1,949 research outputs found

    Marcatili's Lossless Tapers and Bends: an Apparent Paradox and its Solution

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    Numerical results based on an extended BPM algorithm indicate that, in Marcatili's lossless tapers and bends, through-flowing waves are drastically different from standing waves. The source of this surprising behavior is inherent in Maxwell's equations. Indeed, if the magnetic field is correctly derived from the electric one, and the Poynting vector is calculated, then the analytical results are reconciled with the numerical ones. Similar considerations are shown to apply to Gaussian beams in free space.Comment: 4 pages, figures include

    An efficient and fast parallel method for Volterra integral equations of Abel type

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    In this paper we present an efficient and fast parallel waveform relaxation method for Volterra integral equations of Abel type, obtained by reformulating a nonstationary waveform relaxation method for systems of equations with linear coefficient constant kernel. To this aim we consider the Laplace transform of the equation and here we apply the recurrence relation given by the Chebyshev polynomial acceleration for algebraic linear systems. Back in the time domain, we obtain a three term recursion which requires, at each iteration, the evaluation of convolution integrals, where only the Laplace transform of the kernel is known. For this calculation we can use a fast convolution algorithm. Numerical experiments have been done also on problems where it is not possible to use the original nonstationary method, obtaining good results in terms of improvement of the rate of convergence with respect the stationary method

    On cumulativity in the context of defeasible argumentation

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    Las lógicas que permiten razonar de manera no-monótona suelen ser caracterizadas por la propiedad que carecen - casualmente, la monotonía - en vez de serlo por aquellas que sí gozan. Gabbay, Makinson y Kraus propusieron un conjunto de propiedades básicas de las relaciones de inferencia que toda teoría no-monótona debería satisfacer. No obstante, existen varios formalismos aparentemente razonables que no satisfacen algunos de estos principios, por caso la mayoría de los formalismos de argumentación rebatible. En este artículo determinamos el estado de estas propiedades básicas en el marco de dos populares sistemas argumentativosLogics for nonmonotonic reasoning have often been described by the property they lack—that is, monotonicity—instead of by those they do enjoy. Gabbay, Makinson and Kraus proposed a set of core properties for inference relations that every nonmonotonic theory ought to have. Yet, there are some apparently well-behaved formalisms that fail to comply with some of these principles, such as most defeasible argumentation formalisms. In this article we determine the status of these core properties in the context of two well-known argumentation frameworks.Workshop de Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (WASI)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Micro X-ray fluorescence imaging coupled with chemometrics to detect and classify asbestos fibers in demolition waste

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    Asbestos was largely used in the past by several countries all over the world. From 1900 to 1990 asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) were produced in large amounts and mainly utilized to produce insulation, flame retardant materials, as well as to improve the mechanical and the chemical characteristics of construction materials. Its extensive use has therefore led to the presence of fibers in existing buildings and within the construction and demolition waste. A fast, reliable and accurate recognition of ACMs represents an important target to be reached. In this paper the use of micro X-ray fluorescence (micro-XRF) technique coupled with a statistical multivariate approach was applied and discussed with reference to ACMs characterization. Different elemental maps of the ACMs were preliminary acquired in order to evaluate distribution and composition of asbestos fibers, then samples energy spectra where collected and processed using chemometric methods to perform an automatic classification of the different typologies of asbestos fibers. Spectral data were analyzed using PLS-Toolbox™ (Eigenvector Research, Inc.) running into Matlab® (The Mathworks, Inc.) environment. An automatic classification model was then built and applied. Results showed that asbestos fibers were correctly identified and classified according to their chemical composition. The proposed approach, based on micro-XRF analysis combined with an automatic classification of the elemental maps, is not only effective and non-destructive, it is fast, and it does not require the presence of a trained operator. The application of the developed methodology can help to correctly characterize and manage demolition waste where ACMs are present

    Evaluation of elements distribution in printed circuit boards from mobile phones by micro x-ray fluorescence

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    A micro X-ray fluorescence-based approach for the chemical characterization of spent printed circuit boards (PCBSPCBSS) from mobile phones was applied. More in detail, twelve spent mobile phones were grouped into three clusters according to brands, models and year of release, and a study to evaluate the technological evolution of PCBSs over time was carried out. Precious metals and hazardous elements were investigated, revealing a few differences between samples from the different groups. For instance, the distribution of gold on PCBS layers was more widespread for the older analyzed samples, and smaller quantities of bromine and lead were detected in the more recent models in accordance with the Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive 2002/95/EC. Analysis of PCBS composition should contribute towards correctly managing such a complex waste, maximizing the recovery of base, critical and precious metals and considering the possible presence of harmful elements requiring careful management. The experimental results showed how, using the proposed approach, distribution maps for chemical elements present in PCBSs could be obtained, thus allowing the definition of optimal strategies for further handling (i.e. classification) and processing (i.e. critical/precious metal recovery)

    High performance parallel numerical methods for Volterra equations with weakly singular kernels

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    Non-stationary discrete time waveform relaxation methods for Abel systems of Volterra integral equations using fractional linear multistep formulae are introduced. Fully parallel discrete waveform relaxation methods having an optimal convergence rate are constructed. A significant expression of the error is proved, which allows us to estimate the number of iterations needed to satisfy a prescribed tolerance and allows us to identify the problems where the optimal methods offer the best performance. The numerical experiments confirm the theoretical expectations

    Logical properties in defeasible logic programming -a preliminary report

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    Logics for nonmonotonic reasoning have often been described by the property they lack-that is, monotonicity-instead of by those they do enjoy. These theories flourished in the early `80s in response to the inconveniences incomplete and changing information posed to classic, monotonic approaches. Several nonmonotonic formalisms were introduced in the literature: inheritance networks, default logic, preferential entailment, autoepistemic logic, and defeasible argumentation among others. The introduction of these proposals in a short span of time made it difficult to decide which approach is best suited for a given context.Eje: Aspectos teóricos de inteligencia artificialRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    An architecture for rational agents interacting with complex environments

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    In this paper we sketch an agent architecture suitable to be used as a tool for exploring agent perception and multiagent interaction. Nowadays, there is no strict correspondence between the theoretical work in rational agents and their implementation. In this respect, it is our intention to reach a good trade-off between expressiveness and implementability.Eje: Inteligencia artificialRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI
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