28 research outputs found

    Green Infrastructures and Grand Environmental Challenges: A Review of Research Trends by Keyword

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    This article aims to analyze research trends on the role played by green infrastructures as a tool seeking to address current environmental challenges, such as climate change, that put human well-being at risk. For this purpose, a bibliometric analysis was used on documents obtained from the WoS database, and selecting the combination of words “green infrastructures”, “ecosystem services”, and “climate change”. The results of this study point to the potential for Green Infrastructures to become a major strategic factor in addressing the global environmental and social challenges facing cities. The findings obtained are relevant to researchers, professionals, and others working on green infrastructure research as tools to address current global environmental problems, such as climate change, urban pollution, loss of biodiversity, or the risk of emergence of new epidemics or diseases

    Green Infrastructure and Water: An Analysis of Global Research

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    Green infrastructure (GI) is a nature-based solution that encompasses all actions that rely on ecosystems and the services they provide to respond to various societal challenges such as climate change, food security or disaster risk. The objective of this work is to analyze the state of the art and latest trends in research on GI related to the water cycle for the period 2002–2019. For this purpose, a bibliometric study is carried out taking as reference the two most important scientific databases, Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus. The results show that, as of 2013, there is an exponential increase in the number of publications. This is due to the fact that significant regions of the planet, such as Europe, have adopted strategies aimed at promoting the use of GI since 2013. The keyword analysis points out that ecosystem services is the most relevant concept, which shows the capacity of these infrastructures to facilitate multiple goods and services related to the water cycle. New lines of research are opened up which are based on the analysis of other elements of GI related to water, such as groundwater

    Use of eltrombopag for patients 65 years old or older with immune thrombocytopenia

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    Background Eltrombopag is useful for immune thrombocytopenia (ITP). However, results of clinical trials may not accurately mirror clinical practice reality. Here we evaluated eltrombopag for primary and secondary ITP in our ≥65‐year‐old population. Methods A total of 106 primary ITP patients (16 with newly diagnosed ITP, 16 with persistent ITP, and 74 with chronic ITP) and 39 secondary ITP patients (20 with ITP secondary to immune disorders, 7 with ITP secondary to infectious diseases, and 12 with ITP secondary to lymphoproliferative disorders [LPD]) were retrospectively evaluated. Results Median age of our cohort was 76 (interquartile range, IQR, 70‐81) years. 75.9% of patients yielded a platelet response including 66.2% complete responders. Median time to platelet response was 14 (IQR, 8‐21) days. Median time on response was 320 (IQR, 147‐526) days. Sixty‐three adverse events (AEs), mainly grade 1‐2, occurred. The most common were hepatobiliary laboratory abnormalities (HBLAs) and headaches. One transient ischemic attack in a newly diagnosed ITP and two self‐limited pulmonary embolisms in secondary ITP were the only thrombotic events observed. Conclusion Eltrombopag showed efficacy and safety in ITP patients aged ≥65 years with primary and secondary ITP. However, efficacy results in LPD‐ITP were poor. A relatively high number of deaths were observed

    Multifunctional natural forest silviculture economics revised: Challenges in meeting landowners’ and society’s wants: A review

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    Aim of study: This paper objective focuses on the contribution of multifunctional natural forest silviculture, incorporating both private and public product managements, to forest and woodland economics. Area of study: Spain and California (USA) Material and methods: This conceptual article has developed a critical revision of the existing literature on the main economic issues for the multifunctional natural forest silviculture in the last decades. Main results: Multifunctional natural silviculture has secular roots as a local practice, but as a science of the natural environment applied to the economic management of forest lands it is still in the process of maturation. Timber silviculture remains the central concern of forest economics investment in scientific publications. By contrast, silvicultural modeling of the natural growth of firewood, browse and other non-timber forest products from trees and shrubs receives scant attention in scientific journals. Even rarer are publications on multifunctional natural silviculture for forest and woodland managements, including environmental services geared to people’s active and passive consumption. Under this umbrella, private environmental self-consumption is represented by the amenities enjoyed by private non-industrial landowners. As for environmental public products, the most relevant are carbon, water, mushrooms, recreation, landscape and threatened biodiversity. Research highlights: This paper is a good example for the conceptual research on forestry techniques and economic concepts applied to multifunctional silviculture in Mediterranean areas of Spain and California. The combination of technical knowledge and private and public economic behaviors definitively contributes to the multifunctional management of natural forest systems

    MicroRNA-200, associated with metastatic breast cancer, promotes traits of mammary luminal progenitor cells

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    MicroRNAs are critical regulators of gene networks in normal and abnormal biological processes. Focusing on invasive ductal breast cancer (IDC), we have found dysregulated expression in tumor samples of several microRNAs, including the miR-200 family, along progression from primary tumors to distant metastases, further reflected in higher blood levels of miR-200b and miR-7 in IDC patients with regional or distant metastases relative to patients with primary node-negative tumors. Forced expression of miR-200s in MCF10CA1h mammary cells induced an enhanced epithelial program, aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity, mammosphere growth and ability to form branched tubuloalveolar structures while promoting orthotopic tumor growth and lung colonization in vivo. MiR-200s also induced the constitutive activation of the PI3K-Akt signaling through downregulation of PTEN, and the enhanced mammosphere growth and ALDH activity induced in MCF10CA1h cells by miR-200s required the activation of this signaling pathway. Interestingly, the morphology of tumors formed in vivo by cells expressing miR-200s was reminiscent of metaplastic breast cancer (MBC). Indeed, the epithelial components of MBC samples expressed significantly higher levels of miR-200s than their mesenchymal components and displayed a marker profile compatible with luminal progenitor cells. We propose that microRNAs of the miR-200 family promote traits of highly proliferative breast luminal progenitor cells, thereby exacerbating the growth and metastatic properties of transformed mammary epithelial cells

    Renta total social y capital georreferenciados de los ecosistemas forestales de Andalucía

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    En esta investigación se presenta en primer lugar la metodología aplicada en RECAMAN, que incluye el sistema de cuentas agroforestales simplificado (se omiten las actividades animales y agrícolas), el método de valor de cambio simulado y los métodos de valoración empleados para cada una de las actividades consideradas. El sistema de contabilidad de los ecosistemas presentado amplía el concepto de proceso productivo manufacturado admitido por el actual sistema de cuentas nacionales, al incorporar los procesos productivos naturales de las actividades públicas y las ganancias de capital. El objetivo es medir la renta total social, la renta ambiental y los capitales sociales privados y públicos. La renta ambiental se obtiene residualmente y representa la contribución de los servicios del ecosistema que se producen sin la intervención humana a su renta total social. Los valores comerciales se estiman directamente del mercado. Para las actividades actualmente fuera del mercado se aplican métodos de valoración ambiental para estimar las demandas de bienes y servicios no comerciales. Utilizando esta información y los costes implicados se utiliza el método del valor de cambio simulado para estimar los valores que se intercambiarían si el bien o servicio estuviera comercializado. Esto permite integrar estos valores de servicios y productos no comerciales de manera consistente en las cuentas con valores comerciales. Los resultados se muestran en forma de tablas, gráficos y mapas, al encontrarse todos los valores georreferenciados. Se obtienen valores para el conjunto de Andalucía, para las ocho provincias y para las vegetaciones principales. Los resultados muestran que el capital en los ecosistemas forestales de Andalucía es principalmente ambiental, siendo el servicio ambiental privado el componente principal, seguido de los servicios recreativos públicos. Respecto a la renta total, las actividades ambientales siguen siendo las que más contribuyen, en especial los servicios ambientales privados, el carbono y el agua forestal, aunque hay que resaltar la importancia de la renta total generada por la actividad forestal, especialmente por la mano de obra ligada a esta actividad. Las metodologías de valoración de las rentas de los activos individuales y las aplicaciones experimentales a escala regional en cerca de 4,4 millones de hectáreas de ecosistemas forestales de Andalucía representan una novedad entre las publicaciones que están apareciendo sobre la valoración de los servicios de los ecosistemas en la literatura internacional especializada. El contenido de esta investigación sigue una presentación de resultados a escala de Andalucía y por especies forestales principales individuales y agregadas por formaciones vegetales. Los resultados se presentan por cuentas privadas, públicas (del gobierno) y sociales. El análisis del texto se centra en los resultados sociales. Se presentan los resultados de renta ambiental por vegetaciones clasificada en servicios de suministro de materias primas (madera, corcho, leña, frutos industriales, pastos y bellotas, agua y setas), regulación (carbono, paisaje y biodiversidad amenazada) y culturales (residenciales, caza, autoconsumo ambiental, y recreativo público).Peer reviewe


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    Tesis doctoral en período de exposición públicaDoctorado en Ciencias Económicas, Empresariales y Jurídicas (RD99/11) (8906

    Multifunctional natural forest silviculture economics revised: Challenges in meeting landowners’ and society's wants. A review

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    Aim of study: This paper objective focuses on the contribution of multifunctional natural forest silviculture, incorporating both private and public product managements, to forest and woodland economics.Area of study: Spain and California (USA)Material and methods: This conceptual article has developed a critical revision of the existing literature on the main economic issues for multifunctional natural forest silviculture in the last decades.Main results: Multifunctional natural silviculture has secular roots as a local practice, but as a science of the natural environment applied to the economic management of forest lands it is still in the process of maturation. Timber silviculture remains the central concern of forest economics investment in scientific publications. By contrast, silvicultural modeling of the natural growth of firewood, browse and other non-timber forest products from trees and shrubs receives scant attention in scientific journals. Even rarer are publications on multifunctional natural silviculture for forest and woodland managements, including environmental services geared to people’s active and passive consumption. Under this umbrella, private environmental self-consumption is represented by the amenities enjoyed by private non-industrial landowners. As for environmental public products, the most relevant are carbon, water, mushrooms, recreation, landscape and threatened biodiversity.Research highlights: This paper is a good example for the conceptual research on forestry techniques and economic concepts applied to multifunctional silviculture in Mediterranean areas of Spain and California. The combination of technical knowledge and private and public economic behaviors definitively contributes to the multifunctional management of natural forest systems.Peer reviewe