22 research outputs found

    Stabilizing Building Foundations Threatened by the Pine Hills, Florida Sinkhole

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    On June 11, 2002, a 150-foot wide and 60-foot deep sinkhole collapsed in Pine Hills, near Orlando, Florida. The Pine Hills Sinkhole was the largest sinkhole to occur in Central Florida in the past 20 years. The collapse swallowed approximately 10,000 cubic yards of earth, sidewalks, light fixtures, a sanitary sewer and several large oak trees in less than 2 hours. The rim of the sinkhole came within a few feet of the shallow foundations of 2 three-story apartment buildings. Observation and subsequent geotechnical analysis showed that the sinkhole slope supporting the buildings was subject to imminent failure, and if a slope failure were to occur, it would likely result in a complete loss of the structures. The weather forecast predicted heavy rainfall, which could further destabilize the steep sand slope. Immediate action was taken to prevent slope failure, including the rerouting of stormwater roof drains and placement of a 30 mil-thick PVC liner over the slope adjacent to the buildings. A detailed geotechnical investigation including Ground Penetration Radar, electronic Cone Penetration Test soundings and Standard Penetration Test borings was immediately implemented to develop geotechnical parameters for remedial design. Due to critical time constraints, a chemical grouting program was conducted concurrently with the investigation to provide temporary stabilization of the building foundation soils from undermining due to the adjacent sinkhole. Settlement and cracking of the building slab foundations and walls were observed within a few days after the sinkhole collapsed, and the settlement and cracking accelerated with time. The permanent design solution for stabilizing the building foundations, and adjacent sidewalks and utilities, was installation of a Giken Wall using the Press-In installation method. The 200-foot long wall was located between the sinkhole and the buildings. The wall was comprised of 3-foot diameter interlocking steel pipe piles that were 50 feet in length. The combined internal auger and Press-In installation methodology allowed the wall to be constructed adjacent to the sensitive sand slope with negligible ground disturbance. The building movement was arrested by construction of the Giken wall and the building foundation stabilization was complete within 1 month after the sinkhole occurred. The relatively minor damage to the structures was then repaired and tenants have returned to occupy the buildings

    Family-centred music therapy with preterm infants and their parents in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in Colombia – A mixed-methods study

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    This article reports a mixed-methods study of Music Therapy (MT) with preterm infants and their parents in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in Colombia. The aim was to find out whether live MT during kangaroo care had an effect on the physiological outcomes of the neonates and would help parents to decrease their anxiety levels and improve parent–infant bonding. The participants were 36 medically stable neonates born between the 28th and 34th week of gestation and their parents. The quantitative data collection included heart rate, oxygen saturation, weight gain, length of hospitalization and re-hospitalization rate. The assessment measures for anxiety and bonding were the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and the Mother-to-Infant-Bonding Scale (MIBS). Thematic analysis was used to analyse the qualitative data collected with semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. The quantitative results showed statistically significant improvements in maternal state-anxiety (p = .007) and in the babies weight gain per day during the intervention period (p = .036). Positive trends were found regarding the babies’ length of hospitalization and re-hospitalization rate. Both parents improved their scores with the MIBS, but this was not statistically significant. The qualitative analysis showed that MT was important for parental well-being, for bonding and for fostering the development of the neonates. Interacting musically with their babies helped parents to experience feelings of connectedness and to distract themselves from their difficulties and from the noisy hospital environment

    A pervasive role for biomass burning in tropical high ozone/low water structures.

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    Air parcels with mixing ratios of high O3 and low H2O (HOLW) are common features in the tropical western Pacific (TWP) mid-troposphere (300-700 hPa). Here, using data collected during aircraft sampling of the TWP in winter 2014, we find strong, positive correlations of O3 with multiple biomass burning tracers in these HOLW structures. Ozone levels in these structures are about a factor of three larger than background. Models, satellite data and aircraft observations are used to show fires in tropical Africa and Southeast Asia are the dominant source of high O3 and that low H2O results from large-scale descent within the tropical troposphere. Previous explanations that attribute HOLW structures to transport from the stratosphere or mid-latitude troposphere are inconsistent with our observations. This study suggest a larger role for biomass burning in the radiative forcing of climate in the remote TWP than is commonly appreciated.We thank L. Pan for coordinating the CONTRAST flights and her constructive criticism of an early version of the manuscript; S. Schauffler, V. Donets and R. Lueb for collecting and analysing AWAS samples; T. Robinson and O. Shieh for providing meteorology forecasts in the field; and the pilots and crews of the CAST BAe-146 and CONTRAST Gulfstream V aircrafts for their dedication and professionalism. CAST was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council; CONTRAST was funded by the National Science Foundation. Research at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, is performed under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). A number of the US-based investigators also benefitted from the support of NASA as well as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The views, opinions, and findings contained in this report are those of the author(s) and should not be construed as an official National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or US Government position, policy or decision. We would like to acknowledge high-performance computing support from Yellowstone (ark:/85065/d7wd3xhc) provided by NCAR's Computational and Information Systems Laboratory. NCAR is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms1026

    The Portland region: Where city and suburbs talk to each other ... and sometimes agree

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    Portland, OR, is often cited as an example of successful regional governance and planning. The metropolitan area appears to match many of the precepts of the popular compact city model of urban growth and to demonstrate the capacity of local and state government to shape growing metropolitan regions. Given this reputation, it is important to evaluate the relevance of the Portland experience for other communities, distinguishing unique local circumstances form generalizable characteristics. This analysis explores the spatial character of metropolitan Portland in the 1990s, summarizes the politics of regional planning, examines weaknesses in the Portland approach, and offers suggestions for other metropolitan areas. The study finds that many of Portland\u27s accomplishments center on urban design, but that the region\u27s most distinguishing characteristics is its attention to political process. The discussion concludes with suggestions about the value of extensive civic discourse,incremental policy making, and institution building

    Normal variation of magnetic resonance T1 relaxation times in the human population at 1.5 T using ShMOLLI

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    <p>Background: Quantitative T1-mapping is rapidly becoming a clinical tool in cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) to objectively distinguish normal from diseased myocardium. The usefulness of any quantitative technique to identify disease lies in its ability to detect significant differences from an established range of normal values. We aimed to assess the variability of myocardial T1 relaxation times in the normal human population estimated with recently proposed Shortened Modified Look-Locker Inversion recovery (ShMOLLI) T1 mapping technique.</p><p>Methods: A large cohort of healthy volunteers (n = 342, 50% females, age 11-69 years) from 3 clinical centres across two countries underwent CMR at 1.5T. Each examination provided a single average myocardial ShMOLLI T1 estimate using manually drawn myocardial contours on typically 3 short axis slices (average 3.4 +/- 1.4), taking care not to include any blood pool in the myocardial contours. We established the normal reference range of myocardial and blood T1 values, and assessed the effect of potential confounding factors, including artefacts, partial volume, repeated measurements, age, gender, body size, hematocrit and heart rate.</p><p>Results: Native myocardial ShMOLLI T1 was 962 +/- 25 ms. We identify the partial volume as primary source of potential error in the analysis of respective T1 maps and use 1 pixel erosion to represent "midwall myocardial" T1, resulting in a 0.9% decrease to 953 +/- 23 ms. Midwall myocardial ShMOLLI T1 was reproducible with an intra-individual, intra-and inter-scanner variability of</p><p>Conclusion: Native T1-mapping using ShMOLLI generates reproducible and consistent results in normal individuals within 2% of relative changes from the average, well below the effects of most acute forms of myocardial disease. The main potential confounder is the partial volume effect arising from over-inclusion of neighbouring tissue at the manual stages of image analysis. In the study of cardiac conditions such as diffuse fibrosis or small focal changes, the use of "myocardial midwall" T1, age and gender matching, and compensation for heart rate differences may all help to improve the method sensitivity in detecting subtle changes. As the accuracy of current T1 measurement methods remains to be established, this study does not claim to report an accurate measure of T1, but that ShMOLLI is a stable and reproducible method for T1-mapping.</p>