95 research outputs found

    Estructura de costos, eficiencia técnica y productividad : el caso de las manufacturas mexicanas

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    Tesis (Maestría en Economía con Especialidad en Economía Industrial) UANLUANLhttp://www.uanl.mx

    Evaluación de un alimento iniciador extruido y la inclusión de CRINA® en el desarrollo ruminal de becerros mediante biopsias endoscópicas

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    La implementación de un procedimiento menos invasivo para la obtención de muestras de tejido ruminal en becerros, y la evaluación de un alimento iniciador extruido, fueron los principales objetivos de este trabajo. Veinticuatro becerros de cruza Brangus con Charbray de aproximadamente 2 a 4 semanas de edad, fueron asignados a uno de cuatro tratamientos: iniciador en harina sin CRINA® (AE; aceites esenciales), iniciador en harina con CRINA®, iniciador extruido sin CRINA®, e iniciador extruido con CRINA®. Variables de desempeño y medidas corporales fueron obtenidas. Al final del estudio, biopsias de tejido ruminal se realizaron mediante endoscopía para medir la altura, anchura y superficie de las papilas ruminales. Muestras del líquido ruminal fueron colectadas con una sonda estomacal para determinar el pH y las concentraciones de ácidos grasos volátiles (AGV). No se obtuvo una diferencia (P > 0.05) en el consumo entre los iniciadores en harina y extruido, sin embargo, se pudo observar una disminución (P = 0.053) del consumo de leche con la adición de CRINA®. La inclusión de CRINA® redujo el peso final (P = 0.03), la ganancia diaria de peso (P = 0.024), la circunferencia torácica (P = 0.004), y empeoró la conversión alimenticia (P = 0.047). La extrusión del alimento iniciador aumentó la altura (P = 0.005), anchura (P = 0.036), y superficie (P = 0.02) de las papilas ruminales. Sin embargo, la inclusión de CRINA® en los alimentos iniciadores redujo estas variables. El proceso de extrusión del alimento iniciador redujo (P = 0.025) el pH del líquido ruminal de los becerros en comparación con el iniciador en harina, mientras que la inclusión de CRINA® no afectó el pH ruminal. No se encontró un efecto (P > 0.05) de la forma física o de la inclusión de CRINA® en la concentración o el porciento molar de los AGV. En conclusión, la extrusión del alimento iniciador mejoró el desarrollo ruminal de los becerros, sin embargo, no se observó un beneficio de la inclusión de AE. En este estudio, la efectividad de los AE pudo haber sido afectada por el proceso de extrusión, por lo que más estudios deben realizarse para determinar si la adición de AE después de este proceso, pudiera mejorar el desarrollo ruminal y desempeño productivo de becerros pre-rumiantes. Abstract The implementation of a less invasive procedure to obtain samples of ruminal tissue in calves, and the evaluation of the extrusion process of a starter feed, were the main objectives of this work. Twenty-four Brangus Charbray crossbred calves, approximately 2 to 4 weeks of age, were assigned to one of four treatments: meal starter without CRINA® (EO; essential oils), meal starter with CRINA®, extruded starter without CRINA®, and extruded starter with CRINA®. Performance variables and body measurements were obtained. At the end of the study, rumen biopsies were performed by endoscopy to measure the height, width, and surface of rumen papillae. Samples of the ruminal fluid were collected using a stomach probe to determine rumen pH and concentrations of volatile fatty acids (VFA). No difference (P > 0.05) was observed in feed consumption between the meal and extruded starters, however, a decrease (P = 0.053) in the milk intake was observed with the addition of CRINA®. The inclusion of CRINA® reduced final weight (P = 0.03), daily weight gain (P = 0.024), thoracic circumference (P = 0.004), and worsened feed conversion efficiency (P = 0.047). With the extruded starter feeds, increases in height (P = 0.005), width (P = 0.036), and surface (P = 0.02) of the ruminal papillae were observed. However, the inclusion of CRINA® in the starter feeds reduced these variables. Calves fed the extruded starters had lower (P = 0.025) rumen fluid pH compared to calves supplemented the meal starter treatment. However, the inclusion of CRINA® did not affect ruminal pH of the calves. No effect (P > 0.05) of the physical form or the inclusion of CRINA® was found on VFA concentrations or molar percentages. In conclusion, the extrusion of the starter feed improved ruminal development of calves, however, no benefit was observed with the inclusion of EO. In this study, the effectiveness of the EO could have been affected by the extrusion process, therefore, more studies should be conducted to determine if the addition of EO after this process could improve ruminal development and productive performance of pre-ruminant calves

    Factores que se aplican para la atracción y retención de personal en organizaciones grandes de manufactura del estado de Nuevo León

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    El presente proyecto de campo habla acerca de los factores que existen en organizaciones para la atracción y retención del personal. Por lo tanto, lo primero que se hizo fue hacernos las preguntas: • ¿Existen factores específicos por los cuales el personal permanece en las organizaciones grandes de manufactura del Estado de Nuevo León? • ¿Cuáles son los factores menos relevantes por los que el personal permanece en las organizaciones grandes de manufactura? Esto se hizo con el fin de tener una guía que nos impidiera desviamos a lo largo de este proyecto. Después de plantearnos las interrogantes anteriores, se pasó a determinar el objetivo del proyecto, el cual fue identificar los factores críticos de atracción de personal que emplean las empresas de manufactura para captar y retener el capital humano, esto seguido de la justificación del proyecto. La fase siguiente a los objetivos y a la justificación fue la construcción del marco teórico, buscando todo aquel material bibliográfico que sirviera para el sustento del mismo, pasando por temas como el Capital Intelectual, y su importancia en la organización, Planeación Estratégica de Recursos Humanos, Gestión del Talento, et


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    Se realizo un estudio de 69 mujeres potencialmente gestantes del Area Metropolitana deMonterrey, en el Estado de Nuevo León durante el período de Septiembre a Noviembre del 2000para determinar la concentración de plomo en sangre. Las concentraciones de plomo de lapoblación estudiada, correspondió un promedio de plomo en sangre de 4.2 gr/dl. El 4.3% de lasmujeres potencialmente gestantes estudiadas manifestaron concentraciones de plomo en sangrepor encima del criterio establecido por el Centro de Control de Enfermedades (CDC) en Atlanta,Georgia (Estados Unidos) de 10 gr/dl de sangre; y el 100% de ellas por debajo del límiteestablecido por la NOM EM 004 SSA1-1999 de 25 gr/dl de sangre.AbstractOne carries out a study of 69 women of the Metropolitan Area of Monterrey, in the State of NuevoLeón during the period of September to November of the 2000 to determine the lead concentrationin blood. The concentrations of the studied population's lead, it corresponded a lead average inblood of 4.2 mgr/dl. 4.3% of the women studied manifested lead concentrations in blood above theapproach settled down by the Center of Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia (United States)of 10 mgr/dl of blood; and 100% of them below the limit settled down by the NOM EM 004 SSA1-1999 of 25 mgr/dl of blood.Palabras clave: Contaminación, Plomo, Mujeres, México, Monterrey, Contamination, Lead, Wome

    Interventional Techniques for Head and Neck Cancer Pain

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    One of the most feared consequences of cancer is the possibility of severe and uncontrolled pain in patients with advanced cancer. Patients with head and neck cancer (HNC) have the highest prevalence of pain among patients with cancer,and it is often one of the major reasons for seeking care. A subspecialty approach that incorporates anatomical and technical knowledge to alleviate pain through minimally invasive procedures is relatively recent. The purpose of this chapter is to present different interventional techniques which are used for the treatment of pain in HNC patients when drug treatment is unsuccessful

    Analysis of a new begomovirus unveils a composite element conserved in the CP gene promoters of several Geminiviridae genera: Clues to comprehend the complex regulation of late genes

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    "A novel bipartite begomovirus, Blechum interveinal chlorosis virus (BleICV), was characterized at the genome level. Comparative analyses revealed that BleICV coat protein (CP) gene promoter is highly divergent from the equivalent region of other begomoviruses (BGVs), with the single exception of Tomato chino La Paz virus (ToChLPV) with which it shares a 23-bp phylogenetic footprint exhibiting dyad symmetry. Systematic examination of the homologous CP promoter segment of 132 New World BGVs revealed the existence of a quasi-palindromic DNA segment displaying a strongly conserved ACTT-(N7)-AAGT core. The spacer sequence between the palindromic motifs is constant in length, but its sequence is highly variable among viral species, presenting a relaxed consensus (TT)GGKCCCY, which is similar to the Conserved Late Element or CLE (GTGGTCCC), a putative TrAP-responsive element. The homologous CP promoter region of Old World BGVs exhibited a distinct organization, with the putative TATA-box overlapping the left half of the ACTT-N7 composite element. Similar CP promoter sequences, dubbed “TATA-associated composite element” or TACE, were found in viruses belonging to different Geminiviridae genera, hence hinting unsuspected evolutionary relationships among those lineages. To get cues about the TACE function, the regulatory function of the CLE was explored in distinct experimental systems. Transgenic tobacco plants harboring a GUS reporter gene driven by a promoter composed by CLE multimers expressed high beta-glucuronidase activity in absence of viral factors, and that expression was increased by begomovirus infection. On the other hand, the TrAP-responsiveness of a truncated CP promoter of Tomato golden mosaic virus (TGMV) was abolished by site-directed mutation of the only CLE present in it, whereas the artificial addition of one CLE to the -125 truncated promoter strongly enhanced the transactivation level in tobacco protoplasts. These results indicate that the CLE is a TrAP-responsive element, hence providing valuable clues to interpret the recurrent association of the CLE with the TACE. On the basis of the aforesaid direct evidences and the insights afforded by the extensive comparative analysis of BleICV CP promoter, we propose that the TACE might be involved in the TrAP-mediated derepression of CP gene in vascular tissues.


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    En el presente estudio se evaluó la relación entre la ingesta de calcio y hierro con los niveles deplomo en sangre en mujeres potencialmente gestantes. La investigación se desarrollo en el ÁreaMetropolitana de Monterrey, N.L.., México. Se considero a 69 mujeres de entre 19 a 24 años deedad, a las cuales se les tomo una muestra de sangre y se le valoro sus hábitos alimentariosmediante una frecuencia alimentaria. La media de plomo sanguíneo fue 4.52 m gr/dl (rango de 1.5a 16.6). Se observo una tendencia estadísticamente significativa de disminución del riesgo depresentar niveles de plomo altos al incrementarse el consumo de calcio; no así con respecto alconsumo de hierro.AbstractTo evaluate the relation between calcium and iron intake and blood lead levels in women ofreproductive age living in Monterrey, Mexico. Blood lead assayed in 69 women of 19 to 24 years ofage. By interrogation, the calcium and iron intake was calculated from frequency of consumption.The mean blood lead was 4.52 (range 1.5 to 16.6). It observed statistically significant decreasingtrend between the risk high levels of lead and the increase in calcium intake; however it is notstatistically significant by intake iron.Palabras calve: Epidemiología, dieta, calcio, plomo en sangre, Epidemiology, diet, calcium, blood lea

    Synergistic Antimicrobial Effects of Silver/Transition-metal Combinatorial Treatments

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    Due to the emergence of multi-drug resistant strains, development of novel antibiotics has become a critical issue. One promising approach is the use of transition metals, since they exhibit rapid and significant toxicity, at low concentrations, in prokaryotic cells. Nevertheless, one main drawback of transition metals is their toxicity in eukaryotic cells. Here, we show that the barriers to use them as therapeutic agents could be mitigated by combining them with silver. We demonstrate that synergism of combinatorial treatments (Silver/transition metals, including Zn, Co, Cd, Ni, and Cu) increases up to 8-fold their antimicrobial effect, when compared to their individual effects, against E. coli and B. subtilis. We find that most combinatorial treatments exhibit synergistic antimicrobial effects at low/ non-toxic concentrations to human keratinocyte cells, blast and melanoma rat cell lines. Moreover, we show that silver/(Cu, Ni, and Zn) increase prokaryotic cell permeability at sub-inhibitory concentrations, demonstrating this to be a possible mechanism of the synergistic behavior. Together, these results suggest that these combinatorial treatments will play an important role in the future development of antimicrobial agents and treatments against infections. In specific, the cytotoxicity experiments show that the combinations have great potential in the treatment of topical infections