1,530 research outputs found

    Una obra documentada d'Aloi de Montbrai : la marededéu dels Prats de Rei. Noves vies per a l'estudi de l'escultor francès

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    L'any 1340 els síndics i jurats de Patrorum van encarregar al mestre Aloi la confecció d'una marededéu d'alabastre. Probablement, aquesta escultura és la Verge que es venera a l'església parroquial dels Prats de Rei (Anoia). L'estil i la iconografia de la marededéu presenten clares analogies amb la imatgeria mariana francesa, fet que porta a apuntar que Aloi de Montbrai és l'introductor d'un model marià francès en l'estatuària tres-centista catalana.In 1340 the sindics and officials of Patrorum charged master Aloi with the task of producing a Virgin Mary stone. Probably, this sculpture is the Virgin which is venerated in the parish church of Prats de Rei (Anoia). The style and iconography of the Virgin Mary show clear similarities with the marian French production of images. This fact indicates that Aloi of Montbrai is the figure who introduced a new marian French model in fourteenth Catalan sculpture

    La verònica de Madona Santa Maria i la processó de la Puríssima organitzada per Martí l'Humà

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    A final de 1397 Martí I es compromet a deixar la «molt devota veronica de madona Santa Maria» per la processó que, a Barcelona, commemorava la Immaculada Concepció de Maria. Sembla que la verònica del rei Martí fou el punt de partida d'un seguit de reliquiaris que contenien la santa faç de Maria, documentats al llarg dels segles XV i XVI a Catalunya, València i Mallorca. Diverses notícies semblen confirmar que la verònica de la Verge va servir, de vegades, d'imatge simbòlica de la Puríssima.At the end of 1397, king Martin I compromises himself lo lend the «molt devota veronica de madona Santa Maria» for the procession which conmemorates the Inmaculate Concepction of the Virgin Mary in Barcelona. It is likely that the Veronica from king Martin was the starting point of a series of reliquiaries which had engraved on them the face of Our Lady and which were documented along the 15th and 16th centuries. Evidence seems to ensure that the image of the Virgin eas occasionally used as a symbolic image of the Inmaculate Conception

    Gender Pay Differences in the European Union: Do Higher Wages Make Up For Discrimination?

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    This paper explores the role of social interactions at the work floor for understanding gender pay differences in the EU. Using data from the Fourth European Working Conditions Survey, we find that sex similarity of subordinate and supervisor decreases the pay disadvantage for women in non-managerial occupations, though working for a female boss is associated with a lower wage than working for a man. This may point at a ‘discrimination-for-pay’ effect. Female workers can avoid part of the discrimination against them by working for a woman and accepting lower pay. And when they face stronger discrimination in the situation of a male supervisor, they are ‘bribed’ by being offered a higher salary. Different results are obtained for managerial workers where sex similarity of worker and superior actually puts women at a further disadvantage. In addition to effects of vertical gender segregation, we examine whether wage formation is influenced by the proportion of women per sector (i.e., horizontal segregation), but find only weak support for the so-called social bias theory. Our main message is that while the traditional human capital model tends to study the wage formation process in isolation, gender pay differentials can also be seen as a social phenomenon, stemming from social interactions in labor markets

    Designing a template bank to observe compact binary coalescences in Advanced LIGO's second observing run

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    We describe the methodology and novel techniques used to construct a set of waveforms, or template bank, applicable to searches for compact binary coalescences in Advanced LIGO's second observing run. This template bank is suitable for observing systems composed of two neutron stars, two black holes, or a neutron star and a black hole. The Post-Newtonian formulation is used to model waveforms with total mass less than 4 MM_{\odot} and the most recent effective-one-body model, calibrated to numerical relativity to include the merger and ringdown, is used for total masses greater than 4 MM_{\odot}. The effects of spin precession, matter, orbital eccentricity and radiation modes beyond the quadrupole are neglected. In contrast to the template bank used to search for compact binary mergers in Advanced LIGO's first observing run, here we are including binary-black-hole systems with total mass up to several hundreds of solar masses, thereby improving the ability to observe such systems. We introduce a technique to vary the starting frequency of waveform filters so that our bank can simultaneously contain binary-neutron-star and high-mass binary-black hole waveforms. We also introduce a lower-bound on the filter waveform length, to exclude very short-duration, high-mass templates whose sensitivity is strongly reduced by the characteristics and performance of the interferometers

    Practical approximation scheme for the pion dynamics in the three-nucleon system

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    We discuss a working approximation scheme to a recently developed formulation of the coupled piNNN-NNN problem. The approximation scheme is based on the physical assumption that, at low energies, the 2N-subsystem dynamics in the elastic channel is conveniently described by the usual 2N-potential approach, while the explicit pion dynamics describes small, correction-type effects. Using the standard separable-expansion method, we obtain a dynamical equation of the Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas (AGS) type. This is an important result, because the computational techniques used for solving the normal AGS equation can also be used to describe the pion dynamics in the 3N system once the matrix dimension is increased by one component. We have also shown that this approximation scheme treats the conventional 3N problem once the pion degrees of freedom are projected out. Then the 3N system is described with an extended AGS-type equation where the spin-off of the pion dynamics (beyond the 2N potential) is taken into account in additional contributions to the driving term. These new terms are shown to reproduce the diagrams leading to modern 3N-force models. We also recover two sets of irreducible diagrams that are commonly neglected in 3N-force discussions, and conclude that these sets should be further investigated, because a claimed cancellation is questionable.Comment: 18 pages, including 5 figures, RevTeX, Eps

    La iglesia del monasterio de Sant Pere de les Puel·les a través de la visita pastoral de la abadesa Violant d’Espés (1585-1587)

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    The church of the convent of Sant Pere de les Puel·les (Barcelona), consecrated in 1145, is one of the few Romanesque churches preserved in Barcelona and, unfortunately, a building little studied due to the profound transformations that it underwent in the 19th and 20th centuries. A pastoral visit to the church and to the two sacristies carried out by Abbess Violant d’Espés in 1585-1587 allows us to appreciate the spaces, the furniture and fi ttings and the rich liturgical objects of the Romanesque church in detail and, at the same time, to understand the scope of the architectural interventions that modified the structure of the church in the 15th century.La iglesia del monasterio de Sant Pere de les Puel·les (Barcelona), consagrada en 1145, es uno de los escasos templos románicos conservados en Barcelona y, lamentablemente, un edificio poco estudiado debido a las profundas transformaciones que sufrió en los siglos XIX y XX. Una visita pastoral a la iglesia y a las dos sacristías realizada por la abadesa Violant d’Espés en 1585-1587 permite conocer con detalle los espacios, el mobiliario y el rico ajuar litúrgico del templo románico y, al mismo tiempo, comprender el alcance de las intervenciones arquitectónicas que modificaron la estructura de la iglesia en el siglo XV

    Why is the three-nucleon force so odd?

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    By considering a class of diagrams which has been overlooked also in the most recent literature on three-body forces, we extract a new contribution to the three-nucleon interaction which specifically acts on the triplet odd states of the two nucleon subsystem. In the static approximation, this 3N-force contribution is fixed by the underlying 2N interaction, so in principle there are no free parameters to adjust. The 2N amplitude however enters in the 3NF diagram in a form which cannot be directly accessed or constrained by NN phase-shift analysis. We conclude that this new 3N-force contribution provides a mechanism which implies that the presence of the third nucleon modifies the p-wave (and possibly the f-wave) components of the 2N subsystem in the triplet-isotriplet channels.Comment: 10 Pages, 7 figures, RevTeX, twocolumn, epsf (updated version with minor changes