35 research outputs found

    Teaching introductory undergraduate physics using commercial video games

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    Commercial video games are increasingly using sophisticated physics simulations to create a more immersive experience for players. This also makes them a powerful tool for engaging students in learning physics. We provide some examples to show how commercial off-the-shelf games can be used to teach specific topics in introductory undergraduate physics. The examples are selected from a course taught predominantly through the medium of commercial video games

    A Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurial Approach for Business Intelligence in Strategic Technologies: Bio-Mems

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    We propose a knowledge-based entrepreneurial (KBE) approach for business intelligence in strategic technologies at industrial sectors. The KBE approach is at the convergence of business intelligence and knowledge management and is used for advising users in business decisions and potential risks. Our approach comprises both a technology roadmap model as well as a knowledge-based entrepreneurial portal for various technologies. We use the Biological-Micro-Electrical-and- Mechanical-Systems industry (Bio-MEMS) to illustrate the approach. The technology roadmap model identifies the main actors, defines their roles and specifies the issues to be addressed. It handles information about main products, market trends, companies, research centers, application domains, products, standardization, and intellectual properties issues. The portal provides knowledge about the main actors through automation facilities based on digital libraries, searching and knowledge extraction from databases, data-ware houses and the Web. We explain how the KBE is helping Bio-MEMS users in business analysis

    Repulsive photons in a quantum nonlinear medium

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    The ability to control strongly interacting light quanta (photons) is of central importance in quantum science and engineering. Recently it was shown that such strong interactions can be engineered in specially prepared quantum optical systems. Here, we demonstrate a method for coherent control of strongly interacting photons, extending quantum nonlinear optics into the domain of repulsive photons. This is achieved by coherently coupling photons to several atomic states, including strongly interacting Rydberg levels in a cold Rubidium gas. Using this approach we demonstrate both repulsive and attractive interactions between individual photons and characterize them by the measured two- and three-photon correlation functions. For the repulsive case, we demonstrate signatures of interference and self ordering from three-photon measurements. These observations open a route to study strongly interacting dissipative systems and quantum matter composed of light such as a crystal of individual photons.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Teaching introductory undergraduate Physics using commercial video games

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    Commercial video games are increasingly using sophisticated physics simulations to create a more immersive experience for players. This also makes them a powerful tool for engaging students in learning physics. We provide some examples to show how commercial off-the-shelf games can be used to teach specific topics in introductory undergraduate physics. The examples are selected from a course taught predominantly through the medium of commercial video games.Comment: Accepted to Physics Education, Fig1 does not render properly in this versio

    Scalar QED with Rydberg atoms

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    We review recent suggestions to quantum simulate scalar electrodynamics (the lattice Abelian Higgs model) in 1+11+1 dimensions with rectangular arrays of Rydberg atoms. We show that platforms made publicly available recently allow empirical explorations of the critical behavior of quantum simulators. We discuss recent progress regarding the phase diagram of two-leg ladders, effective Hamiltonian approaches and the construction of hybrid quantum algorithms targeting hadronization in collider physics event generators.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, presented at the 40th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2023

    Navigation/Prop Software Suite

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    Navigation (Nav)/Prop software is used to support shuttle mission analysis, production, and some operations tasks. The Nav/Prop suite containing configuration items (CIs) resides on IPS/Linux workstations. It features lifecycle documents, and data files used for shuttle navigation and propellant analysis for all flight segments. This suite also includes trajectory server, archive server, and RAT software residing on MCC/Linux workstations. Navigation/Prop represents tool versions established during or after IPS Equipment Rehost-3 or after the MCC Rehost

    Digital-analog quantum learning on Rydberg atom arrays

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    We propose hybrid digital-analog learning algorithms on Rydberg atom arrays, combining the potentially practical utility and near-term realizability of quantum learning with the rapidly scaling architectures of neutral atoms. Our construction requires only single-qubit operations in the digital setting and global driving according to the Rydberg Hamiltonian in the analog setting. We perform a comprehensive numerical study of our algorithm on both classical and quantum data, given respectively by handwritten digit classification and unsupervised quantum phase boundary learning. We show in the two representative problems that digital-analog learning is not only feasible in the near term, but also requires shorter circuit depths and is more robust to realistic error models as compared to digital learning schemes. Our results suggest that digital-analog learning opens a promising path towards improved variational quantum learning experiments in the near term.Comment: 22 pages, 20 figure

    Aquila: QuEra's 256-qubit neutral-atom quantum computer

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    The neutral-atom quantum computer "Aquila" is QuEra's latest device available through the Braket cloud service on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Aquila is a "field-programmable qubit array" (FPQA) operated as an analog Hamiltonian simulator on a user-configurable architecture, executing programmable coherent quantum dynamics on up to 256 neutral-atom qubits. This whitepaper serves as an overview of Aquila and its capabilities: how it works under the hood, key performance benchmarks, and examples that demonstrate some quintessential applications. This includes an overview of neutral-atom quantum computing, as well as five examples of increasing complexity from single-qubit dynamics to combinatorial optimization, implemented on Aquila. This whitepaper is intended for readers who are interested in learning more about neutral-atom quantum computing, as a guide for those who are ready to start using Aquila, and as a reference point for its performance as an analog quantum computer

    A highly conserved SOX6 double binding site mediates SOX6 gene downregulation in erythroid cells

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    The Sox6 transcription factor plays critical roles in various cell types, including erythroid cells. Sox6-deficient mice are anemic due to impaired red cell maturation and show inappropriate globin gene expression in definitive erythrocytes. To identify new Sox6 target genes in erythroid cells, we used the known repressive double Sox6 consensus within the Īµy-globin promoter to perform a bioinformatic genome-wide search for similar, evolutionarily conserved motifs located within genes whose expression changes during erythropoiesis. We found a highly conserved Sox6 consensus within the Sox6 human gene promoter itself. This sequence is bound by Sox6 in vitro and in vivo, and mediates transcriptional repression in transient transfections in human erythroleukemic K562 cells and in primary erythroblasts. The binding of a lentiviral transduced Sox6FLAG protein to the endogenous Sox6 promoter is accompanied, in erythroid cells, by strong downregulation of the endogenous Sox6 transcript and by decreased in vivo chromatin accessibility of this region to the PstI restriction enzyme. These observations suggest that the negative Sox6 autoregulation, mediated by the double Sox6 binding site within its own promoter, may be relevant to control the Sox6 transcriptional downregulation that we observe in human erythroid cultures and in mouse bone marrow cells in late erythroid maturation