8 research outputs found

    Estudio antropológico del patrimonio cultural inmaterial culinario de la zona urbana del cantón Alausi provincia de Chimborazo 2013

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    La metodología utilizada en la presente investigación es de tipo observacional y de corte transversal en el Análisis del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial Culinario de la zona urbana del Cantón Alausí provincia de Chimborazo. Mediante una investigación de campo se logró desarrollar el Registro Patrimonial Inmaterial Culinario y se trabajó con una muestra de doce encuestados que son el número de los productores de alimentos de los principales locales de comida de Alausí siendo estos: La Diligencia, Sucre, Mesón del Tren, La Fuente, Comidas Típicas, La Huiguera, El Rosal, El Trigal, Puente Negro, Mercado Central, Calle Larga, Hornados Doña Mary. Se realizaron también entrevistas a los dueños de locales con mayores años de antigüedad en la elaboración de comidas tradicionales. Como llapingachos, hornado, yahuarlocro, papas con cuy, fritada, jugo de caña, morocho, chicha y helados americanos. Se recomienda salvaguardar la gastronomía de la zona, mediante la difusión de una Guía Antropológica Culinaria del cantón, que es sin duda alguna el Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial Culinario de nuestra ciudad, de manera que cada uno de los habitantes tomemos conciencia de la riqueza infinita de que nos rodea.The methodology used in this research is observational cross- sectional and Analysis of the Intangible Cultural Heritage culinary in the urban area of Alausí in the Chimborazo province. Through a field research was achieved develop the intangible Culinary Heritage Registry and work with a sample of 12 respndents who are the number of food producers from major local food sites in Alausí these being: La Diligencia, Sucre, Mesón del Tren, La Fuente, Comidas Típicas, La Huiguera, El Rosal, El Trigal, Puente Negro, Mercado Central, Calle Larga, Hornados Doña Mary. It also conducted interviews with the owners of restaurants with more time in the field in the preparation of traditional foods. As Llapingachos, hornado, yaguarlocro, cuy whit potatoes, fritada, cane juice, morocho, american ice cream, and chicha. It is recommended to safeguard the cuisine of the area, through the dissemination of a culinary Anthropological canton´s Guide, wich is undoubtedly the culinary Intangible Cultural heritage of our city, so that each of the citizens become aware the infinite richness that surround us

    Medicinal plants from open-air markets in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil as a potential source of new antimycobacterial agents

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    AbstractEthnopharmacological relevanceSeveral medicinal plants are traditionally traded in open-air markets in Rio de Janeiro State (Brazil) to treat tuberculosis (TB) and related symptoms.Aims of the studyConduct a survey in the open-air markets of 20 cities of Rio de Janeiro State to find medicinal plants that are popularly used to treat tuberculosis and other related diseases and assess their in vitro antimycobacterial activity.Materials and methodsWe used direct observation and semi-structured interviews and asked herbalists to list species (free listing) in order to gather data about the plant species most commonly used for lung problems. We calculated a Salience Index and acquired two species of “erva-de-passarinho” (mistletoe), Struthanthus marginatus and Struthanthus concinnus (Loranthaceae), commonly used to treat tuberculosis for a bioassay-guided isolation of the antimycobacterial active principles. Extracts, fractions and isolated compounds of both species were assayed in vitro against susceptible (H37Rv) and rifampicin-resistant (ATCC 35338) Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains.ResultsFrom the interviews, we generated a list of 36 plant species belonging to 12 families. The mistletoes Struthanthus marginatus and Struthanthus concinnus showed high Salience Index values among plants used to treat tuberculosis. Bioassay-guided fractionation of hexane extracts from both species led to the isolation and/or identification of steroids and terpenoids. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of the extracts and isolated compounds ranged from 25 to 200μg/mL. Some of the isolated compounds have been previously assayed against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, others are reported here for the first time (obtusifoliol: MIC H37Rv 50μg/mL, MIC ATCC 35338 12.5μg/mL; 3-O-n-acil-lup-20(29)-en-3β,7β,15α-triol: MIC H37Rv 200μg/mL, MIC ATCC 35338 100μg/mL).ConclusionsThis study demonstrated the importance of ethnobotanical surveys in markets as a source for new drugs and also for scientific validation of folk medicine

    Antimicrobial evaluation of quinones and heterocyclic compounds against mycobacterium marinum, M. kansasii and M. abscessus

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    The resistance to antimicrobials and biocides observed in mycobacteria which do not cause tuberculosis (MNT) determines the necessity to develop drugs. The present study evaluated the activity of naphthoquinones and heterocyclic derivatives obtained from lapachol against Mycobacterium kansasii, M. marinum, and M. abscessus, through the REMA method. It was observed that lapachol was inactive against the three mycobateria species, while β-lapachone and nor-β-lapachone showed activity only against M. marinum. The most active substances for M. kansasii were the derivates 2, 3, 7, and 11, in which compound 2 (CMI = 0.96 μM) was the most active. For M. marinum, 2, 11, and 14 were the most active, while against M. abcessus the compound 3 was the only active. The results showed a wide and diversified resistance spectrum among the species studied, which could be related to the molecular structure and position of the substituting groups, indicating the potentiality of these molecules as antimicrobial prototypes.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Ser profissional de saúde residente frente à pandemia de COVID-19: relatos da vivência multiprofissional / Being a resident health professional facing the COVID-19 pandemic: reports of the multidisciplinary experience

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi levantar questões emergentes entre os profissionais de saúde residentes de primeiro e segundo ano (R1 e R2) da Residência Integrada Multiprofissional Hospitalar com Ênfase na Atenção à Saúde Cardiometabólica do Adulto (RIMHAS) ingressantes na primeira e na segunda onda da pandemia de coronavírus. Trata-se de um relato de experiência em que também se utilizou o referencial teórico-metodológico de Jorge Larrosa pela perspectiva de pensar o par experiência/sentido e o percurso metodológico traçado a partir das questões “O profissional de saúde residente”; “Sobre anseios, dificuldades e incertezas”; “Pontos positivos? Experiência, aprendizado, maturidade profissional”; “Como será o amanhã?: prospectivo na pandemia de COVID-19”. A partir dos relatos e reflexões expostas pelos residentes multiprofissionais pode-se perceber que a pandemia de COVID-19 impactou suas vivências profissionais trazendo fragilidades no aprendizado teórico-prático, por outro lado trouxe a experiência e maturidade profissional de como atuar nos diferentes contextos e limitações.

    Áreas verdes y arbolado en la zona urbana del cantón Jipijapa

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    The urban green and wooded areas fulfil undisputed ecological and environmental functions, such is the importance of them that a rational and adequate management is fundamental, especially, on the alignment trees, being these the ones that suffer the most hostile and neglected situations. In spite of their effectiveness in increasing environmental quality, there are few studies that focus on evaluating trees and green areas in urban areas in the province of Manabí. The objective of the research was to evaluate the woodland in the urban zone of Jipijapa canton, with an area of 16,473 m2, where a census of the existing parks was made, and an inventory of the forest species was also elaborated. For this, it was considered that parks are clearly delimited public spaces, dominated by tree vegetation and intended as public green areas. In the study, we obtained dasometric information on the trees of the 10 existing public parks in the canton; we applied the cartographic analysis from the elaboration of maps, based on the georeferencing of the green areas, which helped us to interpret the total number of trees in each park and we determined the value index of ecological importance of the tree species found in the study area, where the species Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (NEEN) was the most representative with 52.22 % and the Citrus limon L. (LEMON) with 1.68 %, the least representativeLas áreas verdes y arbolados urbanos cumplen funciones ecológicas y ambientales indiscutibles, tal es la importancia de ellos que es fundamental una gestión racional y adecuada, especialmente, sobre los árboles de alineación, siendo estos los que sufren las situaciones más hostiles y de descuido. A pesar de su eficacia para aumentar la calidad ambiental existen pocos estudios enfocados en realizar valoraciones a los arbolados y áreas verdes en las zonas urbanas de la provincia de Manabí. El objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar el arbolado en la zona urbana del cantón Jipijapa, con un área de 16,473 m2, donde se realizó un censo de los parques existentes, también se elaboró un inventario de las  especies forestales. Para esto, se consideró que los parques son espacios públicos claramente delimitados, dominados por vegetaciones arbóreas y destinadas como áreas verdes públicas. En el estudio se obtuvo la información dasométrica de los árboles de los 10 parques públicos existentes en el cantón; se aplicó el análisis cartográfico a partir de la elaboración de  mapas, con base en la georreferenciación de las áreas verdes, que nos ayudó a la interpretación total del arbolado por cada parque y se determinó el índice de valor de importancia ecológica de las especies arbóreas encontradas en la zona de estudio, donde la especie Azadirachta indica  A. Juss. (NEEN) fue la más representativa con 52.22 % y el Citrus limon L. (LIMÓN) con 1.68 %, la menos representativa