54 research outputs found

    Zucker Diabetic Fatty Rats for Research in Diabetes

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    The rising incidence of diabetes mellitus (DM) worldwide presents a global public health problem. DM is classified into two main groups: type 1 (T1DM) and type 2 (T2DM). T1DM requires insulin treatment. T2DM is complex, heterogeneous, polygenic disease defined primarily by insulin resistance, ongoing hyperglycemia, and β cells’ dysfunction. For research in diabetes, an appropriate experimental model reflecting symptoms and complications of human T2DM is required for understanding the pathogenesis, molecular nature, and the possibilities of the treatment. Among the many animal models, rodent models that develop DM spontaneously are frequently used in the studies due to their similarity to the humans and economic effectiveness. This work gives a detailed overview of the literature, covering the characteristic of DM, its symptoms and complications, the description of Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats as an appropriate model for research in T2DM, and the possibility of the treatment

    Vzájomné pôsobenie citrinínu a resveratrolu a ich vplyv na rast Caco-2 buniek

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    The aim of this study was to use Caco-2 cells as an in vitro model of human intestina barrier. This model was employed to investigate interaction of citrinin and resveratrol and to determine the doses that affect cell number. Citrinin (CTN) is a toxic secondary metabolite produced by fungi of the genera Penicillium, Aspergillus and Monascus. It is contaminant of cereals, grains, food and feed products. Previous studies have shown that CTN has teratogenic, nephrotoxic, hepatotoxic and embryotoxic effects. Resveratrol (RES) is polyphenol belongs to the group of stilbenes. At lower doses it has positive effects on human health and higher doses may induce apoptosis. The results of study indicate a significant (P < 0.05) decrease in cell number in all conditions: A (RES 20 μM), B (CTN 100 μg*ml-1), C (CTN 250 μg*ml-1), D (CTN 100 μg*ml-1 + RES 20 μM), E (CTN 250 μg*ml-1 + RES 20 μM) in comparison with the control group of non-treated cells (NT) and control group with ethanol (Ce). A significant (P <0.05) decrease in the cells number was observed between groups A - E, B - C and D - E. Citrinin effect seems to be dose-dependent.Cieľom práce bolo použitie Caco-2 buniek ako in vitro model črevnej bariéry na zistenie vzájomného pôsobenia citrinínu a resveratrolu a stanovenie dávok, ktoré majú vplyv na počet buniek. Citrinín (CTN) je toxický sekundárny metabolit, ktorý produkujú mikroskopické huby patriace do rodov Aspergillus, Penicillium a Monascus. Kontaminuje cereálie, obilniny, potraviny a krmivá. Predchádzajúce štúdie ukázali, že CTN má teratogénne, nefrotoxické, hepatotoxické a embryotoxické účinky. Resveratrol (RES) je polyfenol, ktorý patrí do skupiny stilbénov. Pri nižších dávkach má pozitívne účinky na ľudské zdravie a pri vyšších spôsobuje apoptózu buniek. Výsledky štúdie poukazujú na signifikantný (P < 0.05) pokles počtu buniek vo všetkých experimentálnych skupinách A (RES 20 μM), B (CTN 100 μg*ml-1), C (CTN 250 μg*ml-1), D (CTN 100 μg*ml-1 + RES 20 μM), E (CTN 250 μg*ml-1 + RES 20 μM) v porovnaní s kontrolnou skupinou s neošetrenými bunkami (NT) a kontrolnou skupinou s prídavkom etanolu (Ce). Významný (P < 0.05) pokles buniek sa zaznamenal medzi skupinami A - E, B - C a D - E. Pôsobenie citrinínu je dávkovo závislé

    Wpływ ołowiu, srebra i molibdenu na steroidogenezę in vitro w komórkach ziarnistych jajników świni

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    The present study was carried out to investigate possible effects of lead (Pb), silver (Ag) and molybdenum (Mo) administrations on porcine ovarian granulosa cells in relation to progesterone (P4) release. Ovarian granulosa cells were incubated with/without lead acetate, silver nitrate and ammonium molybdate for 18 hours: 1.0 mg/cm3; 0.5 mg/cm3; 0.33 mg/cm3; 0.17 mg/cm3; 0.09 mg/cm3 and the control group without metal addition. The release of progesterone by granulosa cells was assessed by R1A. The release of steroid hormone P4 was significantly (p < 0.05) inhibited after Pb administration at the dose l .0 mg/cm3. Secretion of P4 by granulosa cells was decreased by Ag addition at the doses 0.5 mg/cm3; 0.33 mg/cm3; 0.17 mg/cm3 and 0.09 mg/cm3. Significant (p < 0.05) increase of P4 release after Mo addition was found. Data obtained from these in vitro studies indicate new knowledge that release of steroid hormone progesterone by porcine granulosa cells is associated with doses and variety of Chemical treatments (Pb, Ag, Mo). Obtained data indicate the interference of these endocrine disruptors in the pathways of steroidogenesis of porcine oyarian granulosa cells.Zbadano wpływ ołowiu (Pb), srebra (Ag) i molibdenu na wydzielanie progesteronu (P4) przez komórki ziarniste jajników świni. Komórki ziarniste inkubowano w obecności octanu ołowiu, azotanu srebra i molibdenianu amonu przez 18 godzin: 1.0 mg/cm3; 0.5 mg/cm3; 0.33 mg/cm3; 0.17 mg/cm3; 0.09 mg/cm3. Założono również grupę kontrolną komórek ziarnistych, które nie były eksponowane na jony metali. Wydzielanie progesteronu przez komórki ziarniste zostało zbadane metodą RIA. Wydzielanie sterydu P4 przez komórki ziarniste zostało zahamowane w sposób statystycznie istotny (p < 0.05) przez ołów podany w dawce l mg/cm3. Wydzielenie P4 zmniejszyło się w obecności Ag w stężeniach 0.5 mg/cm3; 0.33 mg/cm3; 0.17 mg/cm3 i 0.09 mg/cm3. Stwierdzono statystycznie istotny wzrost wydzielania P4 po podaniu Mo (p < 0.05). Wyniki uzyskane w przedstawionym eksperymencie prowadzonym in vitro wykazują, że wydzielanie progesteronu przez komórki ziarniste jajników świni może być modyfikowane przez różne czynniki chemiczne (Pb, Ag, Mo) stosowane w zróżnicowanych dawkach. Odnotowane zjawisko jest prawdopodobnie związane z zaburzeniem niektórych szlaków steroidogenezy zachodzącej w komórkach ziarnistych jajników świni

    Comparative analysis of acetic and citric acid on internal milieu of broiler chickens

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mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ansi-language:CS; mso-fareast-language:EN-US;} --> <!--[endif] --> <div>The aim of the present study was to analyse the effect of two organic acids (acetic and citric acid) inclusion on serum parameters and the level of antioxidant status of broiler chickens. Some organic acidifiers reduce the growth of many intestinal bacteria, reduce intestinal colonisation and reduce infectious processes, decrease inflammatory processes at the intestinal mucosa, increase villus height and function of secretion, digestion and absorption of nutrients. Broiler chickens hybrid Ross 308 (n=180) were divided into 3 groups: one control (C) and two experimental groups (E1, E2). Experimental animals received acetic and citric acid per os in water in single dose 0.25% for 42 days. After 42 days of feeding blood samples were collected (n=10 in each group). Significant decrease of serum triglycerides in citric acid group when compared with the control group was recorded. Acetic acid administration resulted in increased sodium level. Significant increase of albumin content in both experimental groups and increase of bilirubin content in citric group was recorded. Acids administration had no significant effect on other serum and antioxidant parameters. Acetic and citric acid had no harmful influenced on internal milieu of broiler chickens. The research on the field of organic acid will be worthy of further investigation.<br /></div

    Bee Bread Can Alleviate Lipid Abnormalities and Impaired Bone Morphology in Obese Zucker Diabetic Rats

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    This study examined for the first time whether bee bread (BB, consisting of monofloral rape bee pollen) could alleviate lipid derangements and reduced bone quality in Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats, which are considered an appropriate animal model for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) investigation. Adult ZDF rats were segregated into four groups: lean non-diabetic rats (L group), obese diabetic rats untreated (C group), and those treated with the BB at two doses (500 and 700 mg/kg body weight, respectively, B1 and B2 groups) for 10 weeks. Significantly reduced levels of total cholesterol and triglyceride were recorded in the B2 group versus the C group. In both BB-treated groups, significantly increased relative volume of trabecular bone and trabecular thickness, enhanced density of secondary osteons, accelerated periosteal bone apposition, and improved blood flow were observed. A positive effect of higher dose of BB on femoral weight and cortical bone thickness was also demonstrated. Our results suggest a promising potential of BB to ameliorate T2DM-related complications associated with lipid and bone damages