also enables job distribution over the Open Science Grid (OSG) to increase speed. Similarly, the CPASS interface was enhanced to provide more user flexibility in submitting a CPASS query. CPASS v.2 now allows for both automatic and manual definition of ligand-binding sites and permits pair-wise, one versus all, one versus list, or list versus list comparisons. Solvent accessible surface area, ligand root-mean square difference, and Cβ distances have been incorporated into the CPASS similarity function to improve the quality of the results. The CPASS database has also been updated.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>CPASS v.2 is more than an order of magnitude faster than the original implementation, and allows for multiple simultaneous job submissions. Similarly, the CPASS database of ligand-defined binding sites has increased in size by ~ 38%, dramatically increasing the likelihood of a positive search result. The modification to the CPASS similarity function is effective in reducing CPASS similarity scores for false positives by ~30%, while leaving true positives unaffected. Importantly, receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves demonstrate the high correlation between CPASS similarity scores and an accurate functional assignment. As indicated by distribution curves, scores ≥ 30% infer a functional similarity. Software URL: <url>http://cpass.unl.edu</url>.</p

    Patient-cooperative control increases active participation of individuals with SCI during robot-aided gait training

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Manual body weight supported treadmill training and robot-aided treadmill training are frequently used techniques for the gait rehabilitation of individuals after stroke and spinal cord injury. Current evidence suggests that robot-aided gait training may be improved by making robotic behavior more patient-cooperative. In this study, we have investigated the immediate effects of patient-cooperative versus non-cooperative robot-aided gait training on individuals with incomplete spinal cord injury (iSCI). METHODS: Eleven patients with iSCI participated in a single training session with the gait rehabilitation robot Lokomat. The patients were exposed to four different training modes in random order: During both non-cooperative position control and compliant impedance control, fixed timing of movements was provided. During two variants of the patient-cooperative path control approach, free timing of movements was enabled and the robot provided only spatial guidance. The two variants of the path control approach differed in the amount of additional support, which was either individually adjusted or exaggerated. Joint angles and torques of the robot as well as muscle activity and heart rate of the patients were recorded. Kinematic variability, interaction torques, heart rate and muscle activity were compared between the different conditions. RESULTS: Patients showed more spatial and temporal kinematic variability, reduced interaction torques, a higher increase of heart rate and more muscle activity in the patient-cooperative path control mode with individually adjusted support than in the non-cooperative position control mode. In the compliant impedance control mode, spatial kinematic variability was increased and interaction torques were reduced, but temporal kinematic variability, heart rate and muscle activity were not significantly higher than in the position control mode. CONCLUSIONS: Patient-cooperative robot-aided gait training with free timing of movements made individuals with iSCI participate more actively and with larger kinematic variability than non-cooperative, position-controlled robot-aided gait training

    The effect of heat treatment and particle size of bran on mineral absorption in rats

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    The effect of heat treatment of bran on the true zinc absorption was measured using an isotope-dilution technique. A bran-based breakfast cereal (heated to 204 degrees for 40 min during manufacture) was incorporated into a semi-synthetic diet at a level of 180 g/kg. A parallel diet was formulated containing an identical weight of untreated bran from the same source plus other ingredients used to make the cereal. 2. Young male Wistar rats (mean weight 80 g) were injected intramuscularly with 65Zn to label body Zn. They were given the heat-treated- and untreated-bran diets for 9 d. During the last 6 d of this period Zn intakes and faecal and urinary Zn were measured in order to calculate apparent Zn retention. True Zn retention was measured by taking into account losses of Zn of endogenous origin (labelled with 65Zn), by measuring faecal and urinary radioactivity of endogenous origin. 3. Heat treatment of bran removed approximately one-third of the phytate, but this was not enough to improve Zn absorption from the diet. True Zn retention measured by isotope dilution was significantly higher (P less than 0.02) than apparent Zn retention measured by the conventional balance technique. 4. The hypothesis that a reduction in particle size of bran would improve mineral availability was tested by feeding coarse and milled bran (100 mg/kg diet) in a semi-synthetic diet to rats and measuring true Fe and apparent Zn absorptions. The importance of phytate was also investigated by feeding a diet containing dephytinized bran. 5. Male Wistar rats (mean weight 172 g) were given diets containing coarse, milled or dephytinized bran for 9 d. Fe and Zn intakes were measured and faeces and urine collected for Fe and Zn analysis. 6. Rhe mean (+/- SE) particle size of the bran was reduced on milling from 3.5 (+/- 1.8) to 0.2-0.5 mm. There were no differences in the fraction of Fe retained between the three groups. Particle size had a small effect on Zn retention which was marginally higher in rats on the milled-bran diet (0.126 (+/- 0.023)) than in those on the coarse-bran diet (0.087 (+/- 0.012)). Total removal of phytate had a greater effect and apparent Zn retention from the dephytinized-bran diet was significantly higher (0.182 (+/- 0.027), P less than 0.001)

    Stem cell effect is influenced by the degenerative state of intervertebral discs

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