67 research outputs found

    Formaciones boscosas en Sierra Morena oriental (Andalucía, España).

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    En el presente trabajo se estudia la fitosociología de los bosques localizados en Sierra Morena Oriental (comarca de Andújar, Jaén, Andalucía), comentando las siguientes asociaciones: Pyre bourgaeanae-Quercetum rotundifoliae Rivas Martínez 1987 (de la que se proponen como nuevas la subas. quercetosum fugineae Velasco ex Cano & Valle y myrtetosum communi.s Cano & Valle); Sanguisorbo agrimonioidis-Quercetum suberis Rivas Goday 1959 y Arbolo unedonis-Quercetum pyrenaicae Rivas Goday ex Rivas Martínez 1987, de la que se describe como nueva la subas. blechnetosum spicantis Cano & Valle.In this paper we have studied the phytosociology of the forests wich are located in east Sierra Morena (Jaén, Andalucía), proposing the following syntaxa as new: Pyre bourgaeanae-Quercetum rotundifoliae Rivas Martínez 1987 subas. quercetosum fagineae Velasco ex Cano & Valle and myrtetosum communis Cano & Valle, and Arbuto unedonis-Quercetum pyrenaicae Rivas Goday ex Rivas Martínez 1987 subas. blechnetosum spicantis Cano & Valle

    Biogeographical Areas of Hispaniola (Dominican Republic, Republic of Haiti)

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    The island of Hispaniola is located between parallels 17 and 19 N and forms part of the Greater Antilles group in the Caribbean region. It covers an area of 76,484 km2 and has the highest altitudes in the whole Caribbean region. The island consists of two countries: the Dominican Republic and the Republic of Haiti. The flora of both countries has been studied in depth by Liogier and several authors from the Dr. Rafael Ma. Moscoso National Botanical Garden in Santo Domingo; this has enabled us to examine the distribution of 1582 endemic species in 19 areas and several important endemic habitats for conservation: Lepotogono buchii‐Leptochloopsietum virgatae;Crotono astrophori‐Leptochloopsietum virgatae;Melocacto pedenalensi‐Leptochloopsietum virgatae and Solano microphylli‐Leptochloopsietum virgatae pine forests on serpentine belonging to the association Leptogono buchii‐Pinetum occidentalis and high‐mountain pine forests: Dendropemom phycnophylli‐Pinetum occidentalis and Cocotrino scopari‐Pinetum occidentalis. Some dry forest communities are of interest, including Chrysophyllo oliviformi‐Sideroxyletum salicifolii and Zamio debilis‐Metopietum toxiferi. Based on the floristic analysis and the vegetation study, a biogeographical typology for the island, in which we propose 19 biogeographical areas (BA) has been established

    Formaciones de "Antirrhinum majus" en los territorios hispalenses

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    Stands of Antirrhinum majus in the Hispalense sectorPalabras clave. Asociación, sintaxonomia, corología, sur Península Ibérica, Echio boissieri-Antirrhinetum majii.Key words. Association, syntaxonomy, chorology, south of the Iberian Peninsula, Echio boissieri-Antirrhinetum majii