93 research outputs found

    FOTOLIX : aplicação do processo Foto-Fenton com radiação solar ao lixiviado de um aterro de RSU pré-tratado por lagunagem aeróbia

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia do Ambiente. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Preferências do segmento sénior norte-americano : estudo exploratório no Boca West Country Club

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    Mestrado em Turismo, Inovação e Desenvolvimento na Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do CasteloTendências atuais da procura turística sugerem que os seniores representam um dos segmentos do mercado norte americano que merecem a maior atenção dos gestores de destinos turísticos. Os seniores levam uma vida cada vez mais ativa e gastam muito acima da média na procura de orientações para ajudar a viver vidas mais longas e saudáveis. Estudos indicam que os seniores são, em geral, o grupo demográfico com maior rendimento disponível e com tendências para gastar em atividades de lazer, entretenimento, saúde e bemestar. Por outro lado, o mercado norte-americano está em franco crescimento para o turismo português. O próprio Turismo de Portugal definiu uma política específica estruturada com as tendências e a procura do mercado norte americano, focado precisamente no mercado sénior. Esta política realça a aposta na autenticidade, na diversidade do destino, na proteção da experiência e na diversificação da oferta e aposta no conceito tailor made, com ênfase na qualidade dos serviços. É objetivo deste estudo investigar o comportamento do segmento sénior norte-americano e apresentar recomendações e boas práticas para melhor adequar a oferta do turismo português, especificamente para este segmento de mercado. Deste modo, realizou-se um estágio, que teve como estudo de caso o Boca West Country Club, localizado na cidade de Boca Raton, no estado da Flórida (EUA). As atividades desenvolvidas ao longo do estágio, permitiram contato diário, direto e consistente com estes consumidores, numa perspetiva de observação participante. A caracterização e o perfil destes consumidores sugerem que se trata de um segmento de luxo, com uma obsessão pela excelência no serviço ao cliente.Current trends in tourist demand suggest that seniors represent one of the segments of the North American market that deserve the greatest attention of tourism destination managers. Seniors lead an increasingly active life and spend much above average looking for guidance to help live longer, healthier lives. Studies indicate that seniors are, in general, the demographic group with the highest disposable income and with tendencies to increase in leisure, entertainment, health and well-being activities. On the other hand, the North American market is booming for Portuguese tourism. Turismo de Portugal itself defined a specific policy structured with the trends and demand of the North American market, focusing precisely on the senior market. This policy highlights the commitment to authenticity, the diversity of the destination, the protection of the experience and the diversification of the offer and the tailor made concept, with emphasis on service quality. The objective of this study is to investigate the behavior of the North American senior segment and to present recommendations and good practices to better adapt the Portuguese tourism offer, specifically for this market segment. Thus, an internship was carried out which had as a case study the Boca West Country Club, located in the city of Boca Raton, in the state of Florida (USA). The activities developed during the internship, allowed daily, direct and consistent contact with these consumers, in a perspective of participant observation. The characteristics and profile of these consumers suggest that it is a luxury segment, with an obsession for excellence in customer service

    Teucrium francoi M. Seq., Capelo, J.C. Costa & R. Jardim, a new species of Teucrium gr. scorodonia (Lamiceae) from Madeira

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    The species formerly recognized as Teucrium scorodonia in Madeira is here described as new: Teucrium francoi M. Seq., Capelo, J.C. Costa & R. Jardim. Morphologically close to species of Teucrium gr. scorodonia [T. scorodonia L., T. pseudoscorodonia Desf., T. siculum (Raf.) Guss. and T. kotschyanum Poech], it exhibits, nonetheless, some distinct diagnostic characters. The indumentum density and type of hairs of T. francoi are clearly distinct from those of related species, as are the shape and dimensions of the leaves and bracts, calyx, and corolla, which are all taken as taxonomically significant diagnostic features. A diagnosis and a distribution map are presented for this new species. Morphology, ecology, biogeography, and conservation issues are discussed. Teucrium francoi, which is an endemic from Madeira (Portugal), is to be found mostly in the scope of the association Teucrio francoi– Origanetum virentis J.C. Costa, Capelo, Jardim, Sequeira, Lousã & Rivas-Martínez, but also occurs in somewhat humid habitats, such as open stands of Rosa mandonii Déségl. associated with small streamsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The vegetation of Madeira: II - woody caulirosetted communities of evergreen forest clearings: Euphorbion melliferae all. nova.

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    The endemic caulirosetted microphanerophytes [with a rosette of leaves on top of a long woody few-branched naked stem] – e.g. Euphorbia mellifera, Isoplexis sceptrum, Melanoselinum decipens, Musschia wollastonii and Sonchus fruticosus – are among the most striking plants of Madeira Island. They are often found in the "levadas" artificial system of channels that runs through the Ocotea foetens forest [Clethro arboreae-Ocoteetum foetentis]. These plants organize themselves in a particular phytocoenosis – Isoplexido sceptri-Euphorbietum melliferae ass. nova. – that reflects a worldwide recurrent phenomenon in forest ecosystems: the presence of plants adapted to cuts in the continuous crown layer of dense forest, such as dry ravines, forest clearings produced by tempests, landslides and other natural disturbances. "Levadas" are artificial simulations of these natural habitats

    Modelação da presença de aves de rapina diurnas em pinhais bravos do norte e centro de Portugal

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    Este estudo teve como objectivo principal modelar a relação entre parâmetros descritores de duas paisagens dominadas por pinhal bravo (Pinus pinaster Aiton) e as suas comunidades de aves de rapina diurnas nidificantes. Para o efeito, estabeleceram-se 51 estações de amostragem na Mata Nacional de Leiria (MNL) e 45 nos Pinhais do Alto Tâmega (PAT), tendo-se empregue dois métodos de detecção destas aves: a emissão de vocalizações e a observação directa. Os trabalhos de campo decorreram nas épocas de nidificação de 1998 e 1999. Para a modelação da presença recorreu-se aos Modelos Lineares Generalizados, com as variáveis explicativas obtidas em SIG. Foram detectadas 8 espécies na MNL e 6 nos PAT. O recurso à emissão de vocalizações facilitou a detecção, mas verificou-se ser necessário proceder a alguns ajustamentos no futuro para maximizar a sua eficácia. Os modelos obtidos seleccionaram as variáveis que relacionam uma maior probabilidade da presença das aves com a existência ou a proximidade de espaços abertos e uma menor fragmentação. Os resultados indicam que, em áreas florestais onde a produção lenhosa é o objectivo principal, as suas comunidades de aves de rapina são favorecidas por uma gestão que crie um mosaico equilibrado entre as diferentes etapas de desenvolvimento dos povoamentos, reforçando a necessidade de se pensar o ordenamento florestal à escala da paisagem ou de toda a unidade de gestão, e não apenas ao nível individual dos povoamentos, quando se objectiva em paralelo a sustentabilidade da biodiversidade florestal

    The vegetation of Madeira: III - Diplazio caudati-Perseetum indici ass. nova and Rhamno glandulosi-Sambucetum lanceolati ass. nova: two new hygrophillic forest associations from Madeira Island

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    Descriptions of forest vegetation of Madeira Island included, so far, two types of climatophylous broadleaf forest vegetation – Clethro arboreae-Ocoteetum foetentis and Semele androgynae- Apollonietum barbujanae – with an arboreal stratum respectively dominated by two Lauraceae trees: Ocotea foetens [til] and Apollonias barbujana [barbusano]. Recently, we discovered that the other Lauraceae Madeira's tree – Persea indica [vinhático] – is the dominant tree in a third type of broadleaf forest - Diplazio caudati-Perseetum indici ass. nova

    The vegetation of Madeira: IV - Coastal Vegetation of Porto Santo Island (Archipelag of Madeira)

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    The littoral geomorphology of the Porto Santo Island is of paramount importance in the coastal phytocoenosis assemblage: the southern part of the island has an 8 km long sand beach with littoral sandstone platforms in its eastern extreme; sandstone or volcanic (mostly trachits) sea cliffs predominate in the rest of the island; in the northern part of the island, near the airport, there is an elevated dune (more than 150 m above sea level), related to an ancient island tilt. In the Porto Santo' s beach and cliff ecosystems, we found four new associations. All of them are finicolous associations in the context of their alliances, with low floristic diversity and presided by small area endemics

    Successful Management of Prosthetic Valve Brucella Endocarditis with Antibiotherapy Alone

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    Objectives: To report a case of mechanical aortic prosthesis Brucella endocarditis successfully treated with antibiotics alone. Materials and methods: We describe a clinical case and present a review of the literature. Results: A 60-year-old female farmer with a mechanical aortic prosthetic valve presented with low back pain and fever. She was diagnosed with prosthetic valve Brucella mellitensis endocarditis and was cured with antibiotic therapy alone. Few cases of successfully treated prosthetic valve Brucella endocarditis without surgery have been reported. Conclusion: Prosthetic valve Brucella endocarditis usually requires surgical valve replacement. However, selected patients may be successfully treated with antibiotic therapy alone

    The vegetation of Madeira: V - Lino stricti-Stipetum capensis, ass. nova and Vicio costei-Echietum plantagini, ass. nova, two new semi-nitrophylous associations from Porto-Santo Island (Archipelag of Madeira)

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    Porto Santo is a deeply eroded oceanic island. The human uses of the territory led to a massive destruction of its primitive vegetation cover and its substitution by new types of vegetation constituted by plants adapted to the novel perturbation regimes introduced by human settlers. A vegetation cover once dominated by trees or shrubs that evolved isolated from herbivory during millions of years, was replaced since the XV century by herbaceous anthropogenic vegetation, dominated by neophytes, adapted to perturbation events imposed by mammal herbivores (goats and rabbits) and by dry-farming agriculture (mostly barley). Agriculture and grazing together with low climatic precipitation levels promoted subnitrophylous types of herbaceous vegetation. So, today's Porto Santo vegetation is largely dominated by two, yet undescribed, herbaceous subnitrophylous phytocoenosis: Lino stricti-Stipetum capensis and Vicio costei-Echietum plantagini
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