47 research outputs found

    Salvaging the septic heart through targeting the IL-6/p38 MAPK signaling network

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    Depression of myocardial function during severe sepsis, which currently accounts for approx. 200,000 deaths/year in the United States (1), is characterized by a decrease in contractility and a poor response to fluid therapy (2). Since the md-1980s it has been recognized that the decreased cardiac function, which undoubtedly contributes to the overall pathophysiology of the septic state, does not arise from factors that are intrinsic to the myocardium, but instead results from the presence of circulating myocardial depressant factors (3, 4). Since much of the massive inflammation and multi-organ dysfunction in sepsis result from the secretion of various cytokines, it was long suspected that these proteins were also responsible, at least in part, for the observed myocardial dysfunction, although their identification, and the molecular basis for their effects on myocyte function were poorly understood

    A Reversible Gene-Targeting Strategy Identifies Synthetic Lethal Interactions between MK2 and p53 in the DNA Damage Response In Vivo

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    A fundamental limitation in devising new therapeutic strategies for killing cancer cells with DNA damaging agents is the need to identify synthetic lethal interactions between tumor-specific mutations and components of the DNA damage response (DDR) in vivo. The stress-activated p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)/MAPKAP kinase-2 (MK2) pathway is a critical component of the DDR network in p53-deficient tumor cells in vitro. To explore the relevance of this pathway for cancer therapy in vivo, we developed a specific gene targeting strategy in which Cre-mediated recombination simultaneously creates isogenic MK2-proficient and MK2-deficient tumors within a single animal. This allows direct identification of MK2 synthetic lethality with mutations that promote tumor development or control response to genotoxic treatment. In an autochthonous model of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), we demonstrate that MK2 is responsible for resistance of p53-deficient tumors to cisplatin, indicating synthetic lethality between p53 and MK2 can successfully be exploited for enhanced sensitization of tumors to DNA-damaging chemotherapeutics in vivo.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant ES015339)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant GM60594)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant GM59281)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant CA112967)Janssen Pharmaceutical Ltd.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Center for Environmental Health Sciences (Core Grant P30-CA14051)Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Center for Environmental Health Sciences (Core Grant ES-002109

    The Dynamics of Disorder-Order Transition in Hard Sphere Colloidal Dispersions

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    The Physics of Hard Spheres Experiment (PHaSE) seeks a complete understanding of the entropically driven disorder-order transition in hard sphere colloidal dispersions. The light scattering instrument designed for flight collects Bragg and low angle light scattering in the forward direction via a CCD camera and performs conventional static and dynamic light scattering at 10-160 deg. through fiber optic cables. Here we report on the kinetics of nucleation and growth extracted from time-resolved Bragg images and measurements of the elastic modulus of crystalline phases obtained by monitoring resonant responses to sinusoidal forcing through dynamic light scattering. Preliminary analysis of the former indicates a significant difference from measurements on the ground, while the latter confirms nicely laboratory experiments with the same instrument and predictions from computer simulations

    Local Control of Excitation-Contraction Coupling in Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes

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    We investigated the mechanisms of excitation-contraction (EC) coupling in human embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hESC-CMs) and fetal ventricular myocytes (hFVMs) using patch-clamp electrophysiology and confocal microscopy. We tested the hypothesis that Ca2+ influx via voltage-gated L-type Ca2+ channels activates Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) via a local control mechanism in hESC-CMs and hFVMs. Field-stimulated, whole-cell [Ca2+]i transients in hESC-CMs required Ca2+ entry through L-type Ca2+ channels, as evidenced by the elimination of such transients by either removal of extracellular Ca2+ or treatment with diltiazem, an L-type channel inhibitor. Ca2+ release from the SR also contributes to the [Ca2+]i transient in these cells, as evidenced by studies with drugs interfering with either SR Ca2+ release (i.e. ryanodine and caffeine) or reuptake (i.e. thapsigargin and cyclopiazonic acid). As in adult ventricular myocytes, membrane depolarization evoked large L-type Ca2+ currents (ICa) and corresponding whole-cell [Ca2+]i transients in hESC-CMs and hFVMs, and the amplitude of both ICa and the [Ca2+]i transients were finely graded by the magnitude of the depolarization. hESC-CMs exhibit a decreasing EC coupling gain with depolarization to more positive test potentials, “tail” [Ca2+]i transients upon repolarization from extremely positive test potentials, and co-localized ryanodine and sarcolemmal L-type Ca2+ channels, all findings that are consistent with the local control hypothesis. Finally, we recorded Ca2+ sparks in hESC-CMs and hFVMs. Collectively, these data support a model in which tight, local control of SR Ca2+ release by the ICa during EC coupling develops early in human cardiomyocytes

    'A tragedy as old as history':Medical responses to infertility and artificial insemination by donor in 1950s Britain

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    This chapter will explore how the infertile patient was characterized, perceived, and treated by the medical profession in 1950s England and Scotland. Such was the concern that this subject engendered in postwar Britain that a Departmental Committee was appointed in 1958 (known as the Feversham Committee) to investigate infertility and its treatment through artificial insemination. The written and oral evidence submitted by medical witnesses to that Committee offers rich insights into medical thinking and practice, and into the complex sociomedical politics and ethical anxieties which surrounded the topic. The testimony of legal and religious witnesses will also be explored to a more limited extent in order to offer some context to medical understandings and treatments of infertility. It will be considered how women’s bodies, personalities, and even agency in proactively seeking motherhood through artificial insemination were heavily pathologized in medical and religious discourses, but also how the men involved – husbands, sperm donors and even doctors – did not escape this tendency to pathologize

    Transverse tubule remodelling: a cellular pathology driven by both sides of the plasmalemma?

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    Transverse (t)-tubules are invaginations of the plasma membrane that form a complex network of ducts, 200–400 nm in diameter depending on the animal species, that penetrates deep within the cardiac myocyte, where they facilitate a fast and synchronous contraction across the entire cell volume. There is now a large body of evidence in animal models and humans demonstrating that pathological distortion of the t-tubule structure has a causative role in the loss of myocyte contractility that underpins many forms of heart failure. Investigations into the molecular mechanisms of pathological t-tubule remodelling to date have focused on proteins residing in the intracellular aspect of t-tubule membrane that form linkages between the membrane and myocyte cytoskeleton. In this review, we shed light on the mechanisms of t-tubule remodelling which are not limited to the intracellular side. Our recent data have demonstrated that collagen is an integral part of the t-tubule network and that it increases within the tubules in heart failure, suggesting that a fibrotic mechanism could drive cardiac junctional remodelling. We examine the evidence that the linkages between the extracellular matrix, t-tubule membrane and cellular cytoskeleton should be considered as a whole when investigating the mechanisms of t-tubule pathology in the failing heart

    A randomized, open-label, multicentre, phase 2/3 study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of lumiliximab in combination with fludarabine, cyclophosphamide and rituximab versus fludarabine, cyclophosphamide and rituximab alone in subjects with relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukaemia

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