11 research outputs found

    Avaliação das condições de uso e consumo de energia em estações de tratamento de águas residuais: caso de estudo

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    Tese de mestrado integrado, Engenharia da Energia e do Ambiente, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016Nos últimos anos, no sector do tratamento das águas residuais, a maior parcela de encargos está relacionada com os consumos de energia. Segundo “PENSAAR 2020 - Uma nova estratégia para o setor de abastecimento de água e saneamento de águas residuais", estima-se que o peso deste recurso represente cerca de 38% do total dos encargos relativos aos sistemas municipais de águas residuais. Com o presente trabalho pretendeu-se avaliar as condições de uso e consumo da energia, bem como definir e avaliar bases metodológicas dedicadas à avaliação do desempenho energético de estações de tratamento de águas residuais. Para o efeito foram objeto de análise e tratamento, os resultados relativos a um caso de estudo, que compreendeu a realização de um conjunto de auditorias energéticas e processuais a um conjunto de 13 ETAR localizadas em Portugal Continental, na região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, e deste modo avaliar de que forma a energia é utilizada e estimar a distribuição de consumos pelo conjunto dos processos existentes nestas instalações. Esta análise possibilitou a obtenção de informação pertinente acerca dos processos, equipamentos, características técnicas e modo de funcionamento habitualmente existentes neste tipo de instalações, bem como, um conhecimento abrangente acerca da distribuição dos seus consumos energéticos, tendo em atenção questões relacionadas com a dimensão e localização. Foram ainda identificados e calculados os indicadores energéticos usualmente utilizados em sede de avaliação do desempenho energético deste tipo de instalações. A análise efetuada aos resultados obtidos evidenciou que a utilização dos mesmos para os efeitos em causa seja, na generalidade dos casos, desadequada. Neste contexto foi avaliada, com recurso aos princípios da análise de regressão multivariável, a existência de uma relação matemática entre a variável dependente e as variáveis independentes por forma a justificar a variação do consumo de energia da amostra de instalações. Procurou-se, com o desenvolvimento do modelo em causa, criar uma ferramenta que efetuasse comparações entre os consumos de energia gerados pelo modelo e os consumos de energia reais, possibilitando assim uma avaliação comparativa do desempenho energético das instalações e o desenvolvimento de um indicador baseado na relação entre os consumos reais e os expectáveis de determinada instalação. A avaliação estatística e a análise crítica aos dados de base e gerados pelo modelo permitiu concluir que , apesar de definido, o modelo terá de ser alvo de reformulações, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à definição de grupos de ETAR com características e dimensão semelhantes de forma a conseguir definir modelos mais precisos e direcionados para determinadas tipologias. Conclui-se ainda que o grande entrave à definição de modelos de avaliação do desempenho energético neste tipo de utilizações, está relacionado com a falta de representatividade dos dados disponíveis relativos a variáveis processuais com influência determinante no uso e consumo de energia das instalações em análise.In recent years, the highest cost share in the sector of wastewater treatment was attributed to energy consumption. According to "PENSAAR 2020 - A new strategy for the water and wastewater sanitation sector," it is estimated that this amounts to approximately 38% of total charges for municipal wastewater systems. This paper aims to review the energy usage and consumption, and identify and evaluate methodological foundations assessing the energy performance of wastewater treatment plants. This was achieved by reviewing the results of a case study, which audited 13 wastewater treatment plants in Portugal, in the region of Lisboa and Vale do Tejo, and thereby assessing how energy is used and estimating the distribution of consumption in these facilities. Through an analysis, relevant information about the processes, equipment, technical characteristics and mode of operation, which usually exist in these facilities, was obtained. Additionally, comprehensive knowledge of the distribution of its energy consumption, taking into consideration size and location, was gained. The indicators identified and calculated were also used for the evaluation of energy performance. Analysis of the results showed that using those indicators for the purpose of this paper is, in most cases, inadequate. Hence, through a multivariate regression, it was found that a relationship between the dependent and independent variables, explaining a change in energy consumption of the sampled facilities, existed. By developing this model, a tool was created which compared the energy consumption between the expected and actual values. The statistical evaluation and analysis lead to the opinion that the model needs to be improved, specifically with regards to WWTP groups which have similar characteristics, in order to obtain accurate results. Moreover, the lack of sufficient data restricts a detailed conclusion on the influence of energy usage of the facilities

    A água na poética da arquitectura

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Arquitectura, Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa, 2012Exame público realizado em 20 de Fevereiro de 2013É inegável que o papel da água na vida do Ser Humano sempre foi objecto de muita atenção e cuidado, ainda que muitas vezes não o demonstremos. Desde a antiguidade este líquido foi motivo de surgimento de pequenas aldeias, até às povoações das grandes cidades onde sem a água a vida não teria futuro. Foi desde cedo, pensado que seria necessário trazê-la de longe para que pudesse alimentar os seus habitantes e dotar a cidade de melhores soluções de desenvolvimento. Neste sentido ergueram-se ao longo dos tempos, estruturas que visaram facilitar a captação de água por elementos tais como aquedutos e outras canalizações, que a traziam de muito longe. Isto evitava que as pessoas se mantivessem necessariamente junto a rios. Este foi o começo para que pudéssemos pensar em algo mais que não fosse a básica necessidade de saciar a sede ou de lavar. Já na Grécia antiga a água era tão importante que deuses eram criados. Essas personagens com história própria acompanharam a humanidade por via não só da literatura mas também por intermédio de monumentos que se ergueram e que deleitam o ser humano com questões de poética e mitologia, onde muitas vezes se funde com a arquitectura

    An insensitive acetylcholinesterase in Culex pipiens (Diptera: Culicidae) from Portugal

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    1 tables 3 graph.International audienceResistance mechanisms of a strain (PRAIAS) of northern house mosquito, Cu-lex pipiens L., collected in Portugal in 1993, and highly resistant to organophosphates and carbamates, were investigated by comparing the resistance characteristics to 3 organophos-phorous (temephos, chlorpyrifos, malathion) and 1 carbamate (propoxur) insecticides in the presence or absence of synergists; and by determining the possible occurrence of overpro-duced esterases or insensitive acetylcholinesterase (AChE). The reference strain MSE from southern France, with an insensitive AChE, was included in all analyses for comparison. For organophosphorous insecticides, resistance in PRAIAS was caused by an insensitive AChE and an increase in oxidative metabolism. although the 2nd mechanism has only a marginal effect. For propoxur, the insensitive AChE was the only resistance mechanism detected. Biochemical properties of both the French and Portuguese insensitive AChEs were similar. We cannot exclude the possibility that PRAIAS and MSE strains possess exactly the same insensitive AChE allele

    12th Portuguese Congress on Experimental Mechanics - Proceedings Book

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    Population Genetics of Ochlerotatus eatoni

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    International Conference on Progress in Digital and Physical Manufacturing ProDPM'19 - Book of Abstracts

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    The “Progress in Digital and Physical Manufacturing” book contains keynotes and papers presented at the first International Conference on Progress in Digital and Physical Manufacturing (ProDPM'19), organized by the School of Technology and Management (ESTG) of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPLeiria), from the 2nd to the 4th of October 2019. This international conference aims to provide a major international forum for the scientific exchange of multi-disciplinary and inter-organisational aspects performed by academics, researchers and industrial partners in order to exchange ideas in the field of digital and physical manufacturing and related areas. It represents a significant contribution to the current advances in industrial digital and physical manufacturing issues as it contains topical research in this field. The ProDPM'19 conference expects to foster networking and collaboration among participants to advance the knowledge and identify major trends in the field. The conference addresses to industrial challenges focused on current market demands and actual technological trends, such as mass customization, new business and industrial models or predictive engineering. Its contribution in science and technology developments leads to more suitable, effective and efficient products, materials and processes, generating added-value for the Industry and promoting the awareness of the role and importance of the digital and physical manufacturing development in the society. This book is, therefore, an essential reading for all of those working on digital and physical manufacturing, promoting better links between the academia and the industry. The conference papers will cover a wide range of important topics like additive manufacturing, biomanufacturing, advanced and smart manufacturing technologies, rapid tooling, microfabrication, virtual environments, simulation and 3D CAD and data acquisition, materials and collaborative design.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    ZnO/γ-Fe2O3/Bentonite: An Efficient Solar-Light Active Magnetic Photocatalyst for the Degradation of Pharmaceutical Active Compounds

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    For applications related to the photocatalytic degradation of environmental contaminants, engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) must demonstrate not only a high photocatalytic potential, but also a low tendency to agglomeration, along with the ability to be easily collected after use. In this manuscript, a two-step process was implemented for the synthesis of ZnO, ZnO/Bentonite and the magnetic ZnO/γ-Fe2O3/Bentonite nanocomposite. The synthesized materials were characterized using various techniques, and their performance in the degradation of pharmaceutical active compounds (PhACs), including ciprofloxacin (CIP), sulfamethoxazole (SMX), and carbamazepine (CBZ) was evaluated under various operating conditions, namely the type and dosage of the applied materials, pH, concentration of pollutants, and their appearance form in the medium (i.e., as a single pollutant or as a mixture of PhACs). Among the materials studied, ZnO/Bentonite presented the best performance and resulted in the removal of ~95% of CIP (5 mg/L) in 30 min, at room temperature, near-neutral pH (6.5), ZnO/Bentonite dosage of 0.5 g/L, and under solar light irradiation. The composite also showed a high degree of efficiency for the simultaneous removal of CIP (~98%, 5 mg/L) and SMX (~97%, 5 mg/L) within 30 min, while a low degradation of ~5% was observed for CBZ (5 mg/L) in a mixture of the three PhACs. Furthermore, mechanistic studies using different types of scavengers revealed the formation of active oxidative species responsible for the degradation of CIP in the photocatalytic system studied with the contribution of h+ (67%), OH (18%), and ·O2− (10%), and in which holes (h+) were found to be the dominant oxidative species

    Incriminating bluetongue virus vectors with climate envelope models

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    1 The spread of vector-borne diseases into new areas, commonly attributed to environmental change or increased trade and travel, could be exacerbated if novel vector species in newly invaded areas spread infection beyond the range of traditional vectors. 2 By analysing the differential degree of overlap between the environmental envelopes for bluetongue, a devastating livestock disease, and its traditional (Afro-Asian) and potential new (Palearctic) midge vectors, we have implicated the latter in the recent dramatic northward spread of this disease into Europe. 3 The traditional vector of bluetongue virus, the Afro-Asian midge Culicoides imicola, was found to occur in warm (annual mean 12–20 °C), thermally stable locations that were dry in summer (< 400 mm precipitation). The Palearctic C. obsoletus and C. pulicaris complexes were both found to occur in cooler (down to 7 °C annual mean), thermally more variable and wetter (up to 700 mm summer precipitation) locations. 4 Of 501 recorded outbreaks from the 1998–2004 bluetongue epidemic in southern Europe, 40% fall outside the climate envelope of C. imicola, but within the species’ envelopes of the C. obsoletus and C. pulicaris complexes. 5 The distribution in multivariate environmental space of bluetongue virus is closer to that of the Palaearctic vectors than it is to that of C. imicola. This suggests that Palearctic vectors now play a substantial role in transmission and have facilitated the spread of bluetongue into cooler, wetter regions of Europe. 6 Synthesis and applications. The risk to Northern Europe now depends on how much of the distributions of the widespread, abundant Palearctic midge vectors (the C. obsoletus and C. pulicaris complexes) bluetongue can occupy, perhaps determined by thermal constraints on viral replication. This was highlighted by the sudden appearance in summer 2006 of bluetongue virus at latitudes of more than 50° North – approximately 6° further North than previous outbreaks in southern Europe. Future surveillance for bluetongue and for related Culicoides-borne pathogens should include studies to record and explain the distributional patterns of all potential Palearctic vector species

    Incriminating bluetongue virus vectors with climate envelope models

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    1 The spread of vector-borne diseases into new areas, commonly attributed to environmental change or increased trade and travel, could be exacerbated if novel vector species in newly invaded areas spread infection beyond the range of traditional vectors. 2 By analysing the differential degree of overlap between the environmental envelopes for bluetongue, a devastating livestock disease, and its traditional (Afro-Asian) and potential new (Palearctic) midge vectors, we have implicated the latter in the recent dramatic northward spread of this disease into Europe. 3 The traditional vector of bluetongue virus, the Afro-Asian midge Culicoides imicola, was found to occur in warm (annual mean 12–20 °C), thermally stable locations that were dry in summer (< 400 mm precipitation). The Palearctic C. obsoletus and C. pulicaris complexes were both found to occur in cooler (down to 7 °C annual mean), thermally more variable and wetter (up to 700 mm summer precipitation) locations. 4 Of 501 recorded outbreaks from the 1998–2004 bluetongue epidemic in southern Europe, 40% fall outside the climate envelope of C. imicola, but within the species’ envelopes of the C. obsoletus and C. pulicaris complexes. 5 The distribution in multivariate environmental space of bluetongue virus is closer to that of the Palaearctic vectors than it is to that of C. imicola. This suggests that Palearctic vectors now play a substantial role in transmission and have facilitated the spread of bluetongue into cooler, wetter regions of Europe. 6 Synthesis and applications. The risk to Northern Europe now depends on how much of the distributions of the widespread, abundant Palearctic midge vectors (the C. obsoletus and C. pulicaris complexes) bluetongue can occupy, perhaps determined by thermal constraints on viral replication. This was highlighted by the sudden appearance in summer 2006 of bluetongue virus at latitudes of more than 50° North – approximately 6° further North than previous outbreaks in southern Europe. Future surveillance for bluetongue and for related Culicoides-borne pathogens should include studies to record and explain the distributional patterns of all potential Palearctic vector species