8 research outputs found

    Worldwide Distribution of Major Clones of Listeria monocytogenes

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    Listeria monocytogenes is worldwide a pathogen, but the geographic distribution of clones remains largely unknown. Genotyping of 300 isolates from the 5 continents and diverse sources showed the existence of few prevalent and globally distributed clones, some of which include previously described epidemic clones. Cosmopolitan distribution indicates the need for genotyping standardization

    DNA barcoding post-larvae can improve the knowledge about fish biodiversity: an example from La Reunion, SW Indian Ocean

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    International audienceThe aim of this study was to demonstrate that fish larvae identified using their COI sequences offer a unique opportunity for improving the knowledge of local fish richness. Fish larvae were sampled at the end of their pelagic phase using light-traps set off the West Coast of La Reunion Island, southwestern Indian Ocean, once per month from October 2014 to March 2015. Among the 5174 larvae caught, 214 morphologically different specimens were selected, 196 successfully barcoded, giving a total of 101 different Barcode Index Numbers (BINs). Among these BINs, 55 had never been recorded in La Reunion exclusive economic zone (EEZ), and 13 were new for the BOLD database. Even if the sampling effort for collecting fish post-larvae during this study was relatively low, it allowed adding at least nine new species to an updated checklist of fishes of La Reunion EEZ

    “Epidemic Clones” of Listeria monocytogenes Are Widespread and Ancient Clonal Groups

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    International audienceThe food-borne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes is genetically heterogeneous. Although some clonal groups have been implicated in multiple outbreaks, there is currently no consensus on how "epidemic clones" should be defined. The objectives of this work were to compare the patterns of sequence diversity on two sets of genes that have been widely used to define L. monocyto-genes clonal groups: multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and multi-virulence-locus sequence typing (MvLST). Further, we evaluated the diversity within clonal groups by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Based on 125 isolates of diverse temporal, geographical , and source origins, MLST and MvLST genes (i) had similar patterns of sequence polymorphisms, recombination, and selection, (ii) provided concordant phylogenetic clustering, and (iii) had similar discriminatory power, which was not improved when we combined both data sets. Inclusion of representative strains of previous outbreaks demonstrated the correspondence of epidemic clones with previously recognized MLST clonal complexes. PFGE analysis demonstrated heterogeneity within major clones, most of which were isolated decades before their involvement in outbreaks. We conclude that the "epidemic clone" denominations represent a redundant but largely incomplete nomenclature system for MLST-defined clones, which must be regarded as successful genetic groups that are widely distributed across time and space

    Optimized Multilocus Variable-Number Tandem-Repeat Analysis Assay and Its Complementarity with Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis and Multilocus Sequence Typing for Listeria monocytogenes Clone Identification and Surveillance

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    International audiencePopulations of the food-borne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes are genetically structured into a small number of major clonal groups, some of which have been implicated in multiple outbreaks. The goal of this study was to develop and evaluate an optimized multilocus variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) analysis (MLVA) subtyping scheme for strain discrimination and clonal group identification. We evaluated 18 VNTR loci and combined the 11 best ones into two multiplexed PCR assays (MLVA-11). A collection of 255 isolates representing the diversity of clonal groups within phylogenetic lineages I and II, including representatives of epidemic clones, were analyzed by MLVA-11, multilocus sequence typing (MLST), and pulsed-field gel electropho-resis (PFGE). MLVA-11 had less discriminatory power than PFGE, except for some clones, and was unable to distinguish some epidemiologically unrelated isolates. Yet it distinguished all major MLST clones and therefore constitutes a rapid method to identify epidemiologically relevant clonal groups. Given its high reproducibility and high throughput, MLVA represents a very attractive first-line screening method to alleviate the PFGE workload in outbreak investigations and listeriosis surveillance. L isteriosis is a food-borne infection caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes. Invasive forms of human listeriosis include septicemia, meningitis, and maternal-fetal infections (1). Listeriosis is associated with high hospitalization and fatality rates (almost 100% and 25 to 30%, respectively). Populations at risk include pregnant women, immunocompromised individuals, and the elderly. L. monocytogenes is widely present in the environment, including soil, water, vegetation, and silage, as well as in animals and animal-derived food, and can contaminate food in processing plants and retail establishments. L. monocytogenes is recognized as a public health issue and a serious challenge for the food industry, and this has led to the establishment of national surveillance systems in several countries. L. monocytogenes also stands out as a model system in the fields of microbiology, cell biology, and im-munology and for the study of host-pathogen interactions (2-5). L. monocytogenes strain characterization on the basis of sero-typing and molecular typing methods is used for surveillance, epidemiological tracking, and outbreak investigation purposes (6, 7). Genetic variants of L. monocytogenes have diversified into four major phylogenetic lineages, with lineages 1 and 2 each containing multiple clonal groups of public health importance (8-14). As these groups appear to differ in virulence and epidemic potential (6, 15), it will be interesting to better define their epidemiological, clinical, and microbiological specificities. For this purpose, tools for the easy identification of clonal groups are needed to recognize such groups and determine their presence in a large variety of sources. Several typing methods are currently available for L. monocytogenes strains. Conventional serotyping (16) and its molecular proxy PCR serogrouping (17) discriminate major categories of strains that correlate strongly (albeit not totally) with lin-eages and clones (11, 12, 14), but these methods do not have the necessary discriminatory power in the context of outbreak investigations. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) is established as the gold standard for L. monocytogenes strain subtyping and is widely used for listeriosis surveillance and outbreak investigations (18). Yet, PFGE presents several practical disadvantages, as it is time-consuming and requires stringent standardization for inter-laboratory data comparison. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) is a well-established reference method for global epidemiology and population biology (19, 20), as it renders interlaboratory genotype comparisons easy and unambiguous and as sequence data can be used to infer useful population genetic information such as amounts of genetic diversity, recombination rates, and strain phy-logeny. MLST also provides backward compatibility with genome sequencing (21). However, MLST is neither rapid nor cheap and has limited discriminatory power within L. monocytogenes (12, 22). Given the current limitations of available methods for L. monocytogenes strain typing, a potentially useful complementary approach is multilocus variable number of tandem repeat

    Whole genome-based population biology and epidemiological surveillance of Listeria monocytogenes

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    International audienceListeria monocytogenes (Lm) is a major human foodborne pathogen. Numerous Lm outbreaks have been reported worldwide and associated with a high case fatality rate, reinforcing the need for strongly coordinated surveillance and outbreak control. We developed a universally applicable genome-wide strain genotyping approach and investigated the population diversity of Lm using 1,696 isolates from diverse sources and geographical locations. We define, with unprecedented precision, the population structure of Lm, demonstrate the occurrence of international circulation of strains and reveal the extent of heterogeneity in virulence and stress resistance genomic features among clinical and food isolates. Using historical isolates, we show that the evolutionary rate of Lm from lineage I and lineage II is low (∼2.5 × 10-7 substitutions per site per year, as inferred from the core genome) and that major sublineages (corresponding to so-called 'epidemic clones') are estimated to be at least 50-150 years old. This work demonstrates the urgent need to monitor Lm strains at the global level and provides the unified approach needed for global harmonization of Lm genome-based typing and population biology