794 research outputs found

    Razas autóctonas de las islas canarias: pasado, presente y futuro

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    We describe the means developed by official and private institutions for the conservation of Canary Breeds. We evaluate the response to concrete actions comparing the evolution of their census with presented at the Warwick Conference (1989).Se describen la evolución de las Razas autóctonas canarias y las medidas que se han de tomar de cara al futuro, tanto por organismos oficiales como por entidades particulares, para evitar el peligro de desaparición de dichas razas

    Contribución a la caracterización productiva del cerdo manchado de Jabugo en el período predestete: resultados preliminares

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    En este trabajo se estudia el comportamiento de la raza Manchado de Jabugo en el periodo predestete con vistas a la caracterización productiva de la raza en este estadio fisiológico. Para ello se analiza una muestra de 140 animales entre machos y hembras. De los resultados obtenidos se desprende un peso al nacimiento medio en torno a 1,6 kg, un peso medio al destete alrededor de 12,5 kg y una ganancia media diaria en el periodo 0-60 días de 206 gramos/día. Se concluye que el Manchado de Jabugo presenta un peso al nacimiento mayor al descrito en el resto de las razas porcinas autóctonas españolas (diferentes variedades de cerdo Ibérico, Chato Murciano y Negro Canario) y una menor capacidad de crecimiento en las primeras fases de vida en comparación a dichas razas. Las variables estudiadas nos informan de un escaso dimorfismo sexual en la raza

    Experimental uncertainty and covariance information in EXFOR library

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    Compilation of experimental uncertainty and covariance information in the EXFOR Library is discussed. Following the presentation of a brief history of information provided in the EXFOR Library, the current EXFOR Formats and their limitations are reviewed. Proposed extensions for neutron-induced reaction cross sections in the fast neutron region and resonance region are also presented.JRC.D.4-Standards for Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguard

    Effect of research impact on emerging camel husbandry, welfare and social-related awareness

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    The lack of applied scientific research on camels, despite them being recognized as production animals, compels the reorganization of emerging camel breeding systems with the aim of achieving successful camel welfare management strategies all over the world. Relevant and properly-framed research widely impacts dissemination of scientific contents and drives public willingness to enhance ethically acceptable conditions for domestic animals. Consumer perception of this livestock industry will improve and high-quality products will be obtained. This paper draws on bibliometric indicators as promoting factors for camel-related research advances, tracing historical scientific publications indexed in ScienceDirect directory from 1880–2019. Camel as a species did not affect Journal Citation Reports (JCR) impact (p > 0.05) despite the journal, author number, corresponding author origin, discipline and publication year affecting it (p < 0.001). Countries with traditionally well-established camel farming are also responsible for the papers with the highest academic impact. However, camel research advances may have only locally and partially influenced welfare related laws, so intentional harming acts and basic needs neglect may persist in these species. A sustainable camel industry requires those involved in camel research to influence business stakeholders and animal welfare advocacies by highlighting the benefits of camel wellbeing promotion, co-innovation partnership establishment and urgent enhancement of policy reform

    AXA: a computer program for the management of the Canary Goat Group milking control programs

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    A computer program, developed in Clipper, for the management of the genealogical and productive information from the Canary Goat Group, is described. The two first sections of this program are planned for the males and females genealogical data arrangement. Third section is devised for the productive data storage. Fourth section is constructed for the emission of reports and finally, fifth section is a miscellaneous of utilities, where the connection with other programs must be highlighted. Also an exit control is enclosed. The basic purposes of this program aim the emission of official production reports for the Administration and farmers, and the information processing for its analysis in programs of genetic selection.Se describe un programa de ordenador, desarrollado en Clipper, para la gestión de la información genealógica y productiva de la Agrupación Caprina Canaria. Sus dos primeras secciones se ocupan de la organización de la información genealógica de machos y de hembras; la tercera de la información productiva; la cuarta de la elaboración de informes y la quinta es una miscelánea de utilidades y un control de salida, con conexión con otros programas. Las misiones básicas del programa se centran en la emisión de informes productivos oficiales, destinados a la administración y a los ganaderos, y la preparación de la información para su análisis en programas de selección genética

    Angular distributions of protons scattered by 40 Ar nuclei with excitation of the 2 + (1.46 MeV) and 3 − (3.68 MeV) collective levels for incident energies of 25.1, 32.5, and 40.7 MeV

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    Elastic and inelastic scattering of unpolarized and polarized protons by 40Ar nuclei for incident energies between 20 and 50 MeV has been studied by reanalyzing experimental scattering spectra for the 2+(1.46 MeV) and 3-(3.68 MeV) levels in the angular range 30º–160º for incident protons of energies of 25.1, 32.5, and 40.7 MeV. An isospin dependent soft-rotator coupled-channels optical model with the potential containing a dispersive term with a nonlocal contribution is used to analyze the data

    Caracterización de grasas para caldos deshidratados

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    Fats represent a major part of the weight of dehydrated soup cubes. As these products are stored at room temperature, the fatty components should show no partial melting during the Summer months. Six fatty raw materials, mixtures of these fats already prepared by the manufacturer and lipidic extracts from the finished cubes (both hen and vegetables soups) are analyzed in this work, trying to relate origin (fatty acid composition) with stability against temperature changes (DSC thermogram). Some of the studied fats are found acceptable according to the expected shelf life of the product, although others should be modified before usage, either by fractioning or by hydrogenation.Las grasas constituyen un alto porcentaje del peso de los caldos deshidratados envasados bajo forma de cubitos. Como estos alimentos se almacenan a temperatura ambiente, sus componentes grasos no deben fundir parcialmente durante el verano. En este trabajo se analizan seis muestras de materias primas grasas, mezclas de ellas ya preparadas por la empresa elaboradora y extractos lipidióos del producto terminado (sopas de gallina y de verduras). Se busca relacionar la naturaleza de las grasas (composición en ácidos grasos) con su estabilidad frente a variaciones de la temperatura (termogramas por DSC). Se concluye que, si bien algunas de las grasas estudiadas son aceptables desde el punto de vista de la vida útil esperada del producto, otras se deberían modificar por hidrogenación o fraccionamiento antes de su uso

    Parameterisation of the residual temperature distribution based on the modelling of successive emission of prompt neutrons

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    A new deterministic modelling taking into account the successive emission of prompt neutrons from initial fragments of a fragmentation range {A, Z, TKE} constructed as in the Point-by-Point (PbP) treatment is described. The good agreement of different prompt emission quantities obtained from this modelling (e.g. v(A), v(TKE), E-γ(A), E-γ(TKE), etc.) with the experimental data and the results of the PbP model and other Monte-Carlo models validates the present modelling of sequential emission. The distributions of different residual quantities, including the residual temperature distributions P(T) of light and heavy fragments allow to obtain a new parameterisation of P(T) which can be used in the PbP model and the Los Alamos model

    The effect of colostrum source (goat vs. sheep) and timing of the first colostrum feeding (2h vs. 14h after birth) on body weight and immune status of artificially reared newborn lambs

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    Several factors can affect lamb body weight (BW) and immune status during the first days of life, including colostrum source and timing of the first colostrum feeding. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of colostrum source (goat or sheep) and timing of the first colostrum feeding (2 or 14h after birth) on lamb BW and immune status. In this study, 40 lambs were removed from their dams at birth and randomly assigned into 4 groups of 10 lambs each. Lambs were subsequently fed at 2 or 14h after birth with goat or sheep colostrum. Blood samples and BW recording were performed before feeding. Blood plasma was used to measure the immunoglobulin concentration (IgG and IgM), chitotriosidase activity, and complement system activity (total and alternative pathways). In general, no differences in any of the measured variables were observed among the 4 groups, indicating that neither colostrum source nor timing of the first colostrum feeding had an effect on these variables. These findings may improve management on lamb farms that raise animals under artificial conditions, because our results indicate that it is not necessary to feed colostrum to lambs immediately after birth and that goat colostrum may be used to feed newborn lambs