1,982 research outputs found

    Parallel pathways at the auditory periphery

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    A Feminist Reading of the Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao

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    In the United States, where equality is preached, a severe inequality can still be seen in the treatment of women. In Junot Diaz’s, The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, Diaz voices this inequality and discusses machismo and rape culture, exemplifying the appalling effects it has on women as well as society. Using characterization and harsh diction, Junot Diaz juxtaposes the objectification of women with its toxic properties. Diaz crafts his story in a way that confronts the frequently ignored issues of machismo, and allows his readers to see for themselves how unequal treatment of women manifests itself as venomous for society. While Junot Diaz discusses these ideologies within a Dominican Republic society, my paper spreads past these borders, and evaluates how America maintains the idea of women as objects. America displays staggering rape statistics, yet fails to follow through in efforts to alleviate and discuss this plaguing issue. The view of women as sex objects is not confine to the pages of Junot Diaz’s book, but can be seen stretching across our world today. My paper will illustrate why The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao should be viewed as a feminist text, despite its derogatory language, and will also elaborate on the crippling effects of machismo and rape culture upon equality and untainted love. This project will closely evaluate the degradation of women and illuminate why men and women must not fall silent on issues of injustice, but voice their fight for fair treatment

    Toxicological Differences Between Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Isomers Using Developmental Biomarkers

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    Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are metabolically stable synthetic chemicals that have been manufactured for commercial and industrial purposes since the 1950s. PFAS possess surfactant properties that make them ideal to fight hydrocarbon fires and are therefore present in aqueous film forming foams (AFFF). Furthermore, AFFF may contain blends of both linear and branched PFAS isomers. Research suggests that branched PFAS isomers have greater relative placental transfer efficiencies than their linear counterpart, but few studies have evaluated their toxicity. Therefore, the sustained use of AFFF in the U.S. Air Force presents a risk of branched PFAS exposures in pregnant females. This study investigated the toxicological differences between branched and linear PFAS isomers in vitro using the JEG-3 human placental cell-line as a model. Cells were exposed to linear and branched perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHXS) for 24 to 48 hours at concentrations ranging from 0.2 M to 50 M. Subsequently, changes in three specific biomarkers were examined. No significant statistical differences in cellular proliferation and cellular viability were highlighted in cells exposed to both compounds at equivalent concentrations; however, mean cell proliferation appeared greater when exposed to linear PFHxS. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation was statistically higher in JEG-3 cells exposed to branched PFHxS isomers at corresponding concentrations

    Determining Force Field Parameters Involved with Metal Organic Framework Synthesis

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    Metal organic frameworks (MOFs) are synthetic materials made of a cage-like lattice with consistently spaced pores. The size of these pores are the defining characteristic of a MOF, as it determines which gases are allowed to pass through and which can be trapped. Examples of their potential use can be greenhouse gas sequestration or storage. Currently, the synthesis of MOFs is based on trial-and-error, and the successes are not well understood. We are working on building the theoretical framework that describes how a particular MOF, MIL-101, comes together during synthesis. Our initial approach was to simulate the possible reactions with chemical kinetics through Cantera (a software suite that works through Python). To do this, a list of all possible intermediates with their thermodynamic properties is required. Another approach is to calculate the chemical force field potentials, and simulate how the atoms themselves behave during the synthesis process. For both purposes we minimized the energy of the structure of one known intermediate, called ML3 (a metal core with three linkers) through Assisted Model Building with Energy Refinement (AMBER) and with electronic structure calculations through Gaussian 09. In the end, the parameters that defined this minimized structure of ML3 were found. These can be used further to build the MIL-101 mechanism for use in Cantera, as well as the force field simulations

    Modelling and experiments of microchannels incorporating microengineered structures

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    Microreaction technology was conceived, thanks to the advances on microfabrication by the semiconductor industry. The �first applications of microchannels used for performing reactions date back to the early nineties. Since then, many conferences dedicated to this topic are held worldwide such as the International Microreaction Technology Conference (IMRET) or the International Conference on Microchannels and Minichannels. The small dimensions of the microchannels lead to very high heat and mass transfer rates, reactions are therefore performed very efficiently on these devices. However, the small dimensions of the channels lead to high pressure drops. In addition, microchannels are very susceptible to clogging. This thesis studies the e�ffect of di�fferent microchannel configurations in terms of mixing, mass transfer, residence time distribution and reaction. The objective is to design microreactors which incorporate di�fferent structures which make them efficient in terms of heat/mass transfer, but do not have the issue of high pressure drop and channel blockage

    Signal Passing Self-Assembly Simulates Tile Automata

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    The natural process of self-assembly has been studied through various abstract models due to the abundant applications that benefit from self-assembly. Many of these different models emerged in an effort to capture and understand the fundamental properties of different physical systems and the mechanisms by which assembly may occur. A newly proposed model, known as Tile Automata, offers an abstract toolkit to analyze and compare the algorithmic properties of different self-assembly systems. In this paper, we show that for every Tile Automata system, there exists a Signal-passing Tile Assembly system that can simulate it. Finally, we connect our result with a recent discovery showing that Tile Automata can simulate Amoebot programmable matter systems, thus showing that the Signal-passing Tile Assembly can simulate any Amoebot system
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