63 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations and N=1 Superconformal Algebra

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    By using AKNS scheme and soliton connection taking values in N=1 superconformal algebra we obtain new coupled super Nonlinear Schrodinger equations.Comment: 12 pages, no figures, LaTex fil

    Höflichkeit als ein Schnittstellenphänomen im Rahmen der öffentlichen und wissenschaftlichen Diskussion [Rezension]

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    Rezension zu Claus Erhardt et al. (Hrsg.), Sprachliche Höflichkeit zwischen Etikette und kommunikativer Kompeten

    Investigation of the Suitability of a Pipe Stock Site in Terms of Geotechnical Characterization and Engineering Design Parameters Considering the Economic Aspects

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    G eotechnical investigations are generally site specific and the parameters variate spatially and sometimes temporally due to meteorological events and earth dynamics. In this study, the suitability of an inert area to utilize a pipe stock site under a natural gas pipeline project was investigated, while considering the economic yield. Within the context of this study, office works and field works are performed. Geotechnical data are collected during the field work in order to assess sub-surface conditions, prevailing under the proposed loads or pipe batch structures. Under field works, drilling operations, in –situ testing are performed. Assessment of the collected sub-surface data and its interpretation are realized within the office works. In other respects, rentability is one of the main parameters controlling the feasibility of the project in engineering. In this study, the bearing capacity of the soil profile and the liquefaction potential of the investigated area are enlightened and the suitability of the study area for the project is evaluated by comparing it with the various alternatives of soil remediation techniques and the consideration of their costs. As a result of this study, it is revealed that the soil remediation costs are much more than port storage renting fee

    Determination of the dam axis permeability for the design and the optimization of grout curtain: An example from Orhanlar Dam (Kütahya-Pazarlar)

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    Rural projects become an important issue considering the rapid increase of population in Turkey. Alongside the contribution to the national economy, dams serve as an environmental structure, which are utilized in flood prevention, sustainable energy, fighting with forest fire and recreation. However, dam construction must be well planned and projected to minimize the unexpected events such as water leakage. This study comprise the geotechnical studies and the design of the planned grout curtain in Orhanlar Dam (Kütahya/Pazarlar). In this context, field and laboratory studies was realized in Orhanlar Dam axis and reservoir area. Within the scope of field studies, engineering geology map was generated, a suitable axis location was specified for the dam and drilling and in-situ testing was realized. Within the field studies, the joint conditions of the geological units under the dam axis and its effect on permeability was observed. For the geotechnical purposes drilling works performed during the planning stage, 5 boreholes total 166 m was realized on dam axis, 1 borehole total 10 m was realized on cofferdam, 1 borehole total 10 m was realized on diversion tunnel and 1 borehole total 10 m was realized on spillway. To determine the permeability profile on dam axis and design the grout curtain, Lugeon tests in Dağardı ophioloitic melange units observed in dam axis, falling head permeability tests in alluviums observed in thalveg and slope debris observed in right abutment were performed. As a result of these studies geotechnical information about the permeability of Orhanlar Dam was collected and the grout curtain hole was designed

    Rethinking of instructional short movies and videos: An evaluation the instructional short movie and video competition

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    In this study; the short films and videos taking part in National Instructional Short Film and Video Contest held in Kırıkkale University are evaluated in terms of some variables such as; the departments of the teacher candidates, whether the product is video or film. Quantitative methods were used in the study. The research method of the study is descriptive method. Quantitative data was obtained by using Short Movie and Video Assessment Scale prepared by the researchers the rubric consists of four sub-titles, the usage of audio-visual elements, focusing the aims and objectives, selection and presentation of the content, taking target group into consideration. There are 20 items in the scale. Each item can be graded between 1 -10 and the arithmetic mean of the items gives the total point of the films. All of the 47 films taking part in the contest were evaluated. According to the results, these films and videos are graded as average. Besides this, there are no significant difference between instructional short film and videos in terms of technical aspects, content, aims and objectives; but for the target group/audience, videos are graded as more effective than short films. In addition, the scores of the instructional short films and videos prepared by the students in Department of Computer and Instructional Technologies are considerably higher than the other departments’ scoresBu çalışmada ulusal eğitsel kısa film ve video yarışmasına katılan eserler, öğretmen adaylarının öğrenim gördükleri bölüm, eserlerin film ya da video özelliği taşıma durumu gibi değişkenler bağlamında değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmada betimsel yöntem kullanılmıştır. Araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen eğitsel kısa film ve video değerlendirme ölçeği ile nicel veriler elde edilmiştir. Geliştirilen değerlendirme ölçeği; görsel ve işitsel öğelerin kullanımı, hedefe odaklanma, içerik seçimi ve sunumu ile hedef kitleyi dikkate alma olarak dört başlık halinde yirmi madde olarak hazırlanmış ve her bir maddeye 1 ile 10 arasında verilen puanların aritmetik ortalaması alınarak kısa film ve videonun başarı puanı belirlenmiştir. Yarışmaya katılan 47 eserin tamamı değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. Yapılan değerlendirme, eğitsel film ve videolar arasında görsel ve işitsel ögelerin kullanımı, hedefe odaklanma, içerik seçimi ve sunumu alt boyutlarında anlamlı düzeyde fark olmadığını, hedef kitleyi dikkate alma alt boyutunda ise eğitsel videoların daha etkili olduğunu göstermiştir. Ayrıca Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojisi bölümü öğrencileri tarafından hazırlanan film ve videoların değerlendirme puanlarının anlamlı olarak daha yüksek olduğu bulunmuştur

    Assessment of early and late dysphagia using videofluoroscopy and quality of life questionnaires in patients with head and neck cancer treated with radiation therapy

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    BACKGORUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate dysphagia in patients with head and neck cancer (HNC) undergoing three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy using objective and subjective tools simultaneously and to associate the clinical correlates of dysphagia with dosimetric parameters. METHODS: Twenty patients were included in the study. The primary tumor and the involved lymph nodes (LN) were treated with 66-70 Gy, the uninvolved LN were treated with 46-50 Gy. Six swallowing structures were identified: the superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle (SPCM), the middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle (MPCM), the inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle (IPCM), the base of tongue (BOT), the larynx and the proximal esophageal sphincter (PES). Dysphagia was evaluated using videofluoroscopy and European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) QoL questionnaire (QLQ-C30) and supplemental EORTC QoL module for HNC (QLQ-H&N35). The evaluations were performed before treatment, at 3 months and at 6 months following treatment. RESULTS: On objective evaluation, the D(max) for the larynx and the sub-structures of the PCM were correlated with impaired lingual movement, BOT weakness and proximal esophageal stricture at 3 months, whereas the V(65), the V(70)and the D(max) for the larynx was correlated with BOT weakness and the V(65), the V(70), the D(max) or the D(mean) for the sub-structures of the PCM were correlated with impaired lingual movement, BOT weakness, reduced laryngeal elevation, reduced epiglottic inversion and aspiration at 6 months following treatment. On subjective evaluation, the V(60), the D(max) and the D(mean) for SPCM were correlated with QoL scores for HNSO at 3 months, whereas the V(70) for SPCM were correlated with QoL scores for HNPA and the V(60), the V(65), the V(70), the D(max) and the D(mean) for SPCM were correlated with QoL scores for HNSO at 6 months following treatment. CONCLUSIONS: The use of multiple dysphagia-related endpoints to complement eachother rather than to overlap with one another, as well as the use of multiple evaluations over time to represent a scale of early to late findings might provide a better insight in terms of the association of the clinical correlates of dysphagia with the dose-volume data for the dysphagia-related anatomical structures

    Examining the organizational marketing effectiveness and promotional strategies of the medical tourism health service providers in Turkey and also examining the motivational behaviors and perceptions of the medical tourists.

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    TEZ11423Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2015.Kaynakça (s. 150-168) var.xviii, 182 s. : tablo ; 29 cm.Sağlık hizmeti almak için diğer ülkelere seyahat etmek yeni bir olgu değildir, ancak küreselleşmenin etkileri yeni bir ekonomi olarak medikal turizmin gelişmesine yol açmıştır. Fiyat avantajı, turistik güzellikleri ve de kaliteli teknolojik altyapı sunan sağlık kuruluşları ile Türkiye, yurt dışında tıbbi tedavi hizmeti arayan medikal turistlerin tercih ettikleri ülkeler arasında yer almaktadır. Medikal turizm endüstrisinin dünya ekonomisindeki payı büyüdükçe oluşan yoğun rekabet ortamında fark edilir olmak için pazarlama ve promosyon stratejilerinin etkinliği oldukça önemlidir. Amacı; gelişen bu ekonomiden pay almak olan ülkelerin ve özellikle sağlık kuruluşlarının, kalite standartlarını da yükselterek müşteri çekme ve mevcut müşterilerin bağlılıklarını arttırmaya yönelik gayret içerisinde olması gerekmektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı; Türkiye'de medikal turizm hizmeti sunan sağlık kuruluşlarının örgütsel pazarlama etkinliği ve promosyon stratejilerinin değerlendirilmesi ve medikal turistlerin motivasyonel davranış ve algılarının incelenmesidir. Bu amaç kapsamında Türkiye genelinde 175 özel sağlık kuruluşu yöneticisi ve 172 medikal turiste anket yöntemi uygulanarak veriler toplanmıştır. Çalışmada verilerin analizini gerçekleştirmek için; keşfedici faktör analizi, varyans analizleri ile korelasyon ve regresyon analizleri, tanımlayıcı istatistiki testlerle birlikte uygulanmıştır. Analiz sonuçları, hipotezlere ve araştırma sorularına ilişkin beklentileri destekler niteliktedir. Araştırma sonuçları, Türkiye’de medikal turizm hizmeti sunan ya da sunmayı hedefleyen özel sağlık kuruluşlarının, örgütsel pazarlama etkinliklerini oldukça yüksek değerlendirdiklerini göstermektedir. Elde edilen veriler, promosyon stratejileri, değer algıları ve hizmet kalitesi algıları ile genel memnuniyet, ağızdan ağıza iletişim ve tekrar satın alma davranışları arasında niyetsel bir ilişkinin varlığını göstermektedir. Medikal turistlerin tercihlerinde etkisi en fazla olan promosyon stratejisi ise ağızdan ağıza iletişim olarak belirlenmiştir.Traveling to other countries to get health service is not a new phenomenon. But the effects of globalization has led to the development of medical tourism as a new economy. Turkey, which is offering price advantage, touristic beauty and well equipped health institutions; is one of the choice for medical tourists who is seeking for medical treatment overseas. As long as the share of medical tourism industry grows in the worldwide economy, it causes the intense competitive environment. And to be noticed in this environment the effectiveness of marketing and promotional strategies is very important. For the countries and of course the health institutions, whose objective is to get share from this developing industry, it is a must to show efforts to develop quality standards for attracting new customers and increasing the loyalty of existing customers. The purpose of this study is to assess the organizational marketing effectiveness and promotional strategies in the medical tourism health service providers of Turkey and to examine the motivational behavior and perception of the medical tourists. Under this purpose data were collected by survey method and the field study was conducted on 175 private health institutions managers and 172 medical tourists over all the Turkey. For analysing the data in this study; exploratory factor analysis, variance analysis, correlation and regression methods were applied to the data with the complementery statistical tests. And the results of the analysis support the expectations for the hypothesis and research questions. Research results have indicated that; the private health institutions which is providing or aiming to provide medical tourism service in Turkey, evaluate their organizational marketing effectiveness very high. According to the results, there is a meaningful intentional relationship among each of the promotional strategies, perceptions of values, perceptions of service quality and; overall satisfaction, word of mouth and repeat buying behavior. Word of mouth communication is determined as a promotional strategy that has a maximum impact on the choice of medical tourists

    Transformation of the public service and private public cooperation model

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    YÖK Tez No: 6683571970'li yıllarda devlet başarısızlığının ortaya çıkması ve 1980'li yılların başında yaşanan küreselleşme ve sermaye hareketlerinin serbestleşmesi ile birlikte ekonomide, kamu ekonomisi ve piyasa ekonomisini birlikte olduğu hatta piyasa ekonomisinin ön plana çıktığı görülmüştür. Bu durum kamusal hizmet sunum anlayışını değiştirmiştir. Bu değişim, ilk başta kamusal hizmetlerin özel sektöre devrini zorunlu kılan özelleştirmelerle yapılmıştır. Ancak özelleştirmelerden beklenen faydanın elde edilmemesi ile birlikte kamu hizmetlerinin özel sektöre devredilmeden özel sektör ile birlikte gerçekleştirilmesi anlayışı benimsenmiştir. Bu anlayış kamu özel işbirliğidir. Bir sözleşme temeline dayanan bu iş birliğinin özelleştirmeden farkı, alt modeller (yap-işlet, yap-işlet devret-işletme hakkı…) vasıtasıyla yürütülmesidir. Kamu ve özel sektör arasında tesis edilen bu ilişkide devlet kâr amacı gütmemekle birlikte hizmetlerin daha verimli ve etkin bir şekilde yürütülmesi için özel sektöre bazı durumlarda garanti vermekte ve özel sektör ile risk paylaşımı yapmaktadır. Bu çalışmada kamu hizmeti ve yeni kamusal hizmet sunum anlayışı teorik düzeyde derinlemesine incelenmiştir. Kamu-Özel İş Birliği yöntemi örnek bir model olarak ele alınmıştır. Aynı zamanda kamu hizmetlerinin kamu-özel iş birliği şeklinde görülmesinin dünya ve Türkiye açısından uygulanabilirliği ve bu uygulamaların etkileri incelenmiştir. Literatür taraması yapılarak elde edilen verilerle araştırma bulguları elde edilmiştir. Verilerle desteklenen araştırma bulguları, hem dünyada hem de Türkiye'de kamusal hizmet sunum anlayışının mutlak bir değişim geçirdiği gözlemlenmiştir. Kamu ve özel sektör sorumluluk alanlarının kesin çizgilerle ayrıştığı ve kamu özel işbirliği yönteminin bir alt modeli olan yap işlet-devret modelinin kamusal hizmet sunumunda yoğun olarak başvurulan bir model olduğu saptanmıştır.With the emergence of stat efailure in the 1970s and thee lasmation of globalization and capitalmovements in theearly 1980s, it has been seent hatt he economy, the publice conomyand the market economy to get herandeven the market economy come to the forefront. This has changed the under standing of public service presentation. This change was made by privatizations, which in the first placemandated the transfer of public services to the privatesector. However, witht henon-obtaining of the expected benefit from privatizations, theunder standing of there alization of public services to get her witht heprivate sector with outtransferring them to theprivate sector has been adopted. This under standing is public private cooperation. The difference of this cooperation based on a contract is that it is car riedout throughsub-models (build-operate, build-operate-operate-operating right...). In this relationship between the public andprivate sectors, the state is not for profit, but in somecases it guarantees the private sector and shares risks witht heprivate sector in order tocarr yout services more efficiently and effectively. In this study, the concept of public service and newpublic service presentation wasexamined in depth at the theore ticallevel. The Public-Private Cooperation method is considered as an exem plary model. At the same time, the feasibleness of the public services in the form of public-private cooperation for the World and Turkey and the effects of the sepractices have been examined. Research findings were obtained with the data obtained by conducting a literatüre review. Research findings supported by data have observed that the understanding of public service presentation has undergon an absolutech angeboth in the worldand in Turkey. It has been determined that public and private sectorareas of responsibilityare separated by preciselines and that the buildoperate-and-transferr model, which is a submodel of the public private cooperation method, is a model that is heavilyused in public service delivery

    Otel müşterilerinin imaj ve hizmet kalitesi algıları ile tekrar satın alma davranışları arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi

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    TEZ6951Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2008.Kaynakça (s.78-91) var.ix, 99 s. : res. ; 29 cm.The history of the hotel industry in our country founded till caravansarays and with the industrial revolution it has became one of the most important subjects in Turkey and all over the world. In today's world global economy and developments cause the hightened competition and to develop customer loyalty has became very important for the businesses. In this labor-intensive industry to develop customer loyalty hotel enterprises must endeavor more than ever. The primary objective of this study was to determine the relationship between the image and service quality perceptions and repeat behaviour of hotel customers. In this study, the existing literature on the image, service quality, customer loyalty and buying behaviours have been examined and a field study has been conducted. The field study has been conducted on 380 hotel costumers in Adana.Ülkemizde otel endüstrisinin tarihi kervansaraylara kadar dayanmaktadır ve Sanayi Devrimiyle beraber dünya genelinde ve Türkiye'de de en önemli konulardan biri haline gelmiştir. Günümüz dünyasında küresel ekonomi ve gelişmeler rekabetin artmasına sebep olmuş ve müşteri sadakati sağlamak işletmeler işin çok önemli hale gelmiştir. Emek yoğun bu endüstri kolunda otel işletmeleri müşteri bağlılığı kazanmak için her zamankinden daha fazla çaba göstermek zorundadır. Çalışmanın temel amacı otel müşterilerinin imaj ve hizmet kalitesi algıları ile tekrar satın alma davranışları arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemektir. Bu çalışmada imaj, hizmet kalitesi, müşteri sadakati ve satın alma davranışları hakkındaki mevcut literatür incelenmiş ve bir saha çalışması yürütülmüştür. Saha çalışması Adana'daki otellerde konaklayan 380 otel müşterisi üzerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir.Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi Tarafından Desteklenmiştir. Proje No

    Studies on Yarn Hairiness of Polyester/Cotton Blended Ring-Spun Yarns Made from Different Blend Ratios

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    In this study, 1.4 denier and 32 mm of fiber-length polyester and 30.2 mm fiber-length cotton (4.35 micronaire) rovings of 695 tex (alpha(tex) = 10.7) were blended with different polyester/cotton ratios (i.e. 17/83, 33/67, 50150, 67/33, and 83/17). The yarns were produced at a spindle speed of 11,000 rev/min with a 42 mm ring diameter, where C-type half round travelers of 85 and 95 mg were employed in ring frames. The resulting 36 tex (alpha(tex) = 37,5) yarns were examined by measuring their tensile strength, elongation, count, twist, evenness, and hairiness. Then the yarns were knitted into fabrics to observe and evaluate pilling performance. The observations based on scanning electron Microscope (SEM) images were concluded both on the hairiness and pilling values, depending on the blend proportions. Among the yarns produced, the best hairiness with the traveler of 95 mg weight was obtained from the blend yarn with a polyester/cotton ratio of 33/67 and the best pilling parameter was accrued from the knitted fabrics with a polyester/cotton ratio of 83/17